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Viernes, 27 de Enero de 2023, 10:39



 Viernes, 27 de Enero de 2023, 11:19

 0:40:35.814193

19.00 / 25.00

7.60 / 10.00 APRUEBA

Pregunta 1
Puntúa 1.00
sobre 1.00

Choose the word that fits the sentence.

 We watched a _______________ about the final years of the artist's life.

Seleccione una alternativa:

a. scene
b. effects
c. action
d. documentary
e. released

Pregunta 2
Puntúa 1.00
sobre 1.00

Rewrite the sentences. Use the correct form of the verbs.

No parking on this side of the street. (can’t)
Seleccione una alternativa:
You can’t park on this side of the street.
You can’t no park on this side of the street.
You can’t parking on this side of the street.

Pregunta 3
Puntúa 2.00
sobre 2.00

Choose the sentence which means the same as: it’s possible that I’ll see you tomorrow. 

Seleccione una alternativa:

a. I might see you tomorrow.
b. I might seen you tomorrow. 
c. I might saw you tomorrow. 

Pregunta 4
Puntúa 1.00
sobre 1.00

Choose the word that fits the sentence.

 The movie will be _____________ next spring.

Seleccione una alternativa:

a. scene
b. released
c. action
d. effects
e. documentary

Pregunta 5
Puntúa 1.00
sobre 1.00

Choose the correct participle to complete the sentence. 

The next day Julie was __________ because she thought she had made a food of herself. 

Seleccione una alternativa:

a. depressing
b. depressed 

Pregunta 6
Puntúa 1.00
sobre 1.00

Choose the best option to complete the conversation:

A: What does it mean when somebody does this?

 B: That’s easy! That gesture ___________ means everything’s OK.

Seleccione una alternativa:

Pregunta 7
Puntúa 0.00
sobre 1.00

Listen to the podcast and choose TRUE or FALSE according to what you hear. Choose DS if the information hasn't been


0:00 / 2:27

Relacione la opción correcta:

In Rosie's opinion, movie companies do not use new writers very often.


Rosie's favorite directors never make TV series.


In TV series, there is not enough time to develop the characters.


Pregunta 8
Puntúa 1.00
sobre 1.00

Choose the correct option to complete the sentence.

I did this yesterday – I can help you! You _____ fill in the form and attach an up-to-date passport photo.

Seleccione una alternativa:

a. must
b. can
c. have to

Pregunta 9
Puntúa 1.00
sobre 1.00

Choose the correct word to complete the sentence.

John Cho is such an __________ actor. I love his work.

Seleccione una alternativa:


Pregunta 10
Puntúa 1.00
sobre 1.00

Choose the word that fits the sentence.

 Ian likes ___________  movies with lots of fights.

Seleccione una alternativa:

a. documentary
b. scene
c. action
d. released
e. effects

Pregunta 11
Puntúa 0.00
sobre 2.00

Choose the sentence which means the same as: it’s possible that I’ll be late tonight.

Seleccione una alternativa:

a. I might am late tonight.
b. I might be late tonight.
c. I might being late tonight.

Pregunta 12
Puntúa 0.00
sobre 1.00

Read and choose the correct option.


Zombies are everywhere these days – on television, in movies, and in books. The current image of the terrifying flesh-eating zombie comes
from George Romero’s 1968 classic film Night of the Living Dead. Nowadays many people like to frighten themselves with the idea of the
‘Zombie Apocalypse’, and enjoy learning how to destroy zombies by decapitation or shooting them in the head.

However, zombies are not new. The term, from the Kongo word nzambi which means ‘spirit of a dead person’, has been long associated
with the Vodou religion of Haiti (popularly known as Voodoo). As with West African Vodun, from which it is descended, Vodou has strong
ties to the supernatural and magic practiced by witch doctors called bokors.

In Haitian culture, zombies are not evil creatures but victims. They are said to be people who have been killed by poisoning, then
reanimated and controlled by bokors with magic potions for some specific purpose, usually to work as slave labor. The bokors were widely
feared and respected. It is said that they used to be in the service of the secret police and those who defied the authorities were threatened
with being turned into the living dead.

For a long time, most people assumed that zombies were nothing more than mythical figures, like werewolves and vampires. However, this
changed in the 1980s when a man called Clairvius Narcisse claimed that he had been turned into a zombie by means of drugs and forced
to work on a sugar plantation for two years before escaping. Wade Davis, a Harvard scientist, investigated the claim and obtained
something called ‘zombie powder’ from Haitian bokors. The main active ingredient was a neurotoxin found in puffer fish which could be
used to simulate death. The bokors also explained to Davis that a second poison, made from the datura plant, known as the zombie
cucumber, was given to victims after they were revived from their death-like state. This kept the ‘zombies’ in a submissive state so that it
was easy to force them to work. Davis wrote several books on the topic, including The Serpent and the Rainbow, later made into a horror
film by director Wes Craven.

Although the book was very popular with the public, some scientists were skeptical of Davis’s claims. They said the amounts of toxin in the
powder samples he found were inconsistent and not high enough to produce zombifying effects. Although many people in Haiti still believe
in zombies, there have been no publicized cases in the last few decades, and Davis’s theory remains controversial. The Zombie
Apocalypse seems unlikely to take place soon.

Choose the correct option to complete the sentence.

'The Serpent and the Rainbow  ______________________________. 

Seleccione una alternativa:
a. was popular with zombie fans but not scientists.  
b. was a fictional account based on the real-life story.   
c. proved Narcisse's theory with rigorous scientific evidence.
d. presented the case with skepticism.

Pregunta 13
Puntúa 1.00
sobre 1.00

Choose the correct option to complete the sentence.

You______ swim here.

Seleccione una alternativa:
a. can
b. have to 
c. must 

Pregunta 14
Puntúa 2.00
sobre 2.00

Choose the correct word to complete sentence. The woman ................ I met last night was interesting. 

Seleccione una alternativa:

a. who
b. why
c. when

Pregunta 15
Puntúa 0.00
sobre 2.00
Choose the correct word to complete sentence. The students ........... came to class late missed the quiz.

Seleccione una alternativa:

a. when
b. who
c. why

Pregunta 16
Puntúa 1.00
sobre 1.00

Choose the correct participle to complete the sentence. 

Her friend Paul was ______________.

Seleccione una alternativa:

a. shocked
b. shocking

Pregunta 17
Puntúa 1.00
sobre 1.00

Choose the correct option to complete the sentence.

I'll _____ wear the black dress tonight. The invitation said formal clothes.

Seleccione una alternativa:

a. can
b. mustn't
c. have to

Pregunta 18
Puntúa 1.00
sobre 1.00

Choose the correct option to complete the sentence

The man ____  I met.

Seleccione una alternativa:


Pregunta 19
Puntúa 1.00
sobre 1.00

Choose the correct participle to complete the sentence. 

It was a ___________  sight. 
Seleccione una alternativa:
a. shocking 
b. shocked 

Pregunta 20
Puntúa 1.00
sobre 1.00

Read the article. Then choose the correct answer:

Body language includes____________

Seleccione una alternativa:

words and gestures.
posture, facial expressions, and gestures

Pregunta 21
Puntúa 1.00
sobre 1.00

Match the Positive and negative adjectives to describe a movie/film

Relacione la opción correcta:

Negative adjectives to describe a movie/film


Positive adjectives to describe a movie/film


Positive adjectives to describe a movie/film


Negative adjectives to describe a movie/film


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Universidad Técnica Estatal De Quevedo Todos los derechos reservados 2022 9:02 AM

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