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CONT933 Common Tech Lesson Template

Name: Zachariah Stuive

Date: June 4th, 2020
Title of Lesson: Telling time

Mathematics Applied Design, Skills, and


Grade Level: K-2

Big Idea(s): Repeating elements in patterns can

be identified.

Curricular repeating patterns with multiple

Competencies: elements and attributes

Curriculum - predicting an element in repeating

Content: patterns using a variety of strategies
- patterns using visuals (ten-frames,
hundred charts, clocks)
- investigating numerical patterns
(e.g., skip-counting by 2s or 5s on a
hundred chart, counting hours on a

Purpose: Teaching students how to tell time

Description of Get your students interested in learning about clocks and telling time by
Activity: reading them a story that incorporates telling time. There are quite a few to
chose from. My favorites are I.Q., It's Time and the Grouchy Ladybug.

If you have a teacher clock use it to share with the students the elements of
a clock and how the minute and hour hand slowly move. It is helpful to have
a clock that has hands that are different colors and hands that slowly move
to each hour (For example when it is 10:45 the hour hand is not on the 10
but getting close to the 11). The same thing can be done on the National
Library of Virtual Manipulative Website that you can project for the students.
You can also have your students follow along on iPad or laptops.

Have your students make their own paper plate clock. If you use two paper
plates you can cut up the top one so they can fold down the hour digit and
see how many minutes it is. If you teach quarter to and quarter after you can
divide the clock up to help with that as well. Give the students flash cards
with times to show on the clock. Students can challenge each other to read
their clock and say the right time.

Extension: Tic Tock Time

This app is good for independent practice because it gives introductions/mini

lessons before the activity.

 Play the Clock section has three levels and starts out introducing just
telling time by the hour and gets more difficult. The directions are all
audio and can be repeated.
 The Clock Challenges section introduces quarter to, quarter after and
half past

Assessment -Formative verbal assessment

-Formative observation checklist

-Formative worksheet assessment

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