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MSA / L-9 CSE-3512 - Numerical Methods 28th January, 2005

Numerical Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations

Differential Equation
Any equation that contains an unknown function and its derivative(s) is called a
differential equation (DE). Each of the following is a DE since they contain the
derivative(s) of an unknown function y (a function of x) or z (a function of x and y).
i) + 3y = 2
dy dy
ii) ( ) 2 + 2 y2 = 4( ) + 2x
dx dx
d3y d2y dy
iii) + +8 - 9y = 10
dx3 dx2 dx
z z
iv) + = kz
x y
Ordinary Differential Equation
A DE that involves a single independent variable is called an ordinary DE. For example,
Eq. (i), (ii) and (iii) are ordinary DE.
Partial Differential Equation
A DE that involve partial deferential co-efficient with respect to more than one
independent variable is called partial DE. For example, Eq. (iv) is a partial DE.
Order of a Differential Equation
The order of a DE is the highest derivative that appears in the equation. By order of a
derivative we mean how many times the function has been differentiated. For example,
Eq. (i), (ii) and (iv) are first order DE and Eq (iii) is a third order DE.
 A first order DE can be expressed in the form = f (x, y) and a second order DE
can be expressed in the form y’’ = f (x, y, y’).
Degree of a Differential Equation
The degree of a DE is the power (or degree) of the highest-order derivative. For example,
Eq. (i), (iii) and (iv) are first degree DE and Eq. (ii) ia a second degree DE.
Linear and Nonlinear Differential Equation
A DE is known as a linear DE when it does not contain terms involving the products of
the dependent variable or its derivatives. For example, y’’ + 3y’ = 2y + x2 is a second
order, linear DE. The equations i) y’’ + (y’) 2 = 1 ii) y’ = -ay2 are nonlinear because the
first one contains a product of y’ and the second contains a product of y.
General and Exact Solution of DE
A solution to a DE is a relationship between the dependent and independent variable that
satisfy the DE. For example, y = 3x2 + x is the solution of y’ = 6x + 1. Also, y = 3x 2+x+2
is a solution of y’ = 6x + 1. Actually, there is infinite number of solutions. In general, y’
= 6x + 1 has a solution of the form y = 3x2 + x + c where c is known as the constant of
integration. The solution that contains arbitrary constants is not unique and is therefore
known as the general solution. If the values of the constants are known, on substitution of

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these values in the general solution, a unique solution known as exact solution can be
Initial Conditions
In order to obtain the values of the integration constants, we need additional information.
If the order of the equation is n, we will have to obtain n constants and, therefore, we
need n conditions in order to obtain an exact solution. These conditions are called initial
conditions. For example, if the initial condition is y (0) = 2 then c = 2 and hence y = 3x2 +
x + 2 is the exact solution of y’ = 6x + 1.
Initial Value & Boundary Value Problem
When all the conditions are specified at a particular value of the independent variable x,
then the problem is called an initial value problem. If the initial conditions are specified
at different values of the independent variable, then such problem is called boundary
value problem.

Taylor’s Series Method

Let y = f (x), be a solution of the equation
= f ( x, y) where y (x0) = y0
Expanding the Taylor’s series about the point x0, we get
( x  x 0) ( x  x 0)
f (x) = f (x0 ) + f ‘ (x0) + f ‘’(x0) + ….
1! 2!
( x  x 0) ’ ( x  x 0) ’’
y = f (x) = y0 + y0 + y0 + …..
1! 2!
Putting x = x1 = x0 + h, we get
h ’ h 2 ’’ h3 ’’’
y1 = f (x1 ) = y0 + y0 + y0 + y0 + …..
1! 2! 3!
where h = x1 - x0.
h ’ h 2 ’’ h3 ’’’
yn+1 = yn + yn + yn + yn + …..
1! 2! 3!
The above formula is known as Taylor’s series method.
 The major problem with the Taylor’s series method is the evaluation of higher-order
derivatives. They become very complicated. This method is, therefore, generally
impractical from a computational point of view. However, it illustrate the basic
approach to numerical solution of DE.
Example: Solve = x + y , y (1) = 0, numerically up to x = 1.2, with h = 0.1.
Solution: Here we have x0 = 1, y0 = 0 and
= y’ = x + y  y0’ = 1 + 0 = 1
= y’’ = 1 + y’  y0’’ = 1 + 1 = 2

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= y’’’ = y’’  y0’’’ = 2
= y iv = y’’’  yiv = 2
Substitute the above values in the Taylor’s series method,
h ’ h2 h3 h 4 iv
y1 = y0 + y0 + y0’’ + y0’’’ + y0 + …..
1! 2! 3! 4!
= 0 + 0.1/1 * 1 + (0.1)2 /2 * 2 + (0.1)3 /6 * 2 + (0.1)4 /24 * 2 + …..
= 0.11033846
 y1 = y (1.1) ≈ 0.110
Now, x1 = x0 + h = 1 + 0.1 = 1.1 and y1 = 0.11
We have,
y1’ = x1 + y1 = 1.1 + 0.11 = 1.21
y1’’ = 1 + y1’ = 1 + 1.21 = 2.21
y1’’’ = y1’’ = 2.21
y1 iv = y1’’’ = 2.21
Substitute the above values in the Taylor’s series method,
h h2 h3 h 4 iv
y2 = y0 + y1’ + y1’’ + y1’’’ + y1 + …..
1! 2! 3! 4!
= 0.11 + 0.1/1 * 1.21 + (0.1)2 /2 * 2.21 + (0.1)3 /6 * 2.21 + (0.1)4 /24 * 2.21
= 0.232 (approximately)
 y2 = y (1.2) ≈ 0.232

Euler’s Method
Consider the Taylor’s series method
( x  x 0) ( x  x 0) ( x  x 0) n
y (x ) = y (x0 ) + y‘(x0) + y‘’(x0) + . . . . . + y (x0)
1! 2! n!
Taking the first two terms,
y (x ) = y (x0 ) + ( x - x0 ) y‘(x0)
Given the Differential Equation
y’ (x0 ) = f ( x , y ) with y(x0) = y0
We have,
y’ (x0 ) = f (x0 , y0 )
 y (x ) = y (x0 ) + ( x - x0 ) f (x0, y0 )
Then, the value of y(x) at x = x1 is given by
y (x1) = y (x0 ) + (x1 - x0 ) f (x0, y0 )
Letting h = x1 - x0, we obtain
y1 = y0 + h f (x0, y0 )
y1 = y0 + h f (x0, y0 )
In general form,
yi + 1 = yi + h f (xi, yi )
The above formula is known as Euler’s method and can be used recursively to evaluate
y1, y2, …. of y(x1), y(x2), … starting from the initial condition y0 = y(x0).

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 Euler’s method is the simplest method and has a limited application because of its
low accuracy.
 In this method the new value is obtained by extrapolating linearly over the step size h
using the slope at its previous value i.e. New value = Old value + Slope * Step size.
[See Fig 13.1, Page-420, E Balagusamy]
Example: Solve the equation = 1 – y, with the initial condition x = 0, y = 0, using
Euler’s method and tabulate the solutions at x = 0.1, 0.2, 0.3
Solution: Here, f ( x, y ) = 1 – y
We have,
h = 0.1
x0 = 0 , y0 = 0
x1 = x0 + h = 0 + 0.1 = 0.1
x2 = 0.2
x3 = 0.3
Taking n = 0 in
yn+1 = yn + h f (xn , yn )
We get,
y1 = y0 + h f (x0, y0 )
= 0 + (0.1) (1 – 0 )
= 0.1
Now, y2 = y1 + h f (x1, y1 )
= 0.1 + (0.1) (1 – 0.1)
= 0.19
y3 = y2 + h f (x2, y2 )
= 0.19 + (0.1) (1 – 0.19)
= 0.271

Heun’s method
In Euler’s method, the slope at the beginning of the interval is used to extrapolate yi to
yi+1 over the entire interval. Thus, yi+1 = yi + m1h where m1 is the slope at (xi, yi). As
shown in Fig 13.2 [Page-425, Balagurusamy], yi+1 is clearly an underestimate of y (xi+1).
An alternative is to use the line which is parallel to the tangent at this point (xi+1, y (xi+1))
to extrapolate from yi to yi+1, as shown in Fig 13.2. i.e. yi+1 = yi + m2h where m2 is the
slope at (xi+1, y (xi+1)). Note that the estimate appears to be overestimated.
A third approach is to use a line whose slope is the average of the slopes at the end points
of the interval. Then yi+1 = yi + ((m1+ m2)/2)h. As shown in Fig 13.2, this gives a better
approximation to yi+1. This approach is known as Heun’s method.
The formula for implementing Heun’s method can be constructed easily. Given the
equation, y’ (x) = f (x, y), we can obtain
m1 = y’ (xi) = f (xi, yi)
m2 = y’ (xi+1) = f (xi+1, yi+1)
and therefore, m = (f (xi, yi) + f (xi+1, yi+1)) / 2
So, yi+1 = yi + h/2 [f (xi, yi) + f (xi+1, yi+1)] ……. (1)

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But the term yi+1 appears on both sides of Eq. (1) and therefore, yi+1 cannot be evaluated
until the value of yi+1 inside the function f (xi+1, yi+1) is available. This value can be
predicted using the Euler’s formula as yi + 1 = yi + h f (xi, yi ).
Then Heun’s formula becomes
yi+1 = yi + h/2 [f (xi, yi) + f (xi+1, yi + h f (xi, yi ))]
Example 13.6: See page-427 [E Balagurusamy].

Runge–Kutta (RK) Methods

The Runge-Kutta (RK) methods are named after two German mathematicians Carl Runge
and Willium Kutta. They are all based on the general form of the extrapolation equation:
yi + 1 = yi + slope * interval size = yi + mh
where m represents the slope that is weighted averages of the slopes at various points in
the interval h. If we estimate m using slopes at r points in the interval (xi, xi+1) then m can
be written as: m = w1m1 + w2m2 + ….. + wrmr where w1, w2, …, wr are weights of the
slopes at various points. [See page-436, Balagurusamy for the calculation of m1, m2, , mr]
Runge-Kutta (RK) methods are known by their order. For instance, an RK method is
called the r-order Runge-Kutta method when slopes at r points are used to construct the
weighted average slope m. In Euler’s method, we use only one slope at (x i, yi) to estimate
yi+1 and therefore, Euler’s method is a first order Runge-Kutta method. Similarly, Heun’s
method is a second-order Runge-Kutta method because it employs slopes at two end
points of the interval.
Fourth-Order Runge-Kutta Mehods
It is possible to construct RK methods of different orders. However, the commonly used
ones are the forth-order methods. Although there are different versions of fourth-order
RK methods, the most popular method is the classical fourth-order Runge-Kutta method
given below:
m1 = f (xi , yi )
h m1h
m2 = f (xi + , yi + )
2 2
h m 2h
m3 = f (xi + , yi + )
2 2
m4 = f (xi + h , yi + m3 h)

m= ( m1 + 2 m2 + 2 m3 + m4 )
yi+1 = yi + ( m1 + 2 m2 + 2 m3 + m4 ) h
Example 13.8: See page-439 [E. Balagurusamy].

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