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Journal of Business Management & Social Sciences Research (JBM&SSR) ISSN No: 2319-5614

Volume 2, No.12, December 2013

Impact Of Subliminal Messages In TV Advertisements on
Customer Behaviour
(A Case Study of Youth in Kashmir Province of J&K)
Shakeel Ahmad Sofi , Research Scholar, Department Of Management Studies, Central University Of Kashmir, Srinagar
(J&K) India
Dr. Fayaz Ahmad Nika , Associate Professor, Department Of Management Studies, Central University Of Kashmir Son-
war Srinagar (J&K) India
The topic subliminal advertising has had long controversy ever since 1958 when James vicary published a study based on
the effects in add “Drink Coke, Eat Pop Corn”, wherein he had found increase in sales after movie at refreshment Box
(Russel, Rowe and Smouse, 1991).Subliminal basically means below threshold and subliminal advertisements are directed
at subconscious level where a consumer is not able to evaluate consciously what is happening to him or her but its impact
is seen through indirect way as what is impact on feelings, how cognitive aspect of a consumer is affected ,whether con-
sumers of such ads are able to evaluate such type of ads ,how much thrilled and involved they feel towards characters de-
picted in such subliminal ads and many other aspects as well. Here in this study we have considered few of the ads con-
taining subliminal messages so as to see what kind of impact they are able to make on consumer behaviour.This study has
been limited to Student class of colleges ,Universities and High School as well. A sample of 390 was chosen which in-
cluded male , female ,married ,unmarried ranging in the age group of 18-35 from different Professional and Non-
Professional Back grounds. Results have shown positive impact on some of the components of Consumer behaviour .The
subliminal ads is a tool for a company for generating sales but their are other concerns as well like Male show higher in-
volvement in depicted characters than female though both show involvement ,increase in sales is a legitimate goal of any
organization but how such exposure is going to affect life pattern of a consumer in long run is a matter of concern.

Keywords: Subliminal Ads ,Subjugation ,Emotions,Cognitions and Irrational Behaviour

Introduction ads ,the back ground language influence,love messages

Hundreds of experiments conducted over the last 85 in advertisements, Social proof/cult feelings but certain
years have established that people are influenced by cer- messages are there which may conflict with the sound
tain latent information in the advertisements. This phe- principles of business ethics.Therefore certain aspects
nomenon is known as "subliminal perception" and has need to be addressed like how far is it reasonable to have
been popularized in science fiction stories. Subliminal so much pornography which is apparent in most of the
message is a Visual or auditory message presented so advertisements, what about the half sexual actions ,how
fast or at so low intensity that people cannot detect it. far ethical is it to use metaphor in advertisements and
Literally speaking of subliminal messages it means be- more importantly the question of celebrity endorsement?
low threshold. There has been continuous research in The study therefore focusssed mainly on three categories
subliminal messages in biological sciences, psychology i.e (Pornography and Half Sexual actions, Metaphor and
and other social science fields including Management. A Celebrity Endorsement). Pornography and Sexual ac-
highly publicized study in 1950’s by James Vicary in- tions in advertisement may help promote a product but
corporated a subliminal message in an add, “Drink Coke, implications associated with such advertisements like
Eat Pop Corn”, and the effect was increase in sales after inclination/excitement may tempt the youth viewers to
movie at refreshment Box (Russel, Rowe and Smouse, satisfy their biological needs through illicit relationships,
1991). causing anxiety and stress which may force them to be-
come drug addicts catching them in a vicious circle.
Advertisements are not only important to advertiser but
to customer as well as it is an important source of infor- Metaphor is being used in advertisements where actions
mation for customers and technique of generating sales and messages shown are directed at something else than
for advertisers .The advertisers have been always seen only the product information like the advertisement of
alert to catch the potential buyers unawareness by ignit- Hero Honda Igniter, though advertisement is about bike
ing their state of mind to feelings and emotions which but in this advertisement there are certain things that
prompt them to buy the product as the message con- should be taken into consideration like why in this ad-
tained therein is more addressed to psyche than the vi- vertisement an employee who has recently purchased
sion. Though there are a number of ways how advertis- Igniter is shown to have lured a female who incidentally
ers can subliminally persuade customers like Music in happens to be his boss. The metaphor is that by purchas- Blue Ocean Research Journals 17

Journal of Business Management & Social Sciences Research (JBM&SSR) ISSN No: 2319-5614
Volume 2, No.12, December 2013

ing ----
Igniter you will be able to get hold of girl friend and chological and other social science fields including
another case of metaphor is that you will not just be able Management. For example ,Cheeseman and Merikle
to have girl friend but you will be able to get hold of that (1986) cited the Psychodynamic Activation theory and
celebrity which others die for. Celebrity endorsement theorized how subliminal messages work in an individ-
mostly affects youth because of their vulnerability and it ual and according to this theory subliminal message pro-
is believed that endorsements which promote fictitious vides a subliminal stimulation, which conscious mind
and misleading information often affect consumer’s be- may be unaware of, to either the visual or auditory cor-
havior or decisions about the product or service. tex of the brain. According to this theory the subliminal
message bypasses the gatekeeper in the conscious mind
Though there are certain clinical devices like Tachisto- and plants those messages straight into the individuals
cope which may directly measure the impact of sublimi- sub consciousness (Stress Relief Management, 2005;
nal advertisements. However in the area of behavioural Emergeman, and Kopiez, 2006).
sciences we can get response from customers by using
Developed Stimulus Instruments. There are different James Vicary a researcher ,claimed in a press release that
models of customer behaviour like Economic Man subliminal messages had motivated movie viewers to
where customer is supposed to make rational decisions purchase popcorn and coca cola (Packard,1957).He used
and Psychodynamic Model where behaviour is deter- a technique called Tachistoscope to project the words “
mined by biological drives, rather than individual cogni- Drink Coca Cola ’’ and “ Eat pocorn’’ for 1/3000 of a
tion, or environmental stimuli, this process where cus- second at five second intervals during the presentation of
tomer makes decisions on the basis of emotions and not movie entitled Picnic. Soon after Coca Cola study sub-
on cognitive abilities is irrational behavior which this liminal messages caught attention of business world
research proposal is intended to study. If customers emo- .Federal funding started being funded for related re-
tional capabilities are lesser than cognitive capabilities search projects(Russel, Rowe &Smouse ,1991).The pub-
then customer would make rational decisions and if lic and academia viewed subliminal messages as a chan-
his/her emotional capabilities overcome cognitive capa- nel that indirectly creates antisocial behavior such as
bilities then whatever decisions customer is taking early sex stimulation in children,chane in value system
would be irrational and this irrational decision making of an individual, cultural change, suicidal acts and Drug
may lead to compulsive buying and this may be because use(Taylor Retrie December,5,2007).There has been
of internal factors or external stimuli like subliminal research on two types of subliminal messages which
advertisements and here focus has been only on the im- includes auditory and visual mes-
pact of external stimuli i.e subliminal advertisements. sages(Moore,1982).According to urban (1992) the phe-
nomenon of visual subliminal stimulation is real
The controversy of subliminal tactics started way back in ,however the disagreement continuous on the effective-
1950’s and it has been used for increasing sales and also ness of these messages .The visual stimulus can be in
to bring changes in consumer behaviour. Subliminal terms of graphics and videos where as auditory includes
messages also create anxiety and as a result of it people audios such back ground message in music .However
tend to lessen their anxiety through smoking, drugs and there has been no strong evidence of these auditory
over eating. Persuasion is about messaging one-to-one or messages like in a study concluded by
one-to-many. Subliminal persuasion occurs when you Merikle(1998).Apart from this, there has been so many
are able to successfully implant a message in the mind of empirical studies concluded by various scholars includ-
a person or group of people whom you target for change ing Benes and Gutkin(1998) who analysed relationship
without their conscious evaluation of the change, and between music masking and free association.Duke-
encourage them to spread the idea organically to their Budzynesss(1998) conducted a study to enhance the self
associates. Subliminal persuasion is about getting people esteem in adult type.Schnell(1986)investigated the effec-
to change their minds, to change their beliefs, and to tiveness of subliminal tapes for improving public speak-
accept new information as not only being correct, but ing.Russel,Rowe and Smouse (1911) evaluated the effect
having the necessity to spread. Advertising, marketing, of subliminal self-helf tapes on academic achievement.
movie making, public relations, propaganda, negotiation,
and religion all rely on subliminal persuasion. Objectives
There has been long controversy regarding the impact of
Literature Review subliminal advertisements i.e. to say whether these kinds
Subliminal message is visual or auditory message pre- of advertisements do actually affect the feeling compo-
sented so fast or at so low intensity that people cannot nent of an individual, whether it affects the cognitive
detect it. Literally speaking of subliminal messages it part of a customer whereby he/she then goes for compul-
means below threshold .There has been continuous re- sive buying. This research proposal tried explore some
search regarding subliminal messages in biological, psy- of the behavioural aspects of a customer that can be Blue Ocean Research Journals 18

Journal of Business Management & Social Sciences Research (JBM&SSR) ISSN No: 2319-5614
Volume 2, No.12, December 2013

---- by subliminal advertisements like feelings, H1: Male and female subjects exposed to sublimi-
likely involvement in depicted behaviour, believability nal advertisements will report significant difference
in actions and ideas promoted through these advertise- in ad involvement component.
ments ,whether such advertisements create any confu-
sion, Compulsive buying habits if any, purchase inten- 5) H0: Subjects of different age group exposed to
sions and purchase privacy. This study has been con- subliminal advertisements will not report any sig-
ducted in Kashmir province of J&K, and has been under- nificant difference in ad involvement component.
taken in three major regions namely Central Kashmir, H1: Subjects of different age group exposed to sub-
North and South Kashmir and respondents under study liminal advertisements will report significant differ-
are youth from both the sexes in the age group of 18 to ence in ad involvement component.
35. The study was extend to educated youth whether
employed, unemployed or undergoing process of educa- 6) H0: Male Subjects exposed to subliminal messages
tion. in TV advertisements will report same believability
The main objectives of the study are: about facts, ideas, and messages depicted in adver-
a) To study the influence of TV advertisement on tisements than female subjects.
the feelings, beliefs of customer,purchase H1: Male Subjects exposed to subliminal messages
b) intentions. in TV advertisements will report Significant differ-
c) To study the perceptions customers are having ence in believability about facts, ideas, and mes-
about the actions, emotions, depicted in sub- sages depicted in advertisements than female sub-
liminal advertisements and their likely in- jects.
volvement in such behaviours.
d) To analyse whether subliminal advertisements 7) H0: Male Subjects exposed to subliminal messages
do create any confusion in customer’s mind. in TV advertisements will report same feelings as
e) To see whether different customer groups differ reported by female subjects.
in compulsive buying. H1: Male Subjects exposed to subliminal messages
f) To suggest ways to counter negative aspects of in TV advertisements will report significant differ-
Subliminal TV advertisements. ence in feelings component compared to that of fe-
male subjects.
This study tested following hypothesis: 8) H0: Male and Female subjects exposed to Subli-
Main Hypothesis minal ads will not report significant difference in ad
H0: Subliminal Messages do not tend to create differ- confusion component.
ences in customer behaviour. H1: Male and Female subjects exposed to Subli-
H1: Subliminal Messages do tend to create differences in minal ads will report significant difference in ad
customer behaviour. confusion component.

Sub-Hypothesis 9) H0: Subjects of different age group exposed to sub-

1) H0: Feelings and Cognition generated by Sublimi- liminal ads will not report any significant difference
nal ads are not effective in creating Compulsive in ad confusion component.
buying behaviour. H1: Subjects of different age group exposed to sub-
H1: Feelings and Cognition generated by Sublimi- liminal ads will report significant difference in ad
nal ads are effective in creating Compulsive confusion component.
buying behaviour.
10) H0: Subjects from different areas exposed to sub-
2) H0: Subjects exposed to similar subliminal adver- liminal advertisements will not show any signifi-
tisements will report same feelings. cant difference in purchase intensions.
H1: Subjects exposed to similar subliminal adver- H1: Subjects from different areas exposed to sub-
tisements will report different feelings. liminal advertisements will show significant differ-
ence in purchase intensions.
3) H0: Subjects exposed to similar subliminal adver-
tisements will report same Cognition. 11) H0:Male and female respondents exposed to sub-
H1: Subjects exposed to similar subliminal adver- liminal advertisements will not report any signifi-
tisements will report different Cognition. cant difference in compulsive buying.
4) H0: Male and female subjects exposed to sublimi- H1: Male and female respondents exposed to sub-
nal advertisements will not report any significant liminal advertisements will report significant dif-
difference in ad involvement component. ference in compulsive buying. Blue Ocean Research Journals 19

Journal of Business Management & Social Sciences Research (JBM&SSR) ISSN No: 2319-5614
Volume 2, No.12, December 2013

---- Design pling. Efforts have been made to choose a representative
Sources of Data: sample from each strata and sub-strata of the population
and a sample of 390 was chosen which included male ,
The source of data was both primary as well as secon-
dary .The primary data was obtained from youth in the female ,married ,unmarried ranging in the age group of
age group of 18 to 35. The instrument for empirical 18-35 from different Professional and Non-Professional
study consisted of structured questionnaire based on Back grounds.
established scales along with a case study about sublimi-
nal advertisements which included three categories of Tools and Analysis:
advertisements containing subliminal messages namely Apart from Mean and Percentages the following research
Half Sexual actions and Pornographic pictures, Meta- techniques were also used to test the hypothesis:
phor and Celebrity endorsement. The instrument was a) Mann Whitney U Test
pre-tested before actual use. b) ANOVA
The various components of the questionnaire are :
a) Feeling component Since dependent variable being non-metric and inde-
b) Likely Involvement Component pendent variable being metric, the suitable research
c) Scale on Cognitive Component technique would be Mann Whitney U Test.
d) Purchase Intension Component Also variables in the study included dependent and inde-
e) Compulsive buying Component pendent variable; hence ANNOVA was also an option.
f) Purchase Privacy Component All this was carried through SPSS.
g) Confusion Related component
h) Demographics Component Results And Discussions
All the hypothesis except 2,6,8 and 9 are supporting
Sampling Frame, Type & Size: main hypothesis that consumers exposed to subliminal
The Kashmir region was divided into three sub-regions ads in TV advertisements do tend to create differences in
namely Central, North and South Kashmir and the data their behaviour that is to say that these advertisements do
was obtained from educated youth in these areas. The affect consumer behaviour in different ways such as
sampling frame consisted institutions of higher learning male and female are showing differences in their feelings
(both Government owned or Private owned) in the sub- and affection components ,compulsive buying as well
regions. The method of sampling used is stratified ,residents from different areas are showing differences in
wherein the entire youth population of these sub-regions purchase intensions ,customers of different age group
has been divided into the strata of educated employed, showing differences in add involvement ,ad understand-
educated unemployed and youth undergoing the process ing and so does consumers on the basis of gender and all
of education. Both male and female respondents were this has been explained below :
chosen from each strata on the basis of judgement sam-

Fig. S.3: Irrational Buying and some of the components Blue Ocean Research Journals 20

Journal of Business Management & Social Sciences Research (JBM&SSR) ISSN No: 2319-5614
Volume 2, No.12, December 2013

A.) ----
H0: Feelings and Cognition generated by Sublimi- Here we are to examine the impact of feelings, cognition
nal ads are not effective in creating Compulsive Buying generated by subliminal ads on buying behaviour i.e to
behaviour. say whether generated feelings, cognition can lead to
H1: Feelings and Cognition generated by Subliminal compulsive buying. For this we have run Two way
ads are effective in creating Compulsive Buying be- ANOVA between Feelings, Cognition and Compulsive
haviour. Buying which in this case is dependent variable. Test
statistics are given below:

Fig.1 Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

Dependent Variable: Compulsive Buying

Source Type III Sum df Mean F Sig.

of Squares Square

FEELINGS 2715.194 39 69.620 3.957 .000

COGNITION 2174.545 27 80.539 4.577 .000

FEELINGS * COGNITION 7410.349 153 48.434 2.753 .000

Model 373268.438 220 1696.675 96.423 .000

Error 2938.562 167 17.596

Total 376207.000 387

a. R Squared = .992 (Adjusted R Squared = .982)

The test statistics for the significance of the overall ef- 2.) H0: Subjects exposed to similar subliminal adver-
fect is: tisements will report same feelings.
F=(1696.675/17.596) = 96.423 H1: Subjects exposed to similar subliminal advertise-
ments will report different feelings.
With 220 and 167 degrees of freedom, the critical value
of F is in between 1.22 and 1.Hence calculated value of
F is greater than tabulated which supporting alternative
hypothesis thus it is significant at 0.05 level. Age N Mean
Since overall effect is significant lets examine interac- Rank
tion effect which is
FEELINGS 18-20 100 200.97
F=(48.434/17.596) = 2.753 21-23 101 210.30

24-27 97 197.34
With 153 and 167 degrees of freedom, the critical value
of F is in between 1.22 and 1.Hence again calculated 27-30 92 171.36
value of F is greater than critical value which is again
Total 390
significant at 0.05 level. Hence the effects of Feelings
depend on Cognition. That’s is to say that Compulsive Test Statistics a,b

Buying is dependent on cognition and type of feelings FEELINGS

generated by subliminal ads and for a company it is of
greater importance so as to increase sales, also to achieve Chi-Square 6.230
such objective companies will need to control cognitive Df 3
component while increasing emotional part of a consum-
er because as long as feelings are greater than cognition Asymp. Sig. .101
consumers will always be inclined towards compulsive a. Kruskal Wallis Test
b. Grouping Variable: Age

Now to find whether the groups show any statistical sig-

nificance we have conducted K-Sample independent test Blue Ocean Research Journals 21

Journal of Business Management & Social Sciences Research (JBM&SSR) ISSN No: 2319-5614
Volume 2, No.12, December 2013

and ----
Fig.2 above reveals that the differences among dif- a. Kruskal Wallis Test, b. Grouping Variable:
ferent age groups are not statistically significant though Age
table it may appear that there are differences but
under Test Statics with 3 and 0.05 significance level Again we conducted K-sample independent test to see
theoretical value of Chi-Square is 7.815 which is more whether consumers of different age group show any sta-
than calculated and hence supporting hypothesis of no tistical difference in their cognition. Here in this case as
significant difference. Also the value of probability be- against to Feelings case discussed above the differences
ing more than the significance level supports null hypo- are significant as the probability associated with test that
thesis that ssubjects exposed to similar subliminal adver- is 0.002 is less than significance level of 0.05 which
tisements will report same feelings. supports alternative hypotheis. Also with 3 and 0.05 sig-
nificance level, the critical value of Chi Square is 7.
3. H0: Subjects exposed to similar subliminal adver- 7.815 which shows that the calculated value of Chi-
tisements will report same Cognition. Square is more critical value rejecting null hypothesis
H1: Subjects exposed to similar subliminal advertise- and leads to selection of alternative hypothesis that sub-
ments will report different Cognition. jects exposed to similar subliminal advertisements will
report different Cognition.
Fig.3 Ranks
Age N Mean Rank Now what are the implications of the figures (Fig.1 and
Fig.2) discussed and depicted above ,now we have two
COGNITION 18-20 100 220.86
components under age group that is Affection(feelings)
21-23 101 161.79 and Beliefs (Cognition). Consumer behaviour is depend-
24-27 97 203.26 ent on different factors and so is on age .Consumer
would be considered rational decision maker if his cog-
27-30 92 196.76 nitive power is more than affection or feelings as higher
Total 390 cognition means proper planning and self control where
a,b as higher affection means greater dependence on emo-
Test Statistics
tions which would always promote irrational buying.
COGNITION Below in Fig.S.1 we have compared both the factors so
Chi-Square 14.619 as to determine rational or irrational buying behaviour
whatsoever may be the case.
Df 3
Asymp. Sig. .002

Figure S.1: Comparison of Feelings and Cognition with respect to age

Age Cognition Mean Ranks Feelings Mean Rank Remarks
18-20 220.86 200.97 Rational Behaviour

21-23 161.79 210.30 Irrational Behaviour

24-27 Rational behaviour&Minute

203.26 197.34 difference
28-30 196.76 171.36 Rational Behaviour
above in age group indicates that subliminal ads don’t
pose any threat as far as irrational buying is considered
In above Figure S.1 consumers under (18-20) age group apart from one that falls in 21-23 age group that could be
show rational behaviour as cognitive mean rank is higher because of other factors such as personality ,gender dif-
than Feeling Mean Rank though difference is very small ference etc.
but it is still approaching rational behaviour as cognition
is on higher side. But contrary to what we supposed that 4. H0: Male and female subjects exposed to subliminal
consumers under age group (21-23) are showing irra- advertisements will not report any significant differ-
tional behaviour as cognitive means are lower than feel- ence in ad involvement component.
ings mean. With rest two groups of (24-27) and (28-30) H1: Male and female subjects exposed to subliminal
cognition as expected is on higher side indicates rational advertisements will report significant difference in ad
buying . Cognition being higher in most of the cases involvement component. Blue Ocean Research Journals 22

Journal of Business Management & Social Sciences Research (JBM&SSR) ISSN No: 2319-5614
Volume 2, No.12, December 2013

ad Involvement component as mentioned above is Fig.5
the likely involvement of respondents in depicted char- Ranks
acters in subliminal ads.To test this hypothesis we con-
ducted Mann Whitney U Test whose statistics are given Age N Mean Rank
below: INVOLVEMENT 18-20 100 226.55

Fig.4 21-23 101 163.34

Ranks 24-27 97 209.19
Sum of 27-30 92 182.63
Gender N Mean Rank Ranks Total 390
Involve- Male 44231.5 a,b
202 218.97 Test Statistics
ment 0
Female 32013.5
188 170.28 Chi-Square 18.732
Df 3
Total 390
Asymp. Sig. .000
Test Statisticsa a. Kruskal Wallis Test
b. Grouping Variable: Age
Here null Hypothesis was rejected as the value of proba-
bility associated with the test is less than significance
Mann-Whitney U 14247.500 level of 0.05 also with 3 degrees of freedom and 0.05
Wilcoxon W 32013.500 significance level the critical vale of Chi-square is 7.815
Z -4.295 which is less than calculated value of 18.732 which is
supporting alternative hypothesis that subjects of differ-
Asymp. Sig. (2-
.000 ent age group exposed to subliminal advertisements will
report significant difference in ad involvement compo-
a. Grouping Variable: Gender nent which is also evident from the Fig.5 as mean ranks
The test statistics shows significant difference in ad in- are different for each age group with 18-20 showing
volvement component as value of Z(-4.295) lies outside highest involvement and with exception under age group
acceptance region ,also from above table since probabili- 21-23 which is on lower side than next two age
ty (0.000) is less than level of significance 0.05 and also groups.The respondents with higher mean values will
value of Z does not fall in the acceptance region of ( +- show higher irrational buying and it has implications on
1.96) hence we reject null hypothesis of no significance other demographics as well because if one need such as
infact male and female respondents do show significant sexual desire does not get fulfilled then the consumer of
difference in ad involvement component with the particular ad will always look for alternative options
male(218.97) on higher side than females(170.28). in order to satisfy himself or herself that is why we see
That’s why most of the ads include female characters as young college girls and boys using drugs in colleges
this has significant effect in arousing sexual desires because they have been affected by exposure to sublimi-
mostly among male respondents. This has greater and nal ads wherein they find themselves highly involved or
serious implications and importance as well both from in other words want to perform same what is shown in
consumers and companies point of view respectively . ads but not having scope to do the same they find them-
With male showing higher involvement means they will selves involved in number anti social activities such as
be more prompted towards irrational behaviour and vul- masturbation ,drugs and undesirable sexual relation-
garnous than females which is the concern for society ships.One example of such subliminal advertisement is
but on the other hand it has become a technique for TRY OUR HARD PACK Where young woman is
companies to involve consumers in compulsive buying. showing agressively embracing towards a young manbut
apart from it there is one more item in the advertisement
5. H0: Subjects of different age group exposed to sub- that is hard pack of Benson and Hedges Cigerate pack
liminal advertisements will not report any significant and thus the ad if don’t get satisfied try our hard pack ,
difference in ad involvement component. that is if you don’t get satisfied when you don’t have any
sexual intercourse then you can leverage this desire
H1: Subjects of different age group exposed to sub- through use of hard pack which is cigerates in this case
liminal advertisements will report significant difference and that is why we see most of the young people in-
in ad involvement component. volved in drugs because their desire for sexual inter- Blue Ocean Research Journals 23

Journal of Business Management & Social Sciences Research (JBM&SSR) ISSN No: 2319-5614
Volume 2, No.12, December 2013

---- activated by subliminal ads does not get full filled feelings component compared to that of female sub-
which ultimately leaves in no mans land and hence they jects.
get _________________________________________________________________________________
involved into irrational buying behaviour of drugs
and also find themselves involved in social evils such as Fig.7
masterbation. Ranks
Gender N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks
6. H0: Male Subjects exposed to subliminal messages
in TV advertisements will report same believability FEELINGS Male 202 180.78 36517.50
about facts, ideas, and messages depicted in advertise- Female 188 211.32 39727.50
ments than female subjects.
Total 390
H1: Male Subjects exposed to subliminal messages in Test Statistics a
TV advertisements will report significant difference in
believability about facts, ideas, messages depicted in FEELINGS
advertisements than female subjects. Mann-Whitney U 16014.500
Wilcoxon W 36517.500
Believability/Cognition has been checked using seven
point differential scale including various adjectives ask- Z -2.675
ing respondents how they feel about that particular ad- Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .007
jective (for complete informationseeInstruement details). a. Grouping Variable: Gender
Mann-Whitney U Test was carried between Cognition
Here null hypothesis was rejected as the value of proba-
and Gender Component whose details are given below:
bility which in this case 0.007 is less than significance
level of 0.05 ,also value of z(-2.675) lies in the rejection
region supporting alternative hypothesis that male sub-
Ranks jects exposed to subliminal messages in TV advertise-
ments will report significant difference in feelings
component compared to that of female subjects as mean
Mean Sum of rank of females(211.32) is greater than males (180.78)
Gender N Rank Ranks indicating that females show high negative feelings than
COGNITION Male 202 195.81 39553.00 males and will be more prompted to irrational buy-
ing.Now moving further lets draw the comparison be-
Female 188 195.17 36692.00
tween Feelings and Cognitive Components with regard
Total 390 to gender in order draw remarks about the type of possi-
ble behaviour the consumer will show.
Test Statisticsa
Figure S.2: Comparison of Feelings and Cognition
COGNITION with respect Gender.
Mann-Whitney U 18926.000
Gender Cognition Feelings Remarks
Wilcoxon W 36692.000 Mean Mean
Z -.056 Ranks Rank
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .955 Male Rational
195.81 180.78
a. Grouping Variable: Gender Behaviour
Female Irrational
Here no such significant difference is found as indicated 195.17 211.32
by ranks and also probability (0.955) is greater than sig-
nificance level of 0.5 supports null hypothesis of no dif-
As is clear from above Figure S.2 where feelings are
ference in cognition. Z value(-0.56 falls in the region of
+ more than cognition in case of Females that is why it has
-1.96) also supports null hypothesis.
been remarked as Irrational Behaviour whereas Cogni-
7. H0: Male Subjects exposed to subliminal messages tion is on higher side in case of males and hence is re-
in TV advertisements will report same feelings as re- marked as rational behaviour. So clearly gender differ-
ported by female subjects. ence does affect the cognition and affection process and
from above statistics we can conclude that female con-
H1: Male Subjects exposed to subliminal messages in sumers of subliminal ads will be more prompted towards
TV advertisements will report significant difference in irrational buying than males as their cognition power in Blue Ocean Research Journals 24

Journal of Business Management & Social Sciences Research (JBM&SSR) ISSN No: 2319-5614
Volume 2, No.12, December 2013

---- to the subliminal ads is reported lower than that
of feelings. Ranks
8) H0: Male and Female subjects exposed to Sublimin- Age N Mean Rank
al ads will not report significant difference in ad confu- UNDERSTANDING 18-20 100 194.43
sion component.
21-23 101 195.79
H1: Male and Female subjects exposed to Subliminal 24-27 94 192.65
ads will report significant difference in ad confusion
27-30 92 192.94
Total 387
As discussed earlier ad confusion component means con- a,b
Test Statistics
fusion created by advertisements and here in this case it
is confusion created by subliminal ads ,in other words it UNDER-
means whether consumers of such ads are able to under- STANDING
stand such type of because understanding and not under- Chi-Square .050
standing has a lot to do consumer behaviour . As men-
Df 3
tion by Dave Lakhani in Hidden Persuaders, advertising
agencies create confusion in the mind of customer Asymp. Sig. .997
through different ads which then triggers irrational buy- a. Kruskal Wallis Test
ing because mind has already being corrupted by subli- Again Null Hypothesis was selected as the probability
minal ads. Again Man Whitney U Test was conducted associated with the test statics is more than the signifi-
whose test statistics are given below: cant level of 0.05 ,also with 3 and 0.05 degrees the criti-
Fig.8 cal value of Chi-Square is 9.488 which is more the tabu-
Ranks lated value(0.050) in this case which again supports the
Mean Sum of null hypothesis that subjects of different age group ex-
Gender N Rank Ranks posed to subliminal ads will not report any significant
difference in ad confusion component.
UNDERSTANDING Male 202 196.97 39788.50
Female 185 190.75 35289.50 10) H0: Subjects from different areas exposed to sub-
liminal advertisements will not show any significant
Total 387 difference in purchase intensions.
Test Statisticsa
H1: Subjects from different areas exposed to sublimi-
UNDERSTANDING nal advertisements will show significant difference in
Mann-Whitney U 18084.500 purchase intensions
Wilcoxon W 35289.500
Z -.549
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .583
Residence N Mean Rank
a. Grouping Variable: Gender
Here alternative hypothesis was rejected as the value of PURCHASE South Kashmir 127 217.31
probability associated with the Test statistics is higher INTENTION North Kashmir 129 178.29
than significance level of 0.05,also value of Z being (-
Central Kashmir 134 191.40
0.549) falls in the acceptance region supports null hypo-
thesis that is male and female subjects exposed to Sub- Total 390
liminal ads will not report significant difference in ad Test Statistics a,b

confusion component which means they would not re-

port significant difference in compulsive buying. PURCHASEIN-
9) H0: Subjects of different age group exposed to sub- Chi-Square 7.981
liminal ads will not report any significant difference in
Df 2
ad confusion component.
Asymp. Sig. .018
H1: Subjects of different age group exposed to subli- a. Kruskal Wallis Test
minal ads will report significant differencein ad con- b. Grouping Variable: Residence
fusion component. Blue Ocean Research Journals 25

Journal of Business Management & Social Sciences Research (JBM&SSR) ISSN No: 2319-5614
Volume 2, No.12, December 2013

Does----products, actions and messages in subliminal ads significant difference, so gender differences also play
affect purchase intensions of consumers from different significant role in compulsive nature of a consumer. As
areas .in other words does it leave any mark on subcons- discussed above in hypothesis H7 females show higher
cious mind of a consumer? For this we carried K- negative feelings than male respondents thus as proposed
Independent sample test between Residence and Pur- that female would be showing more compulsive buying
chase Intensions. Test statistics include Ranks ,Chi than males which is evident from Test statistics
Square and Probability.With 2 degrees of freedom and
0.05 significance level the critical value from Chi Square Conclusion
table is 0.103 is less than calculated value of 7.981 The main objective of the study was to evaluate the
which supports alternative hypothesis of significant dif- impact of subliminal ads on customer behaviour and
ference which is also indicated by ranks 217.31, 178.29, the results of the study revealed mixed findings with
191.40 where people from south show higher purchase some people showing positive differences in some of
intensions than Central Kashmir and North Kashmir. the components like when subjects of different age
group are exposed to subliminal ads report significant
11. H0: Male and female respondents exposed to sub- differences in cognition and having figures of Affec-
liminal advertisements will not report any tion we have drawn comparison between cognition
significant difference in compulsive buying. and affection (Fig.S.1) which revealed most of the
people show rational behaviour . Gender differences
H1: Male and female respondents exposed to sublimi- are also effective in case of feelings but not in case of
nal advertisements will report cognition but the comparison on gender basis has
significant difference in compulsive buying. again revealed that females exposed to subliminal ads
are most likely to show irrational behaviour. The
Compulsive buying can vary with respect to age ,gender involvement component also shows significant dif-
and other factors as well but we have considered only ferences in possible involvement as males show
one factor which is gender,we presumed that male and higher involvement than females thus indicating the
female respondents will not report any significant differ- possible impact of subliminal ads on customer beha-
ence in compulsive buying and for this again Mann viour . Subjects from different areas showing signifi-
Whitney U Test was carried between two components i.e cant differences in purchase intensions indicates that
Gender and Compulsive Buying which is given below: as emotional stability and control of emotional de-
Fig.11 sires varies from region to region so does purchase
Ranks intensions with people from south showing higher
Mean Sum of impact as their purchase intensions are higher than
Gender N Rank Ranks other two regions. But there are other components
where consumers don’t show any significant differ-
COMPULSIVE Male 202 187.33 37840.00 ence such as subjects of different age group exposed
BUYING to subliminal ads report same feelings ,female and
Female 185 201.29 37238.00
female subjects exposed to such ads do not show any
Total 387 significant difference in cognition ,male and female
subjects also report insignificance regarding ad con-
Test Statisticsa fusion component of consumer behaviour. These
COMPULSIVE differences could possibly because of the personality
BUYING factor, perception , Experience ,income and many
other exogenous factors and that could be explored
Mann-Whitney U 17337.000 by one more study in the same field concentrating on
Wilcoxon W 37840.000 the exogenous factors only. The exogenous factors
Z -2.675 could lead to differences because of many factors
such as the difference in evaluating ads does occur in
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .007 a young and old person both focusing on two differ-
a. Grouping Variable: Gender ent things where a young person could be found look-
ing for products and female characters but at the
It clear from Mean Rank values which shows difference same time an old man could be found describing and
in compulsive buying with females showing higher explain the message contained in advertisement.
compulsiveness than males and overall test statistics
shows this difference significant as the value of probabil- Subliminal ads be it through subconscious mechanism or
ity associated with test (0.007) is less than significance indirect advertising and as reported in this study and by
level of 0.5 which is supporting alternative hypothesis of many other studies do effect consumer behaviour. The Blue Ocean Research Journals 26

Journal of Business Management & Social Sciences Research (JBM&SSR) ISSN No: 2319-5614
Volume 2, No.12, December 2013

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