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The importance of confidentiality in the relationship between the doctor and HIV / AIDS patient

The following questionnaire is addressed to all people with HIV / AIDS and was created for the purpose
of studying the importance of confidentiality in the relationship between doctor and patient HIV / AIDS
from the point of view of the patient or person concerned. The information will be used exclusively by
me (I am student at general medicine at UMF „Gr.T.Popa” Iași, Romania, in year 6) to perform the
THE PHYSICIAN AND HIV / AIDS PATIENT" and will be completely confidential as they will NOT require
the fulfillment of the questionnaire with your personal data (name, surname, personal numerical code,
city and address )and will NOT be disclosed to your doctor, family doctor or other people. You have the
right to refuse to complete this questionnaire at any time. There are not right or wrong answers. Thank
you for your involvement!

1. How old are you?

2. matrimonial status: married / unmarried / single /divorced / widow
3. gender: female / male
4. residence: rural (village) /urban (city)
What is your country?
5. What studies did you graduate from? primary cycle (graduate 4 classes) / gymnasium (graduate
8 classes) / graduate 10 classes / high school (graduate 12-13 classes) / postgraduate / college /
6. When (year / age) were you diagnosed with HIV / AIDS?
7. Where did you get the virus / infection from?
 from mother
 sexual contact
 blood transfusions
 tissue / organ transplantation
 stomatologist
 surgery
 tattoos, piercings
 drugs
 hemodialysis
 toothbrush
 nail kit (manicure / pedicure) exposure to blood
 acupuncture
8. Do you know the legal bases about confidentiality of people living with HIV / AIDS?
 not at all
 extremely little
 barely
 quite enough
 mostly
 entirely
9. How important is the confidentiality in the relationship between doctor and patient from your
point of view?
 not at all
 barely
 quite enough
 very much
10. Do you think that there is a situation in which your medical act has been violated? YES (describe)
11. Have you notified the doctor who treated you / consulted you of various specialties, including
the dentist of your HIV / AIDS status?

 I failed to announce
 I do not remember

12. Do you think that you have ever been denied a consultation / treatment by medical staff on the
grounds of HIV / AIDS positive status?
 I do not remember
13. Which of these statements best describes your opinion?
 it is properly that my doctor mentions my HIV / AIDS status in medical notes / letters,
without notifying me first
 it would be good for my doctor to notify me before mentioning my HIV / AIDS status in
medical notes / letters
 my doctor should not mention in my referrals / medical letters my HIV / AIDS status
 I don't know what I should agree with
14. Have you ever been surprised that someone in your health system knew about your HIV / AIDS
diagnosis when you didn't expect to? When it happened?
15. Have you been provided with written information in your healthcare system about how your
personal health information and privacy rights will be managed in your healthcare system?
 Yes. Offered by my doctor
 Yes. Offered by my family doctor
 Yes. Offered by another person in the health system Yes.
 Yes. Provided by a volunteer
 I'm not sure
16. Did the medical staff made your HIV / AIDS diagnosis known to tertiary parties who did not have
the capacity to find out?
17. Do you think you have been treated differently / badly because of your HIV / AIDS status by
medical staff who have had adequate access to your medical information (if your privacy has
been violated)?
 not at all
 extremely little
 barely
 quite enough
 very much all the time
18. The South African Law Commission has recommended amending the law to allow HIV testing
without the consent of a person accused of a sexual offense in certain circumstances. Do you
think this is important? Why ?
19. What do you expect from your doctor / family doctor?
 To be a person with whom personal issues can be discussed without fear to provide
emotional warmth and understanding
 To provide support and mental comfort
 Show respect for your suffering.
 Have a sense of humor and lift your spirits
 Don't label yourself and give you vain illusions about health and treatment effectiveness
 Provide useful advice on the treatment and lifestyle to be followed To ensure your
 All of the above
20. Does your doctor's attitude live up to your expectations?
 not at all
 extremely little
 barelya lot
 pretty much
 fully
21. How is your relationship with your doctor?
 communication
 friendliness
 trust
 mentor
 Privacy
 Respect
22. What dissatisfaction do you have in the relationship with your doctor? Describe
23. Has the relationship with your doctor changed in any way since he found out about your HIV /
AIDS status? How?

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