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Tulsi Gabbard

I. Early Life

A. born in 1981, in Leloaloa, Maoputasi County, on American Samoa's main island

of Tutuila (Wikipedia)

B. Grew up in Hawaii

C. 1998, Gabbard began working for the Alliance for Traditional Marriage and

Values, an anti-gay political action committee her father founded

D. After the September 11 attacks the she worked for a nonprofit, Stand Up For

America (SUFA), also founded by her father

II. House Of Representatives - Hawaii

A. Gabbard was the youngest legislator ever elected to represent the 42nd House

District of the Hawaii House of Representatives.

1. She was the youngest person elected to public office in the state's (Hawaii)

history (Ballotpedia)

B. She served in the House until 2004

III. National Guard

A. In 2003 she joined the national guard

B. She served two tours of duty in the Middle East

1. Starting in 2005, she served as a field medical unit specialist in Iraq.

2. On her second tour she led security missions and helped train the Kuwait

National Guard

IV. Education
A. Between her two tours of duty she:

1. graduated from the Accelerated Officer Candidate School at the Alabama

Military Academy

2. Received a B.S. in business administration from Hawaii Pacific University

in 2009

3. She also worked as a legislative aide to Sen. Daniel Akaka (D-Hawaii)

from 2006 to 2007

V. House of Representatives - Take Two

A. But first, City Council

1. After her service she was elected to the Honolulu City Council (2010)

2. She served on the council until 2012

B. In 2012 she ran for a seat in the House and won (Hawaii’s Second Congressional


C. In 2013, Gabbard was elected vice chair of the Democratic National Committee.

D. She resigned in February 2016 to endorse Sen. Bernie Sanders in the Democratic

presidential primary

VI. Presidential Race and Views

A. Ran for president in 2020 (Democrat)

1. Announced her candidacy on January 11, 2019

2. Suspended her campaign on March 19, 2020

B. Only won 2 delegates in the Primary, both from American Samoa

C. Platform
1. Foreign policy

a) Non interventionist (Haltiwanger)

2. Healthcare

a) Supports Medicare for all

3. Immigration

a) Supports DACA

b) Voted in line with Republicans for a bill to impose "extreme

vetting" measures on Iraqi and Syrian refugees in 2015

c) Critical of President Trump's Policies

4. Climate

a) Introduced the OFF Fuels for a Better Future Act in 2015 to

transition America away from fossil fuels

5. LGBTQ Rights

a) In her early life she worked for an anti-gay organization

b) She has since switched her views an apologized for her earlier



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