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Technical requirements for the

Date: 20200408

The ​​ web site should be reworked to become a modern web-site which is
simple to maintain and has a high level of security. It should attract customers and create
trust to our cyber-security services.

At the moment it is a static jekyll based web-site. It should remain static with some
service/API backend added to provide necessary dynamics.

The supplier should provide:

- Price for man day
- Man days estimation (if you can split it into sections)
- Duration estimation
- Links to the portfolio with static sites
- If you want to offer other CMS you can, however static Jekyll site with
services/Google microservices is a preferred technology

1. Technology requirements
a. Static jekyll web-site linked to different services (e.g., and
potentially microservices on Google app engine).
b. Menu on the top.
c. Favicon.ico (adapted for different
d. Works on iOS/Android/MacOS/Windows XP-10
e. Chrome/Edge/Safari/Firefox compatible
f. submit forms for contact and sales requests.
g. Captcha for the form ( supports it).
h. Unique meta tags (description/keywords/title) for each page. Should come
from the jekyll yaml/config file and depends on the page name, otherwise a
default meta should be used.
i. Viewport tag
j. Meta content-type tag
k. Block (should be able to embed into pages): Subscribe for updates link and
popup (linked to the Getforms).
l. Small menu with all site sections at the bottom page.
m. Sitemap (easily generatable from Jekyll plugin).
n. Robots.txt
o. ENG/RU/UKR languages support
p. Concent popup (GDPR). Text should be taken from the config file.
q. Live chat window (should be configurable to be hidden). Propose a good
r. Scroll up button on the bottom of all pages
s. Search (perhaps JS based client-side)
t. Social networking block (FB/Linkedin/etc.)
u. Tags cloud block (should be possible embed on most pages). Configurable to
be hidden.
v. Related posts section on the pages (should be configurable on each page
from page config file).
w. Download resource/whitepaper block (so after entering email the customer
gets the link). Perhaps should be done with some service backend. The block
should be easily embedded into most pages. And easily configurable.
x. Each page should have at least 2 contact us blocks. Each block should have
a message label (“e.g. Ensure MaX Security”).
y. Before you leave the web-site popup block (with the option to turn it off). So
we can propose something to customer if he closes the window.
z. Google analytics.
aa. When customer goes to external link the block should appear with warning
that it leaves our site to the external one and we can not guarantee if it is
2. Sections (you can choose the more appropriate hierarchy of sections)
a. Blog/news (add articles from the files in the folder) with page index (prev 1 2 3
.. next last). Tags support. Blog categories and block articles as small blocks
on the page.
b. Privacy-policy (from the yaml file)
c. References-testimonials (as a separate page). Should be created from the
yaml file.
d. References-testimonials block on the first page (user can go through them).
Should be created from the yaml file. This block should be possible to embed
into other pages and configure.
e. The sections should be modular, at least the portfolio cases should be added
from the text in the config file.
f. Contacts section.
g. About section
i. Our team
ii. Code of conduct
iii. Office locations (might be able to turn off for the period of COVID-19)
iv. In the news
v. Events/conferences
vi. Charity
vii. Ethics & compliance
viii. Social responsibility
h. Join us section/Career
i. Certificates/Awards
j. 2 call to actions (one on the top and one at the bottom of each page)
k. Videos with us
l. Portfolio sections
i. Technical security
1. Penetration testing
a. Methodology (should be hidden for the moment)
2. Source code audit
3. Application security
ii. Security operations
1. Incident response
2. Managed security
3. Cloud security
iii. Industry experience
1. Fintech industry
2. Telecom industry
3. Blockchain industry
iv. Technology expertise
1. PHP technology
2. Enterprise Java technology
3. ASP/.Net technology
v. Governance and compliance
1. IT service management
2. ISO27001
3. Cobit5
vi. Way of work
1. IT integrators
2. Startups
3. IT service companies
4. IT security companies
vii. Our approach and project management practices
viii. Trainings
ix. IT security school/CTF
x. Resources (//here may go the resource download block)
xi. FAQ
m. First page
i. Why to choose us (bottom)
ii. Our typical clients block
iii. Why are we different from other teams
iv. Link to the video with us (will make the video later) (or small video
appears). Should be able to add more videos.
v. news /blog block (might be small)
3. Other requirements
a. Design of the web-site should be reworked including icons
b. We should use less images/graphics, but if image is required it should be
good enough to attract customers. The graphics should not be blinking or
moving, except the videos of course.
c. The scripts should be compressed/optimized, and perhaps the pages as well
to speed up loading.
d. There should not be inline scripts or styles. All JS/CSS should be in a
separate optimized files.

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