Tawan Wachirapaet - Goals of The Countries Involved in The Conflict 1

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Who wants the disputed area

Year 3 0 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8

Criterion The student does not The student: T​he student: The student: The student:
A: reach a standard 1. Makes limited use 1. Uses some 1. Uses considerable 1. Consistently uses a
Knowing described by any of of terminology terminology relevant terminology range of terminology
the descriptors below. 2. Demonstrates basic accurately accurately accurately
knowledge and 2. Demonstrates 2. Demonstrates 2. Demonstrates
understand understanding of satisfactory substantial knowledge detailed knowledge
ing content and concepts knowledge and and understanding of and understanding of
through limited understanding of content and concepts content and concepts
descriptions and/or content and concepts through descriptions, through developed
examples. through simple explanations and and accurate
descriptions, examples. descriptions,
explanations and/or explanations and
examples examples

1. Choose one of the sides that is arguing and focus on that country for this assignment
2. Answer the questions from their perspective

1. Which country are you focusing on?

North Korea

2. What is the goal of the country in this conflict? (simple sentence)

To take over South Korea and rule the whole country with communism. Kim Jong Il(North
Korea)l agreed with the same idea with Stalin(USSR) and they were allies in taking over the
south part of Korea.

3. What are the different impacts if the country gets what they want? (Make a list. Add
the sources you used to EasyBib and add them in the box below.)
● Another big part of the world will be run by communist
● USSR will rise again after the defeat to the US in the cold war
● The US and UN politics will fall after the loss of arms and products to help South
● China, USSR, North Korea can remain communist allies
● USSR possibly wouldn’t fall apart

4. What arguments does the country have to say that people should agree with their
goal? Think about the historical, physical geography, cultural, diplomatic
treaty/agreement, or other reasons why people should agree with their goal. Explain
the reasons in full details (Point, Example, and Explanation)

Reason #1:Korea should be a communist country because it will be equal for everyone. Many
big countries are communists and it would be a great way to join countries like the Soviet
Union and China. Being allies with them in a long term will strengthen the country even more.

Reason #2: Korea should be running in communism because it helps manages their country.
Communism gives equal rights to every citizen and also helps the government-run a country
easier. With a simpler country to manage, Korea can be successful in the way of

Sources: Write down the sources you used in APA format

My old best friend Andy

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