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Name : Indira Pramhesti A

NPM : 18.IG.S1.2339

Semester : 4-F

From point by point organization draft

Online and Face to Face Learning

Online learning and direct face to face learning are similar, yet different ways of learning.
Both are enjoyable and effective on their own rights, and often time people doesn’t really notice
the differences between the two. Here, the similarities and differences of the two types of
learning will be made clear.

First similarities between the two lies on the types of activities the class could do in both
settings. In regular face to face class meeting, of course the teachers can ask the students to do
either group activities or individual activities. But even in online learning, teachers can conduct
both individual and group activities, through many types of online platforms. Another
similarities is that the teachers are still the facilitator for their respective subjects. In online
learning, the teacher would have to lead the class through online platforms, explaining materials
either via text, voice chat, or video call. While in the usual face to face class setting, the teacher
would lead the class directly and explaining in front of the classroom. The need time
management for students studying with both types of learning also hold some similarities.
Students need to be able to manage their time in order to join the online class and finish their
assignments from home, while in face to face setting students would need to manage their time
between school and home activities to be able to study and do assignments effectively.

But despites the similarities, there are also some differences between online and face to
face learning method. In self-discipline, students who learns by online method needs to be more
disciplined rather than those who study by face to face learning method. It all depends on the
students whether or not to join the class at that day or to do the assignment, and if they lack
discipline they would not be able to study effectively. Compared to the structured system in the
face to face learning, where there are more consequences if students didn’t attend classes or
submit assignments. There’s also differences in using facilities and doing project assignments.
For projects that needs special equipment and setting, such as laboratory projects, it might be
more difficult to use online platform, compared with face to face learning method. The schedule
for the classes are different for both learning method as well. With online learning, teachers and
students can pick their schedule for class more flexibly, as they would only rely on everyone’s
availability at that time. Compared to face to face learning that has a structured schedule and
cannot be shifted around easily.

In the end, online learning and direct face to face learning method are similar, yet also
different method from each other. Both are effective ways of learning, and could be an
alternative method for each other. It all depends on what the current situation is, and which
learning method would be more suited to be used in said situation.

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