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Capitalism, communism, human rights, existentialism, feminism, colonialism and

emotional intelligence.

An economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are
controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.


 He is a capitalist and believed in classical liberalism. He said: “from each
according to each ability to each according to his ability”.
 He was against distribution.
 And he adopted the theory of labor value that states that whatever we mix
our labor with is ours by the virtue of natural right to our own labor power,
such labor determines the value of the property.
 He also spoke about laissez-faire or free-market capitalism, welfare
capitalism and state capitalism.
Laissez Faire (Adam Smith): translates to “leave us alone” meaning that the
government should remain out of the economy and instead allow individuals to
freely carry out their own economic affairs.
Adam Smith, began to argue against mercantilism in favor of an economic system
with more freedom for individuals. The development of capitalism as an
economic system, sought to reject the idea of government control of the
economy and instead put the focus on individuals.
 A theory or system of social organization in which all property is owned by
the community and each person contributes and receives according to their
ability and needs.
 Its ultimate goal is the establishment of a communist society, namely a
socioeconomic order structured upon the ideas of common ownership of
the means of production and the absence of social classes and the state.
 Communism is a political and economic ideology that positions itself in
opposition to liberal democracy and capitalism, advocating instead a
classless system in which the means of production are owned communally
and private property is nonexistent or severely curtailed.


 Is a socialist and communist. He was an atheist. His famous sentence was
“From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs”.
 He said that all people have economic equality, so he was with distribution
unlike Smith.
 According to Marx, capitalism collapses due to 3 factors which are: ten year
cycle of over production, monopoly capitalism and machine replaces man
which leads to unemployment.
 Marx and Engels wrote, "is the history of class struggles."
 The Communist Manifesto presented the French Revolution as a major
historical turning point, when the "bourgeoisie" – the merchant class that
was in the process of consolidating control over the "means of production"
– overturned the feudal power structure and ushered in the modern,
capitalist era.
 In the Communist Manifesto and later works, Marx, Engels and their
followers advocated (and predicted as historically inevitable) a global
proletarian revolution, which would usher in first an era of socialism, then
of communism. This final stage of human development would mark the end
of class struggle and therefore of history: all people would live in social
equilibrium, without class distinctions, family structures, religion or
property. The state, too, would "wither away." The economy would
function, as a popular Marxist slogan puts it, "from each according to his
ability, to each according to his needs."
 Following the communist revolution, Marx argued, workers (the
proletariat) would take control of the means of production. After a period
of transition, the government would fade away, as workers build a classless
society and an economy based on common ownership. Production and
consumption would reach an equilibrium: "from each according to his
ability, to each according to his need." Religion and the family, institutions
of social control that were used to subjugate the working class, would go
the way of the government and private ownership.
What Is the Difference Between Communism/Capitalism and Socialism?
Communism and socialism are umbrella terms referring to two left-wing schools
of economic thought; both oppose capitalism.

Existentialism: Amal’s Exam

A philosophical theory or approach which emphasizes the existence of the
individual person as a free and responsible agent determining their own
development through acts of the will.

Sartre (The Wall)

As Sartre says in his lecture Existentialism is a Humanism: "man first of all exists,
encounters himself, surges up in the world—and defines himself afterwards". The
more positive, therapeutic aspect of this is also implied: a person can choose to
act in a different way, and to be a good person instead of a cruel person.

Simon De Beauvior: ALI’S PAPERRRRR

 Simon De Beviour: she did not consider herself a philosopher, she had a
significant influence on both feminist existentialism and feminist theory.
 De Beauvoir wrote novels, essays, biographies, autobiography and
monographs on philosophy, politics, and social issues. She was known for
her 1949 treatise The Second Sex, a detailed analysis of women's
oppression and a foundational tract of contemporary feminism.
Previous quest:
Simon de Beauvoir, a French intellectual writer and existentialist philosopher, also
known by her feminine approach. Her book the second sex was a founding text of
modern feminism which clarified the worth of women and their equality to men.
However, she scorned the idea that inequality and abuse are women’s fault.
Moreover, she added that human beings are creatures who are free, and they
have an existentialist freedom of choice. Unlike Nietzsche, she believes that
women have the right to create themselves and to make themselves by their
own. Which will definitely collapse in agreement with the above mentioned
quote. Also, she assured that women should be equipped with a great economic
independence and so good education. She added and described the academic
background of a woman as a weapon she will hold, in order to prevent any threat
that may oblige her to get married directly after reaching a specific age. Plus, if
she chooses to do something else other than staying at home, then she has
choices and she can decide. Beauvoir talked about Equality indifference, and
therefore she showed that women are in the process of always achieving,
developing, improving, and growing. Therefore, they can always make a positive
change and have a good job other than moderate handcrafts and house work. All
the quotes and saying said and written by her leads to her cooperation of giving a
woman the full freedom and consent of choosing her spouse. Hence, a woman
should be educated and a working woman in order to be financially stable, which
will make her able to find and choose her couple freely, without any pressure
from her surroundings or from the society.

 The policy or practice of acquiring full or partial political control over
another country, occupying it with settlers, and exploiting it economically.
 Colonialism is the policy of a country seeking to extend or retain its
authority over other people or territories generally with the aim of
economic dominance.

Emotional Intelligence:
Daniel Goleman (from previous exam)
Daniel Goleman is an author and a science journalist. The main theme he
talked about was intelligence. However, he analyzed two theories which are
intelligence quotient (IQ) and emotional intelligence (EI). In 1996 Daniel
Goleman argued that emotional intelligence might be as important as IQ in
determining how we conduct our lives. So, he focuses on how important are
the emotions and he raises the issue of emotional intelligence. In a way that
gave EI a similar weight that is given to our intelligence and logical thinking.
The debate is between nature and nurture. In other words what is innate and
what is achieved. Similarly, what is inherited and what is taught and what
makes our intellectual capabilities. Nature which is generic, born, innate,
biological and inherited. While, nurture is acquired, achieved and learned.
According to Daniel, not allowing our negative emotions control and
overwhelm us and affect our judgment, is not always easy but we really do
have the power to change the way we feel by changing our thoughts in any
given situation. Also, he analyzed the stressful situation we may pass through.
Hence, handling stressful situations can make the difference between being
assertive versus being reactive. To clarify, being assertive through exercising
our right to disagree and saying “no” without feeling guilty, also expressing our
feelings without blaming others is an important aspect of being assertive.
To conclude, Daniel Goleman was a product of intelligence which fell between
the valley of emotions and logic.



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