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SQL Server database migration to

Azure SQL Database

 11/02/2019
 Tiempo de lectura: 6 minutos


En este artículo
1. Migrate to a single database or a pooled database
2. Method 1: Migration with downtime during the migration
3. Method 2: Use Transactional Replication
4. Migration to SQL Database using Transaction Replication workflow
5. Resolving database migration compatibility issues
6. Next steps

APPLIES TO: Azure SQL Database

In this article, you learn about the primary methods for migrating a SQL Server
2005 or later database to a single or pooled database in Azure SQL Database. For
information on migrating to Azure SQL Managed Instance, see Migrate a SQL
Server instance to Azure SQL Managed Instance. For migration information about
migrating from other platforms, see Azure Database Migration Guide.

Migrate to a single database or a pooled database

There are two primary methods for migrating a SQL Server 2005 or later database
to a single or pooled database in Azure SQL Database. The first method is simpler
but requires some, possibly substantial, downtime during the migration. The
second method is more complex, but substantially eliminates downtime during the

In both cases, you need to ensure that the source database is compatible with
Azure SQL Database using the Data Migration Assistant (DMA). SQL Database is
approaching feature parity with SQL Server, other than issues related to server-level
and cross-database operations. Databases and applications that rely on partially
supported or unsupported functions need some re-engineering to fix these
incompatibilities before the SQL Server database can be migrated.


To migrate a non-SQL Server database, including Microsoft Access, Sybase, MySQL

Oracle, and DB2 to Azure SQL Database, see SQL Server Migration Assistant.

Method 1: Migration with downtime during the

Use this method to migrate to a single or a pooled database if you can afford some
downtime or you're performing a test migration of a production database for later
migration. For a tutorial, see Migrate a SQL Server database.

The following list contains the general workflow for a SQL Server database
migration of a single or a pooled database using this method. For migration to SQL
Managed Instance, see Migration to SQL Managed Instance.

1. Assess the database for compatibility by using the latest version of the Data
Migration Assistant (DMA).
2. Prepare any necessary fixes as Transact-SQL scripts.
3. Make a transactionally consistent copy of the source database being migrated
or halt new transactions from occurring in the source database while
migration is occurring. Methods to accomplish this latter option include
disabling client connectivity or creating a database snapshot. After migration,
you may be able to use transactional replication to update the migrated
databases with changes that occur after the cutoff point for the migration.
See Migrate using Transactional Migration.
4. Deploy the Transact-SQL scripts to apply the fixes to the database copy.
5. Migrate the database copy to a new database in Azure SQL Database by using
the Data Migration Assistant.

Rather than using DMA, you can also use a BACPAC file. See Import a BACPAC file
to a new database in Azure SQL Database.

Optimizing data transfer performance during migration

The following list contains recommendations for best performance during the
import process.

 Choose the highest service tier and compute size that your budget allows to
maximize the transfer performance. You can scale down after the migration
completes to save money.
 Minimize the distance between your BACPAC file and the destination data
 Disable autostatistics during migration
 Partition tables and indexes
 Drop indexed views, and recreate them once finished
 Remove rarely queried historical data to another database and migrate this
historical data to a separate database in Azure SQL Database. You can then
query this historical data using elastic queries.
Optimize performance after the migration completes

Update statistics with full scan after the migration is completed.

Method 2: Use Transactional Replication

When you can't afford to remove your SQL Server database from production while
the migration is occurring, you can use SQL Server transactional replication as your
migration solution. To use this method, the source database must meet
the requirements for transactional replication and be compatible for Azure SQL
Database. For information about SQL replication with Always On, see Configure
Replication for Always On Availability Groups (SQL Server).

To use this solution, you configure your database in Azure SQL Database as a
subscriber to the SQL Server instance that you wish to migrate. The transactional
replication distributor synchronizes data from the database to be synchronized (the
publisher) while new transactions continue occur.

With transactional replication, all changes to your data or schema show up in your
database in Azure SQL Database. Once the synchronization is complete and you're
ready to migrate, change the connection string of your applications to point them
to your database. Once transactional replication drains any changes left on your
source database and all your applications point to Azure DB, you can uninstall
transactional replication. Your database in Azure SQL Database is now your
production system.

You can also use transactional replication to migrate a subset of your source
database. The publication that you replicate to Azure SQL Database can be limited
to a subset of the tables in the database being replicated. For each table being
replicated, you can limit the data to a subset of the rows and/or a subset of the

Migration to SQL Database using Transaction

Replication workflow

Use the latest version of SQL Server Management Studio to remain synchronized
with updates to Azure and SQL Database. Older versions of SQL Server
Management Studio cannot set up SQL Database as a subscriber. Update SQL
Server Management Studio.

1. Set up Distribution
o Using SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)
o Using Transact-SQL
2. Create Publication
o Using SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)
o Using Transact-SQL
3. Create Subscription
o Using SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)
o Using Transact-SQL

Some tips and differences for migrating to SQL Database

 Use a local distributor

o Doing so causes a performance impact on the server.
o If the performance impact is unacceptable, you can use another server but
it adds complexity in management and administration.
 When selecting a snapshot folder, make sure the folder you select is large
enough to hold a BCP of every table you want to replicate.
 Snapshot creation locks the associated tables until it's complete, so schedule
your snapshot appropriately.
 Only push subscriptions are supported in Azure SQL Database. You can only
add subscribers from the source database.
Resolving database migration compatibility issues
There are a wide variety of compatibility issues that you might encounter,
depending both on the version of SQL Server in the source database and the
complexity of the database you're migrating. Older versions of SQL Server have
more compatibility issues. Use the following resources, in addition to a targeted
Internet search using your search engine of choices:

 SQL Server database features not supported in Azure SQL Database

 Discontinued Database Engine Functionality in SQL Server 2016
 Discontinued Database Engine Functionality in SQL Server 2014
 Discontinued Database Engine Functionality in SQL Server 2012
 Discontinued Database Engine Functionality in SQL Server 2008 R2
 Discontinued Database Engine Functionality in SQL Server 2005

In addition to searching the Internet and using these resources, use the Microsoft
Q&A question page for Azure SQL Database or StackOverflow.


Azure SQL Managed Instance enables you to migrate an existing SQL Server
instance and its databases with minimal to no compatibility issues. See What is a
managed instance.

Next steps
 Use the script on the Azure SQL EMEA Engineers blog to Monitor tempdb
usage during migration.
 Use the script on the Azure SQL EMEA Engineers blog to Monitor the
transaction log space of your database while migration is occurring.
 For a SQL Server Customer Advisory Team blog about migrating using
BACPAC files, see Migrating from SQL Server to Azure SQL Database using
 For information about working with UTC time after migration, see Modifying
the default time zone for your local time zone.
 For information about changing the default language of a database after
migration, see How to change the default language of Azure SQL Database.

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