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From the desk of Secondary Teachers 1 st June 2020

Dear Parents,

We hope you and your families are safe and healthy as you read this letter.  Thank you so much for your
patience and understanding as we have been adjusting, like you, to the changes in life during the last few
months during this pandemic. We are appreciative of our students for their positivity, flexibility and
resilience during these trying times.
 A big ‘Thank You’ all Frontline workers, our doctors, nurses, hospital employees in Indonesia and our
leaders for all they are doing to keep us safe and healthy. A special note of mention to our special
Parent Mrs. Merna(Annette’s Mum) who is in the frontline and serving during these trying times.
Thank You Mrs. Merna!
As you know, distance learning for JMS has been in place for a few months. Our goal is to provide
continuous educational opportunities and practice for students while school is closed but we as Teachers
try to eliminate as much stress as feasibly possible for our students and parents.  Keeping our children
safe and happy is our priority but it is our responsibility as Educators to continue to educate our children,
we also want to compassionately take into consideration the variety of difficulties that our families are
enduring during this time. 

We request Parents to encourage your child/children to spend some time working on their assignments,
learning, doing some physical activity, pursuing their hobby and reading. But yes, please keep your

We believe we all will be stronger when we come out on the other side of the COVID-19 Pandemic! 
Please contact your teacher/s if you or your child needs support.
Stay strong! Stay healthy!

Best Regards

The Secondary Teachers “The environment must be rich in

motives which lend interest to
activity and invite the child to
conduct his own experiences.” 

  Maria Montessori

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