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Mambers Name :

 I Gede Astena Largama

 Putu Gede Apriliawan
 Simeon S Sumbi
 Irenius Napa
 Paulinus Jas
 Lodofikus Barung

1. Why is translating considered an art of intellectual thinking ?

Translating considered an art of intellectual thinking because in the process of translation it need the
ability of the translator to think comprehensively in order to present the same effect that the readers of
the source language texts and the target language texts feel.

2.In translation, the form of the source language (SL) is replaced by the form of the receptor (target)
language. The form from which the translation is made is called the source language and the form into
which it is to be changed is called the receptor language.

3.The process of translation begins with pre he meaning of the text. Furthermore, the meaning of the
text must be re-expressed so that the final process will become a translation.

4. Lost of information: the information of the SL is not transferred into the TL.Addition of
information: there’s an addition of extra information to the TL. Skewing of information: the
translation item from the SL is not the exact equivalence in the TL.

No Name of Linguists The definition of translation

A Catford “The replacement of textual material in one language by equivalent
textual material in another language”
B Larson “translation consists of transferring the meaning of the source language
into the receptor language. Only the form changes”
C Nida Translation is “producing in the receptor language the closest natural
equivalent of the message of the source language, first in terms of
meaning and secondly in terms of style”

6. Equivalent in translation is to meet the equality in meaning and importance. The ‘meaning’
refers to the idea and message, while ‘importance’ refers to the impact of the translation.
Equivalence is needed in translation because translation product should give the same benefits
and knowledge for both the readers of the original works and the target readers who will read
the translated version.
7. Formal equivalence focus on the message, involving a Target Language item which
represents the closest equivalence of a Source Language word or phrase.Dynamic equivalence
focus on seeking the same effect on the target reader. The objective is so the TL wording trigger
the same impact on target language audience as the original wording did upon the source text
8. Shift in translation primarily deals with different forms that may represent similar meaning in
two involved languages. The occurrence of shifts in translation is worth discussing to answer the
question why the translator should change the form while meaning is preserved. Shifts can be
considered as problem-solving strategies adopted consciously to minimize the inevitable loss of
meaning at the time of rendering a text from one language into another takes place.
9. brief the category shift that may occur in translation

a) Structure-shift: a shift happening in the structure from SL to TL. In grammar, structure shift
can occur at all ranks in translation.
e.g My new shoes
Sepatu baruku

b) Class-shift: class shift relates to the change of word classes or part of speech in translation.
e.g Medical student
Mahasiswa kedokteran

c) Unit-shift: the characteristic of unit shift is seen from the change of form as the unit of
linguistic that is from one unit shifts to a different unit. It may occur from the lower unit to the
higher unit or vice versa.
e.g Butterfly

d) Intra-system shift: demonstrates that languages in the world have their own specific cases
that sometimes affect translation tasks.
e.g Many cakes
Banyak kue (not “banyak kue-kue)

10. Categories of translation:

o Literal translation, that considered a form-based translation that shows the effort
to follow the form of the source language.
o Idiomatic translator, that utilizes the natural form of the receptor language, both in
the grammatical construction and in the choice of lexical items.
o Intraligual translation (rewording), refers to an interpretation of verbal signs by
means of other signs taking place in the same language
o Interlingual translation (translation proper), interpretation of verbal signs by
means of some other language
o Intersemiotic translation (transmusition), an interpretation of verbal signs by
means of signs of nonverbal sign system.
o Morpheme by morpheme translation, used for linguistic analysis.
o Word by word translation, when the English version as the source language is
literally transferred into Indonesian that is positioned as the target language.
o Sentence by sentence translation, occur when there is a thought of how an
expression in the form of a sentence is naturally translated.
o Contextual translation, leads to natural expression and version of the target

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