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Study of flow-assisted corrosion (FAC) in a API 5L X-70 steel in a brine-

H2S–CO2 system using the rotating cylindrical electrode
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Mater. Res. Express 6 (2019) 066550


Study of flow-assisted corrosion (FAC) in a API 5L X-70 steel in a

10 December 2018
brine-H2S–CO2 system using the rotating cylindrical electrode
30 January 2019
B F Pérez-Ramírez, A Cervantes-Tobón, A Ezeta-Mejía, S J García-Núñez and M Díaz-Cruz
20 February 2019 Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Departamento de Ingeniería en Metalurgia y Materiales, IPN-ESIQIE, U P Adolfo López Mateos, Zacatenco,
PUBLISHED C P 07738, CDMX, México
22 March 2019

Keywords: Corrosion by CO2/H2S, corrosion products, API 5L X70 steel, polarization resistance

Corrosion caused by the mixture CO2/H2S in the transport of hydrocarbons is one of the most
important research areas in the energy industry due to the severe problems it produces during the
wear and tear of the pipes. Based in previous studies, in the present investigation the corrosion of API
5L X-70 steel in media with CO2 and H2S is studied as well as mixtures of both media, by means of a
rotating cylindrical electrode due to the need to know the behavior of corrosion products in metals.
The corrosion rate is evaluated at different pressures of H2S and CO2 and at 30 and 60 °C using the
potentiodynamic polarization resistance measurements. From the results, it is observed that steel at
the conditions of 0.8 bar H2S+0.2 bar CO2 at 30 °C, yielded the lowest corrosion rate. This behavior
is attributed to the fact that when H2S predominates it allows the formation of a greater number of
protective layers comprised by a mixture of oxides, sulfides, sulfates and carbonates as corrosion

1. Introduction

The corrosion study specifically in hydrocarbons transport is great interesting because any metal lost means a
reduction in the physical integrity and useful life of the pipelines, consequently the risk of failure of these
increases. The pipes internal corrosion is caused by the interaction between the wall and the transported
products. However, factors such as pressure, temperature, water-hydrocarbon ratio, pH, presence of corrosion
products and flow rate are variables that affect the corrosion process [1]. The flow rate effect is considered as one
of the most significant parameters in corrosion that occurs in the petrochemical industry, causing the Flow
Accelerated Corrosion (FAC), this corrosion type occurs when there is an speed increase between the corrosive
solution and the metal surface [2], increasing the mass transport [1] harming the pipeline inner surface. It has
been observed that a high speed, there is a removal of the protective oxide film or the formation of these films is
prevented, leading to a non-protected surface [3]. Also, the presence of polluting gases such as CO2 and H2S
dissolved in water pipelines, increases significantly the corrosion problem. Corrosion proceeds rapidly by
electrochemical means and the corrosion rate accelerates as the velocity of the fluid increases. Dissolution of
protective magnetite oxide layer into flowing stream of water causes wall thinning (metal loss) of carbon steel [4].
Flow accelerated corrosion (FAC) of the carbon steel is one of the most important subjects in the coolant systems
of the power plants. FAC normally occurs in the turbulent flow region in the feed water systems [5].
The CO2 presence, originates the sweet corrosion inside the oil pipelines, because when CO2 is dissolved in
water, it is hydrates and generates a weak acid, H2CO3, decreasing the pH in the solution and increasing the
corrosion rate [6]. This corrosion type has been observed in carbon steel, forming FeCO3 that precipitate on the
metal surface below 60 °C as a impermeable corrosion product, but above this temperature, becomes permeable
[7], thus yielding a plateau-localized corrosion increasing when the medium is in motion. The H2S originates the
sour corrosion that is less corrosive than sweet corrosion, but nevertheless, the H2S is three times more soluble in
water than CO2, dissociating in H + and HS−, which in combination capturing the iron dissolved in the anode
and form FeS in a colloidal form that is semi-protective but unstable, leaving the metal exposed to the action of

© 2019 IOP Publishing Ltd

Mater. Res. Express 6 (2019) 066550 B F Pérez-Ramírez et al

corrosive agents producing pitting corrosion generally [8]. The presence of CO2 and H2S originate a highly
corrosive mixture that can generate pitting corrosion, hydrogen damage and other corrosion localized types. In
presence of CO2 and H2S has been observed that the carbonates are deposited on corroded metal and the
primary layer due to the carbonate recrystallization [9]. The FeS, is located preferentially in the pearlite regions
presenting a deterioration in the ferritic zone and that according Uhlig and Revie [10], the cementite acts as a
cathode respect to ferrite in acid solution resulting a galvanic couple and forming a corrosion cell where the
anodic reaction or dissolution of iron, occurs mainly in the ferrite, however, the formation of FeCO3 (siderite)
[7], constitutes a protective layer that decreases the corrosion rate. The corrosion type observed in systems where
CO2 and H2S are present, will depend on the existing CO2/H2S ratio [11]. It has been observed that at high
CO2/H2S ratios, the corrosion tends to be generalized but when the concentration of H2S increases, the
corrosion is localized due the carbonate and sulphide films are semi protective, they have a poor adhesion and
low protection, originating the pittings formation. The pitting occurs in areas where the protective FeS does not
fully cover the steel surface. This corrosion type propagates due to a depletion the ferrous ion in the pit, which
reacts with the H2S to form FeS, but this product does not reach the external surface of the pit, while the rest of
FeS in the metal surface precipitates away from the localized attack. At low pH values, it is difficult that a stable
sulfide layer is formed, but pH increasing, the FeS is most porous and can act as a great cathode surface,
producing localized corrosion. Due to the above, the interaction of these two compounds in the steel corrosive
process is influenced by pH, for example, at low pH, the FeCO3 solubility decreases, forming a protective film. In
alkaline solutions, the FeS formation it is be favoreced for the solid sulphur solubility, decreasing and for the H2
redución reaction, easily forming the corrosion products that will provide protection to steel, decreasing the
corrosion rate. The temperature is an other important factor that has influence on these processes; it is known
that at high temperature, there is an increase in the corrosion rate due to the acceleration of anodic and cathodic
reactions [12], however, at high temperatures, precipitation rates are increased and the protective films
formation is easier also acelerates the moisture evaporation process on the metal decreasing the oxygen and
other gases concentration dissolved in it, changing the corrosion products properties [13], reducing the
corrosion rate. Ramanarayan [14], affirms that CO2 dominated systems with small amounts of H2S
(PCO2/H2S>200), produce mackinawite at temperatures below 120 °C and the system where H2S prevails
(PCO2/H2S<200), a carbonate layer is preferentially formed that protects the metal between 60 and 240 °C.
In summary, it is important to carry out studies that consider the the corrosion speed analysis as a function of
the fluid flow velocity, the CO2/H2S ratio, the temperature and the pH, so the investigation objective is
determine the corrosion rates for API 5L X-70 steel exposed to a corrosive medium containing brine-kerosene to
at one bar of CO2 and an H2S bar independently, as well as in a mixture of brine-CO2/H2S in different
proportions, by using the rotating cylinder electrode (RCE) in a range of 0 to 6500 rpm and a temperature from
30 to 60 °C characterizing corrosion products by Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray
Diffraction (XRD).

2. Experimental section

2.1. Metallographic analysis and chemical composition of API 5L X-70 steel

Steel specimens were used as rectangular prism, roughening with sandpaper tungsten carbide from 100 to 2000
and a mirror polishing with alumina 0.3 and 1 μm, washing with distilled water and acetone and attacking with
Nital 3 for 9 s, rinsing with distilled water and drying with compressed air to observe by light microscopy at 10X,
the microstructure and quantify the phases present. Metallography was performed in both the longitudinal and
transverse section. The chemical analysis was performed by the technique of atomic emission spectroscopy
spark in order to know the elements percentage present in the steel.

2.2. Solution preparation

2.2.1. Control solution preparation
The control solution consisted of a synthetic brine at 90% by weight, prepared according to NACE ID-196
standard with 53.29 g NaCl, 2.24 g CaCl2.2H2O and 1.03 g MgCl2.6H2O and 10% by weight corresponds to
commercial kerosene. The control solution was stirred mechanically for 30 min and nitrogen gas was bubbled in
for 30 min in order to deaerate the solution according to ASTM G59-97 [15]. Subsequently, a volume of 300 ml
ocontrol solution was taken and 4 different media were added.

2.2.2. Preparation of chemical medians

The four media preparation is carried out in order to make a comparison between them and thereby evaluate the
effect that each one has on the corrosion rate in a steel sample.

Mater. Res. Express 6 (2019) 066550 B F Pérez-Ramírez et al

(a) Sweet medium (CO2) with the addition of 15.396 g of CaCO3 and 10.992 ml of HCl (reactive grade) and
1382.7 ppm (equivalent to 1 bar of CO2 pressure).
(b) Sour medium (H2S) adding 2916 g of Na2S.9H2O and 1392 ml of CH3COOH (equivalent to 1 bar pressure
(c) Medium with 0.8 bar H2S and 0.2 bar CO2, with the addition of 2.335 g of Na2S.9H2O, 1.124 ml of
CH3COOH, 3.072 g of CaCO3 and 2.197 ml of HCl, 1106.16 ppm of H2S and 4413.87 ppm of CO2
(equivalent to 1 bar of H2S and CO2 pressure).
(d) Medium with 0.2 bar H2S and 0.8 bar CO2, with the addition of 0.583 g of Na2S.9H2O, 0.281 ml of
CH3COOH, 12.289 g of CaCO3 and 8.789 ml of HCl, 276.54 ppm of H2S and 17657.62 ppm of CO2
(equivalent to 1 bar of H2S and CO2 pressure).

The pH of solution was adjusted directly between 4 and 6, using a pH meter. The temperatures of the
chemical means were 30 and 60 °C and the pressure of 1 bar in all cases.

2.3. Corrosion rate electrochemical study

The electrochemical study was carried out in a double-walled glass cell to control the temperature. The cell is
equipped with three electrodes, the working electrode consisted of a traditional cylindrical steel specimen API 5L
X-70 of 1 cm diameter by 1.1 cm height, a reference saturated calomel electrode (SCE), Hg/Hg2Cl2/KCl
(E=0.2415 V/NHE) and an auxiliary graphite electrode. The different media described above were used as
The equipment used to carry out the electrochemical evaluation was a Radiometer Analytical Rotary
Cylinder Electrode, model EDI 10000 (United States), coupled to a Princeton Applied Research Model 263 A
Potentiostat-Galvanostat (United States), using the Power Suite software for data acquisition. The range of
rotation speeds used in this study was from 0 to 6500 rpm.
The electrochemical technique used in this study was Standard Test Method for Conducting
Potentiodynamic Polarization Measurements Resistence (ASTM G59-97 (Reappoved 2003)) which consists of
polarizing the working electrode +/−20 mV above and below the corrosion potential at a sweep speed of
0.17 mV s−1.

2.4. Corrosion products characterization

An the end of each test, the morphology and chemical composition of the corrosion products was characterized
by techniques Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and X-Ray Diffraction (XRD).

2.4.1. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)

To observe the corrosion products morphology and the elements present in the steel surface, SEM technique was
used. The equipment used was JEOL JSM Microscopy 6300 (United States) brand equipped with an energy
dispersive spectrometer, EDS (Energy Dispersive Spectrometer). The specimens were placed in metallic
cylindrical sample holders on graphite tape. The operating conditions included of a 20 kV potential, a current of
filament 220 μA and a working distance of 39 mm using a surface contrast using secondary electrons and
working at 25 and 100X.

2.4.2. X-Ray Diffraction (XRD)

The corrosion products were identified by means of XRD, using a D8 Focus Bruker diffractometer (United
States) with a graphite monochromator and Cu Kα radiation with a wavelength λ=1.54 056 Ǻ and operating
at 35 kV and 30 mA, in a 2θ interval from 20 to 100°, with a speed of 2°min−1. The specimens were placed a
sample holder for analysis. The results were analyzed with the software CREAFIT 2.2.

2.5. Removal of corrosion products

To evaluate the surface damage during the experimentation, the corrosion products were removed, immersing
each test piece for 10 s in an ultrasonic bath with a solution composed of HCl, distilled water and tetramethylene
hexamethylene [16] and later observing the surface through a scanning electron microscopy.

Mater. Res. Express 6 (2019) 066550 B F Pérez-Ramírez et al

Table 1. Microstructural composition of API 5L X-70


Phase Cross section Longitudinal section

Ferritic 65.89% 70.51%

Pearlitic 34.10% 29.48%

Table 2. Chemical composition of API 5L X-70 steel.


API 5L X-70 steel C Mn Si P S Cr Cu Ni Fe

0.240 1.081 0.284 0.019 0.021 0.156 0.185 0.088 97.8

Figure 1. Corrosion rate of API 5L X70 steel in the presence of 1 bar of H2S at 30 and 60 °C.

3. Results and Discussion

3.1. Metallographic analysis of API 5L X-70 steel

The transversal and longitudinal zones metallographic analysis a microstructure that presents ferritic and
pearlitic phase [17–19]. The grains show an equiaxial tendency with an ASTM size of 10 in both zones. In table 1,
the percentage of each phase to the analyzed area is presented.

3.2. Chemical composition of API 5L X-70 steel

The steel chemical composition studied is showing in table 2, where Cr, Ni and Cu strongly impact the corrosion
rate, since they are the first to react with the medium forming sulphides, oxides and carbonates such as corrosion
products which serve as protective layer on steel.

3.3. Electrochemical evaluation

3.3.1. Corrosion rate in sweet and sour media depending of temperature
Figure 1 shows the steel corrosion rates studied in presence of 1 bar of H2S at 30 and 60 °C. For this medium, the
lowest corrosion rate corresponds to 30 °C, where a relatively homogeneous behavior is observed over the entire
range of rotation speeds studied. At approximately 3500 rpm for both temperatures appears the maximum
corrosion rate, at high rate rotation, the speed decays until it becomes almost constant between 4000-4500 rpm,
which suggests a change in the mechanism of the corrosion kinetics [20]. The corrosion products to 30 and
60 °C, have a mackinawite as precursor [21–23] that although its stability and adherence is poor, causes the
formation of other species mainly oxides at 30 °C as cubic magemite and at 60 °C, sulfides such as hexagonal
troilite, the combination of oxides and sulphides being more stable and adherent at 30 °C.
Figure 2 shows the corrosion rates at 1 bar of CO2 at 30 and 60 °C. At 60 °C, was observed the cubic
magemite (oxide) and the rhombohedral siderite (carbonate) formation mainly, which give a protective layer to
the steel. However, at 30 °C the corrosion rate variation increases considerably but from 3500 rpm, corrosion

Mater. Res. Express 6 (2019) 066550 B F Pérez-Ramírez et al

Figure 2. Corrosion rate of API 5L X70 steel in the presence of 1 bar of CO2 at 30 and 60 °C.

Figure 3. Corrosion rate of API 5L X70 steel in the presence of 0.8 bar of H2S+0.2 bar of CO2 at 30 and 60 °C.

rate, decrease to values close to zero, which indicates that the combination mainly of oxides like the cubic
magemite, the orthorhombic cementite as carbure and the rhombohedral siderite as a carbonate, form a more
stable and adherent film, protecting the steel.

3.3.2. Corrosion rate in brine-H2S–CO2 systems as a function of temperature

Figure 3 shows the corrosion rates as a function of the rotation speed for the system 0.8 bar H2S+0.2 bar CO2 at
30 and 60 °C where it is observed that the lowest corrosion rate occurs at 30 °C, this behavior is due to corrosion
products consisting mainly of sulfides (orthorhombic marcasite), carbonates (siderite rhombohedral) and
sulfates (rhombohedral mikasaite) whose combination allows to have a more stable and adherent protective film
than 60 °C where the majority phase is the cubic magemite that has less protective capacity.
The corrosion rates for the system 0.8 bar H2S+0.2 bar CO2 at 30 and 60 °C are shown in figure 4. It is
observed that at 60 °C, the corrosion rate variation is more stable than at 30 °C and presents the low
corrosion rate.
This behavior is attributed to the combination of the corrosion products formed such as cementite and
troilite which prove to be stable and adherent with the mikasaite and also have good adhesion, providing
increased protection to the steel, and therefore, a decrease in corrosion rate.
Between the mixed systems, the one that offers the best protection to the steel is 0.8 bar H2S+0.2 bar CO2
at 30 °C, as seen in figure 5 due to the dominant effect of the sour medium, that is there is a greater presence of
protective sulfides.
On the other hand, in the case of 0.2 bar H2S+0.8 bar CO2 higher corrosion rates observed although
carbonates and iron carbide formation (Fe3C) is favored, which are not to be good protective steel. Furthermore,

Mater. Res. Express 6 (2019) 066550 B F Pérez-Ramírez et al

Figure 4. Corrosion rate of API 5L X70 steel in the presence of 0.2 bar of H2S+0.8 bar of CO2 at 30 and 60 °C.

Figure 5. Corrosion rate of API 5L X70 steel in the presence of 0.2 bar of H2S+0.8 bar of CO2 and 0.8 bar of H2S+0.2 bar of CO2 at
30 °C.

the low pressure of H2S was not sufficient to form sulfides and sulfates which have shown that in combination
with carbonates and carbides, form a stable, adherent and protective film [24–27].

3.4. Corrosion products

3.4.1. X-Ray Diffraction X-ray diffraction in sweet and sour media depending on the temperature
Figure 6 shows for the sour corrosion at 30 °C, the major species are cubic maghemite (oxide) and mackinawite
tetragonal (sulphur) phase which is the precursor for the development of other species [27]. At 60 °C, the
formation of maghemite and magnetite cubic oxide and mackinawite and hexagonal troilite as sulfides is
Figure 7 shows for the sweet corrosion to 30 °C, the formation of primarily oxides, carbonates and carbides,
which correspond to the cubic maghemite, the rhombohedral siderite and the orthorhombic cementite takes
place. At 60 °C the presence of the same species formed at 30 °C, except the cementite was observed. X-ray diffraction in brine-H2S–CO2 systems as a function of temperature

In the figure 8 for the system 0.8 bar H2S+0.2 bar CO2 at 30 °C, the formation of orthorhombic marcasite
(sulfide) mainly and rhombohedral mikasaite (sulfate) identified in previous works [28] as a consequence of the
sour corrosion. The presence of carbonate (siderite) is due to the presence of CO2. For this medium at 60 °C, the
predominant species are oxides but higher proportion cubic maghemite which do not provide adequate
protection of the metal and increase the corrosion rate.

Mater. Res. Express 6 (2019) 066550 B F Pérez-Ramírez et al

Figure 6. XRD patterns of corrosion products formed of API 5L X70 steel in the presence of 1 bar H2S at 30 and 60 °C.

Figure 7. XRD patterns of corrosion products formed of API 5L X70 steel in the presence of 1 bar CO2 at 30 and 60 °C.

Figure 9 shows the case of 0.2 bar H2S+0.8 bar CO2 at 30 °C, the predominant phase was identified as
mikasaite and at 60 °C, the presence of cementite and troilite was also observed. On the other hand, the effect of
the increase in temperature causes the corrosion products to be easily detached due to the effect of the flow due
to the fact that they become not very adherent.

3.5. Scanning electron microscopy

3.5.1. Scanning electron microscopy for sour and sweet media as a function of temperature
The structure, morphology and classification of the corrosion products was analyzed by SEM, presenting
micrographs sour and sweet means 30 and 60 °C, 25X and 100X obtained. Figures 10(a) and (b) for sour
medium (1 bar H2S) at 30 °C, a homogeneous layer of corrosion products, corresponding to the precursor phase
from the rest of the corrosion products, is observed this being mackinawite. Similarly, a large amount of
agglomerates formed by the cubic maghemite that according to the classification have shaped rosebud [27] is
observed, which indicates that the flow does not act uniformly on the steel form and the combination oxide and
sulfide, is stable, causing a decrease in the corrosion rate.

Mater. Res. Express 6 (2019) 066550 B F Pérez-Ramírez et al

Figure 8. XRD patterns of corrosion products formed of API 5L X70 steel in the presence of 0.8 bar H2S+0.2 bar CO2 at 30 and
60 °C.

Figure 9. XRD patterns of corrosion products formed of API 5L X70 steel in the presence of 0.2 bar H2S+0.8 bar CO2 at 30 and
60 °C.

In figures 11(a) and (b) for the sour medium but at 60 °C, it is observed that the mackinawite does not form a
homogeneous film, besides few agglomerates corresponding to maghemite, magnetite and triolite. The small
amount of agglomerates, the instability, the rotational speed and the predominant cactus form, favour the direct
contact of the corrosive agent, steel being unprotected, so the corrosion rate is the highest observed in sweet and
sour media.
In the sweet medium (1 bar CO2), at 30 °C, in figures 12(a) and (b), the homogeneous formation of
agglomerates of magemite, siderite and cementite, of the cactus and dentate type are observed. This combination
cause stability and ahesion of the protective film [28].
At 60 °C (figures 13(a) and (b)), steel zones protected by the corrosion products are distributed more
uniformly, corresponding mainly to the magemite and siderite, whose combination has good adhesion, in
addition, the corrosion products correspond of rosebund shape forming chains, which allows a not uniform
flow of the medium, achieving the best protection for steel and lowest corrosion rate.

Mater. Res. Express 6 (2019) 066550 B F Pérez-Ramírez et al

Figure 10. Micrographs of corrosion products of the medium 1 bar H2S at 30 °C at 25X and 100X.

Figure 11. Micrographs of the products of corrosion of the medium 1 bar H2S at 60 °C to 25X and 100X.

Figure 12. Micrographs of the corrosion products of the medium 1 bar CO2 at 30 °C to 25X and 100X.

Figure 13. Micrographs of the corrosion products of the medium 1 bar CO2 at 60 °C at 25X and 100X.

Mater. Res. Express 6 (2019) 066550 B F Pérez-Ramírez et al

Figure 14. Micrographs of corrosion products of the medium 0.8 bar H2S+0.2 bar CO2 at 30 °C at 25X and 100X.

Figure 15. Micrographs of corrosion products of the medium 0.8 bar H2S+0.2 bar CO2 at 60 °C at 25X and 100X.

Figure 16. Micrographs of corrosion products of the medium 0.2 bar H2S+0.8 bar CO2 at 30 °C at 25X and 100X.

3.5.2. Scanning electron microscopy in brine systems H2S–CO2 as a function of temperature

The micrographs of the corrosion products of the API 5L X-70 steel exposed to the medium 0.8 bar
H2S+0.2 bar CO2 at 30 °C, are shown in figure 14, showing agglomerates on the steel surface. The
agglomerates cover almost entirely, causing that the corrosive flow not to act evenly on the steel surface,
achieving a low rate of corrosion. These agglomerates are mainly marcasite, mikasaite and siderite, with cactus,
rosebud and dentate shape respectively.
For the same system at 60 °C (figure 15) it is observed a smaller amount of agglomerates distributed in a non-
homogeneous way compared to 30 °C, which correspond to the mackinawite and cubic magemite, showing a
rosebund morphology [29]. The small amount of agglomerates increase the corrosion rate respect to low
For 0.2 bar H2S+0.8 bar CO2, the micrographs shown in figure 16, observing that there is a small
agglomeration of the corrosion products, generating susceptible areas where these products were detached by a
low adherence and/or stability, which caused the highest corrosion rate of the systems studied at the 2

Mater. Res. Express 6 (2019) 066550 B F Pérez-Ramírez et al

Figure 17. Micrographs of corrosion products of the medium 0.2 bar H2S+0.8 bar CO2 at 60 °C at 25X and 100X.

temperatures analyzed. The main corrosion product corresponds to the mikasaite with an irregular morphology
of cactus, rosebud and dentate type.
For the medium 0.2 bar H2S+0.8 bar CO2 at 60 °C shown in figure 17, it is observed corrosion product
layer that correspond mainly to the siderite, cementite and troilite that is perceived to be cracked likely due to the
flow of the corrosive medium causing that the steel is in direct contact with this medium. The cactus and dentate
type morphology of the corrosion products at this temperature is more homogeneous and stable than at 30 °C.

4. Conclusions

In the mixture of CO2+H2S it is observed the presence of oxides, sulfides, sulfates and carbonates as corrosion
The medium that offers the best protection to the steel studied is that 0.8 bar H2S+0.2 bar CO2 at 30 °C,
due to the dominant effect of the sour medium, that is, there is a greater presence of protective sulphides such as
mackinawite, troillite and pyrite.
The medium 0.2 bar H2S+0.8 bar CO2, at 30 °C shown the higher corrosion rates although form
carbonate (siderite) and iron carbides (Fe3C), but this corrosion products are not to be good protective steel.
This behavior is due to the small amount of H2S which is not sufficient to form sulfides which has been shown
that in combination with carbonates and carbides, form a stable, adherent and protective film.


The authors are also grateful for the financial support to CONACYT and SIP-IPN.


M Díaz-Cruz

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