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Artistic Interpretations

1. Bioluminescense Surfing at Black’s Beach

This picture was one that I took during the beginning of the corona virus. The red tide had just
hit and the beaches were closed at the time. Me and a bunch of friends went out at Blacks Beach
at 11pm, and didn’t get out of the water till around 1am. A little scary being out at Blacks Beach
in the late night time, since there is an underground canyon out there where all the animals hang
out, but it was well worth it. Such an amazing experience that I will never forget. I took the
pictures, and my friend is the one surfing.
2. Camping in Anza Borrego
This picture was taken late at night in the Anza Borrego desert. We off roaded 18 miles to get to
this spot, and it was such a great experience. No one else anywhere near us, and amazing stars at
night. I love coming to this spot because of the cliffs surrounding it, it makes it such a beautiful
spot. The lights on the ground are our campsite and our tent. I really like how the campfire and
the light from the tent light up the wall at night. The picture doesn’t really show the sky, but the
stars are amazing during the night.
3. Waves at the Wedge
I took this picture a few months ago at the Wedge in Newport Beach. I frequently go to this spot
to take pictures of the waves. Whenever there is some South swell, I typically go up to Newport
Beach and link with some of my friends to go out and shoot. This past swell was pretty amazing.
The sandbar was really nice this day, which caused the wave to break like this. That is one of my
good buddies in the zone. I really love the way this picture turned out, and I love how smooth the
water and waves were, even though it was around 11am when I took this.

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