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Ridho al hafiz



the role of multimedia in EFL instruction

We are living through in an 21 st century education which mean we through the pace of
changing. The school, regions, and the entire countries education on its head and redefining
learning experience of the students and of the teachers. The impact is felt by million of children,
the parents, and the families around the world. Now people are creating 2,000 new websites
every hour, they are uploading 35 hours of video every minute and watching 2 billion YouTube
videos every day. People consume, produce, and communicate information in previously
unimaginable ways. These live style will grow up into a hyper connected world with more
people and fewer resources. A workface that is more mobile and better qualified than ever before
and careers that span multiple jobs, positions and skill sets, some of which haven’t been invented
yet. In response, education leaders are making big changes, building 21 st century skills, using
enabling technologies and personalizing running to engage students in deserve and creative

The educational system is changing all over the world to engage students in deserve and
creative ways. In south korea schools are switching to digital textbook so students can study
anytime and anywhere with online hours recognized as school attendance. In Denmark, students
are using the internet while taking exams. In the USA, ultra-personalized learning approaches
allows students to create their own individual schedules. Their interest and performance re
logged daily to generate playlists of learning options with teacher time freed up to mentor and
supervise students. The teachers around the world is using technology to teach their students.
They have to do it because they understand the world is not static in keep change. They have to
do it because they have to prepare their students to face the future which is more creative,
innovative, and competitive then now. Therefore, the using of multimedia as a 21 st century
education tools in learning have is a must. The teacher have to understand how to use it and work
using it creatively especially in EFL instruction.

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