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The words hit him.

They slammed into his stomach and

smacked him in the jaw then ripped into his chest and pulled
open his rib cage. Then each individual vowel jabbed and
shattered his heart. The damage was done. Crying I begged
for the words to stop hurting him but he wouldn’t allow it
and slowly he walked into the distance.

Slowly water dripped out of my eyes. My eyelid’s tried to

break to flow but the waves rushed through until I was
streaming out the whole ocean. Fish of red, gold, green and
silver swam through the sea as shipwrecks swam to the
bottom of the deep blue ocean. A boat appeared underneath
me and I lay and cried floating away in the distance.

I felt a roaring flame crawl up my throat and then spurted

out of my mouth. A roar emerged from deep within and my
whole body tingled as paw’s replaced my wet hands and a
tail emerged. I was a cheetah. My paws padded against the
hard wood of the boat as I slowly drifted, drifted, drifted
until my spotted eyes shut in misery and I just hoped I could
stay there forever. Away from the pain and away from the
Thud. Through the gaps in my eyes I saw that the boat had
stopped. I’d arrived at a golden beach where the shadow of
palm dress’s laid sleepy on the blanket of sand. The sea
drifted in and out as white horses galloped and tumbled
along the coast. Jumping out the boat my sand soft against
my claws. The smell of salt wafted in my black wet nose
making the nerves tingle in the strength of it. I lifted my head
and saw the palm trees leaves stretch towards a house I
With all four legs I clambered towards the house. I got to the
top of the hill when the sun was just peeping its head above
the horizon it gave me a little wink and turned away turning
the sky to a deep purple. I nudged the front door with my
nose and it creaked open to let me enter the sleeping house.
I knew where I was going and being as quite as a mouse I
creped up the winding stars right to the top right to the sky.
Well so it felt like. I stood staring at the door my eyes picked
out every detail in the door at night. I creped in and as I went
pas the doors frame my whole body began to tingle. The
tingling went the whole way through me, right to the tip of
my tail.

Everything was giant the bed was like a giant mountain. I

started at the bottom and my claws digged into the bed’s bed
stand. And I crawled up the breathing sleeping boy. I
crawled along his leg and reached his chest the whole
ground was shaking in a breathing motion I was lucky that I
had four legs to hold my balance. Then I got to his closed
eyes I stood across his mouth and gazed at his sleeping eyes
drifting off. He’s face was soft and his hair was in astray of
mangled wilderness.
Then his mouth opened. I roared out loud as I got swolled
hole. I travelled down legs flying everywhere as I went
deeper and deeper into him. It got darker and I wondered
how long I would be falling for. Then I landed with a soft
thud on a warm surface. I was inside him. Everything was at
a pink glow and the noise of blood pumping around pounded
my ears. I followed the noise and travelled through the
tunnel and reaching round the bend the noise hit me and
sent me backwards. I clambered up and went against the
force of the beating but when I saw the heart I saw the
damage. It had a deep crack along the centre that was
crumbling around the edges the with cobwebs falling from
the side. I slowly crept I into the hole to complete the heart
and made it hole again. At least I’d be in his heart forever.
Pain. It’s not something I’m used to. Getting shot can be dealt
with unless the bullet hits straight through your heart then
your pretty much dead. Jumping off a building, is something
that is out of choice unless you’re lucky enough to get pushed
off but at least when you reach earth your likelihood of dying
is very high but a broken Heart is something that cant easily be
sewn up and once shattered its hard to recover. So I learnt
Boom, Boom, Boom.
Hearts strumming. Fast Walking. Slight sweat but not too
much. Yet the sun is still shining. Rain would have been more
appropriate. Maybe I would dissolve like the witch off wizard
the oz, Then Mike would just go home and nothing would be
broken and I would just disappear and he could get on with his
life. But life isn’t like that. The world at the moment seems to
move in the opposite direction to me, so I actually wasn’t
moving anywhere. Getting it over and done with was easier
said than done and as I thought of ways to run in opposite
direction I found myself in front of the same eye’s I fell in love
with many years ago.

Wet kiss on the cheek, he was nervous, shaking like a salt pot
that was being poured over someone’s dinner adding there
risk of heart disease’s. Clever People. Words were crawling out
of my throat yet they were all getting stuck in my voice box
and scraping along it their sharp corners shredding my throat.
Trying to stop the final words getting out I took a deep breath,
the kind of breath I took every time I met up with Andy, every
time I’d kiss him, every time I lied.

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