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Cebastian Arriaga

Professor Quinn

English 101

14 November 2019

Metacognitive essay

As somewhat of a decent writer I believe I have many strengths in writing. My first

strength I believe I have is I have writing endurance my endurance isn't reserved for big-picture

writing dreams. It's alive and kicking in my daily writing life, too! I often struggle to find the

motivation to write, so for me, maintaining a daily writing habit is essential. It helps me cut

through the initial resistance that plagues my writing sessions so I can make steady progress

toward my dreams. My strength I have in writing is that I have a strong revisions sense As much

as I despise drafting, I adore revising and editing. I tend to be very critical and do a great job of

viewing my own work through an objective lens. The last strength i believe i have is that i am

very much confident in how the I plot my writing I write good dialogue. It comes naturally. I feel

like I’m there in the situation when I imagine the words forming. Though I advise others who

feel their dialogue isn’t good enough not to worry about it. There are so many ways to break up

dialogue with action and description of setting, that it’s not something anyone should stress


As in any writer I believe I also do have several things that i can still improve on in my

writing. The first thing I need to work on is being able to have a strong thesis i believe if i have a

stronger thesis that will make my writing better overall in all assets because the thesis usually

sets the tone for the essay. The second thing I need to work on is being able to always stay on

topic i feel sometimes I get a little bit off topic and my essay or writing turns into something

completely different than what I wanted it to be. The last thing I need to work on is my

conclusion because that is the last thing the readers get to read so it cannot be to broad it has

to be strong so the reader is not confused with the ending of the writing. I plan on improving

these skills by brushing up on my grammar and convey my messages more easily so that the

reader can understand that is how i plan on improving myself in writing.

The most valuable thing I have learned this far in this course is how to become a much

stronger reader from the reading we did throughout the semester i believe that all the reading

assignments helped me tremendously it help my vocabulary and being able to process reading

assignments more easily and by that i was able to write stronger essay i think without the

quizzes or the reading assignments i wouldn't have become a stronger reader and writer. Now I

feel confident in being able to write a strong essay in a situation about any topic and the essay

outlines help a ton without those i wouldny have known how to format every essay we did this


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