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Take Test: MBCH732D-Human Resource Management-Jan20-...

11/05/20, 4:18 PM

Hemant Bhatnagar

My Institution Courses Community Services

H My Assignments Take Test: MBCH732D-Human Resource Management-Jan20-Assignment2 ?

Take Test: MBCH732D-Human Resource Management-Jan20-

Test Information
Instructions Center for Continuing Education - UPES
Human Resource Management
Assignment 2

Total Questions: 56
Total Marks: 100

Assignment Information :

The examination will consist of only Objective type (multiple choice) questions requiring candidates to
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carry 1 to 5 marks each depending on the difficulty level of the question as indicated in the table below:

Difficulty Level of Questions:

1 Mark - Direct, Memory based

2 Marks - Memory & Conceptual
3 Marks - Conceptual & Analytical
4 Marks - Analytical based on understanding of concepts
5 Marks - Application based on understanding of concepts

The question paper will be for 100 marks and considering marks allotted to each question, the
total number of questions would be around 56.
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Question Completion Status:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34
35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51
52 53 54 55 56

QUESTION 1 2 points Saved

Select the most appropriate option

An expert forecasting technique used in environmental scanning where individual ideas,
round robin listing and ranking occurs is known as:
1. Delphi Technique
2. Impact Analysis
3. Trend Analysis
4. Nominal Group Technique
5. Priority Ranking Method

QUESTION 2 2 points Saved

Select the most appropriate option

Succession planning is a very important exercise because it minimizes the impact of -------
in these key ranks and gives a branch or department early warning of any skill shortages or
likely difficulties in finding suitable candidates.
1. Internal Recruitment
2. External Recruitment
3. Turnover
4. None of the above

QUESTION 3 2 points Saved

State whether the given statement is true or false

Manpower requirement may change due to change in input volume or mix, which calls for
analysis of performance.
1. true
2. false

QUESTION 4 2 points Saved

Select the most appropriate option

Can the assessment and selection of applicants be carried out in such a way that the 'best'
or 'right' person will always be identified?
1. Yes
2. No
3. If enough money is invested in the process
4. If managers use their intuition or 'gut reaction' in making recruitment decisions…nt_id=_62274_1&course_id=_10002_1&content_id=_1626957_1&step=null Page 2 of 13
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QUESTION 5 2 points Saved

Select the most appropriate option

What is meant by the acronym NVQ?
1. New Vocational Qualification.
2. National Vocational Qualification.
3. New Vocational Quota.
4. National Vocational Quota.

QUESTION 6 2 points Saved

Select the most appropriate option

Frederick Winslow Taylor is best known for the introduction of which approach to job
1. Ergonomics
2. Division of Labour
3. Scientific Management
4. Behavioural Approach

QUESTION 7 2 points Saved

Choose the right option-The question may have more than one correct answer.
The basic characteristics of a systematic promotion policy are :
1. It should be consistent.
2. It should be fair and impartial.
3. It should be lateral.
4. It should be flexible.

QUESTION 8 2 points Saved

Select the most appropriate option

Learning principles include all but :
1. Participation
2. Repetition
3. Repatriation
4. Relevance
5. Feedback

QUESTION 9 2 points Saved

State whether the given statement is true or false

Organizations, to identify the true potentiality of an employee, in such cases, make
provision for long-term placement, during which phase, employees are allowed to work on
different jobs, through a systematic job rotation programme.
1. true
2. false

QUESTION 10 2 points Saved

Select the most appropriate option

Employers use a(n) ------- to ensure that employees are working toward organizational
1. Performance management process…nt_id=_62274_1&course_id=_10002_1&content_id=_1626957_1&step=null Page 3 of 13
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2. Employee orientation program

3. Management by objectives program
4. Rewards program
5. Just-in-time system

QUESTION 11 2 points Saved

Select the most appropriate option

------- has a definite responsibility to see that employees become familiar with any policies
that affect them.
1. Management
2. Trade Union
3. Line Manager
4. Staff

QUESTION 12 2 points Saved

Select the most appropriate option

Guild System marked the beginning of Human Resource Management for :
1. Selection, training and development of workers
2. Emergence of collective bargaining for wages and working conditions.
3. Both (1) and (2)
4. None of the above

QUESTION 13 2 points Saved

Select the most appropriate option

The HR policy which is based on the philosophy of the utmost good for the greatest
number of people is covered under the ------- .
1. Utilitarian approach
2. Approach based on rights
3. Approach based on justice
4. None of the above

QUESTION 14 2 points Saved

Select the most appropriate option

------- help the organisation in terms of attainment of organisational goals, increasing the
efficiency, adaptability and achieving of long-run results.
1. HR policies
2. HR Procedures
3. Organisation Goals
4. None of the above

QUESTION 15 2 points Saved

Select the most appropriate option

------ can be defined as advancement of an employee in an organization to another job,
which commands better pay/wages, better status/prestige and higher opportunities/
challenges and responsibilities, a better working environment, hours of work and facilities,
1. Promotion
2. Transfer
3. Job Rotation
4.…nt_id=_62274_1&course_id=_10002_1&content_id=_1626957_1&step=null Page 4 of 13
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Job Enlargement

QUESTION 16 2 points Saved

Select the most appropriate option

The objectives of MDP vary for various levels of management. Their commonality for all
levels is to infuse:
1. Attitudinal change
2. Behavioural change
3. Change in knowledge and skills
4. All of the above

QUESTION 17 5 points Saved

Choose the right option-The question may have more than one correct answer.
HR Department, as an internal agency, plays a crucial role in manpower planning. Its
responsibilities in regard to manpower planning can be :
1. Putting pressure on the operating management to plan and establish objectives. HR
Department at this stage is required to assist and to give counsel to the operating
management groups firm time to time.
2. It has to collect data in total organization terms and to ensure that manpower
planning is carried out, keeping pace with the long-range objectives and the total
business plan of the organization.
3. It has to measure and monitor performance against the plan and provide feedback to
the top management.
4. It has to carry out research for effective manpower and organizational planning.

QUESTION 18 5 points Saved

Choose the right option-The question may have more than one correct answer.
Which of the following is / are correct step of Succession Planning?
1. The third step is to ensure congenial organizational environment to retain the desired
managerial personnel. Unless this is done, the whole exercise of developing a
successor may have to be repeated.
2. The final step is to develop a good performance appraisal system to get feedback on
managerial performance and to review their progress and shortfalls.
3. Preparation of the management resource inventory is the first step in the succession
planning. Such inventory contains details of personal data, performance records,
skills, potential, career goals and career paths of managerial personnel.
4. The second step is staffing and development. Staffing is concerned with recruitment,
selection and placement. Selection and placement may be either done from outside
or from within the organization through promotion and transfer. Development of
managerial personnel is done through training, job rotation, creating 'Assistant-to'
positions, projects and boards assignments, performance appraisal, counselling and
guidance. In many organizations, management adopts what they call a grooming
process for filling up important managerial positions. A manager is 'groomed' by
giving temporary assignments, attaching him/her with the higher officer or sometimes
designating the potential promotee as "officer on special duty".
5. The second step is to prepare and develop a management staffing plan for all
anticipated needs in different time frames. For important positions at the top
managerial level, such planning should be done even for shorter duration, keeping in
view the potential threat from eventual natural wastages (death, disability, premature
retirement etc.) and so also from job switch and change (which has now increased
many times due to the obviously enhanced scope of job mobility.) Other effects of
external factors like, economic factors, overall manpower factors should also be
considered while making such plan. Each organization has to review their business
plans. Effects of such plans on managerial needs also need to be studied.…nt_id=_62274_1&course_id=_10002_1&content_id=_1626957_1&step=null Page 5 of 13
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QUESTION 19 5 points Saved

Select the most appropriate option

Steve is hired to manage the human resources department of a local manufacturing
company. This company has the reputation of being the firm “where you work until you find
your next job.” Employee turnover is high and morale is low. Steve is determined to change
the situation and make the organization’s human resources a competitive advantage and
source of pride for the firm. Steve believes that part of the reason for the high turnover is
that individual jobs are very poorly defined. Employees are not sure of what is expected of
them and that performance standards are unequal between regions and functions. Steve
conducts a -------- for each position, defining all the jobs and behaviors necessary to
perform them. a. job description b. job specification c. job analysis d. job satisfaction
1. Only (a)
2. Only (b)
3. Only (c)
4. Only (d)
5. All (a), (b), (c) and (d)

QUESTION 20 5 points Saved

Select the most appropriate option

Before engaging HRD consultants, which of the following point(s) is / are necessary to
1. When an organization needs to expand its capabilities on 'Crash Basis' it cannot
afford to rely solely on the untried competence of internal resources. It needs to hire
the services of consultants, who have the required expertise.
2. An organization may require availing the services of specialized experts in some
areas, where it does not have the requisite internal skill and knowledge. This is
particularly relevant in cases like training and management development programmes
where we find many organizations retaining consultants to impart training on TQM,
ISO:9000, quality circles, value engineering, business process re-engineering,
benchmarking, Just in-Time, total productive maintenance, etc.
3. HRD consultants are also engaged in cases where objectivity or corporate strategy
leverage to a job done needs to be given.
4. All of the above
5. Only (1) and (2)

QUESTION 21 4 points Saved

Choose the right option-The question may have more than one correct answer.
Which of the following can be considered as characteristics of Management Development?
1. Management Development is a continuous process. It should encompass the entire
professional career of managers and executives. In India, so long management
development used to be considered as a sporadic activity, resulting in its failure to
meet the organizational requirements.
2. Management development programmes are catered to the individual requirements to
improve the functional deficiencies of the individual managers, thus enabling the
organization to derive immediate benefits from such programmes.
3. Human behaviour is dynamic. Its complexity can only be appreciated once
management development programmes are attempted to understand the behavioural
and attitudinal aspects through simulating sessions. Better interpersonal skill is an
important prerequisite for managerial success, which can be ensured through such
properly designed management development programmes.
4.…nt_id=_62274_1&course_id=_10002_1&content_id=_1626957_1&step=null Page 6 of 13
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Unless managers and executives are stimulated to the intricacies of managerial stress
and strain through different management development programmes, their full
potential cannot be exerted for the benefit of the organization. Management
development programmes can be designed considering such issues like: employees'
motivation, habits, age-mix, pattern of conflict and chaos, and this can enable
elevation of managerial functions of the executives during the posttraining phase.
5. The imperative need for management development should be appreciated as there
always exists a gap between actual and potential performance. This, therefore,
provides scope for continuous improvement in all functional areas. Management
development programmes always attempt to bridge this gap enriching the functional
capacity of executives and managers, continuously updating their knowledge and
skill. The gap between potential and actual capacity is always high for managers and
executives across the world as knowledge and skill can never get plateaued.

QUESTION 22 4 points Saved

Choose the right option-The question may have more than one correct answer.
Which of the following is / are advantage(s) of Induction?
1. To build-up a two way channel of communication between management and workers.
Proper induction reduces employee grievances.
2. Proper induction facilities relations and team work among employees. A company is
taking a sincere interest in getting him a good state.
3. Effective induction helps to integrate the new employer into the organization and to
develop a sense of belonging.
4. Induction is helpful in supplying information concerning in organization the job and
employee welfare facilities.

QUESTION 23 4 points Saved

Choose the right option-The question may have more than one correct answer.
Using the Socio-technical approach, which of the following guiidelines have been
developed for designing jobs?
1. A job needs to be reasonably demanding for the individual in terms other than sheer
endurance and yet provide some variety (not necessarily novelty).
2. Employees need to be able to learn on the job and to go on learning. Employees
need to be able to relate what they do and what they produce to their social life.
3. Employees need some minimum area of decision making that they can call their own.
4. Employees need some minimal degree of social support and recognition at the

QUESTION 24 4 points Saved

Choose the right option-The question may have more than one correct answer.
After listening to several complaints from employees about their highly specialised jobs,
Walker and Guest indicated which of the following problems with job specialisation?
1. No end product: Employees found that they were not turning out any identifiable end
product; consequently, they had little pride and enthusiasm in their work.
2. Mechanical pacing: Assembly line workers were made to maintain a certain regular
pace of work. They could not take a break when they needed to, or simply divert their
attention to some other aspect of the job or another individual.
3. Repetition: Employees performed a few tasks repeatedly. This quickly led the
employees to become very bored with the job. There was no challenge to the
employees to learn anything new or to improve the job.
4. Little social interaction: Employees complained that because the assembly line
demanded constant attention, there was very little opportunity to interact on a casual
basis with other employees and share their work experiences, beliefs and sentiments.

QUESTION 25 1 points Saved…nt_id=_62274_1&course_id=_10002_1&content_id=_1626957_1&step=null Page 7 of 13
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Select the most appropriate option

-------- is the lateral movement of employees from one position, division, department or
unitSave and Submit to save and submit. Click Save All Answers to save all answers.
to another.
1. Transfer
2. Promotion
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3. Job Rotation
4. Job Enrichment

QUESTION 26 1 points Saved

State whether the given statement is true or false

The dot-jobs domain is primarily used by HR managers for succession planning purposes.
1. true
2. false

QUESTION 27 1 points Saved

Select the most appropriate option

Which of the following techniques are not connected with human resource planning?
1. Management of change
2. Simple linear regression
3. Succession planning
4. Markov matrix analysis

QUESTION 28 1 points Saved

Select the most appropriate option

The first factor in deciding the supply of labour is:
1. Developing staffing tables
2. Issuing advertisements
3. Preparing replacement charts
4. Analysing labour markets
5. Auditing present employees

QUESTION 29 1 points Saved

Select the most appropriate option

Which of the following is not a forecasting technique to assess the human resource
requirements of an organization?
1. Trend analysis
2. Ratio analysis
3. Managerial judgment
4. Replacement charts

QUESTION 30 1 points Saved

Select the most appropriate option

Managers never own complete responsibility for the all the decisions made by them since
they are not the owners of the business is the assumption of ------- .
1. Equity theory
2. Expectancy theory
3. Agency theory
4. Contingency theory…nt_id=_62274_1&course_id=_10002_1&content_id=_1626957_1&step=null Page 8 of 13
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QUESTION 31 1 points Saved

Fit the best option

Induction or orientation programme of an organization is a process to guide
and counsel the employees to familiarize them with the job and the organization.

QUESTION 32 1 points Saved

Select the most appropriate option

Which best defines the process of locating and encouraging potential employees to apply
for jobs?
1. Human Resource Planning
2. Selection
3. Recruitment
4. Job Analysis

QUESTION 33 1 points Saved

Select the most appropriate option

------- is a productivity improvement step, which helps to produce same output using less
resources or enables to produce more with a proportionately less increase in the inputs.
1. Work measurement
2. Method study
3. Job Assessment
4. Job Context

QUESTION 34 1 points Saved

Fit the best option

Employee empowerment etymologically means an extension of employee
participation vis-à-vis involvement.

QUESTION 35 1 points Saved

Select the most appropriate option

Ensuring a fair balance between an employee’s contributions to the job and the rewards
received in return from that job is the essence of ------- .
1. Equity theory
2. Expectancy theory
3. Agency theory
4. Contingency theory

QUESTION 36 1 points Saved

Select the most appropriate option

Which one of the following does not fall under qualitative forecasting method?
1. Moving average methods
2. Life cycle analogy
3. Delphi method
4. Judgmental methods

QUESTION 37 1 points Saved…nt_id=_62274_1&course_id=_10002_1&content_id=_1626957_1&step=null Page 9 of 13
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Select the most appropriate option

------- generally exists between a superior and a subordinate.
1. Line relationship
2. Integration
3. Both (1) and (2)
4. None of the above

QUESTION 38 1 points Saved

Select the most appropriate option

A ------- requires employees to change the work group, workplace or unit.
1. Transfer
2. Promotion
3. Job Rotation
4. Job Enrichment

QUESTION 39 1 points Saved

Select the most appropriate option

The objective of ------- is to find better ways of doing things and to contribute to the
improved efficiency by eliminating unnecessary work, avoidable delays and other forms of
1. Method study
2. Work measurement
3. Job Assessment
4. Job Evaluation

QUESTION 40 1 points Saved

Select the most appropriate option

Which of the following terms is not associated with job analysis?
1. Task
2. Duty
3. Position
4. Competitor

QUESTION 41 1 points Saved

Select the most appropriate option

When low expectations on the trainer’s part translate into poor trainee performance, this is
called the ------- .
1. Golem effect
2. Expectations fallacy
3. What you ask for is what you get effect
4. Expectancy risk
5. Trainer bias

QUESTION 42 1 points Saved

Select the most appropriate option

The process of developing an applicants’ pool for job openings in an organization is called :
1. Hiring
2. Recruitment
3. Selection…t_id=_62274_1&course_id=_10002_1&content_id=_1626957_1&step=null Page 10 of 13
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4. Retention

QUESTION 43 1 points Saved

Select the most appropriate option

A ------- is a predetermined established guideline towards the attainment of accepted goals
and objectives.
1. Strategy
2. Programme
3. Procedure
4. Policy

QUESTION 44 1 points Saved

Select the most appropriate option

Employee orientation and induction is also called employee ------- process.
1. Introduction
2. Socialization
3. Placement
4. None of the above

QUESTION 45 1 points Saved

Select the most appropriate option

The ------- form of promotion, contrarily, ensures objective evaluation of the responsibilities
and duties vis-à-vis different levels of an organization.
1. Informal
2. Formal
3. Open
4. Close

QUESTION 46 1 points Saved

Select the most appropriate option

Which of the following best explains why employers frequently use Internet recruiting
methods to find outside candidates for jobs?
1. Simplified EEO compliance
2. Standardized questionnaires
3. Pre-screened applicants
4. Cost effectiveness
5. Data collection

QUESTION 47 1 points Saved

Select the most appropriate option

Which of the following has the highest influence on organizational effectiveness?
1. Appraisal
2. Feedback
3. Training
4. Goal-setting
5. Technology…t_id=_62274_1&course_id=_10002_1&content_id=_1626957_1&step=null Page 11 of 13
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QUESTION 48 1 points Saved

Select the most appropriate option

Insurance schemes, retirement benefits and leave travel concession are examples of
1. Indirect monetary compensation
2. Direct monetary compensation
3. Non-monetary compensation
4. None of the above

QUESTION 49 1 points Saved

Select the most appropriate option

Which of the following is not an organizational development intervention programme?
1. Team-building
2. Survey feedback
3. Leadership development
4. All of the above

QUESTION 50 1 points Saved

Select the most appropriate option

Career pathing, personnel skills inventories, career information systems and career
counselling are different ------- activities in an organization.
1. Career Anchor
2. Career Planning
3. Career Path
4. Career Development

QUESTION 51 1 points Saved

Select the most appropriate option

------- is a relatively permanent a body formed by workers with the objective of countering
exploitation and harassment.
1. Statutory Body
2. Trade union
3. Management
4. None of the above

QUESTION 52 1 points Saved

Select the most appropriate option

Orientation typically includes information on ------ .
1. Employee benefits
2. Personnel policies
3. Daily routine
4. Safety measures
5. All of the above

QUESTION 53 1 points Saved

Select the most appropriate option

Which of the following is not a reason for demotion?
1. Inefficiency
2. Indiscipline…t_id=_62274_1&course_id=_10002_1&content_id=_1626957_1&step=null Page 12 of 13
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3. Administrative convenience
4. Absence of promotional opportunities

QUESTION 54 1 points Saved

Select the most appropriate option

------- strives towards providing economic and social benefits to the labour community.
1. Statutory Body
2. Trade union
3. Management
4. None of the above

QUESTION 55 1 points Saved

Select the most appropriate option

Which of the following is not a consideration when designing a training program that
motivates the trainees?
1. Provide the opportunity to apply the material
2. Provide prompt feedback
3. Utilize a half or three-fourths day schedule
4. Pay the trainees for the time spent in training
5. Allow trainees to set their own pace

QUESTION 56 1 points Saved

Select the most appropriate option

In which sector are the performance-based and competency tests most used?
1. Public sector
2. Small and medium size enterprises
3. Private sector large enterprises
4. None of the above…t_id=_62274_1&course_id=_10002_1&content_id=_1626957_1&step=null Page 13 of 13

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