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The dissertation entitled “The Influence of Gender Concepts to Harmonization

of Family (A Case Study of Online Course by Center for Gender Studies)”
compiled by:
Name : Rahmatul Husni
NPM : 133107172051
was established based on the recommendation of Promotors and Examiners on
examination held in thesis defence at February 25th 2020 and was approved as the
requirement of Viva Voce (Oral Examination) in Doctoral Program of Islamic
Education at Sekolah Pascasarjana Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor.
Bogor, March 16th 2020
The Examining Committee

No. Name Academic Role Date Signature

Prof. Dr. KH. Didin Hafidhuddin, Chair of

MS Promotor

2 Dr. H.E. Mujahidin, M.Si Co-Promotor I

3 H. Hendri Tanjung, Ph.D Co-Promotor II

4 Prof. Dr. H.Abuddin Nata, M.A Examiner I

5 H. Adian Husaini, M.Si., Ph.D Examiner II

Clarified by:
Secretary of Doctoral Program,

Dr. H. Budi Handrianto, M.Pd.I

NIK. 410 100 535

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