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Theme: Sustainable development and industry

Environmental sustainability was born to control the social and environmental

problems of the planet and the population as they are: the projection of population growth is
alarming, climate change, industrial development without control and a question that arises in
the future with these problems How can we give everyone access to safe water, health and

At the 1992 earth summit in Rio de Janeiro, this term was created at the global level
"Sustainable development is that development that is able to meet current needs without
compromising the resources and possibilities of future generations. Instinctively a sustainable
activity is one that can be conserved" (Velazco, 2013).

Although industry is very important for the well-being of human beings because it is
the producer of the goods and services that meet our needs, the industry is one of the main
causes of this problem because it is the most intensive form of the economy that consumes
many natural resources to be able to function.

Faced with all the problems that exist on the planet, we must seek a new social,
economic, political and cultural change, which will guarantee and conserve the environment
for present and future generations, in addition to industrial development it is important to rely
on the principles of environmental sustainability such as circular economy, eco-design,
efficient use of resources, responsible management of chemicals, minimisation of emissions
these are trends that will define the competitiveness of the industry in the future.

Natural resources are running out and something needs to be done and the response is
in sustainable development.

Julian Esteban Parra Rodriguez

Con el paso de los años ciudades y pueblos han sido destruidos desde un punto de vista
ambiental, incendios forestales, destres naturales como consecuencia del cambio climático y
para esta problemática se creó el concepto de sostenibilidad ambiental

Las características que debe reunir un desarrollo para que lo podamos considerar
sostenible son:
• Promueve la autosuficiencia regional
• Reconoce la importancia de la naturaleza para el bienestar humano
• Asegura que la actividad económica mejore la calidad de vida de todos, no sólo de
unos pocos selectos.
• Usa los recursos eficientemente.
• Promueve el máximo de reciclaje y reutilización.
• Busca la manera de que la actividad económica mantenga o mejore el sistema
• Pone su confianza en el desarrollo e implantación de tecnologías limpias.
• Restaura los ecosistemas dañados.

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