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We hope you and your family is keeping well during these unexpected situations.
The times are changing very fast as it is like a floating river.
Currently, we all are living in inside for 73 days (June 4, 2020) nobody can tell yet anything about the
pandemic. But we know one thing one day we will come out to end.
It is all like large drops of rainfall, there appears a separate bubble of water. They vanish as they
appear; because the bubble has no existence, know that all phenomena are like that.
As same no one cannot touch the same water twice it in the river. The flow that water has passed
will never pass again.
But, they say that the world will never go back to the way it was before that the normal we once
know is gone forever.
But I never desired normal and everything that it implies that we should all live in the same way and
view the same skies.
I want to go for unexpected and want to be surprised.
I want to meet real characters and wake up to a different Sunrise
Of course, the world is changing but then again it has never stood still before.
I can't wait to see it all again and let it open my eyes once more we will meet again.
We sincerely hope that everyone can stay safe and stay calm. At this situation of uncertainty, we
mustn't lose hope and confidence in the constructive efforts so many are making.


All the pictures are taken by Nagina Shrestha, from the terrace at SCC Kupondol during lockdown.

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