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Hello, Fasting Family!

While we're always happy to answer questions, it seems that there are certain
questions which come up very frequently in the group, so we thought we'd put together a little FAQ file
which you can refer to. Please note that the Pinned Post goes more into detail on all this information,
and we still ask that you read it from top to bottom. But this will help in those times when you just need
a quick answer.

1. How do I start fasting? Some people jump straight into an EF (extended fast), while others
start out slow, with something like 16 hours of fasting and then an 8 hour eating window, and
then build from there, adding a little more fasting time each day.

2. You don't eat anything? You only drink water? If you're fasting for weight loss, you can
have tea, coffee, water, and bone broth. If you're after autophagy, water only.

3. Can I exercise while fasting? Yes! Light cardio is a good choice, but you can do whatever you
want. Just listen to your body.

4. What can I eat while I'm fasting? Nothing during EF. If you're doing IF (intermittent fasting),
you can have whatever you choose during your eating window.

5. Can I work while fasting? Yes, but keep up with electrolytes or you'll get very fatigued.

6. How much will I lose? All depends on how strict you are. You should lose .5lb a day during

7. Any tips for my first time? Go for it. Some like to get into keto a day or two before they start

8. Aren't you starving yourself? My friends all say my organs will shut down! If you have fat
on your body, then you are not starving yourself. Tell your friends to educate themselves. There
are lots of links and videos. This is your choice, not theirs. If they don't get it, it's their problem.

9. How much muscle will I lose if I don't eat anything for ___days? None, unless you have
zero fat, and most of us carry some fat. If you're BMI is below the normal for you, you should
not fast. If you do, this may affect your muscle tone and therefore not recommended to fast.

10. Do I have to eat keto in between fasting? No. It's a personal choice but it does help to keep
cravings to a minimum and speed up weight loss.

11. Will my metabolism slow down? No. It will get faster. Refer to Dr Fung.

12. Can I drink ___? You can have water, tea, or coffee. The approved liquids are in the pinned

13. Are artificial sweeteners (diet soda, etc.) okay? No. Never. Although it's a personal choice,
and we can't tell you what to do, artificial sweeteners will only make your cravings worse. It's
important to remember that obesity is not a calories in/calories out problem, it's an insulin
problem, and artificial sweeteners cause insulin spikes. Sucralose raises insulin by 20%, and
both aspartame and stevia raise insulin levels even higher than table sugar does.
14. Will chewing gum break my fast? Not really but may produce an insulin spike due to the

15. How many calories can I have on off days? No idea. Don't count them. No need to count
calories because weight loss is not a calorie in/calorie out issue. It's an insulin issue.

16. Can I fast during shark week? Yes you can.

17. Is it normal to feel cold? Yes. Your blood travels to your vital organs while fasting.

18. Anyone else have trouble sleeping? Most people. You can take herbal supplements such as
melatonin, or vitamin D. Personal choice again.

19. What are electrolytes and how do I get them? They are all in the pinned post. Please do your
research. It's vital you educate yourself before fasting.

20. Can I see before and after pictures? They are all in the Before and After files under Files at
the top of the group page.

21. I have a headache, what should I do? Take a Tylenol, no point in suffering and breaking for a
headache and its the only drug safe during fasting for pain on an empty stomach. Some take
Himalayan salt if they don't agree with taking or can't take Tylenol.

22. I was told not to talk about fasting but I told the whole world and now everyone is telling
me I'm gonna die. What should I do? Tell them to join our group and educate themselves
before giving advice and making assumptions.

23. I have labwork that I'm supposed to fast 12 hours for .. is it ok if I fast longer than that
before the test? If you so choose, it won't affect the results whatsoever.

24. Isn't OMAD the same as calorie counting? No. Not at all. For OMAD you don't count your
calories, you eat until satisfied.

25. Can I take vitamins? Yes. Some people take them with coffee (and coconut oil) to avoid
stomach upset, or schedule them around your eating window if you're doing IF's.

26. Can I taste food while I'm cooking for my family? For a true fast no, but a lick of a spoon
won't take you out of ketosis. It's not advised though, as it will bring on a huge craving and
you'll break fast.

27. Oops, I accidentally ate a meal (swallowed ___), did I break my fast? Anything under 50
calories probably won't but it all depends what it is and how much you consumed. Most of the
time you'll probably break with doing that.

28. In what hour does Autophagy start? 36 hours roughly.

29. Has anyone lost weight on OMAD while not eating Keto? Yes, plenty of people in this group
have done so, but it doesn't mean you can gorge yourself. You should eat until satisfied.
30. Is there an app for tracking my fasting? Yes, several of them listed in the pinned post. Vora
and Zero seem to be most popular.

We hope our FAQ have answered some of your questions, but again, please read the pinned post from
top to bottom. It really is your responsibility to educate yourself.

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