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NOMBRES APELLIDOS: Luis Marcelo Cachago Morocho

FECHA: 26/03/23
CURSO: 2do nivel
HORARIO: sábados 6 a 8 pm

I got back from my vacation on Friday.

I got back from my meeting two hours ago.
I bought my new computer last month
I visited Guayaquil last year.
I traveled to the beach last Sunday.
I brought some snacks for the party
I saw a nice blouse that I liked.
I did play football.
I watched a Discovery Channel show
I went to visit my friend on the beach
I lived in the parish of Tumbaco.
I studied at the J.A. Comenios.
The beach was relaxing
The yacht trip was very exciting
The walk around the islands was interesting
The whale watching was unusual
The walk was very amazing
The hotel was welcoming
The food was delicious
The bus was comfortable
The pool was boring
The view from the plane was surprising
Good experiences
The restaurant was amazing.
The airport was fantastic.
The tour guide was so friendly.
The man found my cell phone and returned it to me

Bad experiences
The hostel was terrible.
The police were so unfriendly.
The lost my watch.
They found my suitcase
Someone stole my cell phone
The Gold Palace was so awesome.
The church was very beautiful
The panecillo was really famous.
The city of Quito was quite cool
The city was pretty scenic.
The bus was king of terrific.
How long were you at the dentist's office?

Was there a famous singer on our train this morning?

Were there any tomatoes in your salad yesterday?

When was there at the gym a basketball game?

How many people were on the flight yesterday?

Where was your mother yesterday evening?

saw visited
took ate
Not had
Did Jason go to a concert in the park?

Did Paula do something interesting in New York?

Did you drink a lot of fruit juice in Rio de Janeiro?

Did they sleep for eight hours?

Did you spend a lot of money on the tour?

Did they buy something nice for your mother?

Did Harriet find your luggage at the airport?

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