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A.Y. 2018 – 2019


APRIL 12, 2019


Number 2 Question

State / discuss/ give the essential characteristics of the church as well its


1. Provide an outline of your chosen question

I. Introduction

II. Four essential characteristics of the church as well its mission

a. Church as One

b. Church as Holy

c. Church as Catholic

d. Church as Apostolic

III. Conclusion
2. Explain/discuss briefly your provided outline


The four marks of the Church are that it is one, holy, catholic, and

apostolic. They are inseparable and intrinsically linked to each other. Our Lord

Himself in founding the Church marked it with these characteristics, which reflect

its essential features and mission. Through the continued guidance of the Holy

Spirit, the Church fulfills these marks. The four marks of the Church are not

characteristics that the Church creates or develops or learns. They are qualities

that Jesus Christ shares with his Church through the Holy Spirit. 



a. Church as ONE

Just as God is one in the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, so also is the

Church one. The church is one body, from different members, visible and

invisible. The founder of the Church is Jesus Christ, who brought us back to God

and made us into the family of God. The Church is one in the Holy Spirit, who

dwells in those who believe. The "oneness" of the Church is likewise visible. As

Catholics, we are united in our Creed and our other teachings, the celebration of

the sacraments, and the hierarchical structure based on the apostolic succession

preserved and handed on through the Sacrament of Holy Orders.

b. Church as HOLY

Holiness is of the essence of the Church. The Church, therefore, cannot

cease to be holy without ceasing to exist. As the unity of the Church implies its

indivisibility, so the sanctity of the Church implies its incorruptibility. 

The true Church, then, is holy. It is holy because the Third Person of the

Eternal Trinity, who inhabits it, guides it, and controls it, is Holy. Through the Holy

Spirit the Church leads others to holiness. The holiness of the Church is seen in

the love that the members of the Church have toward one another and the many

sacrifices they make for the sake of the world.

Moreover, the Church is holy because the blood of Christ cleanses us

from all sins. By the communication of the merits of Christ, through supernatural

channels of grace, man believing is justified. Of unjust he becomes just, receiving

the justice of God within him, which the Holy Ghost distributes to every one as

He wills, and according to each one’s proper disposition and cooperation. Not

only is the church holy, but also her objective is to make us holy, i.e. to live a holy

life, to be different from the world, conformed to Christ’s will.

c. Church as CATHOLIC

The church is Catholic and Catholic means “universal.”  The church is

universal, gathering all believers together in the unity of faith. Christ is universally

present in the Church and that He has commissioned the Church to evangelize

the world. The universal church brought together all the local churches in one

church embracing all, in one Creed, under uniform church laws. This universal
church brings all believers together in communion, in one faith, in the holy

sacraments, and in partaking from one altar. 

d. Church as APOSTOLIC

The church is apostolic because we can trace her existence historically

directly back to the Apostles. The term “Apostolic” signifies that the church was

founded by one the Apostles, and followed the teaching of the Apostles without

any deviation till this day. With the Holy Spirit the Church preserves and

continues the teaching of the apostles. The pope and bishops are the successors

of the apostles.


These four marks of the Church one, holy, catholic, and apostolic — are

fully realized in the Catholic Church. While other Christian Churches accept and

profess the Creed, and possess elements of truth and sanctification, only the

Roman Catholic Church reflects the fullness of these marks.

3. Receipt/ proof of your participation in ANIMOSAIC

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