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Mabini St. La Paz, Iloilo City


School Year: 2020-2021

Name: ___________________________________________ Date: _______________ Score:

Parent’s Signature______________
I. Multiple choice: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

______1. What is the simplest type of volcano?

A. Cinder cones C. Lava domes
B. Composite volcano D. Shield volcanoes

______2. Which of the following is not a characteristics of mountains?

A. Mountains are lower than hills
B. Mountains are usually rocky and barren
C. Mountains have sharp or slightly rounded ridges and peaks
D. Mountains have steep, sloping sides.

______3. What are the three types of plate boundaries?

A. Divergent, plate and earthquake C. Continental. Oceanic and convergent
B. Divergent, convergent and transform D. Crust, mantle and core

______4. Which of the following can be formed by a convergent boundary?

A. Mountains C. Ocean
B. Deep Ocean trenches D. All of these

______5. What is the hottest layer in the Earth?

A. Mantle B. Core C. Crust D. All of these

______6. Where does the first motion of an earthquake occur?

A. Epicenter B. Fault C. Focus D. Locus

______7. Which of the following best describes aftershocks?

A. Areas along a fault where slippage and fracturing first occur
B. Giant ocean waves that originate at a fault zone
C. Series of small tremors accruing after a major earthquake
D. Seismic waves that cannot travel through liquids.

______8. Tectonic Plates movements are caused by__________________.

A. Lithosphere sources C. Pressure in Earth’s crust
B. Convection currents D. Heat in Earth’s core

______9. Alfred Wagener proved his hypothesis that the continents were once connected.
A. True B. False C. Otherwise

______10. A large supercontinent that existed 225 million years ago was.
A. Gondwanaland B. Laurasia C. Glossopteris D. Pangea

______11. Electromagnetic waves are_____________.

A. Longitudinal C. Both transverse and longitudinal
B. Transverse D. None of the above

______12. Which of the following is not an electromagnetic waves?

A. Gamma wave B. Infrared wave C. Radio wave D. Sound wave

______13. What is transferred by electromagnetic wave?

A. Electricity C. Resonance
B. Electromagnetic radiation D. Sound

______14. When a police officer uses radar for speed control, the officer is using what kind of electromagnetic
A. Gamma rays B. Radio rays C. Ultraviolet rays D. X-rays
______15. What kind of waves do cellular telephone use to transmit and receive signals?
A. Gamma rays B. Infrared rays C. Microwaves D. Ultraviolet rays

______16. How does light normally travel?

A. Light travels always toward a dark area. C. Light travels in a straight line
B. Light travel in a curved line D. Light travels in concentric circles

______17. Through which medium is the speed of light the fastest?

A. Air B. Glass C. Vacuum D. water

______18. Images created by convex mirrors are always________.

A. Large than the object C. The same size as the object
B. Smaller than the object D. None of the above

______19. Where is the sperm produced?

A. Penis B. Testes C. Prostate gland D. Urethra

______20. What sac contains the testes?

A. Epididymis B. Prepuce C. Scrotum D. Testicles

______21. Where do FSH, LH and prolactin get released from?

A. Pituitary Gland B. Ovaries C. Uterus

______22. What hormones do the ovaries secrete?

A. Oxytocin B. Inhibin C. FSH D. Progesterone

______23. Which of the following symptoms do women commonly experience during the menstrual cycle?
A. Abdominal pain B. Nausea C. Irritability D. Photophobia

______24. At which point in the menstrual cycle is a women most fertile?

A. Days 1-5 B. Days 9-16 C. Days 17-21 D. days 22-28

______25. What refers to the flow of blood and tissue cells from the uterus?
A. Fertilization B. Menstruation C. Ovulation D. Semen

______26. Menstruation is the process by which the inner lining of the __________ created during ovulation
is no longer needed and is discharged from the woman’s body.
A. Uterus B. Ovary C. Oviduct D. Vagina

______27. DNA is made up of a phosphate group, an organic base and a _________.

A. Fat B. Protein C. Molecule of ATP D. Sugar

______28. Which base pairs are found in DNA?

A. A-C and T-G B. A-T and C-G C. A-G and C-T D. A-u and C-G

______29. Which mutations would likely causes the greatest impact?

A. Deletion and substitution C. Insertion or substitution
B. Missense or nonsense D. Deletion or insertion

______30. How do you call the remains of organism that has lived in the distant past?
A. Autotrophs C. Heterotrophs
B. Fossils D. Radioactive substance

______31. It refers to the interactions between biotic components and abiotic factors in a community.
A. Biosphere B. Community C. Ecosystem D. Population

______32. In a self-sustaining ecosystem, which component cannot be recycled because it is lost from food
chains and become unavailable?
A. Carbon B. Energy C. Nitrogen D. Water

______33. What activity constitute habitat lose?

A. Converting wetland into housing areas
B. Forest fragmentation as new towns are built
C. Highway construction
D. All of these are correct

______34. Which of the following is a correct statement of Boyle’s Law?

A. P/T= constant B. P x T= constant C. V x P=constant D. V/P= constant
______35. Which statement about the kinetic molecular theory of a gases is false?
A. Collisions are perfectly elastic C. Molecules are in constant random motion
B. Forces between molecules are weak D. Size is important

______36. Which of the following is NOT a large biomolecules?

A. Carbohydrate B. Lipid C. Ice D. Protein

______37. Which molecules are most closely related to lipids?

A. Amino acids B. Fatty acids C. nucleotides D. sugars

______38. Sulfur is found in which of the following?

A. DNA B. Lipids C. Proteins D. RNA

______39. Which of the following type of chemical reactions results in a single product.
A. Direct combination reaction C. Single replacement reaction
B. Decomposition reaction D. Double replacement reaction

______40. Chemical reactions ____________.

A. Occur only in living organism C. Only occur outside living organisms
B. Create and destroy atoms D. Produce new substances

______41. When iron rusts, it is reacting with _________ in the air.

A. Water B. Oxygen C. Carbon dioxide D. Nitrogen

______42. A combustion reaction__________.

A. Liberates heat C. Liberates oxygen gas
B. Liberates light D. a and b

______43. What part of the electromagnetic spectrum can be seen by humans?

A. Microwaves B. Infrared C. Visible light D. Ultraviolet

______44. Which of the following is true of ultraviolet rays?

A. They are visible
B. They carry information to television and radios
C. They help your body produce vitamin D
D. They provide the energy.

______45. A material through which heat or electricity do not flow easily?

A. Circuit B. Current C. Insulator D. Conductor

______46. A temporary magnet created when current flows through wire wrapped in coils around an iron bar.
A. Permanent magnet C. Powerful magnet
B. Electro magnet

______47. What is an endangered species?

A. A species that is very aggressive
B. A species that is at risk becoming extinct
C. A species that is include in catch and release programs
D. A species that has become domesticated

______48. The term applied to a species that can no longer be found living is
A. Troubled B. Threatened C. Extinct D. Endangered

______49. Authored of the book “Origin of Species”

A. Charles Darwin C. Thomas Huxley
B. Jean-Baptist de Lamarck D. Albert Einstein

______50. Evidence which supports the theory of evolution includes:

A. Fossils C. Comparative anatomy
B. Molecular genetics D. Embryology

______51. Which of the following is not a characteristics of mountains?

A. Mountains are lower than hills.
B. Mountains are usually rocky and barren.
C. Mountains have sharp or slightly rounded ridges and peaks.
D. Mountains have steep, sloping sides.
______52. Most volcanoes occur _________.
A. along convergent boundaries C. Far from tectonic plate boundaries
B. Along divergent boundaries D. All of the above

______53. Deep ocean trenches are associated with ______

A. Ocean ridge system C. Subduction zones
B. Rift zones D. Transform fault boundaries

______54. What kind of plate boundary occurs where two plates grind past each other without destroying or
Producing lithosphere?
A. Convergent boundary C. Transform fault boundary
B. Divergent boundary D. Transitional boundary

______55. What type of boundary occurs where two plates move together, causing one plate descend into
The mantle beneath the other plate.
A. Convergent boundary C. Transform fault boundary
B. Divergent boundary D. Transitional boundary

______56. According to the theory of plate tectonics__________.

A. The asthenosphere is divided into plates.
B. The asthenosphere is strong and rigid.
C. The asthenosphere moves over the lithosphere.
D. The lithosphere is divided into plates.

______57. Where does the first motion of an earthquake occur?

A. Epicenter B. Fault C. Focus D. Locus

______58. Which of the following can be triggered by an earthquake?

A. Intense ground shaking C. Tsunami
B. Landslide D. all of the above

______59. In what direction do seismic waves carry the energy of an earthquake?

A. Away from the focus C. Toward the focus
B. From the surface to the interior D. all of the above

______60. Which of the following can trigger a tsunami?

A. Eruption of an oceanic volcano C. Undersea landslide
B. Undersea earthquake D. all of the above

______61. Earthquakes generally occur at plate boundaries, where _____.

A. Magnetic pull is greatest C. Stress on rocks is low
B. Stress on rocks is greatest D. The most rock is found

______62. What is the epicenter of an earthquake?

A. A seismic wave that travels along the surface of Earth.
B. The last place that motion in an earthquake is detected.
C. The location along a fault where the first motion of an earthquake occurs.
D. The point on Earth’s surface directly above the earthquakes focus.

______63. Why do earthquakes usually occur at plate boundaries?

A. The boundaries between tectonic plates have been seismically active for millions of years.
B. The rock on the edges of tectonic plates is soft and gives in easily to various pressures.
C. Rocks in environment near tectonic plate boundaries experience great stress.
D. Rocks in environments near tectonic plate boundaries experience little stress.

______64. Which of the following best describes aftershocks?

A. Areas along a fault where slippage and fracturing first occur
B. Giant ocean waves that originate at a fault zone.
C. Series of small tremors occurring after a major earthquake
D. Seismic waves that cannot travel through liquids.

______65. Which of the following is true of ultraviolet rays?

A. They are visible
B. They carry information to televisions and radios
C. They help your body produce vitamin D
D. They provide the energy
______66. Apart from humans, there are some organisms that can see in ultraviolet as a forms of adaptions to
Their habitat.
A. True B. Always false C. False D. Can’t never be determined

______67. Which type of mirror produces an image that is always erect, always the same height as the
Object, and always virtual?
A. Concave B. Convex C. Plane D. None of the above

______68. Images formed by concave lenses are __________.

A. Enlarged B. Real and inverted C. Virtual D. None of the above

______69. Images created by convex mirrors are always_________.

A. Larger than the object C. The same size as the object
B. Smaller than the object D. None of the above.

______70. DNA is made up of a phosphate group, an organic base, and a __________.

A. Fat B. Molecule of ATP C. Protein D. Sugar

______71. In DNA, guanine always pairs with ________.

A. Adenine B. Cytosine C, Guanine D. Thymine

______72. The synthesis of new DNA from existing DNA occurs in the __________.
A. Cytoplasm B. Mitochondria C. Nucleus D. Ribosome

______73. How do you call the remains of organisms that has lived in the distant past?
A. Autotrophs B. Heterotrophs C. Sudden change D. Fossils

______74. What is the main source of energy in an ecosystem?

A. ATP B. RNA C. DNA D. Sunlight

______75. The general term for a large molecule made up of many similar subunits is?
A. Functional group B. Helix C. Peptide D. Polymer

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