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(P ART 2)
1. Use your strengths.
If you're more efficient working alone, head to a study room
at the nearest library. If you work better in a team, find others
working on the same assignment and schedule time to work
together. So don't get really stressed about not being able to
do assignments. There's plenty of help around - the internet,
parents, friends, etc.

If all else fails, you can go to school early and ask your lecturer
to explain the work to you. If there is something you don't
understand, write down what the specific question is, or mark
the page in your book. Then you can ask your lecturer or a
graduate assistant for help. If you just go to your lecturer and
say, "I didn't understand the assignments so I couldn't finish
it," it will be difficult for her to help you if you can't be specific
about what was actually hindering you.

2. Ask your fri ends or family to bug you

about studying.
Yeah, nobody likes to be "bugged" about school, but
sometimes it can really help. You see, friends and family are
usually the ones that distract us from assignments. So if you
get them to support you in school, they will be far less likely
to invite you to activities that will keep you away from the

3. Get competitive!
Think of every assignment as a challenge and set out to do
your assignment better than anybody else. Try to surprise
everyone, including the lecturers, by doing outstanding work.
If you feel like you are part of a misfit crowd, then it might
help to team up with a friend or two. Put your heads together
and plot to outdo the popular crowd. You’ll find that this can
be very inspiring!

Get competitive! Think of every assignment

as a challenge and set out to do your
assignment better than anybody else.
#TheFirstclassYou @OlaniyiEvans

4. Find an assignment partner .

Find someone to sit with who is quiet and focused. Make sure
this person isn't one of your crazy friends who'll distract you.
This will help you feel comfortable working, because someone
else is working along with you. Just be sure not to end up
talking more than working.

5. Work smarter, not harder.

A tired brain absorbs little information. Take regular breaks.
Get up, stretch, and move around. Drink water and eat fruit:
water will refresh your system, and an apple provides the
same effect as an energy drink. Don't resort to using "study
drugs" to stay awake. Apart from being illegal without a
prescription, these drugs are hard on your body and can keep
you from being fit to do study in the future.
The above nuggets are extracted from the book: The
Firstclass You. For more, you can download the book


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