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Description of Industrial Engineering

With the uniqueness and characteristics possessed by graduates of Industrial Engineering,

this department is one of the most desirable and sought-after majors in the job market. This
is because this department is designed so that graduates will have various abilities needed
by the industrial world such as the ability to formulate problems, identify solutions and
evaluate the results, as well as the ability to design, operate, improve and optimize the
production system of goods and services.

Industrial Engineering (Industrial Engineering) deals with the design, repair and installation
of a system that integrates people, materials, tools, information, and energy to produce
goods or services efficiently and effectively. This discipline also strives to achieve optimal
results and management of production factors supported by technical and socio-economic
feasibility considerations, by prioritizing the role of humans as the main production factor
(Human Factor). The Industrial Engineering of Mercu Buana University consists of 3
specializations / concentrations: Manufacturing Systems, Management and Industrial
Systems, Systems and Energy Management.

Laboratory facilities

To support the teaching and learning process, several Laboratory and Studio facilities are
provided as follows:

 Machine Achievement – Basic Energy Conversion

 Basic Machine Phenomenon – Electrical Circuits
 CAD-CAM and CNC- Basic Control Systems
 Electrical Pneumatic-PLC-FESTO
 Microprocessor-Mechatronics and Robotics Systems
 Basic Electronics – Production Process
 Basic Industrial Statistics
 Lab System Simulation & Modeling
 Ergonomics Lab, Factory Design, etc.

Study Program Vision:

Being a superior and leading S1 Industrial Engineering Study Program in Indonesia, to

produce graduates who are professional in the field of Supply Chain and Logistics, have
entrepreneurial spirit and global insight in 2024.

Mission of Study Program:

1. Carry out the Teaching and Learning Process based on the curriculum and learning
plan set.
2. Conduct research program activities, community service in accordance with
established standard procedures.
3. Collaborating with domestic and foreign universities, industry, academics and
professional circles as a form of developing insight and knowledge in order to
improve the quality of graduates, coordinating with the Directorate of Innovation
and Carry out education and student character development to build
entrepreneurial spirit and professional ethics in supporting the competencies given
by S1 Industrial Engineering Study Program.

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