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This institution is establishing a system of tracing the graduates of Bonifacio V.

Romero High School

(S.Y. 2017-2018) and getting feedback regarding their career, working, educational and business
status, further study or other activity they are/were involved in since they completed their study from
the institution. The information provided will assist the institution in planning future educational
needs. Results of this tracer study will only be presented in summary form and individual responses
will be kept strictly confidential. We would, therefore, highly appreciate it if you could complete the
following questionnaire and return it to us, at your earliest convenience.

Thank you for your kind cooperation and support.

A. Demographic Profile
1. Surname: ……………………… Forename(s):…………… Maiden Name (if applicable):……………

2. Sex : Male Female

3. Age: ……..

4. Level up to which your parents have studied : None Primary Secondary Tertiary

5. Father's occupation: …………. Mother's occupation: .......…...….....…...…………

6. No. of Brother(s)……………………………… Sister(s) :…..…..………………………….

7. Ordinal Position (pls specify)………………

B. Present Status
8. What was your track/strand during SHS?..…….…..….…..……….

9. Are you currently enrolled in college? Yes…… No……

10. If yes, what is your course? ..…….…..….…..……….……………….

11. If no, are you currently employed? Yes…… No……

12. If yes, what is your present job? ..…….…..….…..……….…………..

13. Did you put up your own business after graduation? Yes…… No……

14. If yes, what is your business?…….…..….…..……….…

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