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Jobs and professions

Student: Jazmín Sarmiento

Teacher: Ariel Rosalez
Course: 5°B


 A nurse works in a hospital and helps doctors.

 A mechanic fixes cars.
 A lawyer works with the justice.
 A artist paints pictures or makes statues
 A sport person plays sports.
 A fire fighter works when there are accidents or fires
 A engineer builds houses, roads, bridges, machines, etc.

We are working with professions. What they do?

Estamos trabajando con profesiones. Qué hacen ellos?
Writer- scientist – dentist – architect – actor/actress – singer – secretary

 A writer writes horror books because he loves it.

 A scientist works in a laboratory to make a new vaccine.
 A dentist works in an office and fixes bad teeth.
 An architect designs home construction projects.
 An actor/actress studies a script to record a comedy movie.
 A singer writes lyrics to create new songs for his concert.
 A secretary works to receive and write the correspondence of a hierarchical

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