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Every week we ask readers to send in a favorite photo with a short description of why the
photo is important to them. This weeks winner is Paul, a graphic designer from New York.

One of my favorite photos is of a beautiful lagoon in Huamachuco.

I took the photo in the summer of 2014 when on vacation in Peru.
We were in Huamachuco, and were sailing about the lagoon Sausacocha. We observe the
fish and then we land in a parking of the boat. Our guide taught us the large number of
totora that abounds in the lagoon
Robert, the Guide, was a wonderful person, and became a good friend. It was also a
fantastic tourist. I can't remember exactly which places more we met in the photo, but it
was an unforgettable moment!
I keep this photo on the wall in my studio. On a freezing cold day in New York, I just have
to look at it. Then memories of a wonderful adventure come back, and I can imagine that I
m in sunny Huamachuco again.

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