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Speak on the following topic:

1. When was the last time you made a new friend? How did you meet? / Коли ви
востаннє заводили нового друга? Як ви зустрілися
It was back in school. It was then that I moved to a new school for 10th grade.
At first, I didn't like any of my new classmates. But then I talked to the girls in my
class, we found common topics to talk about and common interests. So we started to
communicate and we still do.

2. Do you ever have arguments with your friends/family? / У вас коли-небудь є

аргументи з друзями / родиною

3. Have you ever fallen out with a close friend? What happened?/ Ви коли-
небудь випадали з близьким другом? Що трапилось?

4. What do friends/family members usually argue about? / Про що зазвичай

сперечаються друзі / члени родини ?
Usually all the arguments arise because when we spend time together, we like
to watch movies, and so it happened that everyone has different tastes. Some like
comedy, some fiction. For example, I like melodramas, and my mother likes horror
movies. That is why we cannot agree on this. And there is a lot of controversy
because we sit on the phone a lot, because it is really bad for our health, and my
parents want the best for us, so they often take us to the country, where there is no
connection at all, so that we can take a break from gadgets.

5. Do you think it’s a good idea to go into business with your friends and family?
Why/why not? / Чи вважаєте ви, що найкраще зайнятися бізнесом зі своїми
друзями та родиною? Чому / чому ні ?
In my opinion, if you have the money, desire and ability, it is better to start
your own business than to work for someone. But only if you like to do your job.
But I think you can't help but like it because you control your income, your
capabilities and most importantly do not adapt to someone

6. Tell your partner about a film you have seen. Describe the type of film, the
main characters, what happens in the film, some scenes you remember. / Розкажіть
своєму партнерові про фільм, який ви бачили. Опишіть тип фільму, головні
герої, що відбувається у фільмі, деякі сцени, які ви пам’ятаєте.
My favourite video film is “Titanic”. It tells the story of a famous ship, the “Titanic”, which sank in
1912. The “Titanic” was a colossal ship even by modern standards. Its tragic sinking will always be
remembered, for the ship went down on the first voyage with heavy losses.

The director of the film is James Cameron. The main parts in the film are played by young actors
Leonardo Di Caprio and Kate Winslet. To my mind their acting is superb. The camerawork is
fantastic, too. I’ve heard that they made a full-size model of the “Titanic” for this film.
It’s a very spectacular film. It is also a moving love-story. I advise all my friends to see “Titanic”.
The film was awarded 11 Oscars and I’m sure it deserves every one of them.


Мій найулюбленіший фільм - "Титанік". Він розповідає історію відомого судна "Титанік",
яке затонуло в 1912 році. "Титанік" був колосальним кораблем навіть за сучасними
стандартами. Його трагічну катастрофу завжди буде помниться, оскільки корабель потонув
під час свого першого рейсу з великими втратами.

Режисер фільму - Джеймс Кемерон. Головні ролі у фільмі грають молоді актори Леонардо ді
Капріо і Кейт Уінслет. На мій погляд, їх акторська гра чудова. Операторська робота є
фантастичною, теж. Я чув, що вони зробили для цього фільму модель "Титаніка" в
натуральну величину.

Це дуже вражаючий фільм. Крім того, це зворушлива історія любові. Я раджу всім моїм
друзям, подивитися "Титанік". Фільм був удостоєний 11 Оскарів, і я впевнений, що він
заслуговує кожного з них.  

7. Do you ever watch foreign language films? Why/why not? / Ви коли-небудь

дивитесь фільми на іноземній мові? Чому / чому ні?
Personally, I only watched the TV series "Friends" in English, but with
subtitles. Some people say that it is very useful to watch movies in the original
language, it helps to remember words better, but all people are different and this
method does not help me personally. I like to watch movies or TV series in

8. What kind of foreign language films do you like/dislike? Які фільми з

іноземної мови вам подобаються / не подобаються?
I don't like watching movies in English at all, because then I don't understand
the essence of the film. but I really like watching the series "friends" in English.
Here he fascinates me very much, I don't even know why. Probably because I've
already watched it seven times with a translation into Ukrainian, it still doesn't matter
how many times I don't look at it every time as if it were new. After all, this is a
comedy series, and I love comedies.

9. When you watch a foreign language film, do you prefer dubbing or subtitling?
Why? Переглядаючи фільм на іноземній мові, ви віддаєте перевагу дублювання
чи субтитрів? Чому?
As for me, I like more duplication. But many people say that it is better to
watch movies with subtitles in the original language because it improves memory, but
with me this method does not work at all, I just lose the essence of the film and it
then becomes uninteresting to me. That's why it's better for me to watch with

10. Do you believe everything you read in the news? Why/why not? Чи вірите ви
всьому, що читаєте у новинах? Чому / чому ні ?
Our family has a tradition of watching the news at dinner in the kitchen, but
personally I don't quite believe everything we are told. They love to embellish
situations or events. Because you need to make a "show" for people. And
unfortunately I was convinced of it personally. I know very well one family in which
there was a terrible situation, people needed help, and they were offered it by one big
TV channel. But in the news release, they distorted the whole situation and
information not in favor of this family, because of which they had even bigger
problems. So I don't really trust the news, it's about fifty to fifty

11. Do you agree with the opinion that different newspapers report the same story
in different ways? Чи згодні ви з думкою, що різні газети по-різному
повідомляють одну і ту ж історію?
Yes, I completely agree. after all, I decorate one story or situation of the
newspaper as much as possible to interest readers and make an intrigue.

12. Do you agree with the opinion that newspapers sometimes try to make news
stories sound worse than they are? Чи погоджуєтесь ви з думкою, що газети
іноді намагаються зробити так, щоб новини новин звучали гірше, ніж вони є?
Yes, I completely agree. after all, I decorate one story or situation of the news
as much as possible to interest readers and make an intrigue.

13. Do you agree with the opinion that newspapers have to make stories sound
exciting in order to sell? Чи погоджуєтесь ви з думкою, що газети повинні
продавати розповіді захоплюючими, щоб продати?
In my opinion, yes, because all people like interesting and fascinating stories.
But not all stories that have newspapers are like that. Therefore, editors try hard to
write them bright, making adjustments, paints and some interesting details or even
fiction to attract the attention of readers.

14. Do you enjoy reading or hearing gossip about famous people? Why/why not?
Вам подобається читати чи чути плітки про відомих людей? Чому / чому ні?
In general, I do not like to gossip. But I can't call gossip about famous people
gossip, for me it's more news from their lives. After all, their life is richer than ours,
so it is interesting to learn something new from their lives, but everything has its

15. Imagine you are going to live abroad for a month. Decide on ten things you
will need to do before you go. Уявіть, що ви збираєтесь жити за кордоном
місяць. Вирішіть десять речей, які вам потрібно буде зробити, перш ніж
I'm not sure that I will have ten such cases, but if I have such an opportunity, first
of all I would 1) take my dog to my grandmother, because there will be no one to
leave him with 2) would meet with friends 3) be sure spent the whole day with his
family 4) would give his brother his computer, because I will not be in whole places
and he will need it 5) visited his grandparents living outside the city 6) would cook
his own dinner on the last day before departure

16. What makes a city good or bad to live in? Що робить місто добре чи
погано жити?
everyone has different tastes where to live outside the city or in the city.
Personally, I now live in the city, in an apartment with my parents. But in the future I
dream of moving out of town. But only if I have a car. I think that without a car it
will be difficult to get to the city on business or to work. In the city I like that
everything is close, at any time and the store and the hospital. But the air here is very
dirty. There are a lot of cars, and this is what harms our health

17. Decide on three best places to live in your country. Explain your choice.
Вирішіть про три найкращі місця для проживання у вашій країні. Поясніть
свій вибір.

18. Have you made any changes to the way you live in order to be more eco-
friendly? Explain what you have done and why? Чи внесли ви якісь зміни в спосіб
життя, щоб бути більш екологічними? Поясніть, що ви зробили і чому?
Our world is strongly affected by environmental pollution. Therefore, most
people have sided with the environment. once I was interested in this question and I
was struck that more than forty percent of our planet is covered with debris. So I try
to sort the garbage in the containers. For example, when I want to buy coffee in a
coffee shop, I always go with my thermo cup so as not to use plastic. And so do
many people.

19. If you won a lot of money, what would you do with it? Is it possible to have
too much money? Якби ви виграли багато грошей, що б ви зробили з цим? Чи
можливо мати занадто багато грошей?
If I really won a lot of money, I would definitely spend it on my mom. It so
happened that she has heart problems, and she also has blood cancer. She is often
hospitalized and a lot of money goes to the hospital. To live, she needs to take
medication every day, which costs ten thousand for ten days. She will not live a day
without them. So maybe I would provide my mother with medicine for the rest of her
life and give her loans for treatment.

20. Think of as many ways as possible to get rich quickly. Придумайте якомога
більше способів швидко розбагатіти.
I have no idea how to get rich quick, because I know from personal experience
that nothing ever happens quickly and for the first time. But as an option for your
own business, you can open a coffee shop because they are now very popular. More
and more people buy coffee when they go to work and do not have time to taste it at

21. Think of some famous multimillionaires. What type of reputation do they

have? Do people like and admire them? Подумайте про деяких відомих
мультимільйонерів. Який тип репутації вони мають? Людям подобаються і
захоплюються ними
As for the names, I can't even remember who I know, because I'm not interested
in this topic. But I know one thing that most of them have a good reputation because
they are very generous philanthropists. They carry out charitable activities for
children and animals, purchase the necessary equipment at the hospital. Maybe so
they are trying to clear their conscience for the quality of wrongdoing.

22. Which qualities and habits do you think are necessary to be a successful
entrepreneur? Які якості та звички, на вашу думку, потрібні, щоб бути
успішним підприємцем?
In my opinion, to be an entrepreneur first of all you need the desire and inspiration
to work. Then you need to be prepared for failure, perhaps it is called endurance. Be
prepared for the fact that from the first time not everything works out, you need to try
many times until it works. You also need some experience in the field in which you
want to work. I believe that perseverance should be an important quality. If you
have these habits the path to a successful business will be fast and safe.

23. What advice would you give someone who wants to be rich? Яку пораду ви
дасте тому, хто хоче бути багатим?
The advice I can give is to be persistent. After all, nothing happens quickly
and immediately. You have to go a long way to the status you want to achieve. And
the main thing is probably to always remain a person no matter what the situation.
That's probably the main thing.

24. Do you think it’s a good idea to write a shopping list before you go food
shopping? Why/why not? Як ви вважаєте, чи корисно написати список покупок,
перш ніж вирушати за покупками продуктів? Чому / чому ні?
Personally for me Yes. It is more convenient for me to write a list of purchases
that I need in advance. After all, this has advantages. Firstly, I always see what I
need and do not go, I do not think I should buy, and secondly, it saves my time. After
all, the time I spend when I go shopping and think what to buy I can spend cooking or
spend it with family.

25. How do supermarkets/salespeople/advertisements persuade people to spend

money? Як супермаркети / продавці / реклама переконують людей витрачати
According to my observations, people in stores are attracted by promotions or
bright advertising of the product. Often the prices for some products or things that
the consumer would like to buy are inflated, then the company makes a discount and
of course people start buying not one unit but several, because it is a discount. But
very often discounts are made on spoiled products and it is very unfortunate that we
are so deceived

26. Have you ever bought something because you saw an advert, or bought
something from a supermarket you didn’t play to buy? Why? Ви коли-небудь
купували щось, тому що бачили рекламу чи купували щось у супермаркеті, що
не грали, щоб купувати? Чому?
Since I really like shopping, I often buy things that I do not need at all, although
the buyers thought they were very necessary because they had bright advertising. But
I'm not upset about it, because if I don't need this thing, I suggest it to my brother or
mom or dad, and always which of them will need it. But if there is a situation that no
one needs it, I just put it in a box with things that I do not use.

27. What are your favourite/least favourite advertisements? Why? Яка ваша
улюблена / найменш улюблена реклама? Чому?
As for me, I'm the kind of person who doesn't like advertising at all. They do
not cling to me and do not attract me. They don't make me feel like I need to buy this
thing. That's why I have an average attitude to advertising.

28. Do you prefer shopping at supermarkets or small, specialized shops? Why? Ви

віддаєте перевагу покупкам у супермаркетах чи невеликих спеціалізованих
магазинах? Чому?
Seeing what I need if it's products then I usually buy everything in the
supermarket because it's more convenient because everything is in one place and
faster. But if it is some appliances or kitchen utensils then in specialty stores of these
goods. But I also like to buy fresh vegetables and fruits on the market because they
are fresher and cheaper there than in stores. I also buy dried fruits in specialty stores,
because experience shows that the quality is better there.

29. Have you ever bought something that you didn’t really want because of a good
salesperson? Чи купували ви коли-небудь те, чого не дуже хотіли через
хорошого продавця?
very often it happens that they wanted to buy one thing and bought a lot of extra
because of the advice of the seller. I also had such situations. And this is all because
sellers make very good advertising to which buyers respond. But on the other hand
there are situations when such advertising from the seller helps to buy a thing better
than you chose or of higher quality, because the seller has experience and he knows
better what to advise. But that's only when the thing is really better quality and not
just want to take more money from you

30. Do you like watching advertisements on TV? Why/why not? Чи любите ви

дивитися рекламу по телевізору? Чому / чому ні?
As for me personally, I don't really like watching TV commercials because it's
not interesting and boring. Especially in those moments when there is a very
interesting movie or an interesting moment from a movie or TV series and it is
interrupted by advertising, I really don't like such moments. And the commercial is
very long, after it you lose the essence of the plot of the film and there is no longer
that curiosity and admiration. Because it's better for me to watch movies on the
Internet without advertising

31. Are there any advertisements, which you particularly like/dislike? Explain
why. Чи є реклама, яка вам особливо подобається / не подобається? Поясніть,
As for me personally, I don't really like watching TV commercials because it's
not interesting and boring. Especially in those moments when there is a very
interesting movie or an interesting moment from a movie or TV series and it is
interrupted by advertising, I really don't like such moments. And the commercial is
very long, after it you lose the essence of the plot of the film and there is no longer
that curiosity and admiration. Because it's better for me to watch movies on the
Internet without advertising

32. Do you agree with the following definition of creativity: Being creative is
about using your imagination to do anything? Everyone is creative in different ways.
Чи погоджуєтесь ви з наступним визначенням творчості: Творчість - це
використання вашої фантазії для чого-небудь? Всі творчі по-різному. .
of course I agree. because all people are different in their own way, everyone
has a different creative vision, different tastes and inspirations. All creative people
are individuals with their own specific tastes and visions. Everyone has their own
style in which they work. It is with the help of creative style that creative people
stand out among others

33. Which is more important for artists: hard work or inspiration? Що для
художників важливіше: працьовитість чи натхнення?
in my opinion, one does not interfere with the other. But I also think that
inspiration is important for an artist. When I am inspired to create then there will be
hard work. These two features complement each other. If the artist will have
inspiration then there will be a desire to work for it

34. Do you agree with the opinion that children are more creative than adults? Чи
згодні ви з думкою, що діти творчіші, ніж дорослі?
yes, I agree with this opinion, because I believe that children at their age show
more of their abilities. Children have a more developed creative imagination, so it is
easier for them than adults to portray something.

35. Are there any techniques, which can help us to develop our imagination? Чи
існують якісь прийоми, які можуть допомогти нам розвинути свою уяву?
In my opinion, the imagination can be developed by reading books. After all,
when we read, we imagine different situations from the book, we imagine what the
main characters look like. It can also be done with the help of art. After all, the
canvas is a space to embody different fantasies. You can also start your short
adventure stories.

36. Do you prefer films, books or plays? Why? Ви віддаєте перевагу фільми,
книги чи п’єси? Чому?
as for me, I prefer movies, but I also love to read. I choose Movies because it
is faster to watch a movie than to read a book, and also because the movies are bright
and also attract actors who play their role well. But if there is a book in the film, then
I am happy to read it, because I am interested in reading the thoughts of the
characters, their experiences, and unfortunately there are none in the film.

37. Do you usually read reviews before going to see a film or play, or buying a
book? Why/why not? Ви зазвичай читаєте огляди перед тим, як подивитися
фільм чи п'єсу чи придбати книгу? Чому / чому ні?
So usually before I buy a book or watch a movie, I review what they are
about, their plot, what it is built on. After all, it allows me to better understand what
it is about and whether I will be interested in reading it. And I always read reviews
about the book I'm going to buy or about the movie.

38. Have you ever liked something that had a lot of bad reviews, or not liked
something that everyone else loved? Вам ніколи не сподобалося щось, на що було
багато поганих відгуків, чи не сподобалось те, що любили всі інші?

39. If a book has been made into a film, which do you usually prefer: a book or a
film? Якщо книга була перетворена у фільм, якому ви зазвичай віддаєте
перевагу: книзі чи фільму?
personally for me then I would choose a book. after all in the book all
moments, experiences of the main characters and also their thoughts are described in
more detail with paints that adds more interest to the book. I really like to experience
with the hero the moments that the author describes and also read his thoughts. As
for the film, after reading the book I would gladly watch the film to compare how the
director was able to accurately transfer the picture from the book to the screen. But
still my favorite is the printed version

40. Do you agree with the opinion that the book is always better than the film
because the film always cuts bits out and changes too much? Чи згодні ви з думкою,
що книга завжди краща за фільм, тому що фільм завжди вирізає шматочки і
занадто сильно змінюється?
Yes, I agree with this opinion because the book allows you to gradually go
through all the experiences with the main characters, reading their thoughts, which
unfortunately are not in the film. and very often in the movies they change the plot
which does not coincide with the book at all. Often the film shows only twenty
percent of the main plot, most importantly, and all other details are omitted from

41. Do you agree with the opinion that the film has to be seen as a separate thing –
why should it be just like the book? Чи погоджуєтесь ви з думкою, що фільм
потрібно розглядати як окрему річ - чому він повинен бути саме таким, як
No, I do not agree with that, because movies should be a picture of a book.
They must be removed from the plot of the book to complement them, because so
they are one. I think if the film is shot with a different plot then it is a completely
separate story that has nothing to do with the book. The film must be shot in order to
enliven the picture of the book, so that viewers look at their favorite characters with

42. Do you agree with the opinion that you should always see the film first, then
read the book? Чи згодні ви з думкою, що ви завжди повинні спочатку
переглянути фільм, а потім прочитати книгу?
nоr do I think, on the contrary, that you should read the book first. After all, the
book is an imagination for your fantasies, in the book you live all the moments with
the main characters, read their experiences, thoughts. And the film just complements
the book, watching the film you can already know exactly what thoughts and feelings
of each of the characters and not just guess about it. In the movies, we can compare
the main characters as you imagined them and how the director transferred them to
the screen.

43. Do you agree with the opinion that it’s better to read books, because you can
imagine the characters in your mind and the film just spoils that? Чи погоджуєтесь
ви з думкою, що краще читати книги, адже ви можете уявити героїв у своєму
розумі, і фільм це просто псує?
No, I do not agree. It's everyone's choice, but for me personally, after reading
the book, I'm always interested in watching the film and seeing how the director
portrayed the characters, what is his vision for individual scenes and moments from
the book. I do not think that the film spoils the picture of the book. The film
complements the books, unfortunately not in all the details as in the book, but
watching the film you can compare the main characters as you imagined them and
how they look in the film, you already know their thoughts and feelings that they

44. Do you prefer holidays somewhere remote, or in a busy city? Why? Ви

віддаєте перевагу відпустки десь на віддаленому місці, або в насиченому
місті? Чому?
As for me, I like to rest in more crowded places. Probably because I'm still at
the age when I like this movement, a lot of people with whom you can have fun,
dance. But still it depends on the mood, because there are moments when you want
to go on vacation with your family to a place where there are no people and a little
rest from them and reload your brain.

45. Do you prefer to be a tourist or a traveler? Why? Ви віддаєте перевагу

туристу чи мандрівникові? Чому?
Personally, I can relate to the person of a tourist. After all, these are the ones
who know exactly where he is going, what awaits him and what his vacation will be
like. A tourist is one who is confident in the future. The main difference between a
tourist and a traveler is the time spent traveling. The tourist moves within a certain
schedule, he always knows the time of departure and return home. The traveler has
more freedom, he is free to change the duration of his route at its discretion. Of
course, he also has his limitations: money, personal and other circumstances that may
force him to interrupt the trip prematurely

46. What are the advantages and disadvantages of being a traveler rather than a
tourist? Які переваги та недоліки бути мандрівником, а не туристом?
The main difference between a tourist and a traveler is the time spent traveling.
The tourist moves within a certain schedule, he always knows the time of departure
and return home. The traveler has more freedom, he is free to change the duration of
his route at its discretion. Of course, he also has his limitations: money, personal and
other circumstances that may force him to interrupt the trip prematurely. The
Traveler is also looking for what others do not see: exotics, unexpected discoveries,
interesting features of different cultures. He never knows what he will meet in an
hour, day, week ...
The tourist, on the contrary, knows in advance what he will see. Also, the
tourist always has a route of his journey, everything is written in hours, what can you
say about a traveler who does not depend on it. This is probably the most important
thing in my opinion

47. When you visit another city, what do you like/not like doing? Explain why.
Коли ви відвідуєте інше місто, що вам подобається / не подобається робити?
Поясніть, чому.
I really like to travel, but it doesn't turn out as often as I would like. Usually
we travel with the whole family by car. I am the person who has never ridden a train.
When we visit another city, we first walk around the city, see what it lives, the
movement of its life, I like to see the main sights of the city. And the favorite part of
the walk is when we go to a cafe or restaurant for a family dinner. My dad loves to
visit the museum, no matter what city he is in, he always goes to the museum. I don't
really like it, I better go to the movies.

48. What can you remember about your first day at school? How did you feel?
What did you think of the teacher? Що ви можете згадати про свій перший день
у школі? Як ви відчуваєте? Що ви думали про вчителя?
As for the first day of school, I remember trying to remember all the details of
that day. I remember my mother picking me up in the morning, doing my hair with
big bows on my head, and my father carrying a heavy pink briefcase. And I
remember being upset when the weather was bad and I had to wear pants instead of a
skirt. I also remembered the first bell was so loud. She was so gentle and friendly to
her first teacher. On the first day we were given many gifts at school, there were
notebooks and a diary and pencils and even a briefcase. I really liked it. That's
probably the most important thing I remember.

49. What different courses have you taken? Were they academic? What were the
subjects? Які різні курси ви пройшли? Чи були вони академічними? Які були
In the tenth grade I started preparing for exams in the eleventh grade. My
parents enrolled me in Ukrainian language and history courses. At first I was bored
to go there because even then I did not think that it would be so important for me,
because in the future they will help me enter the university. But then I started to
prepare for the lesson more seriously, buy additional literature, work with the teacher
on my own and I really liked it. And then I learned that a Ukrainian language teacher
lived with me on the next door. it surprised me so much and at the same time made
me happy because I liked the way she taught. Then I started going to her for
individual lessons and it would be better than going constantly.

50. Have you ever tried distance learning or blended learning course? What are
the advantages/disadvantages? Ви коли-небудь пробували дистанційне навчання
або змішаний курс навчання? Які переваги / недоліки
Yes, because we are currently studying distance learning. But before that I
had no such experience. To be honest, I don't like this kind of training at all. So this
has its advantages, for example, you do not need to get up very early, just get up half
an hour before class. Classes can be held in bed and during the break to lie down or
get some sleep. But the disadvantages are still more. First of all, I prefer to work
with a teacher live, to see him. The computer camera does not transmit
communication in life at all. There were also very frequent network problems which
was very frustrating. And it is not yet possible to truly evaluate a student's work, so
very often there was an unfair evaluation. And the teachers gave a lot of homework
that needs to be done in a short time. Because I had to constantly look at my
computer or phone screen, my eyesight deteriorated, although it was always very
good, and it upset my parents the most.

51.If you could propose five new laws for the town where you are studying, what
would they be? Якби ви могли запропонувати п’ять нових законів для
міста, де ви навчаєтесь, якими вони були б?
52. Do you think that raising money for charity can make a real difference to
people’s lives? Why/why not? Ви вважаєте, що збір грошей на благодійність
може по-справжньому змінити життя людей? Чому / чому ні?
In my opinion yes. I know a lot of such cases. Because together, people can
raise a lot of money that can help save lives. Let you donate thirty hryvnias - it's just
one cup of coffee in the morning, but it can be decisive for someone's fate. And in
fact, I think it's not difficult, as many examples in the news show us how people save
young children from terrible diseases without knowing big money. I always try to
help a little when I see that someone really needs help.

53. Think of five things that have made the world better in the last twenty-five
years. Подумайте про п’ять речей, які покращили світ за останні двадцять
п’ять років.
In my opinion, the first thing is that the Internet and mobile phones have
appeared, and it has really improved the lives of many people. The world's economy
has risen, allowing people to travel and explore the world more. That's probably all
that came to my mind.

54. Think of five things that have made the world worse in the last twenty-five
years. Подумайте про п’ять речей, які погіршили світ за останні двадцять
п’ять років.
in my opinion, it was the phones that made the world worse. So it is very
good that people have free access to the Internet that greatly simplifies life but there
is a very big disadvantage. After all, people have stopped communicating live and
it's bad. It is also a large number of cars on the roads that clog the air. And the fact
that in recent years more than forty percent of the planet is covered with garbage.
This is all due to the dishonesty of the people.

55. If you have an important decision to make, who do you talk to about it? Why?
Якщо ви маєте прийняти важливе рішення, з ким ви говорите про це? Чому?
If I really need to make a decision that can be reflected in my life and it is
important then go for advice to my mother because she is my main mentor and best
friend. Only I can open my soul to her and discuss everything that worries me and
she will always support me or help me.

56. What the important turning points have been (important moments or events
which have changed things) in your life? Якими були важливі поворотні моменти
(важливі моменти чи події, які змінили речі) у вашому житті?
By far the most important event in my life was entering university. After all,
I was deciding my future destiny. It was very difficult to choose in which sphere of
life I will work in the future and it was even more difficult to choose a university.
And also an important moment was the period when my mother became very ill.
Then I began to appreciate more time spent with family.
57. Do you think you have always made the right decisions? Як ви вважаєте, ви
завжди приймали правильні рішення?
No, I know that there were times when I made a mistake but I analyzed my
mistakes and took this into account in my life experience so as not to make mistakes
in such situations in the future.

58. If you could change one thing in your life, what would you change? Якби ви
могли змінити одне в своєму житті, що б ви змінили?
As banal as it may sound, I would like to become richer. I can't say that we
live in poverty, because my parents always gave me only the best, no matter what it
cost them. Our family used to have a family business, but in the crisis it fell apart
and for a long time my father was idle, he gave up. And in those moments only my
mother worked day and night, which hit her health very hard. She became very
heartbroken, and it continues to this day. Therefore, I would very much like to pay
off all my mother's debts and give her a trip to the sea to rest, because despite her
illness, she continues to work hard.

59. Does your lifestyle give you enough new, interesting experience? Чи дає ваш
спосіб життя достатньо нового, цікавого досвіду?
I can't say that my life is bright, but there are white and black stripes in it. I
always take things for granted, of course I'm upset but I always say it's my own
experience. Sometimes these are interesting situations that serve as a lesson to me

60. Do you think you like changes? Has anything in your life changes for the better
recently? Як ви думаєте, вам подобаються зміни? Чи змінилося щось у вашому
житті на краще останнім часом?
I definitely like change, but if they are good, I don't like negative changes, they
upset me but serve as a good lesson. Unfortunately, my life hasn't changed for the
better lately, because I don't like distance learning at all, because I'm constantly on
the computer, my eyesight is very bad, which upsets me a lot. But also in quarantine,
I started playing sports, drinking more water, which improved my well-being and
health. Every morning I ran, because all the time I was in quarantine outside the city
where there is good fresh air. I also started to communicate more with my family, we
have a tradition that every Friday after work my dad would come to us outside the
city, we would make kebabs. That's probably all.

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