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Questions on Hobbes's Leviathan, Author's Introduction, Chapters 1, 4-6, and 11

1. What is Hobbes's agenda?

2. What should we contemplate in order to learn about human nature? Why? (What is Hobbes's

3. Is Hobbes's account of man scientific?

4. What is the origin of thought?

5. Is Hobbes rejecting the claims of Christianity altogether, or trying to reconcile science with
Christianity? (A question for consideration as you read the rest of Leviathan as well.)

6. What is his view of universities and book-learning?

7. What is speech?

8. What has speech made possible?

9. What is the origin of the speech that man uses today?

10. What two types of names do we use, and how do they differ?

11. What is reason?

12. Are human beings free? Do we have free will?

13. What does Hobbes think of philosophy?

14. What is science?

15. What are the passions?

16. What are "good and evil"?

17. What are the three kinds of religion, according to Hobbes?

18. What is happiness?

19. Are human desires infinite or finite?

20. What does chapter 11 concern? What modern discipline does the chapter fall under? Does
this approach to the study of man differ from the approach in the earlier chapters?

21. Why are men virtuous?

22. Why do they hate?

23. Are human beings sinful or evil?

24. What motivates true or natural religion?

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