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1 Sepember 1978, Volume 201, Number 4358 SCIE:NCE

structure we have to show that nonequi-

librium may be a source of order. Irre-
versible processes may lead to a new
type of dynamic states of matter which I
have called "dissipative structures." I
Time, Structure, and Fluctuations discuss the thermodynamic theory of
such structures in the sections on en-
tropy production, thermodynamic stabil-
Ilya Prigogine ity theory, and application to chemical
These structures are of special interest
today in chemistry and biology. They

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The problem of time (t) in physics and It is the main thesis of this lecture that manifest a coherent, supermolecular
chemistry is closely related to the formu- we are only at the beginning of a new de- character which leads to new, quite
lation of the second law of thermody- velopment of theoretical chemistry and spectacular manifestations, for example,
namics. Therefore, another possible title physics 'in which thermodynamic con- in biochemical cycles involving oscilla-
of this lecture could have been "The cepts will play an even more basic role. tory enzymes.
Macroscopic and Microscopic Aspects Because of the complexity of the sub- How do such coherent structures ap-
of the Second Law of Thermodynam- ject, I shall limit myself here mainly to pear as the result of reactive collisions?
ics." conceptual problems. The conceptual This question is briefly discussed in the
section on the law of large numbers. I
would emphasize that conventional
Summary. Fundamental conceptual problems that arise from the macroscopic and chemical kinetics corresponds to a
microscopic aspects of the second law of thermodynamics are considered. It is shown "mean field" theory very similar to the
that nonequilibrium may become a source of order and that irreversible processes van der Waals theory of the equation of
may lead to a new type of dynamic states of matter called "dissipative structures." state or Weiss's theory of ferromagnet-
The thermodynamic theory of such structures is outlined. A microscopic definition of ism. Exactly as in these cases, the mean
irreversible processes is given, and a transformation theory is developed that allows field theory breaks down near the insta-
one to introduce nonunitary equations of motion that explicitly display irreversibility bility where the new dissipative struc-
and approach to thermodynamic equilibrium. The work of the group at the University tures originate. Here (as in equilibrium
of Brussels in these fields is briefly reviewed. In this new development of theoretical theory) fluctuations play an essential
chemistry and physics, it is likely that thermodynamic concepts will play an ever- role.
increasing role. In the last two sections I shall turn to
the microscopic aspects and review the
recent work done by our group at the
The second law of thermodynamics problems have both macroscopic and mi- University of Brussels in this direction.
has played a fundamental role in the his- croscopic aspects. For example, from This work leads to a microscopic defini-
tory of science far beyond its original the macroscopic point of view classical tion of irreversible processes. How-
scope. Suffice it to mention Boltzmann's thermodynamics has largely clarified the ever, this development is only possible
work on kinetic theory, Planck's discov- concept of equilibrium structures such as through a transformation theory which
ery of quantum theory, and Einstein's crystals. allows one to introduce new nonunitary
theory of spontaneous emission, all of Thermodynamic equilibrium may be equations of motion that explicitly dis-
which were based on the second law of characterized by the minimum of the play irreversibility and approach to ther-
thermodynamics. Helmholtz free energy, usually defined modynamic equilibrium.
by The inclusion of thermodynamic ele-
Copyright K 1978 by the Nobel Foundation. ments leads to a reformulation of (classi-
The author is professor of physics and chemistry, F = E-TS (1) cal or quantum) dynamics. This is a most
Universite Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium;
director of the Instituts Internationaux de Physique where E is the internal energy, T is the surprising feature. Since the beginning of
et de Chimie (Solvay), Brussels; and professor of
physics and chemical engineering and director of the absolute temperature, and S is the en- this century we were prepared to find
Center for Statistical Mechanics and Thermodynam- tropy. Are most types of "organiza- new theoretical structures in the micro-
ics, University of Texas, Austin 78712. This article
is the lecture he delivered in Stockholm, Sweden, on tions" around us of this nature? One world of elementary particles or in the
8 December 1977 when he received the Nobel Prize
in Chemistry. Minor corrections and additions have need only ask such a question to see that macroworld of cosmological dimensions.
been made by the author. The article is published the answer is no. Obviously in a town or We see now that even for phenomena on
here with the permission of the Nobel Foundation
and will also be included in the complete volume of in a living system we have a quite dif- our own level the incorporation of ther-
Les Prix Nobel en 1977 as well as in the series Nobel ferent type of functional order. To obtain modynamic elements leads to new theo-
Lectures (in English) published by the Elsevier Pub-
lishing Company, Amsterdam and New York. a thermodynamic theory for this type of retical structures. This is the price we
SCIENCE, VOL. 201, 1 SEPTEMBER 1978 0036-8075/78/0901-0777$02.00/0 Copyright © 1978 AAAS 777
must pay for a formulation of theoretical deS (Eq. 4) for the S production. This for-
methods in which time appears with its mula can only be established in some
full meaning associated with irreversi- neighborhood of equilibrium [see (3)].
bility or even with "history" and not This neighborhood defines the region of
merely as a geometric parameter associ- local equilibrium, which I shall discuss
ated with motion. from the point of view of statistical me-
chanics in the section on nonunitary
transformation theory.
Entropy Production At thermodynamic equilibrium we
have simultaneously for all irreversible
At the very core of the second law of Fig. 1. The exchange of entropy between the processes
thermodynamics we find the basic dis- outside and the inside.
tinction between "reversible" and "irre- Jp =0 (5a)
versible" processes (1). This leads ulti- and
mately to the introduction of S and the (such as imposed values of temperature
formulation of the second law of ther- and volume).
X= 0 (Sb)
modynamics. The classical formulation In all these cases the system evolves It is therefore quite natural to assume, at
due to Clausius refers to isolated sys- to an equilibrium state characterized by least near equilibrium, linear homoge-
tems exchanging neither energy nor mat- the existence of a thermodynamic poten- neous relations between the flows and
ter with the outside world. The second tial. This equilibrium state is an "attrac- the forces. Such a scheme automatically
law then merely ascertains the existence tor" for nonequilibrium states. This is an includes empirical laws such as Fourier's
of a function, S, which increases mono- essential aspect that was rightly empha- law, which expresses that the flow of

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tonically until it reaches its maximum at sized by Planck (1). heat is proportional to the gradient of
the state of thermodynamic equilibrium, However, thermodynamic potentials temperature, or Fick's law for diffusion,
dS exist only for exceptional situations. The which states that the flow of diffusion is
dt- (2) inequality in Eq. 3, which does not in- proportional to the gradient of concen-
volve the total differential of a function, tration. We obtain in this way the linear
It is easy to extend this formulation to does not in general permit one to define a thermodynamics of irreversible process-
systems which exchange energy and Lyapounov function. Before we come es characterized by the relations (4)
matter with the outside world (Fig. 1). back to this question, I should empha-
We have then to distinguish in the en- size that 150 years after its formulation Jp= EPt Lpp,Xp, (6)
tropy change dS two terms: the first, deS, the second law of thermodynamics still
is the transfer of entropy across the appears to be more a program than a Linear thermodynamics of irreversible
boundaries of the system; the second, well-defined theory in the usual sense, as processes is dominated by two important
diS, is the entropy produced within the nothing precise (except the sign) is said results. The first is expressed by the On-
system. The second law assumes that the about the S production. Even the range sager reciprocity relations (5), which
S production inside the system is posi- of validity of this inequality is left un- state that
tive (or zero) specified. This is one of the main reasons Lpp,= Lp,p (7)
diS1 0 (3) why the applications of thermodynamics
were essentially limited to equilibrium When the flow Jp corresponding to the
The basic distinction here is between processes. irreversible process p is influenced by
reversible processes and irreversible To extend thermodynamics to non- the force Xp, of the irreversible process
processes. Only irreversible processes equilibrium processes, we need an ex- p', then the flow Jp, is also influenced by
contribute to entropy production. Obvi- plicit expression for the S production. the force Xp through the same coeffi-
ously, the second law expresses the fact Progress has been achieved along this cient.
that irreversible processes lead to the line by supposing that even outside equi- The importance of the Onsager rela-
one-sidedness of time. The positive time librium S depends only on the same vari- tions resides in their generality. They
direction is associated with the increase ables as at equilibrium. This is the as- have been subjected to many experimen-
of S. Let me emphasize the strong and sumption of "local" equilibrium (2). tal tests. Their validity has shown that
very specific way in which the one-sided- Once this assumption is accepted, we nonequilibrium thermodynamics leads,
ness of time appears in the second law. obtain for P, the entropy production per as does equilibrium thermodynamics, to
The formulation of this law implies the unit time, general results independent of any spe-
existence of a function having quite spe- cific molecular model. The discovery of
cific properties, as expressed by the fact pP diS =EJX 4 the reciprocity relations corresponds
that for an isolated system the function really to a turning point in the history of
can only increase in time. Such functions where the Jp are the rates of the various thermodynamics.
play an important role in the modem the- irreversible processes p involved (chem- A second interesting theorem valid
ory of stability as initiated by the classic ical reactions, heat flow, diffusion) and near equilibrium is the theory of mini-
work of Lyapounov. For this reason the Xp are the corresponding generalized mum S production (6), which states that
they are called Lyapounov functions (or forces (affinities, gradients of temper- for steady states sufficiently close to
functionals). ature, gradients of chemical potential). equilibrium S production reaches its
Entropy is a Lyapounov function for Equation 4 is the basic formula of macro- minimum. Time-dependent states (corre-
isolated systems. Thermodynamic po- scopic thermodynamics of irreversible sponding to the same boundary condi-
tentials such as the Helmholtz or Gibbs processes. tions) have a higher S production. The
free energy are also Lyapounov func- I have used supplementary assump- theorem of minimum S production re-
tions for other "boundary conditions" tions to derive the explicit expression quires even more restrictive conditions
778 SCIENCE, VOL. 201
than the linear relations (Eq. 6). It is val- 82S where S0 is the equilibrium entropy.
id in the frame of a strictly linear theory However, because the equilibrium state
in which the deviations from equilibrium was a maximum, the first-order term
are so small that the phenomenological vanishes and therefore the stability is
coefficients Lp,, may be treated as con- given by the sign of the second-order
stants. term 825.
The theorem of minimum S production As Glansdorff and Prigogine have
expresses a kind of "inertial" property t shown, 825 is a Lyapounov function in
of nonequilibrium systems. When given the neighborhood of equilibrium inde-
boundary conditions prevent the system pendently of the boundary conditions
from reaching thermodynamic equilibri- (3). With classical thermodynamics it is
um (that is, zero S production), the sys- possible to calculate explicitly this im-
tem settles down to the state of "least portant expression. One obtains (3)
It has been clear since the formulation Universal Th2S = C (8)2 +
of this theorem that this property is Fig. 2. Time evolution of second-order excess
strictly valid only in the neighborhood of
equilibrium. For many years great ef-
entropy (82S), around equilibrium. X (8V)N2 + I pyt8NySN1y] < 0 (9)
forts were made to generalize this theo- Here Cv is the specific heat at constant
rem to situations further away from equi- the counting of the number of com- volume, p is the density, v = Ilp is the
librium. It came as a great surprise when plexions, breaks down. In the case of specific volume (the index N. means that
it was finally shown that far from equilib- Benard convection, we may imagine that the composition is maintained constant

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rium the thermodynamic behavior could there are always small convection cur- in the variation of v), X is the isothermal
be quite different, in fact, even opposite rents appearing as fluctuations from the compressibility, Ny is the mole fraction
to that indicated by the theorem of mini- average state; but, below a certain criti- of component y, and t,,, is the deriva-
mum S production. cal value of the temperature gradient, tive
It is remarkable that this new type of these fluctuations are damped and dis-
behavior appears in typical situations appear. However, above some critical (10)
= (aNy,)pT
that have been studied in classical hydro- value, certain fluctuations are amplified
dynamics. An example that was first ana- and give rise to a macroscopic current. where p is pressure.
lyzed from this point of view is the so- A new supermolecular order appears The basic stability conditions of classi-
called "Bnard instability." Consider a which corresponds basically to a giant cal thermodynamics first formulated by
horizontal layer of fluid between two in- fluctuation stabilized by exchanges of Gibbs are as follows:
finite parallel planes in a constant gravi- energy with the outside world. This is C, > 0 (thermal stability)
tational field. Let us maintain the lower the order characterized by the occur-
boundary at temperature T1 and the high- rence of dissipative structures. X > 0 (mechanical stability)
er boundary at temperature T2 with Before discussing further the possi-
T1 > T2. For a sufficiently large value of bility of dissipative structures, I would E ,,8Ny8Ny, > 0 (stability with
the "adverse" gradient (T1 - T2)/ like to review some aspects of thermody- respect to diffusion)
(T, + T2), the state of rest becomes un- namic stability theory in relation to the
stable and convection starts. The en- theory of Lyapounov functions. These conditions imply that 82S is a neg-
tropy production is then increased as the ative quadratic function. Moreover, it
convection provides a new mechanism can be shown by elementary calculations
of heat transport. Moreover, the state of Thermodynamic Stability Theory that the time derivative of 82S is related
flow, which appears beyond the instabili- to P through (3) (see Eq. 4)
ty, is a state of organization as compared The states corresponding to thermody- I a 82S = I JPXP = P > O
to the state of rest. Indeed, a macroscop- namic equilibrium, or the steady states (1 1)
2 atS>IXP0
ic number of molecules has to move in a corresponding to a minimum of S pro-
coherent fashion over macroscopic times duction in linear nonequilibrium ther- It is precisely because of the inequal-
to realize the flow pattern. modynamics, are automatically stable. I ities in Eqs. 9 and 11 that 825 is a
We have here a good example of the have already introduced the concept of a Lyapounov function. The existence of
fact that nonequilibrium may be a source Lyapounov function. According to the the Lyapounov function ensures the
of order. We shall see in the sections on theorem of minimum S production, the S damping of all fluctuations. That is the
thermodynamic stability theory and ap- production is precisely such a Lyapou- reason why near equilibrium a macro-
plication to chemical reactions that this nov function in the strictly linear region scopic description for large systems is
situation is not limited to hydrodynamic around equilibrium. If the system is per- sufficient. Fluctuations can only play a
situations but also occurs in chemical turbed, the S production will increase subordinate role, appearing as correc-
systems when well-defined conditions but the system reacts by coming back to tions to the macroscopic laws which can
are imposed on the kinetic laws. the minimum value of the S production. be neglected for large systems (Fig. 2).
It is interesting that Boltzmann's order Similarly, closed equilibrium states We are now prepared to investigate
principle as expressed by the canonical are stable when corresponding to the the fundamental questions: Can we ex-
distribution would assign almost zero maximum of S. If we perturb the system trapolate this stability property further
probability to the occurrence of Benard around its equilibrium value, we obtain away from equilibrium? Does 82S play
convection. Whenever new coherent the role of a Lyapounov function when
states occur far from equilibrium, the S=So +8S+ 2 82S (8) we consider larger deviations from equi-
very concept of probability, as implied in librium but still in the frame of macro-
I SEPTEMBER 1978 779
scopic description? We again calculate 82S and Y, may change in time. Putting the
the perturbation 82S but now around a kinetic constants equal to unity, we ob-
nonequilibrium state. The inequality in tain the system of equations
Eq. 9 still remains valid in the range of
macroscopic description. However, the A + X2Y - BX - X
time derivative of 825 is no longer related dt- (16a)
to the total S production as in Eq. 11 but and
is related to the perturbation of this S Stable
production. In other words, we now dY
have (3) dt
= BX - X2Y (16b)
I a 82S =
2 at I 8Jp8Xp (12) which admits the steady state

The right side of Eq. 12 is what XO = A, Yo = B (17)

Glansdorff and Prigogine have called the A
"excess entropy production." I should where XO and YO are the concentrations
emphasize that 8Jp and UXp are the de- of X and Y at the steady state. Using the
viations from the values Jp and Xp at the Unstable thermodynamic stability criterion or nor-
stationary state, the stability of which we mal mode analysis, we may show that
are testing through a perturbation. Now, Specific the solution (Eq. 17) becomes unstable
contrary to what happens for equilibrium Fig. 3. Time evolution of second-order excess whenever
or near-equilibrium situations, the right entropy (82S) in cases of (asymptotically)

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side of Eq. 12 corresponding to the ex- stable, marginally stable, and unstable situa- B> Bc = I + A2 (18)
cess S production generally has no well- tions.
Beyond this critical value of B (B,) we
defined sign. If for all t larger than to, have a "limit cycle," that is, any initial
where to is the starting time of the per- point in the space X, Y tends to the same
turbation, we have where Z is a Lyapounov function which
defines the excess entropy, and u is the periodic trajectory. The important point
is therefore that, in contrast with oscil-
E 8Jp8Xp 2 o (13) macroscopic convection velocity. I have lating chemical reactions of the Lotka-
p integrated over the volume V to take into
account the space dependence of all u. Volterra type, the frequency of oscilla-
then 825 iS indeed a Lyapounov function tion is a well-defined function of the mac-
and stability is ensured (see Fig. 3). In We may again calculate the time deriva- roscopic variables such as concentra-
the linear range, the excess S production tive of 82Z, which now takes a more tions and temperatures. The chemical re-
has the same sign as the S production it- complicated form. As the result may be action leads to coherent time behavior; it
self and we recover the same result as found elsewhere (3), I shall not repro- becomes a chemical clock. In the litera-
with the theorem of minimum S produc- duce it here. I would only mention that ture this is often called a Hopf bifurca-
tion. However, the situation changes in spontaneous excitation of internal con- tion.
the range far from equilibrium. There the vection cannot be generated from a state When diffusion is taken into account,
form of chemical kinetics plays an essen- at rest which is at thermodynamic equi- the variety of instabilities becomes prop-
tial role. librium. This applies, of course, as a spe-
cial case to the Bnard instability. erly enormous. For this reason the reac-
In the next section I shall consider a tion scheme in Eq. 15 has been studied
few examples. For appropriate types of by many investigators over the past
chemical kinetics the system may be- years. In the presence of diffusion, the
come unstable. This result shows that Application to Chemical Reactions reaction scheme in Eq. 15 becomes
there is an essential difference between
the laws of equilibrium and the laws far Let us now return to the case of chem- ax A
away from equilibrium. The laws of equi- ical reactions. A general result is that to at= + X2Y - BX -
librium are universal. However, far from violate the inequality in Eq. 13 we need
equilibrium the behavior may become autocatalytic reactions. More precisely, a2
very specific. This is, of course, a wel- autocatalytic steps are necessary (but X + Dx (19a)
come circumstance, because it permits not sufficient) conditions for the break-
us to introduce a distinction in the be- down of the stability of the thermody- =B BX-XX2Y + d2D
Dy (19b)
havior of physical systems that would be namic branch. Let us consider a simple at ar2

incomprehensible in an equilibrium example, the so-called "Brusselator," where DX and Dy are the diffusion coeffi-
world. which corresponds to the scheme of re- cients of components X and Y. In addi-
All these considerations are very gen- action (8), tion to the limit cycle, we now have the
eral. They may be extended to systems A -X (15a) possibility of nonuniform steady states.
in which macroscopic motion may be We may call it the Turing bifurcation, as
generated to problems of surface tension 2X + Y-- 3X (15b) Turing was the first to notice the possi-
or the effect of an external field (7). For B+X YY+D (15c) bility of such bifurcations in chemical ki-
example, in the case in which we include X E (15d) netics in his classic paper on morphogen-
macroscopic motion, we have to consid- esis in 1952 (9). In the presence of dif-
er the expression [see (3)] The initial reactants and final products fusion, the limit cycle may also become
are A, B, D, and E, which are main- space-dependent and lead to chemical
82Z = 825 !I Pu2 dV < ° (14) tained constant while the concentrations waves.
of the two intermediate components, X Some order can be brought into the re-
780 SCIENCE, VOL. 201
sults if we consider as the basic solution ent structures? Obviously, a new feature
the one corresponding to the thermody- has to be introduced. Briefly, this is the
namic branch. Other solutions may then breakdown of the conditions of validity
be obtained as successive bifurcations of the law of large numbers; as a result,
from this basic one, or as higher order the distribution of reactive particles near
bifurcations from a nonthermodynamic instabilities is no longer a random distri-
branch, taking place when the distance bution.
from equilibrium is increased. First, I shall indicate what is meant by
A general feature of interest is that dis- x the law of large numbers. To do so I con-
sipative structures are very sensitive to sider a typical probability description of
global features which characterize the great importance in many fields of sci-
environment of chemical systems, such Fig. 4. Successive bifurcations. ence and technology, the Poisson distri-
as their size and form, the boundary con- bution. This distribution involves a vari-
ditions imposed on their surface, and so able X which may take integral values
on. All these features influence in a deci- but multiple solutions for the value X2. X = 0, 1, 2, 3, .* .. According to the
sive way the types of instabilities that It is interesting that bifurcation in- Poisson distribution, the probability that
lead to dissipative structures. troduces, in a sense, "history" into X = <X> is given by
Far from equilibrium, there appears an physics. Suppose that observation
unexpected relation between chemical shows us that the system whose bifurca- pr(X) = e-<x> <X>x (20)
kinetics and the "space-time structure" tion diagram is represented by Fig. 4 is in
of reacting systems. It is true that the in- the state C and came there through an In Eq. 20, <X> corresponds to the aver-
teractions which determine the values of increase in the value of X. The inter-

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age value of X. This law is found to be
the relevant kinetic constants and trans- pretation of this state X implies the valid in a wide range of situations such as
port coefficients result from short-range knowledge of the prior history of the sys- the distribution of telephone calls, wait-
interactions (valency forces, hydrogen tem, which had to go through the bifur- ing time in restaurants, and fluctuations
bonds, van der Waals forces). However, cation points A and B. In this way we of particles in a medium of given concen-
the solutions of the kinetic equations de- introduce in physics and chemistry a his- tration. An important feature of the Pois-
pend, in addition, on global character- torical element, which until now seemed son distribution is that <X> is the only
istics. This dependence, which on the to be reserved only for sciences dealing parameter that enters in the distribution.
thermodynamic branch, near equilibri- with biological, social, and cultural phe- The probability distribution is entirely
um, is rather trivial, becomes decisive in nomena. determined by its mean.
chemical systems under conditions far Every description of a system which From Eq. 20, one obtains easily the
from equilibrium. For example, the oc- has bifurcations will imply both determi- so-called "variance," which gives the
currence of dissipative structures gener- nistic and probabilistic elements. As we dispersion around the mean
ally requires that the system's size ex- shall see in more detail in the next sec-
ceed some critical value. The critical size tion, the system obeys deterministic <(SX2> = <(X - <X>)2> (21)
is a complex function of the parameters laws, such as the laws of chemical kinet-
describing the reaction-diffusion proc- ics, between two bifurcation points, The characteristic feature is that, ac-
esses. Therefore, we may say that chem- whereas in the neighborhood of the bi- cording to the Poisson distribution, the
ical instabilities involve long-range order furcation points fluctuations play an es- dispersion is equal to the average itself
through which the system acts as a sential role and determine the branch <(Mt2> = <X> (22)
whole. that the system will follow.
There are three aspects that are al- I shall not go here into the theory of Let us consider a situation in which X is
ways linked in dissipative structures: the bifurcations and its various aspects such an extensive quantity proportional to the
function as expressed by the chemical as, for example, the theory of catastro- number of particles N (in a given vol-
equations; the space-time structure, phes due to Thom (10). These questions ume) or to the volume V. We then obtain
which results from the instabilities; and are discussed in the recent monograph of for the relative fluctuations the famous
the fluctuations, which trigger the in- Nicolis and Prigogine (8). I shall also not square root law
stabilities. The interplay between these enumerate the examples of coherent [<(8X)2>]112
three aspects leads to most unexpected structures in chemistry and biology that
phenomena, including "order through are known at present. Many examples <X>
fluctuations," which I shall analyze be- may be found in (8). 1 1 1
low. <X>1/2 N"12 or V"/2 (23)
Function ' Structure
The Law of Large Numbers and the The order of magnitude of the relative
Statistics of Chemical Reactions fluctuation is inversely proportional to
the square root of the average. There-
Let us now turn to the statistical as- fore, for extensive variables of order N
Fluctuations pects of the formation of dissipative we obtain relative deviations of order
structures. Conventional chemical kinet- N-"2. This is the characteristic feature of
Generally we have successive bifur- ics is based on the calculation of the av- the law of large numbers. As a result, we
cations when we increase the value erage number of collisions and more spe- may disregard fluctuations for large sys-
of some characteristic parameter (such cifically on the average number of reac- tems and use a macroscopic description.
as the bifurcation paramater B in the tive collisions. These collisions occur at For other distributions the mean
Brusselator scheme). In Fig. 4 we random. However, how can such a square deviation is no longer equal to the
have a single solution for the value X1 chaotic behavior ever give rise to coher- average as in Eq. 22. But, whenever the
I SEPTEMBER 1978 781
law of large numbers applies, the order In the case of equilibrium phase transi-
of magnitude of the mean square devia- tions, fluctuations near the critical point
tion is still the same, and we have not only have a large amplitude but also
extend over large distances. Lemar-
<(8V2>_ finite for V -X00 (24) chand and Nicolis (17) have investigated
the same problem for nonequilibrium
Let us now consider a stochastic mod- phase transitions. To make the calcu-
el for chemical reactions. As has been 500
lations possible, they considered a se-
done often in the past, it is natural to as- 0._
quence of boxes. In each box the Brus-
sociate a Markov chain process of the CD1
selator type of reaction (Eq. 15) is taking
"birth and death" type to a chemical re- place. In addition, there is diffusion be-
action (11). This leads immediately to a tween one box and the other. Using the
master equation for the probability Markov method, they then calculated
P(X, t) of finding X molecules of species 0
the correlation between the occupation
X at time t, numbers of X in two different boxes.
dP(X, t) =
One would expect that chemical inelastic
dt collisions together with diffusion would
lead to a chaotic behavior. But that is not
E W(X - r-* X) P(X - r, t) - the case. In Figs. 5 through 7 the correla-
Fig. 5. Distance dependence of the spatial
tion functions for below and near the
E W(X-* X + r) P(X, t) (25) correlation function GijXx well below the criti- critical state are represented graphically.
It is clear that near the critical point we

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r cal value of the bifurcation parameter B;
where W is a transition probability corre- A = 2, d1 = 1, d2 4 (d1 and d2 are the dif-
have long-range chemical correlations.
fusion coefficients of A and B). Like the earlier systems that I have con-
sponding to the jump from X - r mole-
cules of species X to X molecules. On sidered, this system acts as a whole in
the right side of Eq. 25 we have a com- spite of the short-range character of the
petition between gain and loss terms. A has been studied extensively by Nicolis chemical interactions. Chaos gives rise
characteristic difference with the classi- and Turner (16), who have shown that to order. Moreover, numerical simula-
cal Brownian motion problem is that the this model leads to a "nonequilibrium tions indicate that it is only in the limit of
transition probabilities, W(X - r -k X) phase transition" quite similar to that de- the number of particles, N x-* 0, that we
or W(X -- X + r), are nonlinear in the scribed by the classical van der Waals tend to "long-range" temporal order.
occupation numbers. Chemical games equation. Near the critical point as well To understand this result at least quali-
are nonlinear, and this leads to important as near the coexistence curve, the law of tatively, let us consider the analogy with
differences. For example, it can be easily large numbers as expressed by Eq. 24 phase transitions. When we cool down a
shown that the stationary distribution of breaks down, as <(8X)2> becomes pro- paramagnetic substance, we come to the
X corresponding to the linear chemical portional to a higher power of the vol- so-called Curie point, below which the
reaction ume. As in the case of equilibrium phase system behaves like a ferromagnet.
transitions, this breakdown can be ex- Above the Curie point, all directions
A= X= F (26) pressed in terms of critical indices. play the same role. Below the Curie
is given by a Poisson distribution (for point, there is a privileged direction cor-
given average values of A and F) (12). responding to the direction of magnet-
But it came as a great surprise when Nic- ization.
olis and Prigogine showed in 1971 (13) Nothing in the macroscopic equation
that the stationary distribution of X, determines which direction the magnet-
which appears as an intermediate in the ization will take. In principle, all direc-
chain tions are equally likely. If the ferromag-
A + M-*X + M net would contain a finite number of par-
|B = 3.51 ticles, this privileged direction would not
2X E D
-- + (27b) 500 be maintained in time. It would rotate.
is no longer given by the Poisson distri- However, if we consider an infinite sys-
bution. This is very important from the x - tem, then no fluctuations whatsoever can
point of view of the macroscopic kinetic shift the direction of the ferromagnet.
theory. Indeed, as has been shown by The long-range order is established once
Malek-Mansour and Nicolis (14), the and for all.
macroscopic chemical equations gener- There is a striking similarity between
ally must be corrected by terms associat- the ferromagnetic system and the case of
ed with deviations from the Poisson dis- 0
oscillating chemical reactions. When we
tribution. This is the basic reason why increase the distance from equilibrium,
today so much attention is being devoted the system begins to oscillate. It will
to the stochastic theory of chemical reac- move along the limit cycle. The phase on
tions. the limit cycle is determined by the initial
For example, the Schlogl reaction fluctuation and plays the same role as the
(15), Fig. 6. As the bifurcation parameter B ap-
direction of magnetization. If the system
proaches the critical value, the range of G-XX is finite, fluctuations will progressively
A+ 2X 3X (28a) take over and perturb the rotation. How-
increases slightly with respect to the behavior
X B (28b) shown in Fig. 5. ever, if the system is infinite, then we
782 SCIENCE, VOL. 201
may obtain a long-range temporal order it is easily shown that, as a consequence
very similar to the long-range space or- of Liouville's equation (Eq. 32),
der in the ferromagnetic system. We see, 104
therefore, that the appearance of a peri- d-
= 0 (35)
odic reaction is a process that breaks
time symmetry exactly as ferromagnet- 5x103 Therefore, Ql as defined in Eqs. 33 or 34
ism is a process that breaks space sym- is not a Lyapounov function, and the
metry. C., laws of classical or quantum dynamics
£.- 0
seem to prevent us from constructing a
The Dynamic Interpretation of the Lyapounov functional that would play
the role of the entropy.
Lyapounov Function For this reason it has often been stated
I shall now consider more closely the that irreversibility can only be in-
dynamic meaning of the entropy and troduced into dynamics through a sup-
more specifically the Lyapounov func- plementary approximation such as
tion 82S that I have used above. coarse-graining added to the laws of dy-
Let us start with a very brief summary namics (19). I have always found it dif-
of Boltzmann's approach to this prob- ficult to accept this conclusion, especial-
lem. Even today, Boltzmann's work ap- Fig. 7. Critical behavior of the spatial correla- ly because of the constructive role of
pears as a milestone. It is well known tion function GuXX for the same values of pa- irreversible processes. Can dissipative
that an essential element in Boltzmann's rameters as in Fig. 5. The correlation function structures be the result of mistakes?

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displays both linear damping with distance We obtain a hint about the direction in
derivation of the e-theorem was the re- and spatial oscillations with wavelength equal
placement of the exact dynamic equa- to that of the macroscopic concentration pat-
which the solution of this paradox may
tions (as expressed by the Liouville tern. lie by inquiring why Boltzmann's kinet-
equation to which I shall return later) by ics permits one to derive an I-theorem
the kinetic equation for the velocity dis- Loschmidt's reversibility paradox. In whereas the Liouville equation does not.
tribution function f of the molecules, brief, if we reverse the velocities of the Liouville's equation (Eq. 32) is obvious-
molecules, we come back to the initial ly Lt-invariant. If we reverse both the
df +vdf =|dw Alof'f -f] state. During this approach to the initial sign of the Liouville operator L (this can
Boltzmann's k-theorem (Eq. 31) is be done in classical dynamics by velocity
violated. We have "antithermodynamic inversion) and the sign of t, the Liouville
where dw is the effective solid angle in behavior." This conclusion can be veri- equation remains invariant. On the other
the collision, C- is the cross section, and v fied, for example, by computer simula- hand, it can be easily shown (18) that the
is the velocity. tions. collision term in the Boltzmann equation
Once this equation is admitted, it is The physical reason for the violation breaks the Lt-symmetry as it is even in
easy to show that Boltzmann's '-quanti- of Boltzmann's 9t-theorem lies in the L. We may therefore rephrase our ques-
ty, long-range correlations introduced by tion by asking: How can we break the Lt-
the velocity inversion. One would like to symmetry inherent in classical or quan-
k ={dvflogf (30) argue that such correlations are ex- tum mechanics? Our point of view has
ceptional and may be disregarded. How- been that the dynamic and thermo-
satisfies the inequality ever, how should one find a criterion to dynamic descriptions are, in a certain
distinguish between abnormal correla- sense, "equivalent" representations of
the evolution of the system connected by
dt -
sO (31) tions and normal correlations, especially a nonunitary transformation. Let me
when dense systems are considered?
The situation becomes even worse briefly indicate how we may proceed.
and thus plays the role of a Lyapounov The method that I follow has been devel-
function. when we consider, instead of the veloc-
oped in close collaboration with my col-
The progress achieved through Boltz- ity distribution, a Gibbs ensemble corre- leagues in Brussels and Austin (20-22).
mann's approach is striking. Still, many sponding to phase density p. Its time
difficulties remain (18). First, we have evolution is given by the Liouville equa-
practical difficulties, as, for example, the tion, Nonunitary Transformation Theory
difficulty of extending Boltzmann's re-
sults to more general situations (for ex- dP = Lp
i at (32) As Eq. 34 has proved inadequate, we
ample, dense gases). Kinetic theory has start with a Lyapounov function of the
made striking progress in the last few in where Lp is the Poisson bracket i{H,p}
classical dynamics and is the commu- form
years; yet, when one examines recent tator
texts on kinetic theory or nonequilibrium [H,p] in quantum mechanics (H is
Hamiltonian). we consider positive Q = tr p+Mp 2 0 (36)
statistical mechanics, one does not find convex functionalsIfsuch
anything similar to Boltzmann's X-theo- (where M is a positive operator) with a
rem, which remains valid in more gener- nonincreasing time derivative
al cases. Therefore, Boltzmann's result Q = {p2 dp dq > 0 (33)
remains quite isolated, in contrast to the dft (37)
generality we attribute to the second law where q is the coordinate and p is the
of thermodynamics. momentum conjugate to q, or in quan- This is certainly not always possible. In
In addition, we have theoretical diffi- tum mechanics simple dynamic situations when the mo-
culties. The most serious is probably Q = trp+p > 0 (34) tion is periodic in either classical or
1 SEPTEMBER 1978 783
quantum mechanics, no Lyapounov interesting type of complementarity be- This is precisely the reason why we need
function may exist as the system returns tween dynamics, which implies the a more drastic type of change in repre-
after some time to its initial state. The knowledge of trajectories or wave func- sentation as expressed by the new trans-
existence of M is related to the type of tions, and thermodynamics, which im- formation law (Eq. 48).
spectrum of the Liouville operator. In plies entropy. I have called this transformation a
the frame of classical ergodic theory this When the transformation to the new "star-unitary" transformation and in-
question has recently been studied by representation is performed, we obtain troduced the notation
Misra (23). I shall pursue here certain for the entropy production (Eq. 44)
consequences of the possible existence A*(L) = A+(-L) (49)
of the operator M in Eq. 36, which may dt - -tr A+(o)eib+'i(¢ - ¢+) I shall call A* the "star-hermitian" oper-
be considered as a "microscopic repre- e-i 'p( 0 (45) ator associated with A (star always
sentation of entropy." As this quantity is means the inversion L -- -L). Then Eq.
positive, a general theorem permits us to This result implies that the difference be- 48 shows that for star-unitary transfor-
represent it as a product of an operator, tween .t and its hermitian adjoint ¢+ mations the inverse of the transforma-
say A-1, and its hermitian conjugate does not vanish, tion is equal to its star-hermitian con-
(A-1)+ (this corresponds to taking the jugate.
"square root" of a positive operator) W! - 4r+) 2 0 (46) Let us now consider Eq. 42. Using the
M = (A-')+A-' (38) Therefore, we reach the important con- fact that L as well as Eqs. 48 and 49 are
clusion that the new operator of motion hermitian, we obtain
Inserting this in Eq. 36, we obtain which appears in the transformed Liou-
ville equation (Eq. 41) can no longer be D* = ID+(-L) =-¢(L) (50)
l= tr pi+pj (39) hermitian as was the Liouville operator

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with L. This shows that we have to leave the
y(i) * = isD (51)
=A-lp (40) usual class of unitary (or antiunitary)
transformations and proceed to an exten- The operator of motion is a "star-hermi-
This is a most interesting result, because sion of the symmetry of quantum me- tian," a most interesting result. To be a
Eq. 39 is precisely the type of equation chanical operators. Fortunately, it is star-hermitian, an operator may be either
we were looking for in the first place. But easy to determine the class of transfor- even under L-inversion (that is, it' does
we see that this expression can only exist mations that we have to consider now. not change sign when L is replaced by
in a new representation related to the Average values can be calculated both in -L) or antihermitian and odd (odd
preceding by the transformation in Eq. the old and in the new representation. means that it changes sign when L is re-
40. The result should be the same; in other placed by -L). A general star-hermitian
First let us write the new equations of words, we require that operator can therefore be written as
motion. Taking into account Eq. 40, we
obtain (A) = tr A+p = tr A+p (47) i(D =
(A) (4)
+ (52)
we are interested in transfor- Here the superscripts e and o refer re-
i = d1j (41) Moreover,
mations which will depend explicitly on spectively to the even and the odd part of
with the Liouville operator. This is indeed the the new time evolution operator (D. The
very physical motivation of the theory. condition of dissipativity (Eq. 46), which
(D = A-1LA (42) We have seen that the Boltzmann type expresses the existence of a Lyapounov
Now let us use the solution of the equa- equations have a broken Lt-symmetry. function Ql, now becomes
tions of motion (Eq. 32). We may replace We want to realize precisely this new i
O >
Eqs. 36 and 37 by the more explicit in- symmetry through our transformation (53)
equalities (20). This can only be done by consid- It is the even part which gives the "en-
ering L-dependent transformations A(L). tropy production."
Q(t) = tr p+(o)e"-'M eiL'p(o) < 0 Using finally the fact that the density p Let me summarize what has been
and and the observables have the same equa- achieved. We obtain a new form of the
tions of motion, but with L replaced by microscopic equation (as is the Liouville
dfl -L, we obtain the basic condition equation in classical or quantum me-
d = -trp+(o)eil' x
dt chanics), which displays explicitly a part
A-'(L) = A+(-L) (48) which may be associated with a Lyapou-
i (ML - LM)e-i1'p(o) < 0 (44)
which replaces here the usual condition nov function. In other words, the equa-
The microscopic "entropy operator" M of unitarity imposed on quantum me- tion
can therefore not commute with L. The chanical transformations.
commutator represents precisely what It is not astonishing that we do indeed i dP = (1 + $)o (54)
could be called the "microscopic en- find a nonunitary transformation law.
tropy production." Unitary transformations are very much contains a "reversible" part, ¢, and an
We are, of course, reminded of Hei- like changes in coordinates, which do "irreversible" part, ¢. The symmetry of
senberg's uncertainty relations and not affect the physics of the problem. this new equation is exactly that of
Bohr's complementarity principle. It is Whatever the coordinate system, the Boltzmann's phenomenological kinetic
most interesting to find here also a non- physics of the system remains unaltered. equation, as the flow term is odd and the
commutativity, but now between dy- But here we are dealing with quite a dif- collision term is even in L-inversion.
namics as expressed by the operator L ferent problem. We want to go from one The macroscopic thermodynamic dis-
and "thermodynamics" as expressed by type of description, the dynamic one, to tinction between reversible and irrevers-
M. We therefore have a new and most another, the "thermodynamic" one. ible processes has in this way been trans-
784 SCIENCE, VOL. 201
posed into the microscopic description. and time independently of the problem of ity through a Lyapounov function, and
We have obtained what could be consid- the velocity of light which limits the time associated with "history" through
ered as the "missing link" between mi- speed of propagation of signals. Similar- bifurcations. I believe that this diversifi-
croscopic reversible dynamics and mac- ly, the elimination of "unobservables" cation of the concept of time permits a
roscopic irreversible thermodynamics. has played an important role in the basic better integration of theoretical physics
The scheme is as follows: approach to quantum theory initiated by and chemistry with disciplines dealing
Heisenberg. with other aspects of nature.
transformation The analogy between relativity and
thermodynamics has often been empha- References and Notes
Microscopic "reversible"
description sized by Einstein and Bohr. We cannot 1. M. Planck, Vorlesungen uber Thermodynamik
Microscopic description (Teubner, Leipzig, 1930; English translation,
? displaying irreversible
propagate signals with arbitrary speed, Dover, New York).
and we cannot construct a perpetuum 2. I. Prigogine, Etude thermodynamique des
processes phinomenes irreversibles, thesis, University of
Macroscopic irreversible
mobile forbidden by the second law. Brussels (1945).
3. P. Glansdorff and I. Prigogine, Thermodynamics
Averaging procedures
From the microscopic point of view of Structure, Stability and Fluctuations (Wiley-
this last interdiction means that quan- Interscience, New York, 1971).
4. The standard reference for the linear theory of
The effective construction of the tities that are well defined from the point irreversible processes is the monograph by S. R.
Lyapounov function Q (Eq. 36), through of view of mechanics cannot be observ- de Groot and P. Mazur, Non-Equilibrium
Thermodynamics (North-Holland, Amsterdam,
the transformation A, involves a careful ables if the system satisfies the second 1969).
study of the singularities of the resolvent law of thermodynamics. For example, 5. L. Onsager, Phys. Rev. 37, 405 (1931).
6. I. Prigogine, Bull. Cl. Sci. Acad. R. Belg. 31, 600
corresponding to the Liouville operator the trajectory of the system as a whole (1945).
7. R. Defay, I. Prigogine, A. Sanfeld, J. Colloid In-
(21). cannot be an observable. If it were, we terface Sci. 58, 598 (1977).
For small deviations from thermo- could at every moment distinguish two 8. G. Nicolis and I. Prigogine, Self-Organization in

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Nonequilibrium Systems (Wiley-Interscience,
dynamical equilibrium it can be shown, trajectories and the concept of thermal New York, 1977), chap. 7.
as has been done recently by Theodo- equilibrium would lose its meaning. Dy- 9. A. M. Turing, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. London Ser.
B 237, 37 (1952).
sopulu et al. (24), that the Lyapounov namics and thermodynamics limit each 10. R. Thom, Stabilite Structurelle et Morpho-
functional fl (Eq. 36) reduces precisely other. gense (Benjamin, New York, 1972).
11. A standard reference is A. T. Barucha-Reid,
to the macroscopic quantity 82S (Eq. 9) It is interesting that there are other Elements of the Theory of Markov Processes
and Their Applications (McGraw-Hill, New
when in addition only the time evolution reasons which at the present time seem York, 1960).
of conserved quantities is retained. We to indicate that the relation between dy- 12. G. Nicolis and A. Babloyantz, J. Chem. Phys.
51, 2632 (1969).
therefore have now established in full namic interaction and irreversibility may 13. G. Nicolis and I. Prigogine, Proc. Natl. Acad.
generality the link between nonequilibri- play a deeper role than was conceived Sci. U.S.A. 68, 2102 (1971).
14. M. Malek-Mansour and G. Nicolis, J. Stat.
um thermodynamics and statistical me- until now. In the classical theory of in- Phys. 13, 197 (1975).
chanics at least in the linear region. This tegrable systems, which has been so im- 15. F. Schlogl, Z. Phys. 248, 446 (1971); ibid. 253,
147 (1972).
is the extension of the result that was ob- portant in the formulation of quantum 16. G. Nicolis and J. W. Turner, Physica 89A, 326
tained long ago in the frame of Boltz- mechanics, all interactions can be elimi- (1977).
17. H. Lemarchand and G. Nicolis, ibid. 82A, 521
mann's theory, valid for dilute gases nated by an appropriate canonical trans- (1976).
18. I. Prigogine, in The Boltzmann Equation, E. G.
(25). formation. Is this really the correct pro- D. Cohen and W. Thirring, Eds. (Springer-Ver-
totype of dynamic systems to consider, lag, New York, 1973), pp. 401-449.
19. An elegant presentation of this point of view is
especially when situations involving ele- contained in G. E. Uhlenbeck, in The Phys-
mentary particles and their interactions icist's Conception of Nature, J. Mehra, Ed.
Concluding Remarks (Reidel, Dordrecht, Holland, 1973), pp. 501-
are included? Must we not first go to a 513.
20. I. Prigogine, C. George, F. Henin, L. Rosenfeld,
The inclusion of thermodynamic irre- noncanonical representation, which per- Chem. Scr. 4, 5 (1973).
versibility through a nonunitary transfor- mits us to disentangle reversible and irre- 21. A. Grecos, T. Guo, W. Guo, Physica 80A, 421
mation theory leads to a deep alteration versible processes on the microscopic 22. I. Prigogine, F. Mayne, C. George, M. de Haan,
in the structure of dynamics. We are led level and then only to eliminate the re- Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 74, 4152 (1977).
23. B. Misra, ibid. 75, 1629 (1978).
from groups to semigroups, from trajec- versible part to obtain well-defined but 24. M. Theodosopulu, A. Grecos, I. Prigogine,
tories to processes. This evolution is in still interacting units? ibid., in press; A. Grecos and M. Theodosopulu,
Physica, in press.
line with some of the main changes in our These questions will probably be clari- 25. I. Prigogine, Physica 14, 172 (1949); ibid. 15, 272
description of the physical world during fied in the coming years. But already the (1949).
26. This lecture gives a survey of results that have
this century. development of the theory permits us to been obtained in close collaboration with my
colleagues in Brussels and Austin. It is impos-
One of the most important aspects of distinguish various levels of time: time as sible to thank them all individually. I want, how-
Einstein's theory of relativity is that we associated with classical or quantum dy- ever, to express my gratitude to Prof. G. Nicolis
and Prof. J. Mehra for their help in the prepara-
cannot discuss the problems of space namics, time associated with irreversibil- tion of the final version of this lecture.

I SEPTEMBER 1978 785

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