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Before taking these tests I did not have a great idea of what I wanted to pursue as a career.

after taking the tests I now know my best attributes and some possible careers that might fit me well.
The strengths explorer told me that I am very competitive, and that I am a future thinker. I feel that
these traits are very accurate. First off, I hate losing. If I lose in anything I will most likely be thinking
about it for a while. Also if my parents are making plans for a vacation, I want to be able to know the
entire plan. Therefore I can pack appropriately and not be surprised by anything on the trip. The
assessments also said that I would be interested in teaching. I think this is very true since I like
working with kids a lot. Also the test said I might enjoy being an occupational therapist. I don’t think I
would mind being an occupational therapist, but I feel like I would prefer being a physical therapist. I
think a Physical Therapist is a good possibility for me because of when I hurt my knee. I luckily had a
great physical therapist, so I was back to playing soccer in no time. One career that I have taken a
recent interest in is a chiropractor. I went to a chiropractor in late november and into december of this
past year and it was really neat. The chiropractor cracked my bones and I thought it was the coolest
thing ever. I also have been watching a lot of chiropractor videos on Youtube. Overall these
assessments helped open my eyes to my strengths and what I could possibly pursue as a career.

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