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Name : Nyoman Risma Ayu Pradnyani A

NPM : 18IGS12348

Class : IV F

My Companion

In this world besides liking people, I really like cats. I’ve always loved cats since the first
time my mom brought one home and threw it in my lap saying “ it can be your friend”. I was
5 at that time and smiled at my mom thinking that I have a new friend at home. Her name is
Katy and I really love her like I love my own sibling, she is a part of my family. There are
many reason why I love having cat at home and one of the reason is because cat are sweet on
their own way. Cat love to sleep more and not hyper-active like a dog which I prefer since I
do have a dog at home too.I dont know if other people cat also do the same thing as katy, but I
found cats sound good to my ear I love their Meows. Sadly she didnt last long, and the
assumption was from being poisoned by my neighbor. As the years went on, there were a few
other cat that I Bought home since I like them. If you ask me the reason why I still dare to
bought a cat after what happened , I just like cats and I will keep them as a companion.

I’ve been analyzing Ayu Dhika’s paragraph, and here are the results of the paragraph analysis:

The Development Of Paragraph

 Topic Sentence : The topic sentence is developed by mentioning her favorite animal in
the first sentence of a paragraph.
 Supporting Sentences : Supporting sentences are developed by “giving explanation”, in
this paragraph she explain the reason why she like cats, and she like cats because they’re
sweet in their own way.
 Concluding Sentence : Concluding sentence written by giving summary at the end of the
paragraph, by repeating the words if she like cats, in sentence number 9 she sum up about
the reason she like cats and why she still bought it.

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