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Pembersihan, Pemutuan & Pengecilan

Ukuran Bahan Pertanian

Putri Chandra Ayu, STP, M.Si
Teknik Pengolahan Hasil Pertanian
21 April 2020
Kemampuan Akhir yang Diharapkan
Mahasiswa PRODI TEP semester VI diharapkan akan dapat
menjelaskan perbedaan pembersihan dan pemutuan dalam
pengolahan hasil pertanian serta menyebutkan parameternya,
serta dapat menjelaskan konseo pengecilan ukuran bahan
• All food raw material are cleaned before
• Tujuan : menghilangkan kontaminan, which
range from innocuous to dangerous, untuk
melindungi peralatan yg digunakan saat
pengolahan dan konsumen akhir.
E.g. It is essential to remove sand, stones or
metallic particles from wheat prior to
milling to avoid damaging the machinery
Increased mechanisation in harvesting and
subsequent handling has generally led to
increase contamnation with mineral, plant
and animal contaminants, while there has
been a general increase in the use of sprays,
leading to increased chemical contamination.

Microorganism contamination is usually

found in preharvest from irrigation water,
manure, fertilizer or contamination from
feral or domestic animals, or postharvest
from improperly cleaned equipment, wash
waters or cross-contamination from other
raw materials
Jenis Kontaminan Utama Pada Bahan
Pangan Mentah
• Unwanted parts of the plants (leaves, twigs,
• Soil, sand, stones and metallic particles from
the growing area
• Insects and their eggs
• Animal excreta, hair
• Pesticides and fertilizer
• Microorganisms and their toxins

Wipe/brush? Wash? Sanitize? Do nothing?

Do we need to consider the crops?
Metode Pembersihan
- dry cleaning method
- wet cleaning method
- Peeling method
Several factors that are needed to be
considered :
• Produk yg akan dibersihkan
• Level dan tipe kontaminasi
• Keseimbangan biaya pembersihan dgn
kualitas porduk
• Acceptable standard utk konsumen akhir
Avoidance of product damage is an important contributing factor
(especially for delicate material e.g. soft fruit)
Dry Cleaning Method
• Are based on screens, aspiration or
magnetic separation.
• Less expensive
• Tend to be less effective in terms of
cleaning efficiency
• Major problem : recontamination of
the material with dust
• Screens are essentially size separators based on perforated
beds or wire mesh.
• The main geometries are roatary drums and flat design.
• Larger contaminants are removed from smaller food items
vice versa.
• e.g. Straw from cereal grains; twigs from tea leaves; sand or
dust from larger food units
• Abrasion, either by impact during the operation of the
machinery, or aided by abrasive discs or brushes, could
reduce the efficiency of dry screens.
• Screening gives incomplete separations and is usually a
preliminary cleaning stage
• Aspiration utilizes the differences ina erodynamic properties
of the material and the contaminants.
• Widely use in the cleaningof cereals, peas and beans.
• The principle is to feed the raw material into a carefully
controlled upward air stream.
• Denser material will fall, while lighter material will be blown
away depending on the terminal velocity.
• By using different air velocities, it is possible to separate for
example wheat from lighter chaff (husk) or denser small
• Very accurate separations are possible, but large amounts of
energy are required to generate the air streams.
• Obviously, the system is limited by size.
Magnetic Cleaning
Wet Cleaning Method
• Are necessary if large quantities of
soil are to be removed
• It is essential if detergents are used
• More Expensive
• Large quantities of high purity
water are needed
• The same quantity of dirty effluent
is produced
How To Solve Those Water Problems?
Wet Cleaning Method
• Soaking
• Spray washing
• Flotation washing
• Froth flotation
• Hot water dipping
• Soaking is a preliminary stage in cleaning heavily
contaminated materials
• Such as root crops, permitting softening of the soil, partial
removal of stones and other contaminants
• Tanks or drums are employed, and these may be fitted with
devices for agitating the water
• Including stirrers, paddles or mechanisms for rotating entire
• For delicate produce such as strawberies or asparagus, or
products which trap dirt internally, e.g celery, sparging air
through system may be helpful
• But adds to the expense and may damage the texture
• Spray washing is widely used for many types of food raw
• Efficiency depends on the volume and temperature of the
water and time exposure
• General rule, small volumes of high pressure water give the
most efficient dirt removal
• But is limited by product damage, especially to more delicate
• With larger food pieces, it may be necessary to rotate the unit
• Two of the most common designs used are drum washer and
belt washer
• Abrasion may contribute to the cleaning effect, but again must
be limited in delicate units
• Flotation washing employs buoyancy differences
between food units and contaminants.
• For instance, sound fruit generally floats, while
contaminating soil, stones and rotten fruits sink
(drown) in water.
• Hence, fluming fruit in water over a series of weirs
gives very effective cleaning of fruit, peas and beans.
• A disadvantage is high water use, thus recirculation
of water should be incorporated.
• Following wet cleaning, it is necessary to remove the
washing water. Centrifugation is very effective, but
may lead to tissue damage, hence dewatering screens
or reels are more common.
• Prestorage hot water dipping has been used as an
alternative to chemical treatments for preserving the
quality of horticultural products.
• One recent development is the simultaneous cleaning
and disinfection of fresh product by a short hot water
rinse and brushing (HWRB) treatment.
• Which involves placing the crops on rotating brushes
and rinsing with hot water for 10-30 s.
• The effect is through a combination of direct cleaning
action plus the lethal action of heat on surface
• Fungicides may also be added to the hot water.
Bagaimana pengaruh penambahan fungisida pada proses pencucian
produk pertanian?
Peeling Method
Is frequently carried out in association
with cleaning.
Mechanical peeling methods need
loosening of the skin using one of the
following principles, depending on the
product’s structure and the peeling
level required.
• Steam, is particularly suited to root crops. The products are
exposed to high pressure steam for a fixed time and then the
pressure is released causing steam to form under the surface of
the skin hence loosening it such that it can be removed with a
water spray
• Lye (1-2% alkali) solution can be used to soften the skin which
can again be removed by water sprays. There is however, a
danger of damage to the products.
• Abrasion peeling employs carborondum rollers or rotating the
product in a carborondum-lined bowl, followed by washing away
the loosened skin. Effective but could increase the product loss.
• Mechanical knives are suitable for peeling citrus fruits.
• Flame peeling is usefull for onions, in which the outher layer are
burnt off and charred skin is removed by high pressure hot water
SORTASI adalah pemisahan produk yg sudah bersih menjadi
bermacam-macam fraksi mutu atas dasar sifat-sifat fisik.

GRADING adalah mengklasifikasikan bahan berdasarkan

nilai komersial dan kegunaan dengan faktor penentu yg lebih
banyak daripada sortasi.

Faktor grading ditetapkan oleh berbagai lembaga yg

berkepentingan dengan produk pertanian tertentu yg
digunakan sebagai standar dalam perdagangan.

Proses sortasi dan grading dapat dilakukan secara manual

ataupun mekanis, tergantung kepada jenis komoditas, skala
kegiatan, dan sumberdaya yg tersedia.
Manfaat Sortasi dan Grading
• Menjamin produsen memperoleh harga yg relatif
terhadap mutu
• Mempermudah penanganan biji-bijian dalam
penyimpanan dengan mutu yg sejenis
• Menjadi metode sederhana dalam penentuan harga
sesuai dgn mutu dalam perdagangan
• Memungkinkan pembeli memperoleh kualitas produk
yg sama secara konsisten
• Dapat memilah produk menjadi beberapa kelompok
mutu shg terdapat gradasi kelompok mutu produk
Faktor Pemutuan
Faktor-faktor yg digunakan untuk sortasi dan
grading produk pertanian diklasifikasikan sbb :
• Sifat fisik
ukuran, berat, tekstur, warna
• Sifat kimia
Kandungan kimia, indeks ALB, aroma
• Sifat biologis
Daya kecambah, jumlah kerusakan karena serangga
CCD camera

PS1 PS2 Computer

Belt conveyor
PS1 PS2 PS3 Collecting

Pneumatic solenoids
Size Reduction

• Involves creating smaller mass units from larger mass

units of the same material
• Larger mass units need to be subjected to stress by the
application of force
• Compression (gaya tekan)
• Impact
• Shear
Penerapan gaya tekan yang cermat
memungkinkan kontrol dilakukan terhadap
kerusakan material
e.g. To crack open grains of wheat to facilitate
separation of the endosperm from the bran
Impact forces are used to mill a wide
variety of materials, including fibrous

Best applied to relatively soft materials,
again including fibrous foods
All three types of force are generated in most types of
• Compression >> roller mill
• Impact force >> hammer mills
• Shear force >> disc attrition mills
The extend of the breakdown of a material may be expressed
by the reduction ratio, which is the average size of the feed
particles divided by the average size of the products particles.
In this context, the term average size depends on the method
In the food industry, screening or sieving is widely used to
determine particle size distribution in granular materials and
In this case, the average diameter of the particles is related to
the aperture sizes of the used screens.
Size reduction ratios vary from below 8:1 in coarse crushing
to more than 100:1 in fine grinding.
Objective of size reduction:
To produce particles within a specified size range

Consequently, it is common practice to classify the

particles coming from a mill into different size ranges.
Again, screening is the technique most widely used for
this purpose.
To achieve a specified reduction ratio, it maybe necessary
to carry out the size reduction in a number of stages
A different type of mill may be used in each stage and
screens employed between stages
Example of a
multistage size
reduction operation
Some materials exhibit elastic deformation when the force
is first applied.
The strain is linearly related to stress.
If the force is removed, the solid object returns to its
original shape.
Elastic deformations are valueless in size reduction.
Point E is known as the elastic limit. Beyond this point, the
material undergoes permanent deformation until it
reaches its yield point Y.
Brittle materials will rupture at this point. Ductile
materials will continue to deform, or flow, beyond point Y
until they reach the break point B, when they rupture.
When a solid material is subjected to a force, its behaviour
may be represented by a plot of stress VS strain.
Pada proses pengecilan ukuran material, kebanyakan
energi digunakan pada deformasi elastis dan plastis
partikel, gesekan antara partikel dan antara partikel dgn
mesin, noise dan getaran yang dihasilkan oleh mesin.
Kebutuhan Energi Alat Pada Size Reduction
Energi yang dibutuhkan alat digunakan untuk :
- Mengatasi friksi mekanis
- Menghancurkan bahan

Energi ini proporsional terhdp luas permukaan baru yg terbentuk

Rittinger melakukan percobaan ttg hal ini menggunakan
“a drop weight crusher”, dan menghasilkan :

𝑙𝑢𝑎𝑠 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑚𝑢𝑘𝑎𝑎𝑛 𝑏𝑎𝑟𝑢 𝑦𝑔 𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑏𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑢𝑘
𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑒𝑟 𝑠 𝑛𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 =
𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑔𝑖 𝑚𝑒𝑘𝑎𝑛𝑖𝑠 𝑦𝑔 𝑑𝑖𝑏𝑢𝑡𝑢ℎ𝑘𝑎𝑛
e.g. Quartz
Setiap energi 1 akan memberikan luas permukaan
baru sebesar 17.56 cm2

Energi yg dibutuhkan crusher biasanya lebih besar

daripada kebutuhan yg ditunjukkan pada bil. Rittinger
karena energi alat mengatasi efek getaran

Beberapa faktor yg perlu dipertimbangkan saat

memilih alat untuk pengecilan ukuran bahan :
• Mechanical properties of the feed
• Moisture content of the feed
• Temperature sensitivity of the feed
Mechanical Properties of the Feed
Bahan yg mudah rapuh akan mengalami patah
(fracture) dgn mudah sepanjang celah pada bahan.
Larger particles will breakdown readily than
smaller ones.
Roller mills biasanya digunakan untuk material
semacam ini. Material yg keras, dgn modulus
elatisitas yg tinggi, rapuh dan patah dgn cepat
diatas batas elastis.
Mechanical Properties of the Feed
Bahan yg lebih keras akan lebih sulit untuk dirusak
dan energi yg dibutuhkan lebih besar.
Hard materials are usually abrasive and so the
working surfaces should be made of hard wearing
material, such as manganese steel, and should be
easy to remove and replace.
Such mills are relatively slow moving and need to
be of robust construction.
Mechanical Properties of the Feed
Tough materials have the ability to resist the
propagation of cracks and are difficult to
Fibres tend to increase toughness by relieving
stress concentrations at the end of the cracks.
Disc mills, pin-disc mills or cutting devices are
used to break down fibrous materials.
Moisture Content of the Feed
Merupakan hal yg penting dalam pemilihan alat
utk size reduction. If it is too high, the efficiency
and output of a mill and the free flowing
characteristics of the product may be adversely
In some cases, if the feed material is too dry, it may
not breakdown in an appropriate way
Moisture Content of the Feed
e.g. If the moisture content of the grains is too high,
they may deform rather than crack open to release the
Or maybe, the bran may break up into fine particles
which may not be separated by the screens and may
contaminate the white flour.
Each type of grain will have an optimum moisture
content for milling.
In wet milling, the feed materials is carried out
through the action zone of the mill in a stream of
Temperature Sensitivity of the Feed
a considerable amount of heat may be generated
in a mill, particularly if it is operates at high
This arises from friction and particles being
stressed within their elastic limits.
This heat can cause thetemperature of the feed to
rise significantly and a loss in quality could
Some mills are equipped with cool jackets to
reduce these effects.
Temperature Sensitivity of the Feed
Cryogenic milling involves mixing solid
carbondioxide or liquid nitrogen with the
feed. This reduces undesirable heating effects.
It can also facilitate the milling of fibrous
materials, such as meats into fine particles.
Roller Mills (Crushing Rolls)

Impact Mills

Attrition Mills

4 Tumbling Mills
Roller Mills (Crushing Rolls)
Consist of 2 cylindrical steel rolls, mounted on horizontal axes and
rotating towards each other.
The particles of feed are directed between the rollers from above.
They are nipped and pulled through the rolls where they are subjected
to compressive forces, which bring about their break-down.
The roll surfaces could be smooth, corrugated, grooved (fluted) or they
may have intermeshing teeth.
Large rolls (d > 500 mm), rotate at speeds in the range of 50 – 300 rpm.
Usually, the clearance between the rolls (the nip) is adjustable.
• An overload compression spring is usually fitted to protect the roll
surfaces from damage should a hard object try to pass between
• Instead of two rolls operating against each other, one roll may
operate against a flat or curved hard surface, e.g. Edge mill.
• The heavy rolls roll and slip over a table. Usually the rolls are driven,
but in some machines the table is driven instead.
• The rolls and table surfaces may be smooth or grooved.
In the case of a mill consisting of two rolls rotating towards each other,
the angle of nip, 𝛼, is the term used to describe the angle formed by
the tangents to the roll faces at the point of contact between the
particle and the rolls.
𝛼 𝐷𝑟 + 𝐷𝑝
𝑐𝑜𝑠 =
2 𝐷𝑟 + 𝐷𝑓
Df = the average diameter of the feed particles
Dp = the average diameter of the product particles, corresponding to
the clearance between the rolls
Dr = the diameter of the rolls
For the particle to be nipped down through the rolls by friction :
𝑡𝑎𝑛 = 𝜇
Dimana 𝜇 adalah koefisien gesek antara partikel dan roll

The previous equation could be used to estimate the largest size of

feed particle that a pair of rolls will accomodate.
In calculating the theoretical mass flow rate M of product could use the
below equation :
𝜋𝐷𝑟 𝑁𝐷𝑝 𝑙𝜌
M = mass flow rate (kg s-1)
Dr = diameter (m)
L = length (m)
Dp = clearance between the rolls (m)
N = roll speed (rpm)
𝜌 = bulk density of the product (kg m-3)
Roller Mill Edge Mill
When two bodies collide (impact), they compress each other until they have
the same velocity and remain in this state until restitution of the
compression begins.
Then the bodies push each other apart and separate.
If one of the bodies is held in position, the other body has to comform with
this position for a short interval of time.
During the very short time it takes for restitution of compression to occur, a
body possesses strain energy which can lead to fracture.
The faster the bodies move away from each other, the more energy is
available to bring about fracture.
The faster the rate at which the force is applied, the more quickly fracture is
likely to occur.
❑ Hammer Mill

❑ Beater Bar Mill

❑ Comminuting Mill

❑ Pin (Pin-Disc) Mill

❑Fluid Energy (Jet) Mill

The principle of attrition mills is that the material is rubbed between
two surfaces. Both pressure and frictional forces are generated. The
extend to which either of these forces predominates depends on the
pressure with which both suface are held together and the difference
in the speed of rotation of the surfaces
❑ Buhrstone Mill

❑ Single Disc Attrition Mill

❑ Double-Disc Attrition Mill

❑ Foos Mill

❑ Coloid Mill
Consist of a cylindrical shell, sometimes with conical ends, which
rotates slowly about a horizontal axis and is filled to about 50% of its
volume with a solid grinding medium.
As the shell rotates the loose units of the grinding medium are lifted up
on the rising side of the shell to a certain height.
Size reduction takes place between these units in the jostling as they
are lifted up and in the rolling action and impact as they fall down.
The most commonly used grinding media are balls and rods.
Contamination of the feed material due to werar of the grinding
medium is a problem with tumbling mills and needs to be monitored.
❑ Ball Mill
The grinding medium consists of a spherical balls, (d = 25 – 150 mm) and
made of steel. Alternatively, flint pebbles or porcelain or zircon spheres
may be used.
At low rotation speeds, the ball are not lifted very far up the wall of the
cylindrical and tumble over each other as they roll down.
In such circumstances, shear forces predominate.
At a higher speeds, the ball are lifted higher and some fall back down
generating impact forces which contribute to the size reduction of the feed
Above a certrain critical speed, the balls will be carried round against the
cylinder wall under the influence of centrifugal force and the
comminution ceases.
You can use the above equation to calculate the critical speed, where N is
the critical speed (RPM) and D is the diameter of the cylinder (m). Ball
mills are run at 65-80% of their critical speed
𝐷 1Τ2
❑ Ball Mill
Ball mills are used for fine grinding and may be operated under
dry or wet conditions.
Vibration ball mill
The shell containing the balls is made to vibrate by means of
out of balance weights attached to each end of the shaft of a
double ended electric motor. In such mills, impact forces
predominate and a very fine grinding is attainable (achieved).
Consist of a stationary cylinder filled with balls. A stirrer keeps
the balls and feed material in slow motion generating shear and
some impact forces. It is best suited to wet milling and may be
operated batchwise or continously. This type of mill is used in
chocolate manufacture
❑ Rod Mill
Grinding rods, usually made of high carbon steel, are used
instead of balls in rod mills.
They are 25 – 125 mm in diameter and may be circular, square
or hexagonal in cross section.
They extend to almost the full length of the shell and occupy
about 35% of the shell volume. In such mills, attrition forces
predominate but impacts also play a part in size reduction.

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