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Entrevista de periodista local con un representante de la Royal Ballet de Londres con

ocasión de su visita a Granada para participar en el Festival Internacional de Música y
Danza junio-julio 2009.

Q. Buenos días y bienvenida a Granada. Muchas gracias por aceptar esta entrevista. En
primer lugar, ¿qué tal en Granada? ¿Qué le parece nuestra ciudad?

A. Thank you very much. Well, this is the Royal Ballet’s first visit to Granada and we are
all very impressed with this wonderful city, It’s particularly magic to be here to perform
at the International Music and Dance Festival, which is one of the most important
festivals of its kind in the world. It really is a privilege to perform in such a beautiful
setting as the Generalife gardens.

Q. Bueno, también es un privilegio para los asistentes al Festival ver bailar a la compañía.
Además es un orgullo para nosotros que una de las principales bailarinas es española,
Tamara Rojo.

A. Thank you very much. Yes Tamara Rojo is one of the most talented ballet dancers at
the moment and she will be dancing in our performance here on 9th July. Also, we will be
accompanied by the Orquesta de Córdoba, who will be playing the music for our
programme so, all in all, it’s a truly Anglo-Spanish event!

Q. Me gustaría hacerle algunas preguntas sobre la Compañía. ¿Cuándo se fundó?

Hábleme un poco de la historia de la Compañía.

A. Well, the Royal Ballet was founded in 1931. At the time it was a small company and
was attached to a ballet school. It was based at a small theatre in the north of London
until 1939, when the Second World War broke out. During the war it left London and
toured around the country and also in Europe, performing to the troops. In 1946, when
the war was over it transferred to the Royal Opera House, which has been its permanent
home ever since.

Q. Y ¿en la actualidad? ¿Cuáles son las principales actividades de la Compañía hoy en


A. The Royal Ballet is nowadays one of Britain’s most prestigious ballet companies. In
2006 we celebrated our 75th anniversary and to mark the occasion we staged a recreation
of The Sleeping Beauty. We are involved in a wide range of activities in addition to our
performances at the Royal Opera House: performances for television and cinema;
outdoor performances and many educational activities and workshops for children and
promising young dancers.
Q. Bien, muchas gracias por toda esta información tan interesante. Le deseo a usted y al
Royal Ballet una feliz estancia en Granada y un buen viaje de vuelta a casa.

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