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PENXXX10.1177/0148607117711387Journal of Parenteral and Enteral NutritionMehta et al

Clinical Guidelines
Journal of Parenteral and Enteral
Guidelines for the Provision and Assessment of Nutrition Volume 41 Number 5
July 2017 706­–742
Support Therapy in the Pediatric Critically Ill Patient: © 2017 American Society

Society of Critical Care Medicine and American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition
and the Society of Critical Care
for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition Medicine
DOI: 10.1177/0148607117711387

Nilesh M. Mehta, MD1; Heather E. Skillman, MS, RD, CSP, CNSC2;

Sharon Y. Irving, PhD, CRNP, FCCM, FAAN3; Jorge A. Coss-Bu, MD4;
Sarah Vermilyea, MS, RD, CSP, LD, CNSC5; Elizabeth Anne Farrington, PharmD, FCCP, FCCM, FPPAG, BCPS6;
Liam McKeever, MS, RDN7; Amber M. Hall, MS8; Praveen S. Goday, MBBS, CNSC9;
and Carol Braunschweig, PhD, RD10

This document represents the first collaboration between 2 organizations—the American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition
and the Society of Critical Care Medicine—to describe best practices in nutrition therapy in critically ill children. The target of these
guidelines is intended to be the pediatric critically ill patient (>1 month and <18 years) expected to require a length of stay >2–3 days in
a PICU admitting medical, surgical, and cardiac patients. In total, 2032 citations were scanned for relevance. The PubMed/MEDLINE
search resulted in 960 citations for clinical trials and 925 citations for cohort studies. The EMBASE search for clinical trials culled
1661 citations. In total, the search for clinical trials yielded 1107 citations, whereas the cohort search yielded 925. After careful review,
16 randomized controlled trials and 37 cohort studies appeared to answer 1 of the 8 preidentified question groups for this guideline.
We used the GRADE criteria (Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development, and Evaluation) to adjust the evidence grade
based on assessment of the quality of study design and execution. These guidelines are not intended for neonates or adult patients. The
guidelines reiterate the importance of nutrition assessment—particularly, the detection of malnourished patients who are most vulnerable
and therefore may benefit from timely intervention. There is a need for renewed focus on accurate estimation of energy needs and attention
to optimizing protein intake. Indirect calorimetry, where feasible, and cautious use of estimating equations and increased surveillance for
unintended caloric underfeeding and overfeeding are recommended. Optimal protein intake and its correlation with clinical outcomes are
areas of great interest. The optimal route and timing of nutrient delivery are areas of intense debate and investigations. Enteral nutrition
remains the preferred route for nutrient delivery. Several strategies to optimize enteral nutrition during critical illness have emerged. The
role of supplemental parenteral nutrition has been highlighted, and a delayed approach appears to be beneficial. Immunonutrition cannot
be currently recommended. Overall, the pediatric critical care population is heterogeneous, and a nuanced approach to individualizing
nutrition support with the aim of improving clinical outcomes is necessary. (JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2017;41:706-742)

adolescent; algorithm; child; critical illness; energy; enteral nutrition; guidelines; immunonutrition; indirect calorimetry; infant; intensive
care unit; malnutrition; nutrition team; obesity; parenteral nutrition; pediatric; pediatric nutrition assessment; protein; protein balance;
resting energy expenditure

This document represents the first collaboration between 2 physicians, nurses, pharmacists, dietitians, and statisticians—
organizations—the American Society for Parenteral and was jointly convened by the 2 societies. These individuals
Enteral Nutrition (ASPEN) and the Society of Critical Care participated in the development of the guidelines and authored
Medicine (SCCM)—to describe best practices in nutrition this document. These practice guidelines are not intended as
therapy for critically ill children. absolute policy statements. Use of these practice guidelines
does not in any way guarantee any specific benefit in out-
come or survival. The professional judgment of the attending
Guideline Limitations health professionals is the primary component of quality
These SCCM-ASPEN clinical guidelines are based on general medical care delivery. Since guidelines cannot account for
consensus among a group of professionals who, in developing every variation in circumstances, practitioners must always
such guidelines, have examined the available literature on exercise professional judgment when applying these recom-
the subject and balanced potential benefits of nutrition prac- mendations to individual patients. These clinical guidelines
tices against risks inherent with such therapies. A task force of are intended to supplement, but not replace, professional train-
multidisciplinary experts in clinical nutrition—representing ing and judgment.
Mehta et al 707

The current guidelines represent an expanded body of lit- surgical, and cardiac patients. These guidelines are not intended
erature since the publication of the first guidelines in 2009.1 for neonates or adult patients. We believe that neonates are dif-
The guidelines offer basic recommendations that are supported ferent physiologically from older children; therefore, these
by review and analysis of the current literature and a blend of guidelines do not include them. These guidelines are not intended
expert opinion and clinical practicality. Current literature has for patients with specific diagnoses, such as burn injuries. These
limitations that include variability in study design, small sam- guidelines are directed toward generalized patient populations,
ple size, patient heterogeneity, variability in disease severity, but, like any other management strategy in the PICU, nutrition
lack of information on baseline nutrition status, and insuffi- therapy should be tailored to the individual patient.
cient statistical power for analysis. As the authors of these
guidelines, we acknowledge the scarcity of high-level evidence Target Audience
for nutrition practices in the pediatric intensive care unit
(PICU) environment. Most questions addressed in this guide- These guidelines are intended for use by all healthcare provid-
line do not have enough homogeneous high-quality trials and ers involved in nutrition therapy of the critically ill child—pri-
therefore do not lend themselves to any statistical analyses. A marily, physicians, nurses, dietitians, and pharmacists.
combination of cohort studies and trials, where available, has
been summarized and used to develop practical recommenda- Methods
tions by consensus. Where randomized controlled trials (RCTs)
were not available, observational studies formed the main evi- The GRADE process was used to develop the key questions
dence. Their quality was critically reviewed with GRADE and to plan data acquisition and conflation for these guide-
(Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development, lines.2 The task force of experts defined keywords to be used
and Evaluation) methodology and guided the consensus- for the literature search; developed key questions that address
derived recommendations.2 major practice themes at the bedside; and determined the time
frame for the literature search, target population, and the spe-
cific outcomes to be addressed. Ultimately, questions related to
Definitions 8 major practice areas were developed, which were reviewed
Nutrition support therapy refers to the provision of enteral and approved by the ASPEN and SCCM boards. These ques-
nutrition (EN) by enteral access device and/or parenteral nutri- tions and the recommendations are summarized in Table 1.
tion (PN). Standard therapy refers to provision of intravenous Due to a dearth of well-designed RCTs, many studies address-
fluids, no EN or PN, and advancement to oral diet as tolerated. ing these questions and relevant outcomes are either prospec-
tive or retrospective observational reports of clinical outcomes
associated with a strategy. In some cases, these interventions
Target Patient Population for Guideline were protocolized. The evidence provided by these observa-
The target of these guidelines is intended to be the pediatric criti- tional studies was strengthened, however, when the effects
cally ill patient (>1 mo and <18 years) expected to require a shown were strong, when the sample size was large, or when
length of stay (LOS) >2–3 days in a PICU admitting medical, there was a dose-response relationship. We used the GRADE

From the 1Division of Critical Care Medicine, Department of Anesthesiology, Perioperative and Pain Medicine, Boston Children’s Hospital, Harvard
Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA; 2Clinical Nutrition Department, Children’s Hospital Colorado, Aurora, Colorado, USA; 3Division
of Critical Care, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA; 4Section of
Critical Care, Department of Pediatrics, Texas Children’s Hospital, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas, USA; 5Division of Nutrition Therapy,
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA; 6Department of Pharmacy, Betty H. Cameron Women’s and Children’s Hospital,
New Hanover Regional Medical Center, Wilmington, North Carolina, USA; 7Department of Kinesiology and Nutrition, University of Illinois at
Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, USA; 8Biostatistics, Department of Anesthesiology, Perioperative and Pain Medicine, Boston Children’s Hospital, Boston,
Massachusetts, USA; 9Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA; and 10Division of
Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Department of Kinesiology and Nutrition, University of Illinois, Chicago, Illinois, USA.

These guidelines are being copublished by the Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM) in Pediatric Critical Care Medicine (PCCM), 2017;18:675-
715. Minor differences in style may appear in each publication, but the article is substantially the same in each journal.
All authors completed both the American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition and Society of Critical Care Medicine conflicts-of-interest form for
copyright assignment and financial disclosure. The authors of these guidelines have reported all potential conflicts or financial disclosures. There was no
funding or contribution from industry, nor were any industry representatives present at any of the committee meetings.

Financial disclosure: None declared.

Conflicts of interest: None declared.
Received for publication September 28, 2016; accepted for publication May 3, 2017.
This article originally appeared online on July 7, 2017.
Corresponding Author:
Nilesh M. Mehta, MD, Bader 634, Boston Children’s Hospital, 300 Longwood Avenue, Boston, MA 02115, USA.
708 Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition 41(5)

Table 1.  Nutrition Support Clinical Guideline Recommendations for the Critically Ill Child.

Questions and Recommendations Evidence/GRADE

Q1A: What is the impact of nutrition status on outcomes in critically ill children? Quality of evidence: very low
R1A: Based on observational studies, malnutrition, including obesity, is associated with adverse GRADE recommendation: strong
clinical outcomes, including longer periods of ventilation, higher risk of hospital-acquired infection,
longer PICU and hospital stay, and increased mortality. We recommend that patients in the PICU
undergo detailed nutrition assessment within 48 h of admission. Furthermore, as patients are at risk
of nutrition deterioration during hospitalization, which can adversely affect clinical outcomes, we
suggest that the nutrition status of patients be reevaluated at least weekly throughout hospitalization.
Q1B: What are the best practices to screen and identify patients with malnutrition or those at risk Quality of evidence: very low
of nutrition deterioration in the PICU?
R1B: On the basis of observational studies and expert consensus, we recommend that weight and GRADE recommendation: strong
height/length be measured on admission to the PICU and that z scores for body mass index for age
(weight for length <2 y) or weight for age (if accurate height is not available) be used to screen
for patients at extremes of these values. In children <36 mo old, head circumference must be
documented. Validated screening methods for the PICU population to identify patients at risk of
malnutrition must be developed. Screening methods might allow limited resources to be directed to
high-risk patients who are most likely to benefit from early nutrition assessment and interventions.
Q2A: What is the recommended energy requirement for critically ill children? Quality of evidence: low
R2A: On the basis of observational cohort studies, we suggest that measured energy expenditure GRADE recommendation: weak
by IC be used to determine energy requirements and guide prescription of the daily energy goal.
Q2B: How should energy requirement be determined in the absence of IC? Quality of evidence: very low
R2B: If IC measurement of resting energy expenditure is not feasible, we suggest that the GRADE recommendation: weak
Schofield or Food Agriculture Organization / World Health Organization / United Nations
University equations may be used without the addition of stress factors to estimate energy
expenditure. Multiple cohort studies have demonstrated that most published predictive
equations are inaccurate and lead to unintended overfeeding or underfeeding. The Harris-
Benedict equations and the RDAs, which are suggested by the dietary reference intakes, should
not be used to determine energy requirements in critically ill children.
Q2C: What is the target energy intake in critically ill children? Quality of evidence: low
R2C: On the basis of observational cohort studies, we suggest achieving delivery of at least GRADE recommendation: weak
two-thirds of the prescribed daily energy requirement by the end of the first week in the PICU.
Cumulative energy deficits during the first week of critical illness may be associated with poor
clinical and nutrition outcomes. On the basis of expert consensus, we suggest attentiveness
to individualized energy requirements, timely initiation and attainment of energy targets, and
energy balance to prevent unintended cumulative caloric deficit or excesses.
Q3A: What is the minimum recommended protein requirement for critically ill children? Quality of evidence: moderate
R3A: On the basis of evidence from RCTs and as supported by observational cohort studies, we GRADE recommendation: strong
recommend a minimum protein intake of 1.5 g/kg/d. Protein intake higher than this threshold has
been shown to prevent cumulative negative protein balance in RCTs. In critically ill infants and young
children, the optimal protein intake required to attain a positive protein balance may be much higher
than this minimum threshold. Negative protein balance may result in loss of lean muscle mass, which
has been associated with poor outcomes in critically ill patients. Based on a large observational study,
higher protein intake may be associated with lower 60-d mortality in mechanically ventilated children.
Q3B: What is the optimal protein delivery strategy in the PICU? Quality of evidence: moderate
R3B: On the basis of results of randomized trials, we suggest provision of protein early in the GRADE recommendation: weak
course of critical illness to attain protein delivery goals and promote positive nitrogen balance.
Delivery of a higher proportion of the protein goal has been associated with positive clinical
outcomes in observational studies.
Q3C: How should protein delivery goals be determined in critically ill children? Quality of evidence: moderate
R3C: The optimal protein dose associated with improved clinical outcomes is not known. We do GRADE recommendation: strong
not recommend the use of RDA values to guide protein prescription in critically ill children.
These values were developed for healthy children and often underestimate the protein needs
during critical illness.
Mehta et al 709

Table 1.  (continued)

Questions and Recommendations Evidence/GRADE

Q4A: Is EN feasible in critically ill children? Quality of evidence: low
R4A: On the basis of observational studies, we recommend EN as the preferred mode of nutrient GRADE recommendation: strong
delivery to the critically ill child. Observational studies support the feasibility of EN, which
can be safely delivered to critically ill children with medical and surgical diagnoses and to
those receiving vasoactive medications. Common barriers to EN in the PICU include delayed
initiation, interruptions due to perceived intolerance, and prolonged fasting around procedures.
On the basis of observational studies, we suggest that interruptions to EN be minimized in an
effort to achieve nutrient delivery goals by the enteral route.
Q4B: What is the benefit of EN in this group? Quality of evidence: low
R4B: Although the optimal dose of macronutrients is unclear, some amount of nutrient delivered as EN GRADE recommendation: weak
has been beneficial for gastrointestinal mucosal integrity and motility. Based on large cohort studies,
early initiation of EN (within 24–48 h of PICU admission) and achievement of up to two-thirds of the
nutrient goal in the first week of critical illness have been associated with improved clinical outcomes.
Q5A: What is the optimum method for advancing EN in the PICU population? Quality of evidence: low
R5A: On the basis of observational studies, we suggest the use of a stepwise algorithmic approach to GRADE recommendation: weak
advance EN in children admitted to the PICU. The stepwise algorithm must include bedside support to
guide the detection and management of EN intolerance and the optimal rate of increase in EN delivery.
Q5B: What is the role of a nutrition support team or a dedicated dietitian in optimizing nutrition therapy? Quality of evidence: low
R5B: On the basis of observational studies, we suggest a nutrition support team, including a GRADE recommendation: weak
dedicated dietitian, be available on the PICU team, to facilitate timely nutrition assessment, and
optimal nutrient delivery and adjustment to the patients.
Q6A: What is the best site for EN delivery: gastric or small bowel?? Quality of evidence: low
R6A: Existing data are insufficient to make universal recommendations regarding the optimal site GRADE recommendation: weak
to deliver EN to critically ill children. On the basis of observational studies, we suggest that
the gastric route be the preferred site for EN in patients in the PICU. The postpyloric or small
intestinal site for EN may be used in patients unable to tolerate gastric feeding or those at high
risk for aspiration. Existing data are insufficient to make recommendations regarding the use of
continuous vs intermittent gastric feeding.
Q6B: When should EN be initiated? Quality of evidence: low
R6B: On the basis of expert opinion, we suggest that EN be initiated in all critically ill children, unless GRADE recommendation: weak
it is contraindicated. Given observational studies, we suggest early initiation of EN, within the first
24–48 h after admission to the PICU, in eligible patients. We suggest the use of institutional EN
guidelines and stepwise algorithms that include criteria for eligibility for EN, timing of initiation, and
rate of increase, as well as a guide to detecting and managing EN intolerance.
Q7A: What is the indication for and optimal timing of PN in critically ill children? Quality of evidence: moderate
R7A: On the basis of a single RCT, we do not recommend the initiation of PN within 24 h of GRADE recommendation: strong
PICU admission.
Q7B: What is the role of PN as a supplement to inadequate EN? Quality of evidence: low
R7B: For children tolerating EN, we suggest stepwise advancement of nutrient delivery via GRADE recommendation: weak
the enteral route and delaying commencement of PN. Based on current evidence, the role of
supplemental PN to reach a specific goal for energy delivery is not known. The time when
PN should be initiated to supplement insufficient EN is also unknown. The threshold for and
timing of PN initiation should be individualized. Based on a single RCT, supplemental PN
should be delayed until 1 wk after PICU admission for patients with normal baseline nutrition
state and low risk of nutrition deterioration. On the basis of expert consensus, we suggest PN
supplementation for children who are unable to receive any EN during the first week in the
PICU. For patients who are severely malnourished or at risk of nutrition deterioration, PN may
be supplemented in the first week if they are unable to advance past low volumes of EN.
Q8: What is the role of immunonutrition in critically ill children? Quality of evidence: moderate
R8: On the basis of available evidence, we do not recommend the use of immunonutrition in GRADE recommendation: strong
critically ill children.

EN, enteral nutrition; GRADE, Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development, and Evaluation; IC, indirect calorimetry; PICU, pediatric
intensive care unit; PN, parenteral nutrition; Q, question; R, recommendation; RCT, randomized controlled trial; RDA, recommended daily allowance.
710 Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition 41(5)

Table 2.  Language for Guidelines Recommendations.

Quality of Evidence Weighing Risks vs Benefits GRADE Recommendations Clinical Guideline Statement
High to very low Net benefits outweigh harms Strong We recommend.
High to very low Trade-offs for patient are Weak We suggest.
High to very low Uncertain trade-offs Further research needed We cannot make a
recommendation at this time.

GRADE, Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development, and Evaluation.

Figure 1.  Overview of the literature search strategy.

criteria to adjust the evidence grade based on assessment of the adult.” Alternatively, we accepted citations that had the terms
quality of study design and execution. The GRADE process pediatric*, paediatric*, infan*, adolescen*, or child* in at least
distinctly separates the body of evidence from the recommen- 1 of their PubMed/MEDLINE subject fields. Finally, all cita-
dation statements. This separation enables incorporation of the tions had to be cross-referenced in the “humans” MeSH folder.
weight of the risks versus the benefits that occur from adopting The PubMed (non-MEDLINE) database was then searched with
the recommendation. Thus, a recommendation may be “strong” text-based terms (Figure 1). As an added protection against
despite comparatively weak published evidence if the net ben- MeSH miscategorization of citations, this text-based search was
efits outweigh the harms from its adoption. Recommendations then used to search the MEDLINE database, restricted to yield
based mainly on expert opinion were deemed weak. Table 2 only citations carrying those terms in their title or abstract. For
describes the standard language and rationale for the grade the clinical trials search, the MEDLINE portion was restricted to
assigned to a recommendation. those citations categorized according to the publication type
A rigorous search of the MEDLINE/PubMed and EMBASE “clinical trials.” For the cohort search, the MEDLINE portion
databases was performed spanning January 1995 through March was restricted to those studies cross-referenced in the “cohort”
2016 for citations relevant to nutrition support in the critically ill MeSH folder, whereas the text-based portion was restricted
pediatric population with the techniques outlined in a recent to only those citations that were not indexed according to the
publication.3 For the MEDLINE portion of the search, Medical publication types “clinical trial,” “review,” “case reports,” or
Subject Heading (MeSH) folders for “critical illness,” “intensive “commentary.” An analogous search strategy focusing on
care,” and “critical care” were searched for relevant citations. To EMBASE-indexed non-MEDLINE clinical trials was created
meet our search criteria, these citations also had to be indexed in and implemented for the EMBASE database.
MeSH folders for “nutritional support,” “malnutrition,” “nutri-
tion assessment,” “energy intake,” “energy metabolism,” or
“dietary proteins.” To further restrict citations to our chosen
population, the terms were cross-referenced in the MeSH folders In total, 2032 citations were scanned for relevance. The
for “pediatrics,” “infant,” “child,” “adolescent,” or “young PubMed/MEDLINE search resulted in 960 citations for
Mehta et al 711

clinical trials and 925 citations for cohort studies. The conditions, and presenting nutrition status. It is therefore
EMBASE search for clinical trials culled 1661 citations. In overly simplistic to expect that one strategy will be applicable
total, the search for clinical trials yielded 1107 citations, to all patients. Nutrition support must be individualized accord-
whereas the cohort search yielded 925. Each citation was ing to the baseline nutrition status and vulnerabilities of
reviewed by at least 2 reviewers to examine eligibility for patients, anticipated time to volitional feeding, and the risk-to-
inclusion in guideline development. After careful review, 16 benefit ratio of intended nutrition therapies. Therefore, the rec-
RCTs and 37 cohort studies appeared to answer 1 of the 8 pre- ommendations provided here are useful starting points on
identified question groups for this guideline. We then reviewed which to build customized nutrition therapy for individual
these studies and abstracted the relevant data with a standard- patients.
ized form. After review of the abstracted data, evidence tables
Question 1A: What is the impact of nutrition status on out-
were generated for each question. Given the evidence tables,
comes in critically ill children?
we used an iterative process to develop practical recommenda-
tions for each question with the GRADE methodology where Recommendation 1A.  Based on observational studies, malnu-
applicable and by consensus. The recommendations for ques- trition, including obesity, is associated with adverse clinical
tions are summarized in Table 1. The rationale for the GRADE outcomes, including longer periods of ventilation, higher risk
and the language for the recommendations are described in of hospital-acquired infection, longer PICU and hospital stay,
Table 2. Tables 3–10 summarize the evidence in the form of and increased mortality (see Table 3). We recommend that
trials and cohort studies related to each guideline question. patients in the PICU undergo detailed nutrition assessment
Each table is accompanied by a discussion on the rationale for within 48 hours of admission.
the recommendations and suggested areas for future investiga- Furthermore, as patients are at risk of nutrition deterioration
tion for the questions. during hospitalization, which can adversely affect clinical out-
comes, we suggest that the nutrition status of patients be
reevaluated at least weekly throughout hospitalization.
Introduction Quality of evidence.  Very low.
The role of nutrition in contributing to the outcomes of patients GRADE recommendation. Strong.
with critical illness is being increasingly recognized. Since the
Question 1B: What are the best practices to screen and
first pediatric critical care nutrition guidelines (ASPEN) pub-
identify patients with malnutrition or those at risk of nutri-
lished in 2009, there has been a substantial increase in research
tion deterioration in the PICU?
and publications related to this subject. The impact of nutrition
status and nutrient delivery during critical illness has been Recommendation 1B.  On the basis of observational studies and
demonstrated on clinical outcomes such as mortality, infec- expert consensus, we recommend that weight and height/length
tious complications, and LOS.4-10 Thus, careful planning and be measured at admission to the PICU and that z scores for body
monitoring of nutrient delivery at the bedside is attempted in mass index (BMI) for age (weight for length, <2 years) or
most intensive care units (ICUs). As more information becomes weight for age (if accurate height is not available) be used to
available from higher-quality studies, the field will eventually screen for patients at extremes of these values. For children <36
move toward uniform evidence-based strategies for most nutri- months old, head circumference must be documented.
tion practices in the PICU. However, at present, many ques- Validated screening methods for the PICU population to
tions remain unanswered, and practices are widely variable identify patients at risk of malnutrition must be developed.
among institutions and among providers. RCTs, while provid- Screening methods might allow limited resources to be directed
ing definitive evidence, require tremendous time and resources to high-risk patients who are most likely to benefit from early
to complete. Hence, there is a scarcity of RCTs in the pediatric nutrition interventions.
critical care nutrition literature. Furthermore, results of single Quality of evidence.  Very low.
RCTs in the adult population have not often been replicated in GRADE recommendation. Strong.
subsequent studies.10-13 Despite these limitations, there have Rationale. Malnutrition is prevalent in children admitted to
been a number of small and large studies published over the the PICU.6,7,14,15 Although variables used to define malnutri-
past decade. Observational cohort and case-control studies tion are inconsistent across reports, underweight and over-
have provided meaningful information and helped develop weight status have both been associated with worse morbidity
hypotheses that can be tested by clinical trials with more robust and mortality.4-6,10 More recently, guidelines to define pediatric
study designs. Prospective or retrospective cohorts allow mea- malnutrition have become available to facilitate early identifi-
surement of disease occurrence and its association with an cation of individuals at risk.16 A uniform approach to define
exposure by offering a temporal dimension. These studies are pediatric malnutrition may allow determination of thresholds
described in detail in the relevant sections of this article. for interventions aimed at ameliorating nutrition deteriora-
The PICU is unique in terms of the heterogeneity of patients tion.17 A large portion of children admitted to the PICU is at
in relation to age, disease type, interventions, comorbid risk for nutrition deterioration; therefore, periodic nutrition
Table 3.  Impact of Nutrition Status on Outcomes and Best Practices to Detect Malnutrition or Risk of Nutrition Deterioration.

Study Design;
Reference No. of Sites Study Aims Population (n), Eligibility Results/Outcome Comments
Bechard Prospective, To determine the influence n = 1622 54.2%, normal weight; 17.9%, 45% of the cohort was malnourished
et al4 observational of admission BMI z score Mechanically ventilated, underweight; 14.5%, overweight; (obese, overweight, underweight)
cohort on clinical outcomes in critically ill children, 1 13.4%, obese on admission.
(combined mechanically ventilated mo to 18 y old, with an Outcomes (vs normal nutrition status) Underweight and obese status
data set from children in the PICU expected PICU stay of at   60-d mortality: Higher in associated with poor outcomes
2 studies); least 3 d, and dependent underweight: OR, 1.53 (CI vs normal nutrition status on
multicenter (90 on enteral or parenteral 1.24–1.89; P < .001) admission.
PICUs from 16 nutrition support   Likelihood of discharge alive: for Limitations: centers from the
countries) Mean age (SD): 4.5 y each additional day in the hospital, developing world, where
(5.1 y) underweight had 29% (HR, 0.71; malnutrition may be more
95% CI, 0.60–0.84; P < .001) and prevalent, were excluded due to
obese had 18% (HR, 0.82; 95% CI, smaller PICU size.
0.68–0.99; P = .04) lower chance Potential for inaccuracy of weight
of being discharged. and height/length measurements,
  Hospital-acquired infection: higher especially when influenced by
in underweight: OR, 1.88 (95% CI, fluid shifts.
1.18–3.01; P = .008) Cross-sectional study (no
  Higher in obese: OR, 1.64 (95% CI, interventions)
1.33–2.03; P < .001)
  VFD: Underweight associated with
1.3 fewer VFD vs normal weight
(95% CI, −2.1 to −0.6; P = .001),
1.6 fewer VFD vs overweight
(95% CI, −2.4 to −0.9; P < .001),
1.2 fewer VFD vs obese (95%
CI, −1.9 to −0.6; P < .001). No
significant differences in VFD
among overweight and obese
Castillo Prospective, To assess the association n = 174 35% of the cohort was malnourished A third of the cohort was
et al5 observational; between mortality and PICU patients receiving Majority of malnourished patients malnourished.
single center nutrition status of children CRRT were <1 y old Malnutrition was associated with
receiving CRRT Malnutrition: < third Low incidence of obesity higher mortality.
percentile for body Hypoalbuminemia in 28% Limitations: body weight was used
weight for age Mortality was higher (42.6%) in to determine nutrition status, and
Median age (IQR): 18.5 malnourished children serum albumin level was used to
mo (4.0–81.8 mo) determine protein status.

Table 3.  (continued)

Study Design;
Reference No. of Sites Study Aims Population (n), Eligibility Results/Outcome Comments
de Souza Prospective, To determine the nutrition n = 385 45.5% were malnourished Center with high prevalence of
Menezes observational; status of children admitted Malnutrition (z score, <–2) on admission. 9.14% of the malnutrition showing independent
et al6 single center to a PICU and to assess the based on weight for age malnourished group and 11.9% of impact on duration of MV.
effect of malnutrition as (<2 y) or BMI (≥2 y) and the nonmalnourished group died. Limitations: single-center study;
an independent risk factor height for age (if chronic Malnutrition was associated with methodologic issues with sample
affecting outcome (the disease) longer duration of MV and PICU size calculation.
outcome variables were 30-d Median age (IQR): 18.3 LOS but not mortality on univariate
mortality, length of ICU stay, mo (3.9–63.3 mo) analysis.
and duration of mechanical Malnutrition was associated with
ventilation) longer duration of mechanical
ventilation on multiple logistic
regression modeling (OR, 1.76; 95%
CI, 1.08–2.88; P = .024).
Delgado Retrospective, To evaluate the incidence of n = 1077 No significant differences between >50% of patients admitted to
et al7 observational; malnutrition in the first 72 hr Malnutrition based on well nourished and malnourished for this Brazilian PICU were
single center after PICU admission. weight-for-age z score: CRP, PICU LOS, hospital mortality, malnourished.
Examine differences in moderate, −1 to −2; or incidence of sepsis Malnourished patients had higher
IL-6, CRP, LOS, sepsis, severe, <−2 IL-6 was significantly different inflammatory markers vs well-
and mortality between the Median age: between well nourished and nourished patients.
malnourished and well- malnourished, 25.6 mo; malnourished over time (P = .043).
nourished groups. well nourished, 10.7 mo

BMI, body mass index; CRP, C-reactive protein; CRRT, continuous renal replacement therapy; HR, hazard ratio; ICU, intensive care unit; IL, interleukin; IQR, interquartile range; LOS, length of stay;
MV, mechanical ventilation; OR, odds ratio; PICU, pediatric intensive care unit; VFD, ventilator-free days.

714 Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition 41(5)

reevaluation is essential.15,18 Nutrition assessment must include Quality of evidence. Low.

a dietary history, detection of changes in anthropometry, func- GRADE recommendation. Weak.
tional status, and nutrition-focused physical examination. A
Question 2B: How should energy requirement be deter-
nutrition-focused physical examination in this cohort allows
mined in the absence of IC?
for determination of individualized nutrient needs, interven-
tions, and monitoring to optimize nutrient intake during illness. Recommendation 2B. If IC measurement of resting energy
The subjective global nutrition assessment is correlated with expenditure is not feasible, we suggest that the Schofield or
anthropometric variables in 1 study but has not been shown to Food Agriculture Organization / World Health Organization
predict outcomes in critically ill children.19 (WHO) / United Nations University equations may be used
In a limited resource setting, timely and detailed nutrition without the addition of stress factors to estimate energy expen-
assessment of every patient in the PICU may not be feasible. A diture. Multiple cohort studies have demonstrated that most
validated method to screen critically ill children for malnutri- published predictive equations are inaccurate and lead to unin-
tion risk may help allocate resources to high-risk patients. tended overfeeding or underfeeding.
However, such a screening method is not currently available. The Harris-Benedict equations and the recommended daily
The Pediatric Yorkhill Malnutrition Score, the Screening Tool allowances (RDAs), which are suggested by the dietary refer-
for the Assessment of Malnutrition in Pediatrics, and the ence intakes, should not be used to determine energy require-
Screening Tool for Risk of Impaired Nutritional Status and ments in critically ill children.
Growth (STRONGKids) were recently evaluated among 2567 Quality of evidence.  Very low.
patients from multiple centers in Europe.20 These screens var- GRADE recommendation. Weak.
ied significantly in their ability to identify and classify malnu-
Question 2C: What is the target energy intake in critically
trition risk and were unable to detect a significant proportion of
ill children?
children with abnormal anthropometrics. The authors con-
cluded that none of these screens could be recommended for Recommendation 2C. On the basis of observational cohort
use in clinical practice. Admission z scores based on weight for studies, we suggest achieving delivery of at least two-thirds of
age and BMI for age (or weight for length for children <2 the prescribed daily energy requirement by the end of the first
years) in relation to population reference standards have been week in the PICU. Cumulative energy deficits during the first
used to classify patients as undernourished or obese. Admission week of critical illness may be associated with poor clinical
BMI z scores predicted mortality in a large multicenter cohort and nutrition outcomes. Per expert consensus, we suggest
of children receiving mechanical ventilation.4 Due to the con- attentiveness to individualized energy requirements, timely
sistent associations with LOS, duration of mechanical ventila- initiation and attainment of energy targets, and energy balance
tion, and mortality, BMI z scores may be useful to screen for to prevent unintended cumulative caloric deficit or excesses.
patients at risk of poor outcomes in the PICU.17 Despite the
inherent challenges of obtaining accurate anthropometric mea- Quality of evidence. Low.
surements at admission to the PICU, the routine evaluation of GRADE recommendation. Weak.
weight-for-age and BMI-for-age or weight-for-length z scores Rationale. Metabolic alterations are common in critical ill-
must be prioritized. Indeed, in a majority of tertiary centers, ness, and patients present with a variety of metabolic states that
documentation of anthropometric measurements at admission cannot be predicted, including hypometabolism (measured
is seen as the standard of care. resting energy expenditure [MREE], <90% of predicted), nor-
Future direction. A validated nutrition screen for timely and mal metabolism (MREE, 90%–110% predicted), and hyperme-
accurate identification of malnourished PICU patients is tabolism (MREE, >110% predicted).21-25 Currently available
needed. This tool will facilitate allocation of resources, early equations fail to estimate energy expenditure within ±10% of
interventions, and close monitoring of nutrition status in high- MREE in a majority of critically ill children; IC is the only
risk patients. A uniform definition of malnutrition must be available method to accurately determine energy requirements
employed, and validated methods for nutrition assessment for this population.21,28-33 Energy expenditure measured by IC
must be developed and implemented in the PICU. Subse- for critically ill children is independent of nutrition status, ini-
quently, the impact of malnutrition on clinical outcomes in the tial diagnosis, or severity of the acute illness.30-32,34 MREE may
PICU population should be examined. be decreased during deep sedation, neuromuscular blockade,
Question 2A: What is the recommended energy require- or severe hypothyroidism, or increased with temperature
ment for critically ill children? >38°C and distress/activity.30,31,33 In cohort studies, MREE did
not significantly vary within the same patient over time.21,28,35
Recommendation 2A. On the basis of observational cohort After the baseline MREE is performed (ideally during the first
studies, we suggest that measured energy expenditure by indi- week of critical illness), repeat measurements may be obtained
rect calorimetry (IC) be used to determine energy requirements in patients with significant changes in clinical status.27,35
and guide prescription of the daily energy goal (see Table 4). Patients at high risk for metabolic alterations are appropriate
Table 4.  Recommended Energy Requirement for Critically Ill Children.

Study Design; Population (n),

Reference No. of Sites Study Aim(s) Eligibility Results/Outcome Comments
Jotterand Prospective To assess protein and energy n = 76 402 IC measurements Study suggests a threshold for
Chaparro cohort; single requirements to achieve Mechanically Mean MREE 55 kcal/kg/d (95% CI, 54–57) optimal energy intake and a
et al36 center nitrogen and energy balance ventilated, critically MREE was stable for first 10 d relationship between energy
and to compare MREE with the ill children MREE decreased 6% with neuromuscular intake and protein balance.
DRIs Median age (IQR): 21 blockade (P = .031) and increased by 8% Limitations: protein balance
mo (4–35 mo) per degree centigrade body temperature was determined via nitrogen
(P = .003). balance measurements
DRI strongly overestimated MREE
Protein intake ≥1.5 g/kg/d protein and
energy intake ≥58 kcal/kg/d needed for
nitrogen and energy balance
Wong et al44 Retrospective To describe nutrition support and n = 107 Inadequate vs adequate caloric intake and Study suggests that inadequate
cohort; single identify adequate caloric intake Children with ARDS outcomes energy intake is associated
center by children with ARDS and to Median age (IQR): 5.2 Adequate calories defined as ≥80% with poorer clinical outcomes.
determine whether provision of y (1.0–10.4 y) Schofield equation by third day of ARDS Limitations: outcomes based on
adequate nutrition is associated PICU mortality: 60.5% vs 34.6%; P = .003 estimated energy requirements
with improved clinical PICU-free days: 0 (0–15) vs 0 (0–17);P = .687
outcomes. Ventilator-free days: 0 (0–4) vs 3 (0–12);
P = .068
Multiple organ dysfunction: 72.5% vs
53.8%; P = .093
Dokken et al21 Observational To describe the agreement of the n = 30 104 IC measurements The study describes the
cohort with delivered energy with MREE Mechanically Underfeeding: 22 d (21.2%) variability in metabolic state
repeated and to explore the role of RQ in ventilated children Adequate feeding: 19 d (18.3%) and inability of RQ to detect
measures; the delivery of nutrition support Median age (range): Overfeeding: 63 d (60.5%) under/overfeeding.
single center 15.5 mo (3 mo to RQ <0.85: sensitivity 27%, specificity 87% Limitations: small sample size;
14 y) for underfeeding heterogeneous sample for
RQ >1.0: sensitivity 21%, specificity 98% age, weight, and diagnosis;
for overfeeding IC measurements performed
Significant variability in MREE among at different times during
patients: median, 37.2 kcal/kg/d (range, the illness course; and no
16.8–66.4) outcomes reported.
Small variability in MREE within patients
Mtaweh et al24 Prospective To compare MREE to estimated n = 13 32 IC measurements The study demonstrates a
cohort; single BMR (Harris-Benedict and Mechanically MREE vs Harris-Benedict: 5 of 32 IC prevalence of hypometabolism
center Schofield equations) ventilated children measurements greater than estimation in critically ill children with
with severe traumatic MREE: 70.2% ± 3.8% of Harris-Benedict severe traumatic brain injury.
brain injury (Glasgow MREE vs Schofield: 3 of 32 IC Limitations: small sample size;
Coma Scale, <9) measurements greater than estimation energy intake not reported; and
Mean age (SD): 9.8 MREE: 69% ± 4.5% of Schofield no outcomes reported
y (1.4)

Table 4.  (continued)

Study Design; Population (n),

Reference No. of Sites Study Aim(s) Eligibility Results/Outcome Comments
Meyer et al Prospective, To develop equations to estimate n = 175 369 IC measurements The research demonstrates that
observational energy requirements and to Mechanically 3 equations developed, R2 >0.8 for each new and existing equations
cohort; compare 3 new equations with ventilated children equation are not accurate within 10%
multicenter MREE and current equations Median age (range): Inotropes, neuromuscular blockade, of MREE in a majority of
3 PICUs used to estimate resting energy 54 mo (1–91 mo) temperature, C-reactive protein, and organ critically ill children.
expenditure (Schofield, FAO/ dysfunction scores did not impact MREE Limitations: larger sample size
WHO/UNU, White) 3 new equations vs current equations necessary to develop and test
vs MREE (n = 30): 25% of estimates, new equations; did not include
including 3 new equations, within 10% all ages; constraints of MREE
of MREE; 75% of estimations, including (ie, exclusion of patients who
3 new equations, varied 26%–29% from cannot have MREE measured),
MREE White: differed up to 82% from and no outcomes reported
Mehta et al8 Prospective, To examine variables associated n = 500 Mortality lower with energy intake 33.3%– Study suggests that adequate
cohort with with achieving optimal EN, Children requiring 66.6% vs <33.3% prescribed goal (OR, energy intake is associated
consecutive explore relationship between mechanical 0.27 [95% CI, 0.11–0.67]), with >66.7% with lower mortality.
patients energy intake adequacy and ventilation for >48 h vs <33.3% (OR, 0.14 [95% CI, 0.03– Limitations: limited use of
enrolled; clinical outcomes; primary Mean age (SD): 4.5 y 0.61]); P = .002 indirect calorimetry and
multicenter outcome: 60-d mortality (5.1 y) reliance on equations to
31 PICUs in 8 estimate energy requirements
countries Severity of illness scores
missing in 31%—although all
patients were mechanically
ventilated for > 48 h
Mehta et al22 Prospective To examine the role of IC n = 33 High incidence (72%) of alterations in The study described the risk of
cohort; single in detecting the adequacy Children in the PICU energy expenditure cumulative energy imbalance
center of energy intake and the Median age (range): 2 Predominance of hypometabolism in those with equations to estimate
risk of cumulative energy y (0.1–28 y) admitted to the medical service energy requirements and
imbalance in a subgroup of PICU length of stay was significantly proposed the concept of
critically ill children with higher for patients with hypermetabolism targeted IC with selection
suspected alterations in energy (median, 142 d; P = .04) vs normal criteria for patients at risk of
expenditure (median, 33 d) or hypometabolism altered metabolism.
(median, 50 d) Limitations: small sample size.
Note: majority were long-stay
Table 4.  (continued)

Study Design; Population (n),

Reference No. of Sites Study Aim(s) Eligibility Results/Outcome Comments
Teixeira-Cintra Prospective, To establish the amount of n = 11 Positive vs negative protein balance was The study suggests a threshold
et al23 observational protein and energy intake Mechanically associated with increased energy intake for energy intake and a
cohort; single needed to minimize catabolism ventilated infants in (54 vs 17 kcal/kg/d), P < .0001; positive relationship between energy
center following cardiac surgery the PICU following correlation between protein balance and and protein intake to positively
cardiac surgery energy intake (r = 0.77; P < .0001) impact protein balance.
Median age (range): Limitations: small sample size
54 d (6–163 d) and 3 subjects were <30 d old
Urinary urea nitrogen excretion
may underestimate total
nitrogen excretion.
Mehta et al41 Prospective To examine if a model for n = 14 Altered metabolism: 13 of 14 subjects, 15 of The study shows a disparity
cohort; single targeting IC measurements to a Critically ill children 16 measurements (94%) between estimated energy
center select group of PICU patients 50% postoperative Average daily energy balance: 200 kcal/d expenditure, energy intake,
by a dedicated nutrition team Mean age (range): (range, −518 to 859 kcal/d) and MREE. The metabolic
could prevent unintended 11.2 y (1.6 mo to Poor agreement between MREE and state did not correlate with
excesses or deficits in energy 32 y) estimated energy expenditure: mean bias standard clinical characteristics
balance 72.3 ± 446 kcal/d (limits of agreement: and therefore could not be
801.9 to +946.5 kcal/d) accurately predicted.
No correlation between subjects’ metabolic Limitations: small sample size.
status and severity of illness scores, initial
diagnosis, age, and body mass index
Energy intake: 132% ± 68% of MREE
Mean RQ: 0.94
No correlation between RQ and energy
Sy et al25 Prospective To estimate MREE with n = 31 PN group The study demonstrates
cohort; single bicarbonate kinetics and to Critically ill children FAO/WHO/UNU 2001: 155% of equations, especially those
center compare bicarbonate kinetics Mean age (SD), PN bicarbonate kinetics, 195% of Schofield developed for growth in
with MREE estimated via FAO/ group (n = 12): 7.8 y Bicarbonate kinetics: 120% of Schofield healthy infants and children,
WHO/UNU and Schofield (7.4 y) Enteral nutrition group and glucose- are not accurate within 10%
equations in 3 groups: 1 EN group (n = 7): 3.3 electrolytes group of MREE in a majority of
receiving PN, 1 receiving y (4.1 y) FAO/WHO/UNU 2001: 142% of critically ill children
EN, and 1 receiving glucose- Glucose-electrolytes bicarbonate kinetics, 167% of Schofield Limitations: small sample size
electrolytes group (n = 12): 6.3 y Bicarbonate kinetics: not significantly and no outcomes reported
(5.0 y) different from Schofield
Zappitelli Retrospective To describe protein and energy n = 195 Maximum protein: 2 ± 1.5 g/kg/d Descriptive report of energy and
et al26 cohort; single intake during CRRT Children requiring Maximum energy: 48.2 ± 31.5 kcal/kg/d protein intake during CRRT
center CRRT Predictors of higher energy and protein Large variation between centers
Mean age (SD): 8.8 y intake: younger age, higher protein or in protein and energy delivery
(6.8 y) calorie intake at CRRT initiation, longer Limitations: no outcomes
CRRT duration reported

Table 4.  (continued)

Study Design; Population (n),
Reference No. of Sites Study Aim(s) Eligibility Results/Outcome Comments
Framson et al Prospective To describe the variation in n = 44 20% of MREE measurements were >110% The study demonstrates the
cohort with energy expenditure during Children in the PICU estimated, 32% were <90% estimated, variability in metabolic
repeated PICU course and evaluate the Mean age (SD): 5.16 45% were 90%–110% estimated state and the inaccuracy of
measures; accuracy of White equation for y (5.87 y) Mean MREE did not vary in the same estimated energy expenditure
single center estimating energy expenditure patient over time by White equation in a
The White equation estimate was majority of this cohort.
within 10% of MREE for only 30% of Limitations: small sample size
measurements and no outcomes reported.
van der Kuip Prospective To obtain MREE (via IC), n = 20 TEE was approximately 122% of MREE Children with sepsis and surgery
et al34 cohort; single TEE (via doubly labeled Children with severe No differences in TEE, MREE, activity- have no difference in TEE or
center water technique), PAL during sepsis or septic related energy expenditure, PAL between MREE, and physical activity
the week following PICU shock or following sepsis and surgery groups contributes to TEE.
admission major abdominal, Limitations: small sample
thoracic, or trauma size; potential for fluid status
surgery changes, especially in septic
Mean age (SD): 5 y shock patients, affecting TEE
(6 y) assessment; and no outcomes
Havalad et al30 Retrospective To compare MREE with n = 30 40% of estimates within 10% of MREE The study shows a prevalence
cohort; single BMR estimated by Harris- Median age (range): 43% patients had MREE greater than the of hypometabolism and
center Benedict, FAO/WHO/UNU, 10.9 y (6.1–16.2 y) estimate hypermetabolism in critically
Schofield, and White equations Bland-Altman: poor agreement between ill children with severe
in mechanically ventilated MREE and all 4 equations traumatic brain injury
children with severe traumatic No correlation between MREE and severity Limitations: small sample size;
brain injury (Glasgow Coma of illness scores, weight-for-age z score MREE obtained once in the
Scale, ≤8) first 24 h of admission; energy
intake not reported; and actual
MREE values not reported.
Hardy et al29 Prospective To compare MREE with BMR n = 52 Difference between all equations and The study demonstrates the
cohort; single estimated by various methods 35 ventilated individual IC measurements was large and variability in metabolic state
center 17 spontaneously highly variable. and the inaccuracy of several
breathing 4%–10% of estimates were within 10% of equations to estimate energy
Median age (range): MREE expenditure.
4.5 y (0–22 y) Strong relationship between severity of Limitations: single IC
illness scores and MREE: r = 0.72, P < .01 measurement during the PICU
Equations both overestimated and course; no outcomes reported
underestimated MREE

ARDS, acute respiratory distress syndrome; BMR, basal metabolic rate; CRRT, continuous renal replacement therapy; DRI, Dietary Reference Intake; EN, enteral nutrition; FAO/WHO/UNU, Food
Agriculture Organization / World Health Organization / United Nations University; IC, indirect calorimetry; IQR, interquartile range; MREE, measured resting energy expenditure; OR, odds ratio; PAL,
physical activity level; PICU, pediatric intensive care unit; PN, parenteral nutrition; RQ, respiratory quotient; TEE, total energy expenditure.
Mehta et al 719

candidates for targeted MREE with IC, especially if this a minimum protein intake of 1.5 g/kg/d (see Table 5). Protein
resource is limited (Appendix).31 intake higher than this threshold has been shown to prevent
If IC is not feasible, the Schofield weight-height or weight cumulative negative protein balance in RCTs. In critically ill
equations or the WHO equations may be used to estimate infants and young children, the optimal protein intake required
energy expenditure.37-39 However, stress factors must be used to attain a positive protein balance may be much higher than
selectively with caution, as their routine use might result in this minimum threshold. Negative protein balance may result in
unintended overfeeding. In recent studies, hypometabolism loss of lean muscle mass, which has been associated with poor
has been demonstrated in patients, after major cardiac surgery, outcomes in critically ill children. Based on a large observa-
and following hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.40,41 tional study, higher protein intake may be associated with lower
When an equation to estimate energy requirements is used, it is 60-day mortality in children receiving mechanical ventilation.
essential to vigilantly monitor for potential signs of overfeed- Quality of evidence. Moderate.
ing (hyperglycemia, hypertriglyceridemia, increased CO2 pro- GRADE recommendation. Strong.
duction, increased arm circumference, and rapid or excessive
Question 3B: What is the optimal protein delivery strategy
weight gain) and underfeeding (weight loss, decreased arm
in the PICU?
circumference, malnutrition, prolonged dependency on
mechanical ventilation, and increased length of PICU stay). In Recommendation 3B.  On the basis of results of randomized
particular, equations such as the Harris-Benedict and the RDAs trials, we suggest provision of protein early in the course of
developed for healthy adults and growing children, respec- critical illness to attain protein delivery goals and promote
tively, overpredict energy requirements and should not be used positive nitrogen balance. Delivery of a higher proportion of
to determine energy requirements in critically ill children. the protein goal has been associated with positive clinical out-
Because IC is not widely available clinically and predictive comes in observational studies.
equations are consistently inaccurate, innovative efforts must Quality of evidence. Moderate.
focus on discovering more accessible surrogates of MREE. A GRADE recommendation. Weak.
simplified equation based on measured volumetric CO2 Question 3C: How should protein delivery goals be deter-
(VCO2) was recently developed among children receiving mined in critically ill children?
mechanical ventilation and found to be more accurate than
equation-estimated energy expenditure.42,43 The increased use Recommendation 3C. The optimal protein dose associated
of devices that provide bedside VCO2 measurement in the with improved clinical outcomes is not known. We do not rec-
PICU may allow this equation to replace the Schofield or ommend the use of RDA values to guide protein prescription in
WHO equations for determination of energy requirement in critically ill children. These values were developed for healthy
patients receiving mechanical ventilation. children and often underestimate the protein needs during criti-
Observational data suggest a positive association between cal illness.
adequacy of energy intake and improved outcomes in the Quality of evidence. Moderate.
PICU population.8,36,44 Intake of > two-thirds of estimated GRADE recommendation. Strong.
energy goal in a large multicenter prospective cohort and Rationale.  Randomized clinical trials of protein supplemen-
>80% of estimated energy goal in a smaller single-center ret- tation have included small sample sizes, heterogeneous
rospective cohort was significantly associated with reduced patient populations, use of enteral and parenteral (and com-
mortality in critically ill children receiving mechanical venti- bined) routes, and varied protein doses (0.7–5 g/kg/d) in the
lation.8,44 Higher energy intake of 54–58 kcal/kg/d is posi- experimental group. Higher protein doses were associated
tively correlated with achieving protein balance and with positive nitrogen balance, a surrogate for protein bal-
anabolism.36,45 Based on hypometabolic states described in a ance. These studies evaluated protein turnover and balance
variety of pediatric illnesses and reduced mortality associated by stable isotope-labeled amino acid methods or with urinary
with intake of > two-thirds of energy goal, achievement of urea nitrogen to obtain nitrogen balance.46-53 Variation in the
100% of estimated energy requirement may not be necessary methods used to assess protein balance further limits the
in all patients.8,22,24,40,41 interpretation of absolute values. These studies indicate an
Future direction. Future studies must examine the optimal association between higher protein dose and positive protein
energy dose that is associated with improved nutrition and balance. In a systematic review of studies of patients receiv-
clinical outcomes in critically ill children. The impact of route ing mechanical ventilation in the PICU, a minimum protein
of nutrition delivery must be examined when discussing this intake of 1.5 g/kg/d and a minimum energy intake of 54 kcal/
dose-outcome relationship. kg/d were associated with achievement of positive nitrogen
balance.45 In a cohort study of 76 children receiving mechani-
Question 3A: What is the minimum recommended protein
cal ventilation, a minimum daily threshold delivery of 1.5 g/
requirement for critically ill children?
kg protein and 58 kcal/kg energy was required to achieve a
Recommendation 3A. On the basis of evidence from RCTs positive nitrogen and energy balance.36 In a recent large pro-
and support from observational cohort studies, we recommend spective multicenter (n = 59) observational study of 1245
Table 5.  Recommended Protein Requirement for Critically Ill Children.
Study Design; Population (n),
Reference No. of Sites Study Aims Eligibility Intervention Results/Outcome Comments

Randomized controlled trials

Geukers et al RCT (double To investigate the short- n = 28 (n = 20 EN initiated within 24 h Experimental vs control group Unable to demonstrate
blind); single term (<48 h) effects analyzed) following PICU admission. Valine synthesis rate: 2.73 vs 2.26 improvement in protein
center of high protein dietary Postcardiac surgery Schofield equation used to μmol/kg/min balance (with stable
intake on whole body Median age (range): determine energy needs Net valine balance: 0.54 vs 0.24 μmol/ isotopes and valine as an
protein synthesis and experimental group, Experimental group: high kg/min indicator) or a difference
balance, whole body 7 mo (3–14 mo); protein, 5 g/kg/d No differences between groups between the groups in
valine kinetics, and rate control group, 12 Control group: normal protein, regarding cardiac intraoperative times fractional synthesis rate.
of albumin synthesis on mo (3–15 mo) 2 g/kg/d Limitations: not powered to
endocrine response test the primary outcome.
1 1
de Betue et al50 RCT; 2 centers Hypothesized that protein- n = 18 EN started within 24 h of PICU Experimental vs control group Both studies demonstrated
and 2de Betue enriched formula would Infants with RSV admission; advanced by 25% Day 5 nutrition intake: 119 ± 25 vs 84 ± that protein energy–
et al48 stimulate amino acid bronchiolitis of target volume every 12 h 15 kcal/kg/d; 3.1 ± 0.3 g/kg/d vs 1.7 ± enriched formula improved
(arginine) appearance and requiring Experimental group: Protein- 0.2 g/kg/d protein protein synthesis, protein
nitric oxide synthesis. mechanical energy–enriched formula: Whole body protein balance: 0.73 ± 0.5 metabolism, protein
To study the efficacy of ventilation 2.6 g protein/100 mL, 100 vs 0.02 ± 0.6 g/kg/h (P = .026) anabolism, and nitrogen
increased protein and Mean age (SD): kcal/100 mL Protein synthesis: 9.6 ± 4.4 vs 5.2 ± 2.3 balance vs standard
energy intake to promote experimental, Control group: Standard g/kg/d (P = .019) formula.
protein synthesis 2.7 mo (1.4 mo); formula: 1.4 g protein/100 Protein breakdown: 8.9 ± 4.3 vs 5.2 ± Limitations: cointerventions
control, 2.9 mo (1.8 mL, 67 kcal/100 mL 2.6 g/kg/d (P = .046) were not described and
mo) Nitrogen balance: 274 ± 127 vs 137 ± small sample size
53 mg/kg/d (P < .05)
No significant differences in duration
of mechanical ventilation or PICU
length of stay; no intolerance or
complications from the feeding

Verbruggen RCT (crossover To investigate the effects n=9 Experimental group: high (3.0 High AA intake improved protein Standard PN AA was
et al52 trial); single of insulin infusion and Critically ill, g/kg/d) PN AA balance (P < .05); insulin did not have insufficient, and high AA
center increased PN AA intakes insulin-resistant, Control group: standard (1.5 g/ an additive effect was needed to support
on whole body protein septic adolescents kg/d) PN AA At high AA intake, endogenous glucose positive protein balance
balance, glucose kinetics, receiving PN Primed stable isotope production was not suppressed by Limitations: no discussion of
and lipolysis Mean age (SD): 15.0 tracer infusion with insulin and lipolysis rates increased impact of findings on PICU
y (1.2 y) hyperinsulinemic euglycemic mortality or length of stay
clamp and small sample size

Table 5.  (continued)

Study Design; Population (n),

Reference No. of Sites Study Aims Eligibility Intervention Results/Outcome Comments
Botran et al RCT; single To determine if increased n = 51 children (41 Unit feeding protocol: Intervention diet well tolerated Protein supplementation
center protein delivery improves analyzed) Continuous EN started within No difference in IC measurements resulted in positive nitrogen
protein metabolism with All required 24 h of PICU admission to between groups balance.
measurements of serum mechanical reach approximately 60 kcal/ Experimental vs control nutrition intake Limitations: 10 patients did
and urine markers and ventilation >72 h kg/d within first 24 h   Mean 71.9 vs 65.9 kcal/kg/d (not not complete the study (6
to evaluate safety and Median age (IQR): 7 IC, nitrogen balance, serum significant) control, 4 experimental); no
efficacy of increased mo (3–13 mo) urea, serum albumin level,   Mean 3.1 vs 1.7 g/kg/d (P = .004) discussion on associations
protein dose total proteins, prealbumin, protein with mortality, duration of
transferrin, retinol binding Positive nitrogen balance achieved by mechanical ventilation, or
Study measurement times: day 5 in experimental group length of stay; and small
baseline, 24 h, 72 h, 5 d sample size analyzed
Control diet: breast milk
(protein, 1.1 g/100 mL) or
cow milk–based formula
(protein, 1.6 g /100 mL), or
pediatric formula (protein, 2.6
g/100 mL)
Experimental diet: same as
control with supplementation
of protein, 1.1 g/100 mL

van RCT (double To compare nutrient n = 20 (n = 18 for Continuous EN target = 130 Experimental vs control groups Protein energy–enriched
Waardenburg blind); 2 delivery, energy and analysis) mL/kg/d; started at 25% of Day 5 nutrition intake: 112 ± 13 vs 82 ± formula improved energy
et al51 centers nitrogen balance, and Infants with RSV target, advanced 25% every 4 kcal/kg/d (P < .01); 2.8 ± 0.3 vs 1.5 and nitrogen balance
plasma amino acids with bronchiolitis 12 h ± 0.1 g protein/kg/d (P < .01) Gastric residual volumes
a protein energy–enriched requiring Study period: 5 d Cumulative nitrogen balance, days 2–5: were statistically higher
formula vs a standard mechanical Experimental group 866 ± 113 vs 297 ± 71 mg/kg/d (P in the protein energy–
formula and also to assess ventilation with Protein energy–enriched < .01) enriched formula but
tolerance and safety of the expected length of formula: 100 kcal/100 mL, Increased gastric residual volumes in clinically insignificant
protein energy–enriched stay > 96 h 2.6 g/100 mL protein-enhanced formula group Limitations: small sample
formula Mean age (SD): Control group (P < .01) size
experimental, Standard formula: 1.4 g No intolerance reported
2.7 mo (0.5 mo); protein/100 mL, 67 kcal/100 No differences between the groups in
control, 3.0 mo (0.6 mL mechanical ventilation duration and
mo) PICU length of stay
Positive nitrogen balance achieved on
day 2 in experimental group vs up to
day 4 for control group

Chaloupecky RCT; single To evaluate the effect of n = 37 EN introduced day 2 Experimental vs control group Group receiving PN with AA
et al47 center nutrition support on the Postcardiac surgery Experimental group: PN with Nitrogen balance: −114 ± 81 vs 244 ± supplementation had less
hypercatabolic reaction Mean age (SD): 6.7 AA 0.8 ± 0.1 g/kg/d 86 mg/kg/d (P = .001) negative nitrogen balance
within 7 d following mo (3.4 mo) Control group: 10% dextrose Inverse ratio between nitrogen balance compared with control
cardiac surgery containing intravenous fluids and urine 3-methylhistidine excretion group receiving no AA
without AA in both groups Limitations: small sample
Measurements: plasma AA, No mortality size
urine 3-methylhistidine,
nitrogen balance

Table 5.  (continued)

Study Design; Population (n),
Reference No. of Sites Study Aims Eligibility Intervention Results/Outcome Comments

Observational studies

Jotterand Prospective To assess amount of protein n = 76 Minimum 1.5 g/kg/d protein and 58 The study establishes a
Chaparro cohort; single and energy necessary Children requiring kcal/kg/d required to achieve nitrogen threshold for energy intake
et al36 center to achieve nitrogen and mechanical and energy balance in children up to and a relationship between
energy balance and to ventilation ≥72 h 4 y old; DRIs underestimated protein energy and protein intake.
compare protein and Median age (IQR): needs ASPEN guidelines were
energy requirements 21 mo (4–35 mo) close to study results
with the ASPEN (except in older children,
recommendations and 4–8 y)
DRIs Limitations: small number
of older children studied
and patients with longer
PICU stays had more
measurements which may
influence results

Wong et al44 Retrospective To describe nutrition n = 107 Inadequate vs adequate protein intake Early initiation of nutrition
cohort; single support and identify Children with ARDS   ICU mortality: 60.2% vs 14.3%; P support with adequate
center adequate amount of Median age (IQR): = .002 protein was associated
protein received by 5.2 y (1.0–10.4 y)   PICU-free days: 0 (0–15) vs 0 with improved outcomes in
children with ARDS and (0–14); P = .940 children with ARDS
to determine whether   Ventilator-free days: 0 (0–4) vs 12 Limitations: nutrition status
provision of adequate (3–19); P = .005 was not documented, and
nutrition is associated with   Multiple organ dysfunction: 70.7% its impact on outcomes
decreased PICU mortality vs 50%; P = .136 is not shown; measured
and improved clinical Inadequate protein delivery, Pediatric resting energy expenditure
outcomes. Index of Mortality 2 score, and was not used
Adequate protein intake oxygenation index were independent
defined as 1.5 g/kg/d by predictors of increased PICU
third day of ARDS mortality

Mehta et al9 International To examine the association N = 1245 n = 985 received EN Adequate protein intake
prospective between protein intake and Critically ill Mean percentage delivery of prescribed: was associated with lower
cohort; 60-d mortality children requiring energy, 36% ± 35%; protein, 37% ± mortality
multicenter; 59 mechanical 38% Results generalizable to
PICUs in 15 ventilation (≥48 h) Adequate enteral protein intake was children on mechanical
countries Median age (IQR): significantly associated with 60-d ventilation in PICUs with
1.7 y (0.4–7.0 y) mortality (P < .001) after adjustment >8 beds
for disease severity, site, PICU days, Limitations:
and energy intake noninterventional,
Mean enteral protein intake <20% vs observational study
≥60% of prescribed goal, OR for 60-d
mortality: 0.14 (95% CI, 0.04–0.52;
P = .003)
Table 5.  (continued)

Study Design; Population (n),

Reference No. of Sites Study Aims Eligibility Intervention Results/Outcome Comments

Carlotti et al54 Prospective Determine if negative n = 17 Anabolism was associated with Patients with traumatic
observational balance of intracellular Children with severe increased protein intake: median 1.1 brain injury with negative
cohort; single constituents are markers traumatic brain (range, 0.7–2.2) g/kg/d vs catabolism protein balance also had
center of cell catabolism and to injury (Glasgow median 0.1 (0–1.8) g/kg/d (P < .0001) negative balances in other
evaluate effectiveness of Coma Scale, Positive correlation: protein intake and intracellular markers;
nutrition therapy on rate of ≤8) requiring balance, R = 0.63 (P < .0001) together these findings
creatinine excretion mechanical Positive balance for phosphate and suggest losses of lean body
ventilation with magnesium with protein intake 0.5–1 mass
sedation and g/kg/d Minimum intake of 1 g/kg/d
analgesics ± Negative correlation: creatinine protein and ≥50% of goal
neuromuscular clearance and protein balance, R = energy with the Holliday-
blockade −0.45 (P < .0001) Segar formula were
Median age (range): Negative protein balance associated associated with a positive
6 y (2–14 y) with pneumonia, sepsis, increased protein balance, except in
creatinine excretion septic patients.
Limitations: small sample

Zappitelli et al26 Retrospective To evaluate protein and n = 195 Maximum protein: 2 ± 1.5 g/kg/d Study reports feasibility
collaborative caloric prescription and to Critically ill children Median protein dose by day 5: > 2 g/ of adequate protein
registry evaluate factors associated and young adults kg/d prescription in patients on
with over prescription with acute kidney Maximum energy: 48.2 ± 31.5 kcal/kg/d CRRT.
and underprescription of injury receiving Predictors of higher protein and calorie Limitations: no
protein and calories CRRT intake: younger age (P = .04), higher recommendations for
Mean age (SD): 8.8 y initial protein or calories at initiation protein or caloric doses and
(6.8 y) of CRRT (P < .0001), longer duration did not assess nutrition or
of CRRT (P < .003) clinical outcomes

AA, amino acids; ARDS, acute respiratory distress syndrome; ASPEN, American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition; CRRT, continuous renal replacement therapy; DRI, Dietary Reference
Intake; EN, enteral nutrition; IC, indirect calorimetry; IQR, interquartile range; OR, odds ratio; PICU, pediatric intensive care unit; PN, parenteral nutrition; RCT, randomized controlled trial; RSV,
respiratory syncytial virus.

724 Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition 41(5)

children receiving mechanical ventilation from 15 countries, perceived intolerance, and prolonged fasting around proce-
985 subjects received EN; delivery of >60% of prescribed dures. On the basis of observational studies, we suggest that
enteral protein goal was significantly associated with interruptions to EN be minimized in an effort to achieve nutri-
decreased 60-day mortality (<20% vs >60%; odds ratio, 0.14 ent delivery goals by the enteral route.
[95% CI, 0.04–0.52]; P = .003) after adjustment for disease Quality of evidence. Low.
severity, site, PICU days, and energy intake.9 Hence, at the GRADE recommendation. Strong.
very minimum, a protein intake of 1.5 g/kg/d must be ensured
Question 4B: What is the benefit of EN in this group?
to avoid cumulative protein deficits in critically ill children.
The optimal protein intake threshold for infants and young Recommendation 4B.  Although the optimal dose of macronu-
children is likely to be higher than this value. Specific sub- trients is unclear, some amount of nutrient delivered as EN has
groups, such as infants and young children admitted with been beneficial for gastrointestinal mucosal integrity and
bronchiolitis or other causes of respiratory failure requiring motility. Based on large cohort studies, early initiation of EN
mechanical ventilation, require 2.5–3 g/kg protein daily to (within 24–48 hours of PICU admission) and achievement of
improve protein balance.46,48,51 Protein intake was well toler- up to two-thirds of the nutrient goal in the first week of critical
ated in these studies. However, the safety of protein intake >3 illness have been associated with improved clinical outcomes.
g/kg/d in children >1 month old has not been adequately Quality of evidence. Low.
demonstrated and may be associated with increased blood GRADE recommendation. Weak.
urea nitrogen. The effect of the route of protein delivery,
enteral versus parenteral, on clinical outcomes is unclear. In Rationale. The enteral route is the preferred modality to
particular, the role of early parenteral protein intake has not provide nutrition support to adults and children. Animal
been shown, and most studies demonstrating the benefits of studies have demonstrated the beneficial effects of EN on
higher protein intake have utilized the enteral route. gut-associated lymphoid tissue, mucosal immunity, and
Current evidence for increased protein dosing in criti- improved survival after Escherichia coli–induced peritoni-
cally ill children exceeds RDA recommendations and rec- tis and brief intestinal ischemia.56-60 Early initiation of EN is
ommendations from WHO. These recommendations are preferred in most PICUs. However, a variety of challenges
calculated estimates from derived equations of protein impedes early initiation and maintenance of EN in children
deposition in healthy children and do not account for the during critical illness.61-63,67,68 Many of these perceived bar-
increased protein breakdown that occurs during critical ill- riers to EN may be avoidable.61 In large cohorts of patients
ness.9,36,39 The use of RDA recommendations to guide pro- on vasoactive medications in the PICU, EN was adminis-
tein intake during critical illness may lead to unintended tered without any significant adverse events.64,65 Although
negative protein balance. The determination of protein the physician’s decision to start EN may have been biased
requirements for obese patients in the PICU may be chal- by the clinical condition of the patient, gastrointestinal com-
lenging. The recommendation of a minimum of 1.5 g/kg/d plications (vomiting, diarrhea, bleeding, and abdominal
should also be applied to this population, based on ideal distension), other severe feeding-related complications, or
body weight. This population is at risk of undetected lean mortality were not increased in the group who received
body mass erosion. A reliable method to monitor the body vasoactive medications.65
composition for the critically ill pediatric population, par- Cohort studies of children admitted to the PICU have
ticularly obese children, is needed to better address their reported improved survival with optimal nutrient intake by
optimal macronutrient needs. the enteral route. In 2 large international prospective cohort
Future direction.  Future studies are needed to determine the studies of children receiving mechanical ventilation, enteral
optimal dose of protein that improves protein balance, nutri- delivery of > two-thirds of the energy goal and >60% of the
tion status (eg, muscle mass and function), and relevant clini- protein goal was significantly associated with lower 60-day
cal outcomes (eg, duration of mechanical ventilation, PICU mortality.8,9 These benefits were not seen for nutrients deliv-
LOS, and mortality). Future studies must also examine the ered via the parenteral route. In a large retrospective multi-
effect of specific protein sources and the route of delivery on center study of 5105 patients from 12 centers, the provision
outcomes. of one-fourth goal calories enterally over the first 48 hours
of admission was associated with reduced PICU mortality.66
Question 4A: Is EN feasible in critically ill children?
In a retrospective cohort of 107 children with acute respira-
Recommendation 4A. On the basis of observational studies, tory distress syndrome, enteral delivery of adequate calories
we recommend EN as the preferred mode of nutrient delivery (≥80% estimated goal) and protein (≥1.5 g/kg/d) was associ-
to the critically ill child (see Table 6). Observational studies ated with a reduction in ICU mortality.44 Hence, EN is fea-
support the feasibility of EN, which can be safely delivered to sible during acute critical illness and must be prioritized as
critically ill children with medical and surgical diagnoses and the preferred route for nutrient delivery.
to those receiving vasoactive medications. Common barriers to Future direction.  Future studies evaluating the feasibility of
EN in the PICU include delayed initiation, interruptions due to EN in critically ill children should examine its impact on
Table 6.  Feasibility and Benefits of Enteral Nutrition.
Study Design; No. of
Reference Sites Study Aims Population (n), Eligibility Results/Outcome Comments

Wong et al44 Retrospective cohort; To determine whether n = 107 28 (26.2%) of patients received early EN The authors report an association between
single center the provision of Critically ill children with (within 24 h of ARDS) adequacy of energy and protein intake and
adequate nutrition ARDS PICU mortality was lower in patients who survival in children with ARDS.
is associated with Median age: 5.2 y (IQR, received adequate calories (34.6% vs 60.5%; Limitations: underpowered study; nutrition
improved clinical 1.0–10.4 y) P = .025) and adequate protein (14.3% vs prescription was dependent on the clinical
outcomes 60.2%; P = .002) compared with those who practitioner preference; and energy needs
did not were estimated with equations

Mehta et al9 Prospective cohort; To examine the n = 1245 n = 985 received EN Large multicenter prospective cohort study
multicenter association between Critically ill children The mean ± SD delivery of enteral energy and found an association with adequacy of
59 PICUs in 15 protein intake and receiving mechanical protein was 36% ± 35% and 37% ± 38%, enteral protein intake and decreased
countries 60-d mortality in ventilation for ≥48 h respectively. mortality.
mechanically ventilated Median age (IQR): 1.7 The adequacy of enteral protein intake was Limitations: only PICUs with > 8 beds were
children (0.4–7.0) y significantly associated with 60-d mortality included; the energy intake goals were
(P < .001) after adjustment for disease estimated by dietitians at each site; and
severity, site, PICU days, and energy intake. variability of nutrition practices at the
participating sites

Mikhailov Retrospective cohort To determine whether n = 5105 Early EN was achieved by 27.1% of patients The authors report an association between
et al66 study; multicenter early EN (within 48 Critically ill children with Children receiving early EN were less likely receiving early EN and improved survival.
database h of admission) is PICU LOS ≥96 h to die than those who did not (OR, 0.51 Propensity analyses demonstrated this
associated with lower Median age (IQR): 2.4 [95% CI, 0.34–0.76]; P = .001), adjusted for relationship in their large database.
mortality, shorter LOS, (0.5–9.8) y propensity score, Pediatric Index of Mortality Limitations: energy needs estimated by
and shorter duration of 2 score, age, and center equations; not all sources of energy were
mechanical ventilation LOS and duration of mechanical ventilation included; patients were included only if
were not different between the groups that PICU stay was ≥96 h; and inaccuracies of
received early EN vs the group that did not. nutrition data recorded in health records

Panchal et al65 Retrospective cohort; To evaluate the safety n = 339 received ≥1 Patients in the fed group were younger (P < The authors found no adverse effects with the
single center of enteral feeding in vasoactive drug .001) and had a lower mortality (P < .01) vs use of vasoactive medications during EN
critically ill children n = 188 fed and n = 155 the nonfed group. delivery.
receiving vasoactive nonfed based on EN The Vasoactive-Inotropic Score in the nonfed Large sample size
medications received the first 4 d of group was higher only on day 1 (P < .05) vs Limitations: the effect of > 1 vasoactive
admission to PICU the fed group. Gastrointestinal outcomes were drug on intolerance to EN is not known.
not different between the 2 groups. Retrospective study with limitations of
clinical and nutrition data in health records

Kyle et al67 Retrospective cohort; To describe energy and n = 167 Overall (PN and EN) protein intake was 19% The study showed that patients with vs
single center protein EN delivery in Critically ill children with and energy intake was 55% of goal. without AKI are more likely to be underfed.
PICU patients with and PICU LOS > 3 d AKI (injury and failure) had higher likelihood Limitations: does not describe outcomes
without AKI n = 65 with AKI of fasting days and energy provision <90% related to nutrient adequacy.
n = 102 without AKI BMR.

Kyle et al68 Retrospective cohort; To examine current n = 240, critically ill children Actual energy intake for all patient-days was Patients in this large tertiary PICU study
single center nutrition practices with PICU LOS >48 h 75.7% ± 56.7% of estimated BMR. received < half of recommended protein
and the adequacy of Documented nutrient intake Actual protein intake for all patient-days was intake.
nutrition support in the by all routes (PN and EN) 40.4% ± 44.2% of estimated requirements. Limitations: results may not be applicable to
PICU in the first 8 d in PICU other PICUs; and energy and protein needs
based on reference values

Table 6.  (continued)

Study Design; No. of

Reference Sites Study Aims Population (n), Eligibility Results/Outcome Comments

Mehta et al8 Prospective cohort To evaluate adequacy n = 500 Mean prescribed goals for energy and protein Large multicenter prospective cohort study
study; multicenter, of energy and protein Children on mechanical intake were 64 kcal/kg/d and 1.7 g/kg/d, found an association between higher enteral
31 PICUs in 8 intake in the PICU and ventilation respectively; EN was used in 67% of the energy intake and lower mortality.
countries their relationship to Mean age (SD): 4.5 y (5.1 y) patients and was initiated within 48 h of Limitations: energy needs estimated by
clinical outcomes admission. equations; almost one-third of the patients
A higher percentage of goal energy intake via had missing severity of illness scores;
enteral route was significantly associated with only PICUs with >8 beds were included;
lower 60-d mortality. variability in staff skills, availability and
Mortality at 60 d was 8.4%. adherence to protocols, and resource
availability could have influenced the results

Mehta et al61 Prospective cohort; To identify risk factors n = 117 68% received EN (20% postpyloric) for a total This study highlights factors such as
single center associated with PICU population with LOS of 381 EN days (median, 2 d). prolonged fasting around procedures and
avoidable interruptions ≥24 h Median time to EN initiation was <1 d. intolerance, which impede optimal EN
to EN in critically Median age (IQR): 7.2 y EN was interrupted in 30% at an average of 3.7 delivery. EN is frequently interrupted
ill children. Also, to (1.7–15.3 y) ± 3.1 times per patient (range, 1–13), for a in the PICU; >50% of interruptions are
evaluate the frequency total of 88 episodes accounting for 1483 h of “avoidable.”
of avoidable EN EN deprivation in this cohort. Infants and those on mechanical ventilation at
interruptions and their 51 of 88 (58%) episodes of EN interruptions risk for EN interruptions
impact on nutrient were deemed avoidable in 15 of 80 patients. Limitations: practices and challenges might be
delivery Avoidable EN interruption was associated different in other centers.
with increased reliance on PN and impaired
ability and time required to reach caloric goal
and increased costs.

de Oliveira Prospective cohort; To compare prescribed n = 58 Daily average intake met 60% required This study highlighted factors that impede
Iglesias single center vs delivered energy; Patients admitted to PICU kilocalories and 85% prescribed kilocalories optimal delivery of EN.
et al62 identify EN barriers in and received EN for >48 h Gastrointestinal complications and use of Limitations: practices and challenges might be
first 5 d of PICU stay vasoactive drugs (α-1 adrenergic agonists) different in other centers; and no outcomes
were associated with lower energy provision. described

King et al64 Retrospective cohort; Evaluate the n = 52 Dopamine at ≥6 µg/kg/min was used The study reported reasonable EN tolerance
single center tolerance of EN in Received EN and in 17 patients (31%) and dopamine + in patients receiving cardiovascular drugs in
children receiving cardiovascular medications norepinephrine in 23 patients (42%). the PICU.
cardiovascular in the same 24-h period 71% had ≥1 feeding interruption with 70% of Limitations: retrospective review with
medications Age: 1 mo to 20 y interruptions not related to gastrointestinal limitations of clinical data in medical
tolerance; vomiting was reported in 12 (23%); records
4 patients had gastrointestinal bleeding.

AKI, acute kidney injury; ARDS, acute respiratory distress syndrome; BMR, basal metabolic rate; EN, enteral nutrition; IQR, interquartile range; LOS, length of stay; OR, odds ratio; PICU, pediatric
intensive care unit; PN, parenteral nutrition.
Mehta et al 727

well-defined outcomes. Higher-quality randomized study clear and might impede EN advancement. Several studies have
designs should evaluate the benefits of providing adequate EN reported rapid advancement of EN and achievement of nutrient
with predefined energy and protein goals. delivery goals by a stepwise algorithmic approach.70,71,78 The
use of EN algorithms/protocols has been associated with
Question 5A: What is the optimum method for advancing
decreased time to initiation of EN, increased EN delivery and
EN in the PICU population?
decreased reliance on PN, and increased likelihood of achiev-
Recommendation 5A. On the basis of observational studies, ing nutrient delivery goals.70,72,79
we suggest the use of a stepwise algorithmic approach to Presence of a dedicated multidisciplinary nutrition team in
advance EN in children admitted to the PICU (see Table 7). the ICU guides the timely initiation and management of nutri-
The stepwise algorithm must include bedside support to guide tion support. It is suggested that the composition of the team
the detection and management of EN intolerance and the opti- includes personnel knowledgeable and experienced in pediat-
mal rate of increase in EN delivery. ric critical care, pediatric nutrition, and nutrition support ther-
Quality of evidence. Low. apy. Dedicated dietitians support sound nutrition practices,
GRADE recommendation. Weak. such as timely assessment and documentation of nutrition sta-
tus, development of an optimal nutrition prescription, serial
Question 5B: What is the role of a nutrition support team
follow-up, and monitoring for safe nutrient delivery, as some
or a dedicated dietitian in optimizing nutrition therapy?
of the responsibilities of a PICU dietitian.80 In a multicenter
Recommendation 5B. On the basis of observational studies, observational cohort study of 31 PICUs, a majority of the cen-
we suggest that a multidisciplinary nutrition support team, ters (93%) reported the presence of a dedicated dietitian for an
including a dedicated dietitian, be available on the PICU team average of 0.4 full-time equivalents per 10 beds.8 In a subse-
to facilitate timely nutrition assessment and optimal nutrient quent multicenter study of 59 PICUs, the presence of a dedi-
delivery and adjustment to the patients. cated dietitian was a significant and independent predictor of
Quality of evidence. Low. adequate enteral protein intake.9 Hence, dietitians are essential
GRADE recommendation. Weak. members of the multidisciplinary care team in the PICU. It is
Rationale. Despite the preference for the enteral route for important to develop a seamless transition of nutrition care
nutrition delivery and benefits reported by many authors, the plan as patients move across the continuum of pediatric ward
practice of providing EN to critically ill children is variable. to the ICU and back.
There is no uniform approach to initiate and advance EN. A Future direction. Future studies must clarify the evidence to
stepwise protocol/algorithm is expected to address barriers to inform stepwise decision making in the EN algorithms. These
EN, such as prolonged interruptions due to procedures, lack of steps include selection of gastric versus postpyloric tube feed-
a clear definition of feeding intolerance, and management of ing, clear and practical definitions of feeding intolerance (eg,
mechanical issues with feeding tubes, among others. The use reflux, vomiting, constipation, diarrhea, and malabsorption), and
of feeding protocols is considered safe and, in individual cen- the role of adjuncts such as prokinetic, antiemetic, antidiarrheal,
ters, has been effective in optimizing nutrient delivery without acid suppressive, and laxative medications. In particular, the
increasing the risk of other complications.70-72 In an interna- practice of measuring GRV as a marker of EN intolerance in the
tional multicenter cohort study, 9 of the 31 participating PICUs PICU population must be challenged. Future studies examining
reported the use of an EN algorithm.73 These algorithms the role or the optimal threshold of GRV to guide EN delivery
defined the rate of EN advancement and recommended nutri- are desirable. In addition, prospective trials are needed to show
tion screening and fasting guidelines, and most centers defined the benefit of algorithmic EN advancement and dietitian inter-
intolerance by some threshold of increased gastric residual vol- ventions on important nutrition and clinical outcomes.
ume (GRV). Despite being commonly measured in many
Question 6A: What is the best site for EN delivery: gastric
PICUs, the accuracy of GRV as a marker of delayed gastric
or small bowel?
emptying has been recently challenged in adult and pediatric
intensive care populations.55,74 Measurement of GRV has not Recommendation 6A.  Existing data are insufficient to make
been correlated with risk of aspiration in adult studies, and it is universal recommendations regarding the optimal site to
no longer recommended in the recent adult critical care nutri- deliver EN to critically ill children (see Table 8). On the basis
tion guidelines.75,76 In a recent single-center study of children of observational studies, we suggest that the gastric route be
eligible for EN initiation in the PICU, measured GRV did not the preferred site for EN in patients in the PICU. The postpy-
correlate with delayed gastric emptying or with the ability to loric or small intestinal site for EN may be used for patients
rapidly advance EN.55 The threshold volume used to define unable to tolerate gastric feeding or for those at high risk for
increased GRV in the PICU is variable.73,77 In the absence of aspiration. Existing data are insufficient to make recommen-
pediatric trials, we cannot recommend discontinuing GRV dations regarding the use of continuous versus intermittent
measurement in the PICU, but the role of this practice is not gastric feeding.
Table 7.  Optimum Method for Advancing Enteral Nutrition.

Study Design; Population (n),

Reference No. of Sites Study Aims Eligibility Intervention Results/Outcome Comments
Kaufman Before/after To examine the role of a n = 106 The EN protocol: start with 0.5 The percentage of patient days The study involves children
et al69 cohort, multistep intervention Preintervention mL/kg/h, advance by the same in a month when daily caloric in the cardiac ICU—
single center including a guideline n = 260 rate every 4–6 h until goal is goals were met increased from predominantly newborns
in improving energy Postintervention reached. 50.1% to 60.7% from the and some older infants.
and protein delivery. Predominantly Intervention also included calorie preintervention to intervention Difficult to parse the older
newborns <1 mo counts, screening by specialists, period. The percentage of patient children from neonates.
in the cardiac bedside discussion of delivery, days when daily protein goals Overall, the use of EN
ICU guideline (stepwise) for nutrient were met increased from 51.6% algorithm resulted in
delivery to 72.7% from similar periods. increased likelihood of
Goal calories for full-term reaching protein delivery
intubated and nonintubated goals.
infants: 80 kcal/kg/d and
100–130 kcal/kg/d, respectively.
Hamilton Before/after To examine the n = 80 The protocol included nutrition Median time to reach energy goal The study reports
et al70 cohort, role of a stepwise Preintervention assessment and goals, mode decreased from 4 d to 1 d (P < significantly decreased
single center EN advancement n = 80 of nutrition (EN vs PN), .05), with a higher proportion of time to reach and
algorithm on adequacy Postintervention route of EN (gastric vs patients reaching this goal (99% increased likelihood of
of EN delivery, ability Heterogeneous postpyloric), initiation of vs 61%, P = .01). reaching nutrient delivery
to reach goal, and time PICU population EN, and maintenance of EN. Decrease in avoidable EN goals after instituting a
to reach energy goal. with Also included a stepwise EN interruptions (3 vs 51, P < stepwise EN algorithm.
LOS >24 h algorithm development and .0001) and decreased use of PN Limitations: No difference
systematic implementation in the in this subset. in clinical outcomes.
Yoshimura Prospective To investigate the safety n = 62 The EN protocol had caloric goal- The time until initiation of EN The study reports
et al72 case series, and efficacy of an Preintervention based advancements: The goal (median of 22 h vs 20 h) and the higher proportion of
single center EN protocol after its n = 47 on day 1 was set at 40% of target total calories provided did not nutrient delivery and
implementation Postintervention dose and advanced by 20% each differ significantly. lower incidence of
day to reach 100% by day 4. The proportion of energy provided EN intolerance after
by EN and PN in the postgroup implementing the
was significantly higher and algorithm in children after
smaller, respectively, vs the cardiac surgery.
preimplementation group. No increase in necrotizing
The frequency of vomiting enterocolitis.
was significantly lower in the Limitations: No difference
postgroup vs the pregroup, and in clinical outcomes.
the incidence of necrotizing
enterocolitis was not different
between the groups.
Table 7.  (continued)

Study Design; Population (n),

Reference No. of Sites Study Aims Eligibility Intervention Results/Outcome Comments
Meyer Time series, To examine the impact n = 400 Baseline evaluation followed Over the 4 periods that EN protocols shortened
et al79 single center of introducing a series Over a 9-y period by NGT feeding protocols, represented the baseline and the time to EN initiation,
of enteral feeding and spanning 4 specifying feeding rate, type modifications of an incremental increased the number of
protocols on nutrition studies. of feed and gastric residual protocol, the following serial patients fed enterally, and
practice in a PICU volume management, were changes were noted: decreased the number of
over a 9-y period. introduced and then further   Median time to initiate EN: 15, patients fed parenterally.
protocols (including NJT feeding 8, 5.5, 4.5 h Limitations: No changes in
algorithm) were introduced.   Patients receiving EN: 89%, clinical outcomes.
81%, 99%, 96%
  Patients receiving PN: 11%,
19%, 1%, 4%
  Patients reaching 50% of EAR
by day 3: 15%, 26%, 58%,
  Patients reaching 70% of EAR
by day 3: 6%, 10%, 35%, 21%
Petrillo- Before/after To examine the n = 91 Initiation of a feeding protocol in Outcome variables for This study demonstrated
Albarano cohort, implementation of Preintervention the PICU. postintervention vs that a stepwise nutrition
et al71 single center an early, aggressive, n = 93 The protocol also included preintervention groups: protocol reduced time to
enteral feeding Postintervention guidance on EN tolerance and   Time to achieve goal feeding achieving goal feeding
protocol in the PICU Critically ill management / prevention of (median): 14 vs 32 h, P < .001 and improved nutrition
and to describe children who constipation.   Reduction in percentage of tolerance.
its impact on received NGT patients with emesis and Limitations: No differences
time to achieving feeding constipation in clinical outcomes
goal feedings and
associated with enteral
Briassoulis Prospective To investigate the n = 71 Initiation of a feeding protocol Energy intake approached The study showed the
et al78 study, feasibility, adequacy, Children requiring in the first 12 h of admission to predicted basal metabolic rate utility of a protocol to
single center and efficacy of early mechanical PICU. the second day (43 ± 1.7 kcal/ advance EN increased
intragastric feeding ventilation kg/d vs 43.2 ± 1.1 kcal/kg/d) and caloric intake during the
Mean age (range): predicted energy expenditure first 5 d of admission to
54 (2–204) mo (based on stress factors) the fifth the PICU.
day (66.2 ± 2.7 kcal/kg/d vs 67.7 Limitations: Energy needs
± 6.4 kcal/kg/d) were based on equations
and stress factors.

EAR, estimated average requirements; EN, enteral nutrition; ICU, intensive care unit; LOS, length of stay; NGT, nasogastric tube; NJT: nasojejunal tube; PICU, pediatric intensive care unit; PN,
parenteral nutrition.

Table 8.  Optimal Route (Gastric or Small Bowel) and Timing of Enteral Nutrition.
Study Design;
Reference No. of Sites Study Aims Population (n), Eligibility Intervention Results/Outcome Comments

Randomized controlled trials

Meert et al RCT; single To evaluate the effect of gastric n = 74 Gastric vs postpyloric No significant differences between This randomized trial did not show
center vs small bowel feeding tube Mechanically ventilated, feeding groups for mortality, PICU a significant difference in rates
position on critically ill children LOS, hospital LOS, pneumonia, of aspiration or feeding tolerance
1. Nutrient delivery n = 32 gastric duration of mechanical ventilation, between gastric and postpyloric
2. Feeding complications, including n = 30 small bowel intolerance (vomiting, diarrhea, and feeding groups.
micro aspiration with pepsin in 12 of 42 randomized to abdominal distension), interruption Limitations: aspiration detected by
tracheal aspirates postpyloric group were unable to feeds, or tracheal aspirates a crude marker (pepsin in tracheal
to have feeding tube placed positive for pepsin aspirates); a large proportion of
and exited the study Experimental (small bowel) group had patients in each group had significant
significantly higher energy intake number of EN interruptions and did
(mean, SD percent of goal): 47% ± not reach goal; and no difference in
22% vs 30% ± 23%; P = .01 clinical outcomes

Kamat et al81 RCT; single To evaluate the frequency of n = 44 Gastric vs postpyloric Experimental vs control group No benefit of postpyloric over gastric
center clinical and subclinical aspiration n = 17 postpyloric feeding   Time to start feeds: median (95% feeds.
in mechanically ventilated, Median age (95% CI): 17 mo Methylene blue: 0.2 CI), 24 (18–24) vs 6 (6–12) h; The postpyloric group experienced
critically ill children fed gastric (6.3–62.8 mo) mL/100 mL formula P = .0002 significant delays in EN initiation due
vs postpyloric and to compare n = 27 gastric Endotracheal specimen Median (95% CI) number of to the time required for feeding tube
methylene blue to glucose Median age (95% CI): 4.2 mo every 8 h: bedside abdominal radiographs: 4 (3–4) vs 1 placement.
in tracheal aspirate to detect (1.5–55.9 mo) test for glucose, (1–1); P = .001 Centers with greater proficiency with
aspiration 2 of 19 randomized to spectrophotometry to postpyloric feeding tubes may secure
postpyloric group were unable detect methylene blue placement more quickly.
to have feeding tube placed Limitations: study underpowered
after 24 h and 4 abdominal to show a difference in aspiration
radiographs; moved to the between groups; glucose in tracheal
gastric group aspirates lacks specificity and is not a
marker of aspiration; and methylene
blue is no longer used due to safety
1 1 1
Horn et al77 RCT— To examine the relationship n = 46 Experimental group: No significant differences in mean No difference in feeding tolerance
and 2Horn and convenience between 2 gastric feeding n = 22 continuous feeding continuously fed with stool volume, diarrhea, vomiting, or GRV between continuous and
Chaboyer83 sample; single regimens—continuous and Median age: 6 mo (0–146 mo) pump use of prokinetic agents, or intermittent feeding groups
center intermittent—and tolerance as n = 24 intermittent feeding Control group: feedings antibiotic use Limitations: timing of enrollment, in
measured by the number of stools (1 subject removed due to only delivered every 2 h Experimental group vs control group: relation to critical illness is unclear;
and prevalence of diarrhea (≥3 1 d of feeding; final n = 23) over 20–30 min with no significant differences in volume accurate adequacy of feeding not
stools/24 h) and vomiting Median age: 8 mo (1–153 mo) gravity method (standard of formula received, GRV values, available; used nonvalidated criteria
To examine the effect of gastric Random assignment to feeding practice) or incidence of GRV >5 mL/kg. (GRV >5 mL/kg); and small sample
feeding regimens, either regimen Time to initiation of feeds (h), size (convenience sample)
continuous or intermittent, on median (range): 13.0 (1–63) vs 18.5
GRV, defined as >5 mL/kg (3–231); P = .05

Table 8.  (continued)

Study Design;
Reference No. of Sites Study Aims Population (n), Eligibility Intervention Results/Outcome Comments

Observational studies
Canarie et al Retrospective To determine the factors associated n = 444 EN was started at median of 20 h Large multicenter report of EN practices
cohort; with delayed EN Median age (IQR): 4.0 y 88 of 444 children (19.8%) had in critically ill children, highlighting
multicenter Patients divided into 2 groups: early (0.5–11.9 y) delayed EN the role of noninvasive ventilation,
6 PICUs EN (≤48 h) and delayed EN (>48 Risk factors associated with delayed procedures, gastrointestinal
h) from PICU admission EN: noninvasive (OR, 3.37 [95% disturbances, and high illness severity
CI, 1.69–6.72]) and invasive as factors that result in delayed EN
positive-pressure ventilation delivery.
(OR, 2.06 [95% CI, 1.15–3.69]), Limitations: accuracy of clinical and
severity of illness (OR for every 0.1 nutrition data from retrospective chart
increase in PIM2 score, 1.39 [95% review at different sites cannot be
CI, 1.14–1.71]), procedures (OR, assured and decision making was not
3.33 [95% CI, 1.67–6.64]), and protocolized, therefore rationale for
gastrointestinal disturbances (OR, withholding EN may be uncertain
2.05 [95% CI, 1.14–3.68]) within 48
h after admission to the PICU

Mikhailov et al66 Retrospective To examine the association of early n = 5105 27.1% achieved early EN Early EN was associated with reduced
cohort study; EN with mortality and morbidity Critically ill children with PICU Mortality: 5.3% mortality in this large multicenter
multicenter Early EN definition: provision LOS ≥96 h Difference in outcomes between early cohort
12 PICUs of 25% of cumulative goal EN Median age (IQR): EN vs no early EN (adjusted for Limitations: accuracy may be limited by
calories over the first 48 h of 2.4 y (0.5–9.8 y) PIM2, age, center) the retrospective nature of the study
admission Mortality: OR, 0.51 (95% CI and reliance on charts and database for
0.34–0.76); P = .001 detailed nutrient delivery data
No difference in LOS or mechanical
ventilation duration

Mehta et al8 Prospective To evaluate adequacy of energy n = 500 Mean prescribed goals Higher enteral energy intake was
cohort study; and protein intake in the PICU Critically ill children requiring Energy: 64 kcal/kg/d associated with lower mortality in this
multicenter and their relationship to clinical mechanical ventilation ≥48 h Protein: 1.7 g/kg/d large multicenter prospective cohort
31 PICUs in 8 outcomes Mean age (SD): 4.5 y (5.1 y) EN started in ≤48 h from admission in study.
countries 67% of patients Limitations: energy needs were
60-d mortality: 8.4% estimated by dietitians at participating
A higher percentage of goal energy sites (mostly by equations); severity of
intake via EN was significantly illness scores not available in a third
associated with lower 60-d mortality of the cohort; only PICUs with ≥ 8
beds were included; and variability in
nutrition practice and resources could
have influenced the performance of
individual sites


Table 8.  (continued)
Study Design;
Reference No. of Sites Study Aims Population (n), Eligibility Intervention Results/Outcome Comments
Taha et al Retrospective To evaluate the impact of the time n = 109 19 patients died before starting In children with severe TBI, early and
cohort; single of initiation of nutrition support Median age (range): 13 y (8–18 nutrition and 7 died before adequate energy intake was associated
center and achieving full caloric intake y) achieving full caloric intake with shorter length of PICU stay.
on PICU LOS and disposition Children with severe isolated The time to start nutrition support Limitations: estimated energy goals,
status at discharge TBI was correlated with PICU LOS (r = hence true requirement not known
Median Glasgow Coma 0.49; P < .01) and results may not be extrapolated to
Scale on admission to the ICU: 3 PICU LOS was shorter when patients other centers with differing nutrition
achieved full caloric intake sooner and discharge policies
(r = 0.57; P < .01)

Tume et al87 Prospective 1. To compare actual calorie intake n = 47 EN initiation ≤6 h postadmission A majority of patients received <50% of
cohort; single with estimated requirements Median age (range): 10 mo target: 46% prescribed energy goal. Adherence to
center 2. Determine whether feeding (0.03–168 mo) 55% received <50% estimated needs feeding guidelines improved nutrition
guideline adherence resulted in Adherence to guidelines was reported intake.
improved nutrition intake in 35% of the cohort. Limitations: small sample size; study
In children who were fed following limited to 24 h; and no clinical
the guidelines, energy intake was outcomes reported
75% vs 38% of estimated goal, P
= .004

López-Herce et al84 Prospective Evaluate tolerance and adverse n = 526 Patients with shock vs those without This is a large cohort of children fed
cohort; single effects of postpyloric EN in Critically ill children admitted to shock: via the postpyloric route. Patients
center critically ill children with shock PICU and received postpyloric More gastrointestinal complications: with shock had more gastrointestinal
vs without shock EN 20 (30.7%) vs 42 (9.1%), P = .020; complications compared with those
n = 65 with shock more gastric distention/residue: 10 without shock.
Median age (range): 12 mo (15.4%) vs 23 (5%), P = .004; more Limitations: data collectors knew both
(0.7–264 mo) diarrhea: 13 (20%) vs 21 (4.6%), exposure and outcomes at time of data
n = 461 without shock P = .0001; 1 vs 0 duodenal collection; EN tolerance can be difficult
Median age (range): 5 mo perforation resulting in death; to objectively assess; and patients with
(0.1–228 mo); P = .0001 definite suspension of EN: 6 (9.2%) shock received significantly higher
vs 5 (1%), P = .0001; higher doses of dopamine, epinephrine,
mortality: 18 (27.7%) vs 32 (6.9%), milrinone, midazolam, fentanyl, and
P = .0001 vecuronium.

Sánchez et al88 Prospective To compare tolerance and n = 526 Early vs late EN: Early EN <24 h was achieved in > one-
cohort; single complications associated with Critically ill children admitted EN initiation: 0.7 ± 0.2 vs 5.3 ± 7.4 third of children in this large study
center early vs late transpyloric EN to PICU and received d, P < .001 Early EN group received less sedation
Early EN definition: <24 h from transpyloric EN No difference in mortality, nosocomial vs late EN—these medications may
PICU admission n = 202 early EN pneumonia, maximum calorie affect abdominal distention and EN
n = 324 late EN intake, diarrhea tolerance.
Supplemental parenteral nutrition: 0.2 Limitations: abdominal distention, high
± 1.4 vs 0.9 ± 2.8 d GRV, and diarrhea are not specific or
Low K+ (16.3% vs 29.9%; P < .05) accurate measures of intolerance and
Low Ca (3.5% vs 12.1%; P < .05) illness severity not assessed
Abdominal distention: 3.5% vs 7.8%;
P < .05

Table 8.  (continued)
Study Design;
Reference No. of Sites Study Aims Population (n), Eligibility Intervention Results/Outcome Comments
López-Herce et al Prospective Compare tolerance of transpyloric n = 526 ARF vs no ARF Patients with ARF received less
cohort; single EN in children with ARF vs other Critically ill children admitted   Maximum intake: 77 (26.7) vs 85 energy from EN and experienced
center critically ill children to PICU and received (24.9) kcal/kg/d; P = .029 more gastrointestinal complications
ARF defined as acute increase in transpyloric EN   Shock: 49% vs 8.2%; P = .0001 compared with those without ARF.
creatinine >2× upper normal for n = 53 (10%) with ARF   Mortality: 30.1% vs 7.1%; P = .0001 Limitations: data collectors not blinded
age, with or without change in Median age (range): 18 mo   Gastrointestinal complications: to mode of feeding; EN tolerance can
diuresis and/or need for renal (0.6–264 mo) 24.5% vs 9.9%; P = .008 be difficult to objectively assess; and
replacement therapy n = 473 without ARF   Abdominal distention, high gastric same population reported in 2 other
Median age (range): 5 mo residual volume: 17% vs 5%; studies.
(0.1–216 mo); P = .001 P = .003
n = 38 (71.6%) of patients with   EN suspended: 1.2 vs 9.4%;
ARF required continuous renal P = .0001
replacement therapy EN initiation <48 h of admission was
not different between groups

Petrillo-Albarano Retrospective, To examine the implementation n = 91 Preintervention Postintervention vs preintervention This study demonstrated that a stepwise
et al71 before/after of an early EN protocol (≤6 h Median age (IQR): 29.7 mo   Time to goal EN, median (IQR): 14 nutrition protocol reduced time
cohort; single from admission) and to describe (5.7–119.8 mo) (9–21.5) vs 32 (12–78) h; to achieve goal EN and improved
center its impact on time to achieve n = 93 Postintervention P < .0001 feeding tolerance.
goal feedings and complications Median age (IQR): 21.6 mo   Less diarrhea: P = .009 Limitations: abdominal distention
associated with EN (2.9–88.8 mo)   Less constipation: P = .012 and diarrhea may not be specific or
accurate measures of intolerance.

Briassoulis et al78 Prospective To investigate the feasibility, n = 71 Caloric intake approached predicted This study showed that use of a gastric
study; single adequacy, and efficacy of early Critically ill children requiring BMR on day 2 and estimated needs EN protocol increased caloric intake
center gastric feeding (≤12 h from mechanical ventilation (BMR × 1.5) on day 5 during the first 5 d of admission to
admission) Median age (range): 54 mo Correlation between calorie intake and the PICU
(2–204 mo) severity of illness: pediatric Risk of
Mortality score: r = −0.35; P = .003;
Therapeutic Intervention Scoring
System: r = −0.37; P = .002

ARF, acute renal failure; BMR, basal metabolic rate; EN, enteral nutrition; GRV, gastric residual volume; IQR, interquartile range; LOS, length of stay; OR, odds ratio; PIM2, Pediatric Index of Mortality 2; RCT, randomized
controlled trial; TBI, traumatic brain injury.

734 Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition 41(5)

Quality of evidence. Low. delayed EN (<24 vs ≥48 hours), and bolus/intermittent versus

GRADE recommendation. Weak. continuous gastric feeding. These studies must have clear defi-
nitions of EN delivery targets and intolerance and must include
Question 6B: When should EN be initiated?
important clinical outcomes, including hospital-acquired com-
Recommendation 6B.  On the basis of expert opinion, we suggest plications, PICU and hospital LOS, and duration of mechanical
that EN be initiated in all critically ill children, unless it is contra- ventilation.
indicated. Given the observational studies, we suggest early initia-
Question 7A: What is the indication for and optimal timing
tion of EN, within the first 24–48 hours after admission to the
of PN in critically ill children?
PICU, in eligible patients. We suggest the use of institutional EN
guidelines and stepwise algorithms that include criteria for eligi- Recommendation 7A.  On the basis of a single RCT, we do not
bility for EN, timing of initiation, and rate of increase. recommend the initiation of PN within 24 hours of PICU
Quality of evidence. Low. admission (see Table 9).
GRADE recommendation. Weak. Quality of evidence. Moderate.
Rationale.  Gastric feeding is physiologic and is the preferred EN GRADE recommendation. Strong.
route for critically ill children, unless the child has perceived or
Question 7B: What is the role of PN as a supplement to
demonstrated risks of aspiration of gastric contents into the tra-
inadequate EN?
cheobronchial tree. The use of small intestinal (postpyloric) feed-
ing in 2 small RCTs did not demonstrate reduced aspiration when Recommendation 7B.  For children tolerating EN, we suggest
compared with gastric feeding.81,82 The postpyloric route was stepwise advancement of nutrient delivery via the enteral route
associated with a higher proportion of goal nutrition delivery in 1 and delaying commencement of PN. Based on current evidence,
study82 but a delay in the initiation of nutrition via the postpyloric the role of supplemental PN to reach a specific goal for nutrient
route in a second study.81 The provision of EN into the small delivery is not known. The time when PN should be initiated to
bowel requires the placement of a feeding tube past the pylorus. supplement insufficient EN is also unknown. The threshold for
This can be accomplished by several methods but requires time and timing of PN initiation should be individualized.
and expertise and incurs higher costs. In a single-center study, Based on a single RCT, supplemental PN should be delayed
mechanical problems with postpyloric tubes led to frequent EN until 1 week after PICU admission for patients with normal
interruptions and failure to achieve delivery of goal nutrients.61 In baseline nutrition state and low risk of nutrition deterioration.
centers with the necessary expertise and resources to successfully On the basis of expert consensus, we suggest PN supplementa-
place postpyloric feeding tubes, this route may be used with cau- tion in children who are unable to receive any EN during the
tion to improve nutrient delivery. Gastric feeding has been first week in the PICU. For patients who are severely malnour-
administered to critically ill children as either a continuous or an ished or at risk of nutrition deterioration, PN may be supple-
intermittent modality. In 2 RCTs comparing continuous versus mented in the first week if they are unable to advance past low
intermittent gastric feeding, authors reported no differences in volumes of EN.
EN tolerance.77,83 Single-center observational studies have dem- Quality of evidence. Low.
onstrated the feasibility of postpyloric EN among cohorts of criti- GRADE recommendation. Weak.
cally ill children with a higher prevalence of EN intolerance, such Rationale.  As previously discussed, EN is the preferred route
as those with shock and acute kidney injury.84,85 of nutrition support for the critically ill child; however, PN
Wide variability in the definition of early EN for the criti- should be considered when EN is not feasible or is contraindi-
cally ill child has been reported in the published literature. A cated. The use of PN as a supplement to EN, the timing of
majority of the studies have described initiation as early as 6 supplemental PN initiation, and the targeted macronutrient
hours and as late as 48 hours after admission to the PICU.66,71,89 goal are key questions that will require an evidence-based
In a multicenter study of nutrient delivery in the PICU, early approach. Unfortunately, there is little evidence to guide these
EN—defined as delivery of one-quarter of cumulative goal practices. In a recent 3-center RCT (PEPaNIC trial [ie, “Early
enteral energy over the first 48 hours—was associated with a versus Late Parenteral Nutrition in the Pediatric Intensive Care
survival benefit.66 In a multicenter retrospective examination Unit”]) addressing timing of supplemental PN in critically ill
of EN initiation in the PICU, feeding was delayed >48 hours children, the group with late initiation of PN (on day 8) demon-
from admission in 20% of the patients.89 Positive-pressure strated better outcomes (fewer new infections and shorter
invasive and noninvasive ventilation, procedures, and gastro- length of PICU stay) when compared with the early PN group
intestinal disturbances were common risk factors associated (receiving PN within 24 hours of admission).90 Also, the late
with delayed EN. The use of stepwise protocols or guidelines PN group was likely to have an earlier live discharge from the
for EN delivery in the PICU has been associated with signifi- PICU, shorter duration of mechanical ventilation, and lower
cant reductions in the time to start EN.71,78 odds of renal replacement therapy.
Future direction.  Future large-scale RCTs should evaluate the The finding that can be strongly generalizable from this
benefits of gastric versus small bowel feeding, early versus study is that PN should not be started within 24 hours of PICU
Table 9.  Indication and Optimal Timing of Parenteral Nutrition in Critically Ill Children.

Study Design; No. Population (n),

Reference of Sites Eligibility Study Aims Intervention Results/Outcome Comments
Fivez et al90 Randomized n = 1440 To investigate whether Experimental Outcomes in experimental PN use within 24 h of admission
controlled trial; 3 Term newborn—17 y a late PN strategy group: late vs control groups in all children in PICU is not
centers > 24 h expected PICU (withholding PN PN—started on   No significant superior to late PN strategy.
stay up to day 8) in the the morning of differences between Limitations: The external
STRONGKids PICU is clinically eighth PICU day the groups for PICU, validation of this trial results is
Nutrition score > superior to an early if unable to reach hospital, or 90-d limited. Caution must be used
2 (0, low risk of PN strategy (starting at least 80% mortality with extrapolation to severely
malnutrition; 1–3, PN within 24 h of caloric goal by   PICU LOS (mean ± SD): malnourished children, who
medium risk; 4–5, admission) EN. 6.5 ± 0.4 vs 9.2 ± 0.8; were not adequately represented.
high risk) Primary end points: Control group: P < .001 STRONGkids is not validated in
new PICU-acquired early PN—   Patients in PICU ≥8 d: critically ill children.
infections, duration of started within 24 159 of 717 vs 216 of Definition of caloric and protein
PICU dependency h of admission, 723; P < .001 goals not standardized across
discontinued   Hospital LOS: 17.2 ± 1.0 study—equations used to
when EN vs 21.3 ± 1.3; P < .001 estimate energy requirements in
meeting at least   Acquired infections: majority of cohort.
80% of the goal. 77 vs 134; P < .001; Glycemic management and the
significant differences in composition of EN and PN were
bloodstream and airway not standardized across study
infections centers.
  Mechanical ventilation Definition of infections was not
duration (d): 4.4 ± 0.3 vs standard and presence or absence
6.4 ± 0.7; P = .001 of catheters was not provided.
  Hypoglycemia (<40 mg/
dL in first week): 65 vs
35; P = .001

EN, enteral nutrition; LOS, length of stay; PICU, pediatric intensive care unit; PN, parenteral nutrition; STRONGKids, Screening Tool for Risk of Impaired Nutritional Status and Growth.

736 Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition 41(5)

admission. For reasons outlined below, we recommend caution meet their nutrient delivery goals enterally must be individual-
in broadly applying the delayed PN strategy (8 d until initia- ized based on the nutrition and clinical status of the patient, and
tion) used in the control group of this study. Children in this anticipated nutrient deficits during the course of illness.
study received significant enteral calories: mean of 30 kcal/ Future direction.  Future studies should focus on determining
kg/d (300 kcal/d) by day 4. It is possible that most of these the optimal timing for PN supplementation in cases where EN
children could have been sustained enterally through a robust is insufficient to meet the nutrition requirements during the
EN protocol.70,71 Children in this study were discharged at rates first week of critical illness. These trials must account for the
that are standard in most PICUs: 50% left the PICU by day 4 varying baseline nutrition status of patients and their individu-
and 74% by day 8. As only 24% of the late PN cohort was alized energy and protein goals.
exposed to PN, the intervention arm of the trial was more rep-
Question 8: What is the role of immunonutrition in criti-
resentative of a “no PN” strategy. Again, this supports the con-
cally ill children?
clusion that initiation of PN within the first 24 hours of
admission is not advisable as a general strategy in the PICU. Recommendation 8.  On the basis of available evidence, we do
Our expert consensus is that PN should not be withheld until not recommend the use of immunonutrition in critically ill
day 8 as a universal strategy in critically ill children. Since most children (see Table 10).
children were receiving significant amounts of EN, the results Quality of evidence. Moderate.
of the PEPaNIC trial may not be extrapolated to children receiv- GRADE recommendation. Strong.
ing no EN. The proportion of severely malnourished children in Rationale.  Several dietary components—including glutamine,
the study is unclear and likely to be low. The nutrition assess- arginine, nucleotides, ω-3 fatty acids, fiber, antioxidants, sele-
ment/screening tool used in the study (STRONGkids) has not nium, copper, and zinc—have been used in various combina-
been validated for critically ill children, and its accuracy in hos- tions to modulate dysregulated immune responses induced by
pitalized children has been questioned.20 Also, BMI z scores of critical illness, injury, and surgery. The aim is to achieve a
patients in the study suggest that most children were well nour- therapeutic benefit (eg, to attenuate inflammation or provide
ished at PICU admission. Therefore, the results cannot be nutrients depleted by stress). Terms used to describe this
extrapolated to severely malnourished children or those at risk therapy include immunonutrition, immunonutrients, immuno-
of malnutrition, who may not tolerate a week of cumulative nutrient-enhanced diet, immune-enhancing nutrition, immune-
nutrient deficit accrued by the late PN strategy. Finally, other modulating nutrition, pharmaconutrition, pharmaconutrients,
vulnerable groups—such as children admitted to the PICU with and pharmaceutical nutrients. RCTs comparing immunonutri-
contraindications to EN, intestinal failure, or requiring extra- tion with standard nutrition among critically ill children have
corporeal membrane oxygenation—often rely on PN to meet used a variety of nutrients, delivered via the enteral or paren-
nutrient needs. In these subgroups, the optimal timing of PN to teral route, in heterogeneous populations, and with different
supplement or replace EN as the mode of nutrient delivery will methods to estimate energy needs. In some studies, a combina-
need to be determined by future trials. tion of interventions has been studied; therefore, the impact of
The PEPaNIC investigators chose an EN energy delivery any single immunonutrient is difficult to interpret. In 1 pilot
threshold of <80% goal to trigger supplemental PN at the 2 RCT and 1 retrospective cohort, investigators examined the
time points. A majority of children in this study had energy use of an enteral formula containing ω-3 fatty acids, γ-linolenic
expenditure estimated with equations that have been discred- acid, and antioxidants in critically ill children with acute respi-
ited in critically ill children (see recommendations and ratio- ratory distress syndrome.91,92 Although the specialty formulae
nale for question 2B). Hence, it is possible that a significant were feasible and tolerated in these studies, neither study was
portion of children in the early PN arm of this study were over- powered to show difference in outcomes. Small single-center
fed. In addition, glycemic control protocols were different in studies randomizing critically ill children with respiratory fail-
the 3 centers. Multiple problems exist with 1 of the primary ure, septic shock, and traumatic brain injury to an enteral for-
outcomes in this study: new infections acquired during the ICU mula containing glutamine, arginine, antioxidants, fiber, and
stay. The investigators used nonstandard definitions of acquired ω-3 fatty acids or to a standard pediatric formula were also
infections such as ventilator-associated pneumonia and cathe- underpowered and unable to demonstrate outcome differ-
ter-related bloodstream infection. The presence of indwelling ences.93,94 In 2 studies, infants requiring PN were randomized
devices (eg, central venous catheters) in the 2 groups was not to receive intravenous lipid emulsion as ω-3 fatty acids, alone
reported. It is not clear how the investigators distinguished an or in combination with medium-chain and long-chain (ω-6)
infection present at baseline from a new infection. fats or a 100% soybean oil–based lipid (ω-6).95,96 These studies
The role of PN initiated from 2 to 7 days in the PICU cannot were designed to evaluate the effects of the 2 lipid formula-
be determined by this study, and the findings of this study need tions on inflammatory biomarkers; relevant clinical outcomes
to be confirmed by future RCTs. Until then, EN should be initi- for critically ill children were not evaluated. Lipids containing
ated and actively advanced in eligible children in the PICU. ω-3 versus 100% ω-6 fatty acids were associated with lower
The optimal timing of supplemental PN in children failing to plasma proinflammatory cytokines and potential for reduced
Table 10.  Role of Immunonutrition.
Reference Study Design Study Aims Population (n), Eligibility Intervention Results/Outcome Comments
Jordan et al RCT To determine whether GLN n = 101. Experimental group (n = 49): standard At day 5, patients in the PN + GLN group GLN supplementation in PN
supplementation has a Critically ill children with PN + GLN. had significantly higher levels of HSP-70 administered to critically ill
role modifying both the severe sepsis or after Control group (n = 49): standard PN as compared with controls (68.6 vs 5.4, P = children failed to show any
oxidative stress and the major surgery requiring .014). differences in clinical outcomes,
inflammatory response of PN for at least 5 d. No significant differences in IL-10 or IL-6 (no but helped to maintain levels of
critically ill children reductions with glutamine). HSP-70 by day 5.
No significant differences between the groups Limitations: Eventual sample size
for PICU LOS or hospital LOS. was not powered to demonstrate
No adverse events in either group. clinical outcomes.
1 1
Larsen et al95 and RCT Examine effects of 2 n = 32 n = 16 Experimental group: Experimental vs control groups: lower An IV lipid emulsion with ω-3
Larsen et al97 different lipid emulsions Infants with congenital   Lipoplus: 50% medium-chain procalcitonin 1 day postoperatively (P = .01), fats provides a more beneficial
on 1plasma phospholipids heart disease scheduled triglycerides, 40% long-chain lower ω-6 to ω-3 ratio (P = .0001), higher inflammatory and immune status
and 2immune biomarkers for open heart surgery triglycerides, 10% fish oil ω-3 concentration (P = .001), higher plasma compared with a lipid emulsion
with cardiopulmonary n = 16 Control group: phospholipid EPA (P < .05); α-linolenic acid, with ω-6 fats in infants with
bypass   Intralipid: 100% soybean oil arachidonic acid, and docosahexaenoic acid congenital heart disease requiring
Mean age (SD): 40 (0.6) Subjects were randomized to receive remained constant open-heart surgery. It is unknown
wk gestational age, 3.5 1 of 2 lipid emulsions with TPN, An increase in plasma phospholipid EPA if this difference would translate to
+ 0.5 kg, and 10.6 d at for 1–4 d preoperative and 10 d was associated with a decrease in plasma clinical outcomes.
time of surgery postoperative phospholipid LTB4 concentration (P < .05)
Lipids started at 0.5 g/kg, increased to On postoperative day 10, those with high PRISM
max 3.5 g/kg/d III scores exhibited a 45% lower lymphocyte
Enteral intake was limited to at 30 concentration (P < .05)
kcal/kg/d TNF-α concentration was lower in the
experimental vs control group (5.9 vs 14.8 pg/
mL, P = .003)
Plasma TNF-α was positively correlated with
hospital LOS in the control group (P = .01),
and negatively correlated with LOS in the
treatment group (P = .004), with a significant
time by treatment interaction (P = .02)

Nehra et al96 RCT n = 19 To assess the safety Both groups received intravenous No significant difference in cholestasis Interim analysis did not show
Neonates and infants <3 and efficacy of a fish fat emulsion at 1 g/kg/d and kept (maximum direct bilirubin) between the differences, possibly because of a
mo with a direct bilirubin oil–based intravenous fat constant during the study period. groups. low incidence of cholestasis among
<1.0 mg/dL and PN emulsion in reducing the Experimental group: received fish the patients enrolled
dependent incidence of cholestasis oil–based intravenous fat emulsion Underpowered study; (required
in neonates compared Control group: received soybean n = 30).
with the traditional oil–based intravenous fat emulsion Additionally both groups were held
soybean oil–based Patients with persistently elevated at 1 g/kg/d of fat emulsion. This
intravenous fat emulsion direct bilirubin >2 mg/dL were is less than standard fat emulsion
considered treatment failures and advancement. Perhaps limiting
were crossed over to the other study fat intake in patients to 1 g/kg/d
arm. should be evaluated.
Developmental assessment was
conducted at 6 and 24 mo of
corrected age.

Table 10.  (continued)

Reference Study Design Study Aims Population (n), Eligibility Intervention Results/Outcome Comments
Jacobs et al RCT, pilot To determine if continuous n = 26 Experimental group (n=14): No significant differences between the 2 groups, EPA and GLA supplementation
feasibility feeding of enteral Critically ill children Received EN formula with EPA + for PICU LOS, hospital LOS, duration of MV, in EN administered to critically
nutrition containing EPA, receiving mechanical GLA or energy intake. ill children with ALI or ARDS
GLA, and antioxidants ventilatory support with Control group (n = 12) Protein intake was higher in experimental group: failed to show any differences
was feasible in critically ALI or ARDS Received standard pediatric enteral 2.35 ± 0.2 vs 1.63 ± 0.1, P = .007 in clinical outcomes. However,
ill children with ALI or Mean age (SD) 6.2 (0.9) y formula immunonutrient delivery was
ARDS Goal intake defined as >75% of feasible (tolerated and caloric goal
Schofield BMR × 1.3 within 48 h of reached).
initiation of EN. Limitations: Small sample size; too
many exclusion criteria

Carcillo et al100 RCT To evaluate whether daily n = 293 Experimental group: enteral: 20 mg/d Experimental vs control groups: 28-d mortality: Enrollment terminated for futility
supplementation with Critically ill children zinc; selenium, 1–3 y: 40 mcg/d, 10.3% (15/145) vs 5.8% (8/139); P = .16 after second interim analysis
zinc, selenium, glutamine, with endotracheal tube, 3–5 y: 100 mcg/d, 5–12 y: 200 PICU LOS: median 9 vs 11 d; P = .16 indicated the conditional power
and metoclopramide, central venous or urinary mcg/d, adolescent: 400 mcg/d; 0.3 No significant difference in infectious to determine a beneficial effect
compared with whey catheter and anticipated g/kg/d glutamine; IV: 0.2 mg/kg/d complications of zinc, selenium, glutamine,
protein, prolongs the time to have arterial or (<10 mg/dose) metoclopramide No differences in duration of MV metoclopramide, compared with
to nosocomial infection/ venous access for blood every 12 h, from <72 h of admission Mean rates of nosocomial infection/sepsis per whey protein, was <10%.
sepsis in critically ill draws and a feeding tube until PICU discharge or <28 d patient per 100 study days (95% CI): Immune There was no significant difference
children enrolled within 48 h of Control group: Not intended as compromised patients—1.57 (0.53–3.73) vs between groups in terms of
PICU admission a control group, intended as a 6.09 (3.33–10.32); P = .011 infections or other important
comparative effectiveness trial. No difference in immune competent patients. outcomes. However, immune
Received 0.3 g/kg/d beneprotein compromised patients (a very small
(whey protein) number of patients) experienced a
significant reduction in nosocomial
infections/sepsis with the study
intervention compared with the
whey protein group.
1 1
Briassoulis et al,93 RCT To compare outcomes in n = 50 critically ill Randomized to immunonutrition Experimental vs Control groups: Immunonutrition is feasible in
Briassoulis et al,94 critically ill children children formula (GLN, L-arginine,   1,2,3No significant differences for, energy critically ill children.
and 3Briassoulis receiving an immune- n = 38 (30 analyzed) antioxidants, and ω-3 fatty acids, and protein intake, mortality, PICU These small single-center studies
et al99 enhancing formula or critically ill children fiber, vitamin E, β carotene, zinc, LOS, pneumonia, infections, mechanical of immunonutrition vs standard
standard formula with septic shock copper, selenium) or standard ventilation duration formula are underpowered to
1 3
NB, nutrition indices, n = 40 critically ill pediatric formula   1,2,3Diarrhea significantly more frequent demonstrate important outcome
antioxidant catalysts children with severe TBI Feeds were masked and delivered   1,3Positive NB in significantly higher differences
2, 3
Cytokines, hospital through an NGT starting <12 h of proportion of patients on day 5
acquired infections, admission   1,3Significantly fewer positive gastric cultures
nutrition indices Energy intake was calculated to   Significantly lower IL-6 and higher IL-8 on
provide 0.5, 1, 1.25, 1.5, and 1.5 of day 5
predicted BMR (calculated using   3Significantly lower IL-8 and no difference in
the Schofield equation) on days 1–5, IL-6 on day 5

ALI, acute lung injury; ARDS, acute respiratory distress syndrome; BMR, basal metabolic rate; EPA, eicosapentaenoic acid; GLA, γ-linolenic acid; GLN, glutamine; HSP-70, heat shock protein 70; IL, interleukin; IV, intravenous;
LOS, length of stay; LTB4, leukotriene B4; MV, mechanical ventilation; NB, nitrogen balance; NGT, nasogastric tube; PICU, pediatric intensive care unit; PN, parenteral nutrition; PRISM III, Pediatric Risk of Mortality score;
RCT, randomized controlled trial.
Mehta et al 739

ICU LOS.97 Clinical outcomes of critically ill children requir- We selected key questions for this version of the guidelines, but we
ing PN who were randomized to receive parenteral glutamine are aware that some of these and several other questions remain
did not differ from those administered standard PN.98 In a com- unanswered and will require systematic investigation. A majority
parative effectiveness trial, critically ill children requiring of the recommendations or suggestions in these guidelines are
mechanical ventilation and EN were randomized to receive driven by consensus or low-level evidence. We hope that our sys-
tematic search strategy, followed by meticulous data abstraction,
enteral supplementation of a combination of glutamine, zinc,
has allowed us to capture all the relevant studies. The process of
selenium, and metoclopramide or whey protein.100 The study converting a broad variety of evidence levels to meaningful and
was terminated for futility at a planned interim analysis after practically applicable recommendations is challenging. These rec-
enrollment of 293 patients. No differences in PICU LOS, ommendations provide a starting point from where the nutrition
duration of mechanical ventilation, infections, or mortality strategy for individual patients can be customized. The guidelines
were demonstrated. However, in a small subgroup of immu- reiterate the importance of nutrition assessment—particularly, the
nocompromised children, a significant reduction in nosoco- detection of malnourished patients who are most vulnerable and
mial infections was seen with the study intervention as therefore potentially may benefit from timely nutrition interven-
compared with whey protein (1.57 vs 6.09; P = .011). No 2 tion. There is a need for renewed focus on accurate estimation of
trials of immunonutrients in children are similar, and none energy needs and attention to cumulative energy imbalance. IC
demonstrated superiority of immunonutrition versus standard must be used to guide energy prescriptions, where feasible, and
cautious use of estimating equations and increased surveillance for
nutrition among critically ill children in terms of clinical
unintended caloric underfeeding and overfeeding are recom-
outcomes. mended in its absence. Optimal protein dose and its correlation
Prior studies of critically ill adults have demonstrated with clinical outcomes is an area of great interest. The optimal
reduced hospital LOS and mortality with glutamine-supple- route and timing of nutrient delivery are areas of intense debate and
mented PN.101 Based on these observations, in a recent large investigations. EN remains the preferred route for nutrient delivery.
multicenter 2-by-2 factorial trial of critically ill adults receiving Several strategies to optimize EN during critical illness have
mechanical ventilation with multiple-organ failure, patients emerged. The role of supplemental PN has been highlighted, and a
were randomized to glutamine, antioxidants, both, or pla- delayed approach appears to be beneficial. Immunonutrition cannot
cebo.102 A significant increase in hospital and 6-month mortal- be currently recommended. Overall, the pediatric critical care pop-
ity and a trend toward increased 28-day mortality were seen in ulation is heterogeneous, and a nuanced approach to individualize
the group receiving glutamine. A subsequent multicenter trial of nutrition support with the aim of improving clinical outcomes is
necessary. We have summarized key areas for future investiga-
critically ill adults receiving mechanical ventilation showed no
tions, which will guide us in developing the next level of evidence-
infectious benefits and a possibility of harm, with a signifi- based nutrition therapy in the future. Until then, multidisciplinary
cantly higher 6-month mortality among medical patients ran- collaborative efforts must continue to prioritize and highlight the
domized to a formula containing glutamine, ω-3 fatty acids, and unique and dynamic nutrition needs of the critically ill child in the
antioxidants versus a standard high-protein formula.103 Arginine complex PICU environment.
supplementation has been considered to improve immune func-
tion and wound healing in critically ill patients but has demon- Appendix. Targeted Indirect Calorimetry
strated increased mortality in septic patients.104 The 2016
critically ill adult nutrition support therapy guidelines recom- Children who are at high risk for metabolic alterations are sug-
mend that immunonutrition not be used in critically ill septic or gested candidates for targeted measurement of resting energy
medical patients but may be considered for those who are peri- expenditure in the PICU.31 This includes the following:
operative or have traumatic injuries.75 Due to the potential harm
of glutamine and arginine supplementation in adults and the •• Underweight, overweight, or obese
paucity of pediatric data, immunonutrition cannot be currently •• Children with >10% weight change during ICU stay
recommended in critically ill children. •• Failure to consistently meet prescribed energy goals
Future direction. Future trials should examine the role of •• Failure to wean or need to escalate respiratory support
immunonutrition in select populations, such as immunocom- •• Neurologic trauma (traumatic, hypoxic, and/or
promised and malnourished critically ill children, with stan- ischemic)
dardized clinical interventions and therapies to avoid •• Oncologic diagnoses (including children with stem cell
confounding results. These studies need to define immunonu- or bone marrow transplant)
trition and specific populations where it might be tested. In •• Children with thermal injuries or amputations
addition, studies are needed to identify the optimal route of •• Children requiring mechanical ventilator support for >3
immunonutrient delivery. days
•• Children suspected to be severely hypermetabolic (sta-
tus epilepticus, hyperthermia, systemic inflammatory
Summary response syndrome, dysautonomic storms, etc) or hypo-
In this article, we provide guidelines for some of the important metabolic (hypothermia, hypothyroidism, pentobarbital
steps in the provision of optimal nutrition to the critically ill child. or midazolam coma, etc)
740 Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition 41(5)

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