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TEMA: Electromagnetic radiation test

There are many forms of radiation in the world, some dangerous and some harmless, the harmless
ones help us to lead a daily life easier, whereas the other dangerous forms of radiation also help
us, but in specific fields such as the gamma rays that are capacious sterilize medical equipment
among other things, so then we will describe the different forms of radiation that exist and how
they work.

Before we start we have to define what electromagnetism is because all these types of radiation
are part of electromagnetism, electromagnetism is a branch of physics that studies and unifies
electrical and magnetic phenomena but one thing is electromagnetism and another very different
electromagnetic radiation since electromagnetic radiation travels in waves that have different
wavelengths, energies and frequencies that's what we're going to focus on.

The wavelength is the distance of two individuals of waves and this is the one with which we can
measure which forms of radiation are visible and which are not for the human being, the
wavelengths of the visible light for the human being are in a range of 400 to 700 millionths of a
meter, we have to take into account that the smaller the distance between the waves, the greater
the radiation and the greater the danger that the human being is exposed to when manipulating
these forms of radiation.

Radio waves are the most harmless they are used to transmit information from antenna to
antenna of a radio or TV station. Other waves that are harmless are microwaves are waves with
very short length is used in homes as food adsorbs microwaves and this causes it to heat this is
done by a microwave oven. Climbing a little more in the types of radiation we have to the infrared
are odes that cannot be felt, they are used in the remote control of the television.

Now we will talk about dangerous waves, the sun generates ultraviolet light (UV) and although we
expose ourselves every day to the sun, ultraviolet light can be very harmful since it is capable of
damaging human skin and if we do not take good care we could have serious consequences such
as cancer among other things. Another form of dangerous radiation sun X-rays which are
dangerous if not handled with some care, are very useful when taking x-rays which serve to
observe human bones because they absorb these x rays so we can watch. Finally, gamma rays,
which are very harmful, can kill cell life, but thanks to this, they are used to kill cancer cells.

The harmless forms of radiation are very useful in our daily lives as they help us communicate to
heat our food to even change the channel of our television, although the dangerous forms of
radiation also help us, but not in our daily lives if not in Different fields of medicine should be
careful when exposing ourselves to these types of radiation since it could be very harmful to our
health and even our life.

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