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Acta Tropica 194 (2019) 93–99

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The electronic song “Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites” reduces host attack T
and mating success in the dengue vector Aedes aegypti

Hamady Dienga,b, , Ching Chuin Thec, Tomomitsu Sathod, Fumio Miaked, Erida Wydiamalae,
Nur Faeza A. Kassimf, Nur Aida Hashimg, Ronald E. Morales Vargash, Noppawan P. Moralesi
Institute of Biodiversity and Environmental Conservation, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Malaysia
Mosquito Research and Control Unit, Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands
Faculty of Resource Science and Technology, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Kota Samarahan, Malaysia
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Fukuoka University, Japan
Faculty of Medicine, Lambung Mangkurat University, South Kalimantan, Indonesia
School of Biological Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia
School of Food Science and Technology, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, Kuaka Terengganu, Malaysia
Faculty of Tropical Medicine, Mahidol University, Thailand
Faculty of Science, Mahidol University, Thailand


Keywords: Sound and its reception are crucial for reproduction, survival, and population maintenance of many animals. In
Dengue vector insects, low-frequency vibrations facilitate sexual interactions, whereas noise disrupts the perception of signals
Music from conspecifics and hosts. Despite evidence that mosquitoes respond to sound frequencies beyond funda-
Visitation mental ranges, including songs, and that males and females need to struggle to harmonize their flight tones, the
Host attack
behavioral impacts of music as control targets remain unexplored. In this study, we examined the effects of
Blood feeding
electronic music (Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites by Skrillex) on foraging, host attack, and sexual activities of
the dengue vector Aedes aegypti. Adults were presented with two sound environments (music-off or music-on).
Discrepancies in visitation, blood feeding, and copulation patterns were compared between environments with
and without music. Ae. aegypti females maintained in the music-off environment initiated host visits earlier than
those in the music-on environment. They visited the host significantly less often in the music-on than the music-
off condition. Females exposed to music attacked hosts much later than their non-exposed peers. The occurrence
of blood feeding activity was lower when music was being played. Adults exposed to music copulated far less
often than their counterparts kept in an environment where there was no music. In addition to providing insight
into the auditory sensitivity of Ae. aegypti to sound, our results indicated the vulnerability of its key vectorial
capacity traits to electronic music. The observation that such music can delay host attack, reduce blood feeding,
and disrupt mating provides new avenues for the development of music-based personal protective and control
measures against Aedes-borne diseases.

1. Introduction 2014), there have been no major successes in recent decades (Rivero
et al., 2010; Corbel and N’guessan, 2013; Patterson et al., 2016). In
Despite advances in control technologies, diseases transmitted by addition to the increased resistance to all four classes of insecticide used
Aedes mosquitoes—i.e., Zika, chikungunya, and dengue—are still ser- to date (Dia et al., 2012; Chanda et al., 2016; David et al., 2018), these
ious public health problems worldwide (Wilder-Smith et al., 2017; Roiz agents have a number of other disadvantages, including biodiversity
et al., 2018). As with most mosquito-borne diseases, efforts to prevent loss and adverse effects on the health of animals (Lawler, 2017) and
or reduce the incidence of Aedes-borne viral illnesses have mainly fo- humans (Peterson et al., 2006), which have led to anti-pesticide acti-
cused on the application of insecticides (Caetano and Yoneyama, 2001; vism (Logomasini, 2004; Nicolopoulou-Stamati et al., 2016) and calls
WHO, 2010; Abad-Franch et al., 2017). Although this strategy has for the development of more environmentally friendly strategies
historically been useful in managing mosquito-borne diseases (WHO, (Patterson et al., 2016; Poulin et al., 2017).

Corresponding author at: Mosquito Research & Control Unit, 99 Red Gate Rd., P.O. Box 486, Grand Cayman KY1-1106, CAYMAN ISLANDS.
E-mail address: (H. Dieng).
Received 26 January 2019; Received in revised form 24 March 2019; Accepted 24 March 2019
Available online 25 March 2019
0001-706X/ © 2019 Published by Elsevier B.V.
H. Dieng, et al. Acta Tropica 194 (2019) 93–99

The majority of non-chemical insect pest management strategies harmonium (a keyboard instrument) or an audio-oscillator (an instru-
involve manipulation of the target organism’s behavior by direct at- ment that produces radio frequency signals) interrupted acoustic and
traction and repellence, or indirectly by disrupting key behavioral mating communications of insects and suggested that music has the
traits, such as host seeking, blood feeding, and mating (Foster and potential to disrupt mating. Both leafhoppers and planthoppers com-
Harris, 1997; Polajnar et al., 2014). Polajnar et al. (2014) suggested municate with their sexual partners by sound vibrations (Gillham,
that effective containment requires incorporation of knowledge about 1992; Eriksson et al., 2011). Although mosquitoes, including dengue
the target’s sensory modalities. vectors, have the most acute sense of hearing known among in-
In mosquitoes, blood meal uptake and mating are closely related vertebrates (Göpfert and Robert, 2000) and also use acoustic vibrations
and play key roles in both population persistence and disease occur- for sexual recognition and mating (Robert, 2009; Vigoder et al., 2013),
rence (Dieng et al., 2018a). Blood feeding is the principal process by the role of music-derived vibrations as they affect mosquito behaviors
which disease transmission occurs (Foster, 1995; Lehane, 2005), as it remains unexplored. Any nearby source of vibrations resonating at
facilitates the transfer of infectious agents to and from the host (Dieng frequencies different to the harmonic frequencies needed by male and
et al., 2018a). In dengue vectors, such agents can be transferred via female mosquitoes to listen to each other via adjustment of their flight
mating (Martins et al., 2012), a prerequisite for the production of tones (Robert, 2009) may alter sexual recognition and mating success.
subsequent generations (Dieng et al., 2006) and increasing population Although it has been reported that dengue mosquitoes can create
density (Dieng et al., 2018a). In fact, in addition to their strong pre- and listen to love songs (Cator et al., 2009; Robert, 2009), this is typical
ference for human hosts (Takken and Knols, 1999; Oliva et al., 2013), of humans (Feng, 2012), who throughout history have produced a di-
the effectiveness of mosquitoes as disease vectors is closely related to versity of musical genres (Ahrendt, 2006). Despite of differences in
their multi-gonotrophism. Male mosquitoes transfer sperm to the fe- pitch, rhythm, and dynamics of genres, one common factor is that
male during mating (Helinski and Harrington, 2011; Alfonso-Parra music consists of a mixture of sounds with discrete and rational fre-
et al., 2016). After a single successful insemination, female mosquitoes quencies with a discernible dominant frequency (Nisha and Sorupani,
store sperm for their whole lifetime, using it to fertilize eggs whenever a 2018). Although music is uniquely human (Feng, 2012), devices for
blood meal is ingested (Clement, 1992; Childs et al., 2016). Such playing music are increasingly been used in insect studies (Saxena and
mating acts necessitate a sequence of behavioral rituals (Klowden and Kumar, 1980; Ikeshoji and Yap, 1990; Mankin, 2012; Barton et al.,
Zwiebel, 2005) in which flight is an essential component (Belton, 1994; 2018). Recently, it has been shown that rock music can alter inter-
Spitzen and Takken, 2018). In aedines, mating is initiated in specific interactions and cause negative effects on insect feeding ac-
swarms—an assembly of males displaying flight patterns (Klowden and tivity (Barton et al., 2018). Despite evidence that dengue mosquitoes
Zwiebel, 2005) or single male–female pairing (Oliva et al., 2013) in the have an acute sense of hearing (Göpfert and Robert, 2000), are re-
vicinity of a marker that is mostly a warm-blooded organism (Anderson, sponsive to sound frequencies beyond the fundamental range (Ikeshoji
1974; Jeanson, 1985). Both males and females produce sounds through and Yap, 1990; Cator et al., 2009), and that both sexes exert effort to
the beating of their wings (Belton, 1994), which generates vibrations hear each other (Robert, 2009), whether music has behavioral effects
(Alexander, 1957). For successful mating to occur, the male must har- on these insects remains unknown. The present study was performed to
monize its flight tone with that of its partner using auditory sensitivity, examine whether electronic music influences the foraging activity,
mediated by the antennae and Johnson’s organs (Robert, 2009; Gibson blood feeding and mating successes of the dengue vector, Aedes aegypti.
et al., 2010). In dengue vectors, males and females possess different
fundamental frequencies (male: 600 Hz; female: 400 Hz, Cator et al.,
2009). There is evidence that both sexes can hear (Robert, 2009) and 2. Materials and methods
share harmonic frequencies beyond the fundamental frequency of their
respective flight tones (Clement, 1999; Cator et al., 2009). 2.1. Colony maintenance and experimental mosquitoes
Although sound has been reported to play an important role in the
sexual interactions and survival of many insects (Alexander, 1957; The Ae. aegypti strain used in this study originated from a colony
Polajnar et al., 2014), including mosquitoes (Clement, 1999; Robert, established in 2017 at the Entomology Unit of the Faculty of Resource
2009; Cator et al., 2009), there is evidence that sound has detrimental Science and Technology (University Malaysia Sarawak, Kota
effects on insect acoustic signal perception, courtship, and feeding ac- Samarahan) under controlled environmental conditions (temperature
tivities. Costello and Symes (2014) reported that male tree crickets 26 °C–28 °C; relative humidity 75%–85%; and light:dark photoperiod of
were less likely to begin calling in the presence of road noise, which 14:10 h). Samples of eggs were flooded in aged tap water for 24 h and
they suggested decreases the ability of females to assess and compare the resulting newly hatched larvae (NHLs) were reared at densities
males. Lee et al. (2011) examined the feeding activity on plant hosts in ranging from 50 to 100 per plastic tray containing 1.2 L of tap water (As
the presence of acoustic stimuli with different frequencies and intensity One Corporation, Osaka, Japan). They were supplied with diet con-
levels by the aphid Myzus persicae. A broad range of frequencies sisting of cat food pellets as follows: one pellet was supplied to NHLs in
(100–10,000 Hz) appeared to effectively suppress phloem feeding in powdered form by spreading onto the water surface; developing larvae
this insect. Barton et al. (2018) investigated the direct effects of an- were provided two pellets every 2 days. When necessary, the rearing
thropogenic sounds on the growth of plants and their herbivorous pests, medium was replaced once before completion of larval development.
as well as predation activity of an insect biocontrol agent. Some sounds Pupae were collected in small plastic vials, which were transferred into
were shown to decrease predation rates of Coccinellidae lady beetles, mosquito cages. Emerging adults had permanent access to a sugar diet
thereby indirectly increasing aphid abundance and decreasing plant (10% of sucrose solution). To produce experimental adults, pupated
biomass. There is also evidence that incidental vibrations trigger startle individuals were singly placed into 1.5-μl of Eppendorf tubes and upon
responses in many insects. Dropping a metal weight on a plant or a emergence the gender of adults was determined under a stereomicro-
surface connected to the plant has been reported to induce cessation of scope (SZ-LED; Kenis, Osaka, Japan). Males and females were placed in
activity by the Colorado potato beetle (Polajnar et al., 2014). In situa- two separate cages (30 × 30 × 30 cm, BugDorm; MegaView Science
tions similar to those described previously by these authors, cessation of Co, Ltd, Taichung, Taiwan) labeled “virgin male cage” and “virgin fe-
blood feeding and flying away from human hosts are often observed male cage,” respectively, to avoid any mating events prior to bioassays
after vibrational cues emitted by strong noise or slapping close to a requiring virgin adults. For convenience, “virgin males” and “virgin
blood feeding female (Dieng et al., unpublished data). females” are referred to as VMs and VFs, respectively.
In experiments using leafhoppers and planthoppers, Saxena and
Kumar (1980) reported that sound vibrations generated by a

H. Dieng, et al. Acta Tropica 194 (2019) 93–99

2.4. Testing

To examine whether the music had an impact on the behaviors of

Ae. aegypti, 10 VFs that had been starved for 12 h were placed in the OA
containing one virgin conspecific male (VM) and a restrained hamster.
Immediately upon collective release of the VFs, an assistant turned the
Fig. 1. Audio file of the song “Scary monsters and nice spirits” used in the study.
player on to play the song and an observer began recording the time to
first visit and feeding attempt, number of visits, feeding events, and
2.2. Characteristics of the experimental song number of copulas within 10 min. On a different day, another OA was
set up with the same experimental features, procedures, and data col-
Electronic music was used in this study and the song “Scary Monsters lection process as outlined above, but with no music being played
and Nice Spirit” (duration, 4 min 5 s) by the American electronic music (music-off, control). Ten additional replicates of the treatment [one OA
producer Skrillex was selected. The dynamics of the song were analyzed with 10 VFs + 1 VM + restrained hamster + music-on] and eleven
using a digital audio workstation (FL Studio 20; Image-Line, Gent, other replicates of the control [one OA with 10
Belgium). The song was characterized as noisy based on the resulting VFs + 1 VM + restrained hamster + music-off] were set up on the
vibragram and strong sound pressure/vibration with constantly rising same or other days and monitored as described for the first OAs. All
pitches (Fig. 1). observations were conducted during the day (10:00 and 17:00) under
controlled environmental conditions identical to those described above.
The observer was requested to avoid producing any sound during the
2.3. Experimental features 10-minute observation period.

All bioassays were carried out essentially according to the same

2.5. Data collection and analysis
experimental design as described previously with some modifications
(Dieng et al., 2017; Barton et al., 2018). The observation arena (OA)
In both test and control bioassays, the time to first visit attempt by
consisted of a standard mosquito cage (30 × 30 × 30 cm; BugDorm)
any one of the VFs on the mesh device was recorded immediately using
placed on a fixed virtual square with a hamster restrained within a
a stopwatch after transfer of the VFs into the cage. A visit attempt was
mesh device using round metal purse paper clips. The mesh device was
defined as a VF landing on the mesh device, as described previously
positioned at the bottom center of the cage with the clips and half
(Dieng et al., 2018b). The time between the end of the collective
covered with hard plastic material. A speaker connected to a woofer
transfer of the 10 VFs and a visit attempt was noted for each bioassay
equipped with a volume controller (2.1 Stereo speaker, Model F40;
replicate of each bioassay type (test and control). In each of these cases,
Sensonic, Johor, Malaysia) was placed close to the cage with the cone
the mean ( ± SE) of these times (expressed in seconds) was considered
facing but not touching one of the netted sides. This positioning of the
as a measure of response time to the host. Any landing event where the
speaker was done to make sound audible within the cage while
VF remained on the mesh device for at least 5 s was taken as a visit. The
avoiding any vibration effects on the cage via the mesh netting. Music
mean number of visits was calculated and used as the visitation score. A
was played using Groove Music Software 2018 version (Microsoft
VF landing on the uncovered part of the hamster and actively at-
Corp., Redmond, WA). The volume level of our music treatment
tempting to probe its skin was defined as a biting attempt, as described
(25 = 1 quarter of the maximal volume) was obtained by manipulating
previously (Dieng et al., 2017). The time between the end of release of
only the volume controller of the computer (Model A456U; AsusTek
VFs into the cage and a biting attempt was recorded for each of the
Computer Inc., Taiwan). The changes in sound pressure level during the
tested VFs in both test and control bioassays. The mean ( ± SE) of these
playing of the song analyzed using the 2nd Gen Audio Interface (model:
times (in seconds) was used as a measure of the time to first biting
Scarlett 18i20, UK) are displayed in Table 1. All observations, each
attempt. A blood feeding event was defined essentially as described
lasting for 10 min, were performed between 10:00 and 18:00 under
previously (Dieng et al., 2018b), but with slight differences: here, it was
controlled laboratory conditions (26 °C–28 °C, 75%–85% relative hu-
considered as the contact between the hamster skin and the mouthparts
midity, and 14:10 h light:dark photoperiod). For each observation,
of the VF that lasted for at least 10–20 s. The subsequent numbers of
fresh adults experimental mosquitoes starved for 12–14 h (10 VFs and
feeding events were utilized to compute the mean values. Copulation
1 VM) were used. The timing of selected mosquito female biting be-
was considered as any effective genital contact of a formed copula,
havior rituals was recorded using a stopwatch on a smartphone
which lasted for at least 10 s (Roth, 1948; Dieng et al., 2018c). The
(Huawei P9 lite; Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd., Shenzhen, Guangdong,
numbers of such sexual encounters were recorded for each replicate and
China) with lap time features and tally counters (Daiso Co., Ltd., Hir-
bioassay type, and were used to calculate the means. The discrepancies
oshima, Japan).
in response time, visitation, time to first biting attempt, blood feeding
events, and occurrence of copulation between test (music-on) and
control (music-off) conditions were compared using the non-parametric
Table 1 Mann–Whitney U test ( In all ana-
Variations of sound pressure level (in decibels: dB) lyses, P < 0.05 was taken to indicate statistical significance.
during the playback of the song “Scary monsters and
nice spirits” at low volume.
3. Results
Time length SPL (dB)
3.1. Response times
0:00–0:30 −25 to −15
0:30–1:00 −22 to −14
1:00–1:30 −23 to −12 Ae. aegypti females showed significant variations in response time to
1:30–2:00 −24 to −15 the presence of a host related to audio player status (Mann–Whitney U
2:00–2:30 −23 to −14 test, z = 2.98, P = 0.001). Females showed a delayed response to the
2:30–3:00 −24 to −11
presence of a host when the music was playing (131.30 ± 19.04 s,
3:00–3:30 −20 to −13
3:30–4:05 −26 to −15 range 17–235 s) compared to when the player was turned off
(35.22 ± 11.06 s, range 12–115 s) (Fig. 2).

H. Dieng, et al. Acta Tropica 194 (2019) 93–99

Fig. 2. Response times by Ae. aegypti females when provided chances to take
blood meals from a vertebrate host when the audio player loaded with the
electronic music was on or turned off.

Fig. 4. Host visitation by Ae. aegypti females with reference to the audio player
3.2. Timing of first biting attempt status (ON or OFF) when loaded with the electronic song.

The time to first biting attempt of Ae. aegypti varied appreciably

according to the audio player status (Mann–Whitney U test, z = 2.57, levels (music-on and music-off conditions), but at different rates. The
P = 0.005). The time taken by females to initiate probing on the host mean proportion of feeding events was significantly lower in the music-
skin in the music-off environment was 82.44 ± 23.11 s (range on environment compared to the music-off environment (4.00 ± 0.55
21–235 s), while the corresponding time for the music-on environment (range 2–7) vs. 6.63 ± 0.85 (range 1–11), respectively; Mann–Whitney
was 191.70 ± 29.69 s (range 69–372 s) (Fig. 3). U test, z = 2.28, P = 0.011) (Fig. 5).

3.3. Visitation responses 3.5. Copulation activity

Although Ae. aegypti females visited the host regardless of whether Copulas were observed when Ae. aegypti females and lone males
the music was on or off, the visitation level differed significantly be- were allowed to cohabit in both the music-off and music-on environ-
tween the two conditions. The mean number of visits to the host in the ments, but their occurrence differed between the two conditions.
music-off environment was 11.72 ± 1.29 (range 3–8) visits, while the Copulation was extremely rare when adults were exposed to music
corresponding value when the audio player was turned on was (mean number of copulation events: 0.90 ± 0.40, range 0–4), while
7.00 ± 1.19 (range 2–12) visits (Mann–Whitney U test, z = 2.14, the mean number was 5.18 ± 0.99 (range 1–12) in the music-off en-
P = 0.015) (Fig. 4). vironment. This difference was significant (Mann–Whitney U test,
z = 3.20, P < 0.001) (Fig. 6).
3.4. Patterns of blood feeding activity

Ae. aegypti females provided with an opportunity to take blood

meals from a live host fed under both conditions with different sound

Fig. 5. Mean ( ± SE) number of blood feeding events by Ae. aegypti with re-
Fig. 3. Mean ( ± SE) timing of first biting attempt of Ae. aegypti with reference ference to the audio player status (ON or OFF) when loaded with the electronic
to the audio player status (ON or OFF) when loaded with the electronic music. music.

H. Dieng, et al. Acta Tropica 194 (2019) 93–99

respectively), and attacked the hosts much later (191.70 vs. 82.44 s,
respectively) than those maintained in the noiseless environment. In
addition, there was a clear link between the presence of sound and
blood feeding activity, with more feeding events in the silent environ-
ment than that where music was being played.
The behavior patterns in blood feeding insects, including dengue
vectors, leading to blood meal uptake are divided into the phases of
foraging (Walker and Edman, 1985) and actual feeding (Labuda and
Kozuch, 1989). Foraging consists of appetitive searching, activation/
orientation, and attraction (Lehane, 2005), whereas blood uptake in-
corporates a searching sequence (Moreira et al., 2009), stylet penetra-
tion (Ribeiro, 1987), overpowering host defenses (Walker and Edman,
1985), and seizing capacity (Clement, 1992). These behavior patterns
are not arranged hierarchically (Lehane, 2005) and when a host is
present, hunger has often been linked to the instant activation of ap-
petitive searching (Klowden, 1986; Lehane, 2005; Dieng et al., 2016).
In the present study, females tested in both the presence and absence of
music had the same starvation period, as such behavioral responses due
Fig. 6. Copulation activity of Ae. aegypti in two environments with different to differences in hunger status are unlikely. The reports cited above and
musical sound occurrence levels (no-sound and music being played).
the results of the present study suggested that the sound vibrations from
the speaker during playback of the electronic music reduced stimula-
4. Discussion tion of the early phases of host location, i.e., appetitive searching, ac-
tivation/orientation, and detection. It is plausible that the presence of
To our knowledge, this is the first study to test the impacts of music, sound vibrations and continuous pitches induced stress and fear, thus
which is unique to humans (Feng, 2012), on the behaviors of a dengue resulting in a quiescent state in the insects. As special care was taken to
vector. Experiments using the popular electronic song “Scary Monsters ensure that the experimental hosts were restrained with no defensive
and Nice Sprites” by Skrillex using the Groove Music audio player and a reactions, the decreased blood feeding activity observed in the music-on
speaker indicated that playing this song near a warm-blooded verte- environment suggested possible interference with the probing process
brate host delayed attack, reduced blood feeding, and disrupted mating by sound vibrations—e.g., exploration of suitable blood vessel, inser-
by Ae. aegypti. tion of stylet, or tarsal gripping ability. Epidemiologically, delayed fe-
We used this electronic song in the experiments due to its loudness male mosquito host attack will likely result in unsuccessful blood meal
and pitch, which are two factors considered to contribute to noisiness uptake, a decreased likelihood of virus pickup or transfer, and thus
(Nisha and Sorupani, 2018). Although we did not assess its amplitude reduce the probability of disease occurrence.
and frequency, the strong sound pressure/vibration and constantly In addition to biting by females during a blood meal, Aedes-borne
rising pitches emanating from the speaker placed close to the experi- arboviruses that cause dengue can be transmitted to other mosquitoes
mental cages indicated that the song was loud and noisy. during mating (Rosen, 1987; Fontaine et al., 2018; Sánchez-Vargas
Females exposed to such music began foraging later than their et al., 2018). Exposure to electronic music markedly reduced the co-
counterparts in the music-off environment. There has been a great deal pulation success of Ae. aegypti. Adults maintained in an environment
of work regarding the effects of sound on arthropods, including insect with music copulated far less often than those kept without music. Si-
disease vectors. Noise is associated with detrimental effects on the milar observations have been reported in many arthropods, including
feeding activities of insects (Acheampong and Mitchell, 1997; Lee et al., insects. Saxena and Kumar (1980) exposed leafhoppers and planthop-
2012). Using different music treatments at varying volumes (sound-off pers to sounds with a frequency of 200 Hz via a harmonium or an audio-
and sound-on) and computer speakers, Barton et al. (2018) reported oscillator and observed interruption of their mating communication.
that exposure to a rock song (“Back in Black” by AC/DC) and a mix of Therefore, they suggested that music is a potentially effective mating
urban sounds was associated with reduced feeding on prey by the lady disruptor. Costello and Symes (2014) reported delayed starts and re-
beetles, resulting in a marked increase in the aphid population. They duced incidence of mating calls by male crickets associated with the
suggested that sound vibrations emanating from speakers struck the occurrence of road noise. They suggested that the increase in courting
beetles and provoked a reduction in predatory activities. Such delayed latency occurred due to the inability of conspecific females to assess and
latency to respond to nutritional sources and reduced feeding response evaluate the quality of males in noisy environments. Hartbauer et al.
in the presence of noise has been reported in many other animals. (2012) examined noise signal perception in crickets (Mecopoda elon-
Villalobos-Jiménez et al. (2017) reported that noise decreased feeding gata) in which males exhibit synchronous mating signaling. They re-
behavior of aquatic insects compared to quiet conditions, even when ported that loud noise perturbed the synchrony of the male chorus, and
food resources were readily available. Some groups have suggested that they attributed this effect to masking interference by the noise that
noise causes stress (Simpson et al., 2015) and masks acoustic signals, obscured conspecific signals. Similar to other reports (Brumm and
thus making detection of food difficult (Siemers and Schaub, 2011). Slabbekoorn, 2005), they also suggested that noise can impede dis-
Female mosquitoes are bloodsucking animals (Lehane, 2005), and cernment of conspecific signals when there is overlap in the beat con-
bloodsucking itself represents a form of predation with humans as the tent and the intensity exceeds a critical threshold. Gordon and Uetz
prey (Weeks and D’Antonio, 2001). In the present study, in which the (2012) investigated the effects of acoustic noise on sexual commu-
experimental procedures were similar to those reported by Barton et al. nication and mating success in an arthropod (spider). They showed that
(2018), all female mosquitoes were starved for 12–14 h, and hunger has noise affected the capacity to recognize partners, and reduced female
been often linked to instantaneous appetitive searching when a host is responsiveness to male courtship, resulting in fewer mating events and
present (Klowden, 1986; Lehane, 2005; Dieng et al., 2015). Following a reduced level of mating success. Mosquitoes also use acoustic com-
exposure of Ae. aegypti to the electronic music, all behavioral responses munication and songs to find mates. Males must go through a range of
involved in host location and contact were delayed: females exposed to stereotypical actions before sperm and seminal material transfer into
music initiated foraging significantly later, visited hosts 3.72-fold later the female, including pursuit, tarsal contact, ventral orientation, ter-
(131.30 vs. 35.22 s, respectively) and less frequently (7 vs. 11.72 times, minalial contact, and grasping on the female (Jones and Wheeler, 1965;

H. Dieng, et al. Acta Tropica 194 (2019) 93–99

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these behavior patterns involve flight (Belton, 1994) during which the J.A., Wolfner, M.F., Harrington, L.C., 2016. Mating-induced transcriptome changes in
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though considered stereotyped, such sexual behaviors are not fixed and toes. Chapman and Hall, London.
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