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UNIT 12 - B.mp3

May 21, 2020

1m 18s


Speaker A.

First, let's consider the possibility of colonizing Mars. I know you want to hear about the moon, but I'll talk about
that in a little while. There have already been several unmanned missions to Mars, and in 10 years, a manned
mission is scheduled. That manned mission will take at least three years to complete because of the distance from
Earth to Mars. But one day, perhaps, we'll have spaceships duck and travel much faster than they can now.

Speaker B.

Many people talk about the importance of tourism. But have you ever heard of space tourism? It's not cheap, but a
few people have spent millions to visit the International Space Station. And one of these days, you might be able to
go to the moon as a space flight participant, someone who isn't on the crew but is just along for the ride. Someday
soon, you may also be able to experience private spaceflight on sophisticated airplanes. These planes give
passengers the feeling of weightlessness and a great view of the earth without such a high price tag. At the
moment, not many companies are doing this, but sooner or later, more companies will see the profit potential of
private spaceflight.


Automated transcription by Sonix

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