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19​39: ​Ayush (Block D)​ , ​Tyler (Block D)​ , ​Colburn (Block C​), ​Gurtaje (Block C)
1940: ​Chloe (Block D)​, ​Alina (Block C)​ , ​Priya (Block D)​ ,​ Ayiana (Block C)
1941: ​Sophia (Block D)​, ​Gigi Aldrey (Block C)​ , Luke (Block D)​, ​Jordan (Block C)
1942: ​Ra’el (Block D)​ , ​Karina (Block C)​ , ​Helena (Block C)
1943:​ Kevin (Block C) ​, ​Balpreet (Block C)​, ​Camila (Block D)​, ​Noah (Block D)
1944: ​Milan M (Block D​), ​Selena (Block C)​, ​Luis (Block D)​ , ​Audrey (Block C)
1945:​ Iain (Block D​), ​Milan B (Block C​) , ​Lauren (Block D)

Format:​ Year, Month, Date, Info, Name.

Background Information:
Due to the Treaty of Versailles, Germany and many other countries were in heavy debt. Germany was
blamed. That is when Hitler came to power. During the time of the Nazis many innocent people suffered.
The Nazis thought that they were the master race. They killed anyone who was homosexual, had
disabilities or anyone who was Jewish. It is said during the Second War more people died due to the
advancement of technology. (Ayush)

Here is a timeline of the Second World War:

Key Events Before the Second World War:

June 30-July 2: ​Political murders, known as Operation
1934 Hummingbird or The Night of The Long Knives, carry
through Germany. These murders were seen as a purge
of anyone who would oppose the ruling of the Nazi
party. (Sophia)

September 15: ​The Nuremberg Laws were established

1935 in Germany that forced Jewish people to wear the Star
of David all the time, it forbade marriages between
Jews and Aryans and it was illegal for Jewish people to
be lawyers or doctors. (Sophia)

July 18: ​The Spanish Civil War begins (Sophia)

March 12: ​Hitler annexed Austria into Germany. This
1938 event is also known as the Anschluss. (Karina)
September 30:​ The Munich agreement was signed
between ​Germany, Great Britain, France, and Italy that
allowed the Germans to invade the Sudetenland in
Western Czechoslovakia. (Sophia)

November 9-10: ​Kristallnacht (also known as the

Night of Broken Glass) resulted in German police
marching through cities, torching synagogues and
vandalizing/destroying Jewish homes, schools and
businesses. After that night, close to 30, 000 Jewsih
men were arrested and sent to concentration camps.
1939 March 28:​ The Spanish civil war ends (Gurtaje)

May 22:​ Nazis sign pact of steel with Italy. (Gurtaje)

August 25: ​Britain and Poland sign a mutual assistance

treaty (Gurtaje)

September 1:​ Nazis invade Poland (Gurtaje)

September 2​: Britain sends a final ultimatum to

Germany, asking them to withdraw troops from Poland.

September 3​: Germany ignores the ultimatum and

Britain and France declare war on Germany. (Tyler)

September 4: ​ British Royal Air Force attack the

German Navy (Gurtaje)

September 10:​ Canada declares war on Germany


September 17:​ The Soviets invade Poland (Gurtaje)

November 30:​ The winter war begins with the Soviets

attacking Finland (Gurtaje)

December 14: ​ The Soviet Union is expelled from the

League of Nations (Gurtaje)
January 23- ​Allies (France and Britain) announce that
1940 they no longer recognize the waters neutrality. (Ayiana)

March 12- ​Finland signs a peace treaty with the

Soviets. (Ayiana J)

April-June:​ Germany invades Denmark, France,

Norway, Luxembourg, Belgium and the Netherlands.
(Chloe Ramos)

April 9: ​Germany invades Norway and Denmark by air

and sea.

May 10: ​The Battle of France begins as​ ​Germany

invades France and the neutral Low Countries
Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Belgium. Neville
Chamberlain resigns and Winston Churchill becomes
the new Prime Minister of Britain.

May 26​: The Allied troops begin to evacuate from

Dunkirk to England in Operation Dynamo, as the
German troops were closing in on them in the Battle of

June 3​: Germany bombs Paris. Germany had bombed

Paris killing around 254 people many of which were
civilians. Germany wanted to ruin their economy and
military as well as lower their population. This had
caused much terror. (Priya)

June 10: ​Italy declares war on Britain and France.

Norway surrenders to Nazi Germany. (Alina)

June 14: ​Paris falls to Nazi Germany. (Alina)

June 21​: Italy invades France after they joined the war
as an ally of Germany. (Chloe Ramos)

June 22​: France surrenders to Nazi Germany and

France signs an armistice with them. (Alina )

June 23​: Hitler tours Paris. To celebrate Germany's

victory over France, Hitler visits Paris. He also ordered
the destruction of two monuments to not bring back
memories of Germany's defeat in World War One. He
had an architect take notes of Paris to make Berlin more
beautiful. (Priya)

July 1: ​Germany U-boats attack the merchant ships in

the Atlantic. The U-boats had sunk many Allied
merchant ships around 400 were destroyed. (Priya)

July 10: ​The Battle of Britain begins in the English

Channel with​ ​the Luftwaffe (The German air force)
attacking British shipping convoys. (Alina)

August 3:​ Italian troops overrun East Africa's British

Somali land. (Ayiana J)

August 23-​ Germany's first air raids on Central London

(Ayiana J)

August 25​: The RAF launched the first air raid on


September 7​: The Blitz begins, as German bombers

launch an attack on London

September 13​: Italy invades Egypt. Benito Mussolini

had sent forces through the Libyan border into Egypt to
expand their territory. (Priya)

September 27:​ Japan joins forces with Italy and

Germany. (Chloe Ramos)

October 28- ​Benito Mussolini invades Greece which

ends as a disaster for the axis powers. (Ayiana J)

November 14​: The Coventry Blitz. Germany had sent

the Luftwaffe to bomb Coventry, causing there to be an
outbreak of devastating bombing raids. (Priya)

November 20- ​Hungary joins the axis powers (Ayiana)

December 9​- the British begins a western desert

offensive against the Italians in North America

December 29-​ London suffers a massive devastating

air Raid by Germany as they firebomb the city. (Ayiana
January 3: ​Italy launches a counter-offensive in
1941 Albania against the Greeks. This would be the first of
46 attacks that the Italians launched and all were
repulsed by the Greeks. (Sophia)

January 22​: The ​British and Australian forces captured

Tobruk in North Africa and the defenders; the Italians,
lost 25,000 men. (Sophia)

February 11: ​ British forces become Italian

Somaliland in East​ ​(Gigi)

February 24:​ The German and British forces go into

battle for the first time in the Western Desert. (Sophia)

March 1: ​Bulgaria joins the Axis Powers which gives

the Germans direct access in which to invade both
Yugoslavia and Greece​. (Sophia)

March 7:​ The British army arrives in Greece. (Gigi)

March 11: ​ President Roosevelt’s symptoms of the

Lend-hire Act. (Gigi)

April 17:​ The Royal Yugoslavian Army surrenders,

Axis forces annex and occupy the region. (Jordan

May 1: ​German forces launched a major attack on

Tobruk. (Luke Anderson)

May 10:​ The heavy air raids (the Blitz) on Britain by

the Germans ended. ​The bombings had lasted 8 months
and during these 8 months, London had seen over a
million homes destroyed/damaged and 40,000 civilians
were killed. (Sophia)

May 15:​ Conceived via the commander-in-leader of

the British center East Command, contemporary
Archibald Wavell, Brevity turned into supposed to be a
quick blow inside the path of prone Axis front-line
forces in the Sollum–Capuzzo–Bardia place of the
border between Egypt and Libya. (Gigi)

May 24​: The British conflict cruiser Hood and

battleship Prince of Wales intercepted it near Iceland.
In ferocious warfare, the Hood exploded and sank, and
all however three of the 1,421 crewmen had been
killed. The Bismarck escaped, but because it was
leaking fuel it fled for occupied France. (Gigi)
June 1:​ As many as 700 of 40,000 Cossack troops
who fought alongside the Nazis die when they resist
British efforts to forcibly repatriate them to the Soviet

June 8: ​Allies invade Syria and Lebanon.(Gigi)

June 22​: ​Operation Barbarossa begins. More than 4

million troops of the Axis powers invade the USSR
along with a front stretching almost 3,000 km. (Jordan

July 12:​ Mutual Assistance agreement between British

and Soviets.(Gigi)

June 27​: ​A death squad arrived in the Soviet-controlled

Polish city of Białystok, where they set the Great
Synagogue on fire, with hundreds of Jewish men locked
inside. (Sophia)

July 26: ​In response to the Japanese occupation of

French Indochina, president of the united states or US
president franklin D. Roosevelt orders the seizure of all
Japanese assets in the United States.
(Luke Anderson)

July 31:​ The final Solution; also known as the

Holocaust, ​created by ​Heinrich Himmler, was first
implented by ​Reinhard Heydrich. ​The Holocaust was a
systematic murder of over 6 million Jews and other
races which were seen as inferior. (Sophia)

August 25:​ The Soviets and British begin to occupy

Iran because of fears that Germans were working
September 8: ​The siege of Leningrad was the
most brutal siege of history, leaving 1,500,000
soldiers and civilians dead. (Noah)
September 29-30:​ More than 33,000 Jews were killed
with machine guns during the largest mass shooting of
Soviet Jews in the Holocaust. (Sophia)

October 2:​ The final phase in Hitler’s invasion of

Russia began. (Sophia)

November 12: ​Temperatures around Moscow drop to

-12 C as the soviet union launches ski troops against the
freezing german forces near the city (Luke Anderson)
December 6: ​The Soviet troops perform a
counteroffensive ​that drives the Germans from the
Moscow suburbs in a hasty retreat. (Sophia)

December 7:​ ​Wonder aerial attack at the U.S.

Naval base at Pearl Harbor on Oahu Island,
Hawaii, with the aid of the japanese that
introduced the access of the USA into international
war II. The strike climaxed a decade of worsening
family individuals between the USA and Japan.

December 8​: Jews and Roma were gassed to death in

vans at Chelmno, also known as Kulmohf. This was the
first mass killing of Jews by gassing. (Sophia)

December 11:​ Germany Declares War on America.


December 31: ​By the end of the year, a total of 53

merchant ships had reached Russia, delivering 750
tanks, 800 fighter plans, 1,400 vehicles and 100,000
tons of general goods. (Jordan Aeichele)

1942 January 1, Declaration of the United Nations (Allies)
Treaty signed. (Karina)

January 20, At the Wannsee convention in Berlin, Nazis

decided on the “final solution,” relocation then
extermination. Basically, the start of the Holocaust.

March 20:​ The German’s sent an all out aerial assault

on the small island of Malta off the southern coast of
Italy (Ra’el)

April: ​April 20, 47 British Spitfires are sent to Malta,

and all were destroyed on landing(Ra’el)

May 19, the battle of Kerch ends after Red Army retreat
and large numbers surrender (Helena)

June: ​The first use of gas chamber to massacre Jewish

people at Auschwitz

July 4: ​Convoy PQ-17 attacked by German torpedo and

dive-bombers. The Admiralty orders the convoy to
scatter after 2 ships sinking and 2 more damaged.

August 23:​ Battle of Stalingrad begins, Germans march

south. (Karina)

November: ​The Soviets launched a counter offensive

against the ​G​ermans arrayed at Stalingrad in
Mid-November (Ra’el)

January: ​The jews fight back for the first time (Kevin)
1943 February 2: ​Surrender at Stalingrad marks Germany's
first major defeat (Camila)

March: ​T​he nazis begin shutting down the Jewish

ghettos in Poland, sending the residents to death cam​ps
such as Auschwitz

April 19: ​Residents of the Jewish ghetto in

Nazi-occupied Warsaw, Poland, staged the armed revolt
to prevent deportations to Nazi-run extermination
camps (Camila)

May: ​Allied victory in North Africa enables invasion of

Italy to be launched (Camila)

June: ​U.S. beat japan in another major battle (Kevin)

July 5​: The biggest tank battle in history and

Germany’s second biggest defeat. (Noah)

August 23​: Kursk ends (Noah)

September 8: ​ Italy surrenders, but Germany takes

over (Camila)

January 16:​ General Dwight Eisenhower was

1944 appointed as the commander of Operation Overlord.

January 6: ​Soviet troops advance into Poland. On the

17 the first attack was towards Cassino, Italy. On the
22nd Allies landed Anzio in Italy. On the 27 Leningrad
Relieved after a 900-day siege (Milan M)

February 15-18: ​Allies bomb the monastery at Monte

Cassino (Milan)
February 16th:​ Germans counterattack against the
Anzio Beachhead (Milan)

March 4:​ ​Soviet troops begin an offensive on the

Belorussian front. (Audrey)

March 18:​ British dropped 3000tons of bombs during

an air raid on Germany (Audrey)

April 30:​ Vast preparations are made for the D-Day

invasion all over southern england. (Selena)

May 4:​ Operation Overlord, The invasion and

liberation of northwest Europe began on the 6 of 1944.
They hoped the war would be done by 1944 but they
were surprised by the German offensives. It was not
until May 4 of 1945 the German forces in northwest
Europe surrendered. (Milan M)

June 5:​ It was the initial date that Eisenhower decided

to start the invasion, but due to bad weather
circumstances, the days leading up to the operation
were delayed for a whole 24 hours. (Luis)

June 6:​ D-day (Normandy invasion started) British and

American troops are able to storm the beaches of
Normandy successfully (Gold, Juno, and Sword.) which
allows them to start making progress in Northern
France towards Germany. (Selena)

June 11​: D-Day (Normandy invasion) the beaches were

fully secure. (Selena)

June 13:​ Germans start to send Their V1 Rockets over

to Great Britain. (Selena)

June 26:​ Allies capture the French port Cherbourg,

forcing the Germans to retreat. (Luis)

July 7-9:​ Battle of Saint-Lô one of the three conflicts in

the Battle of Hedgerows ​ ​(Audrey)

July 20: ​Operation Valkyrie Plan people were

beginning to lose hope that Germany could win the war
and blamed Hitler for leading Germany to disaster

July 20:​ Claus Von Stauffenberg and other conspirators

tried to assassinate Hitler in his headquarters in
Rastenberg called “the wolf's lair”, it did not succeed
because Stauffenberg had time to only detonate one
bomb instead of two, and when he left the room for a
“phone call”, the bomb was moved farther away from
hitler, cause him to leave with just minor injuries.

July 25: ​“operation Cobra”, an offensive attack led by

the first United States Army, After the D-day landing
they decided to take advantage of the distracted
Germans. And attack the German Defenders that were
attacking their forces (Selena)

July 31st: ​Operation Cobra ends, American troops

destroy the last forces of the German First Army. This
attack led to the loss of German positions in
North-Western France (Selena)

August 19: ​Paris is Liberated: British troops are able to

liberate Athens (beginning of Greek civil war) (Selena)

September 1: ​Canadian troops take control of Dieppe,

France (Selena)

September 2: ​Allied troops arrive in Belgium. (Selena)

September 8: ​The first successful attack on London,

and Paris with the Germans V2 bombs. (2 were landed
in London, 1 in Paris) (Selena)

October 6: ​Battle of Debrecen ​ Soviet Red Army's 2nd

Ukrainian Front launched an offensive into Hungary
against the German Sixth Army of Army Group South
Ukraine.​ (Audrey)

November 10:​ V-2 Rockets continue to hit Britain at

the rate of almost 8 a day. (Selena)

November 20:​ Hitler leaves his headquarters in

Rastenberg, East Prussia, To go to Berlin. (Audrey)

December 16:​ Battle of the Bulge also known as ​the

Ardennes Offensive ​ Hitler ​believed that the alliance
between Britain, France and America were not strong
January 1st
1945 The Luftwaffe executed Operation Bodenplatte, an
attempt to cripple Allied air forces in the Low
Countries. The operation was a tactical German
success but failed in its aim of achieving air
superiority. The Battle of the Oder–Neisse began on
the Eastern Front. ​(iain)

January 1st-17th
The Germans vacate the Ardennes, while Americans
1st and 3rd Armies come together again after being
separated for a month during the Battle of the Bulge.
Soviet troops free Auschwitz. (Milan)

February 4th-11th
the Yalta conference the U.S. U.S.S.R. and the British
Prime Minister
All predicted an allied victory and they began to talk
about the future of Europe (iain)

February 13th-14th
Dresden, a city in Germany, was wrecked by a fire
storm after the allies raided it with bombs. (Milan)

March 14
The largest bomb at the moment was dropped on Nazi
Germanys Bielefeld railway viaduct. The bomb was
named the RAF but was also known as the grand

April ​16th - 26th

The Allies declared that the air war against Nazi
Germany was finished, and Berlin was completely
encircled by the Red Army. (iain)
Soviet troops begin their final attack on Berlin. (Milan)

May 2th
German troops in Italy surrender. (Milan)

May 7th
Germany surrenders to the Allies by signing the
unconditional surrender ending war in Europe. The
representative of the German high forces General
Alfred Jodi was the one to sign the document. May 8th
is officially known as Victory day to celebrate the win
of the Allies. (Lauren)

June 1th
A large number of Cossak troops died defending the
Natzis honour and resisting the British army from
sending them back to the Soviet Union. Out of the
40,000 troops that fought 700 die.(lauren)
June 5th
Allies rip apart Germany and Berlin and take charge
over the government. (Milan)

July 1st
American, British, and French troops move into Berlin.
July 26th
Atlee directed Churchill as the British Prime Minister.
August 28th
Joachim von Ribbentrop, Martin Bormann, Rudolf
Hess and Hermann Goring, known as Natzi war
criminals, were handed down.(Lauren)

October 24

The United Nations is created. (Milan)

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