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Geosynthetics International, 2017, 24, No.

Time-dependent behaviour of fully and partially penetrated

geosynthetic encased stone columns
S. Rajesh1
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur,
Kanpur – 208016, India, E-mail: (corresponding author)

Received 28 September 2015, revised 04 April 2016, accepted 15 June 2016, published 12 July 2016

ABSTRACT: This paper presents the results of a numerical investigation performed to examine the
time-dependent behaviour of fully and partially penetrated geosynthetic encased stone columns
(GESC). The investigation studied the influence of geosynthetic encasement, the stiffness of the
encasement and the length of the column on the deformation behaviour of GESC. The influence of
these factors is compared and rated in terms of the efficiency of the system. Results indicate a greater
reduction in the settlement, lateral displacement and time taken for dissipation of excess pore water
pressure when the stone column was encased with a geosynthetic material. The effective stress
concentration ratio (the ratio of the effective vertical stress on the column to that on surrounding soft
clay, ESCR) of the stone column was observed to increase up to a particular consolidation period,
beyond which this ratio decreases drastically. Interestingly, when the stone column was encased with
a geosynthetic material, the ESCR was found to increase during the entire period of consolidation
and the value was much higher than for an ordinary stone column (OSC). A higher value of ESCR
indicates less load being transferred from the column to the surrounding soft clay layer, hence better
performance. With an increase in the geosynthetic stiffness from 500 to 5000 kN/m, the efficiency
of GESC over OSC, considering load transfer from the column to the surrounding clay, increases
from 1.03 to 4.63. For partially penetrated GESC, a reduction in the length of GESC decreases the
ESCR drastically.

KEYWORDS: Geosynthetics, Consolidation, Finite element analysis, Ground improvement, Stone


REFERENCE: Rajesh, S. (2017). Time-dependent behaviour of fully and partially penetrated

geosynthetic encased stone columns. Geosynthetics International, 24, No. 1, 60–71. [

et al. 2013). In addition, radial drainage of the stone

column could be considerably reduced due to the smear
Stone columns are one of the most common techniques effect. These limitations have prompted development of a
adopted to improve the bearing capacity of soft clay and few alternative techniques to improve very soft clays; one
reduce the time for consolidation (Greenwood 1970; such approach is to encase/wrap the stone column with a
Mitchell and Huber 1985; Ghazavi and Afshar 2013; geosynthetic material of suitable stiffness (Raithel and
Ali et al. 2014; Etezad et al. 2014). The higher Kempfert 2000; Murugesan and Rajagopal 2006; Gniel
permeability of the column material and a shorter and Bouazza 2009; Zhang et al. 2012; Dash and Bora
drainage path induce quicker dissipation of excess pore 2013; Wu and Hong 2014; Zhang and Zhao 2015).
pressure, thereby accelerating settlements (Greenwood Geosynthetic encasement provides additional confine-
1970; Hughes et al. 1975; Bergado et al. 1990). Stone ment and hence can increase the load carrying capacity of
columns derive their bearing capacity through lateral the stone column (Black et al. 2007; Gniel and Bouazza
bulging, thereby inducing passive pressures in the 2009; Yoo and Kim 2009). Moreover, geosynthetic
surrounding soft clay. Hence, the strength and stiffness encasement can also prevent the lateral squeezing of the
of a stone column are dependent on the effective confining stone column when it is installed in very soft clays, leading
stress provided by the surrounding soil. The use of stone to minimal loss of column material and quicker installa-
columns in very soft clays (Su < 15 kPa) is limited mainly tion (Murugesan and Rajagopal 2006).
because of the reduced mobilisation of effective confining In recent years, many studies both experimental and
stress from the very soft clay, which can produce high axial numerical have been carried out to understand the
deformation of the stone column (Liu et al. 2006; Almeida behaviour of the geosynthetic encased stone column
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Time-dependent behaviour of fully and partially penetrated geosynthetic encased stone columns 61

(GESC). It has been common practice to adopt either the Figure 1a. The properties of the column material and soft
unit cell concept or the homogenisation technique to clay used in the present study are obtained from Tan et al.
understand the behaviour of the ordinary stone column (2008), Ng and Tan (2014) and are listed in Table 1. Since
(OSC)/GESC (Barksdale and Bachus 1983; Mitchell and the parameters provided by Tan et al. (2008) were those of
Huber 1985; Ambily and Gandhi 2007; Malarvizhi and the Mohr-Coulomb constitutive model, this model was
Ilamparuthi 2007; Murugesan and Rajagopal 2007; Gniel used to simulate the behaviour of the soft clay and stone
and Bouazza 2009; Khabbazian et al. 2010; Lo et al. 2010; column materials. Fifteen node triangular elements were
Pulko et al. 2011). Several researchers have analysed the used with the elastic-plastic Mohr-Coulomb model to
behaviour of OSC/GESC by placing the surcharge load model the soft clay and stone column. The soft clay is
only on the top of the OSC/GESC but not the surround- modelled as an undrained material and the stone column
ing soil, in that way considering OSC/GESC as a load is idealised as a homogenous drained material. The unit
carrying member (Murugesan and Rajagopal 2006, 2007; weight of the soft clay is assumed to be equal to that of the
Zhang et al. 2012; Dash and Bora 2013). However, in stone column to avoid any difference in the mean effective
reality, there exist greater possibilities that the surcharge stresses of the two materials during the initial geostatic
loading or geostatic stress of the embankment may be stress generation; hence, the excess pore pressure gener-
placed on both OSC/GESC and the soft clay even after ated will only be due to the external loading (Tan et al.
providing a particular load transfer platform. The load 2008). The geosynthetic encasement is modelled as a
carrying capacity of OSC/GESC subjected to a surcharge slender structure having axial stiffness, but no bending
load on the entire unit cell was found to be different from stiffness, which can sustain only tensile force (i.e., the
loading OSC/GESC alone (Ambily and Gandhi 2004, geogrid element in Plaxis). The elastic axial stiffness of
2007; Gniel and Bouazza 2010). In addition, the drained geosynthetics was used to model the geosynthetic encase-
behaviour was found to be different from the undrained ment. In the present study, since 15-noded soil elements
behaviour of OSC/GESC (Yoo and Kim 2009; Castro were used, each geogrid element was automatically
and Sagaseta 2011). The actual load transfer between defined with five nodes. The interaction between the soil
the column (OSC/GESC) and the surrounding soft
clays was found to be time-dependent, and performing
coupled hydraulic and mechanical analysis could capture Centre line
the absolute behaviour (Lo et al. 2010; Yoo 2010;
Keykhosropur et al. 2012; Almeida et al. 2013; Elsawy Rigid plate intensity (q) D

2013; Rajesh and Jain 2015). Considering the above- Monitoring points

mentioned facts, the time-dependent behaviour of OSC Point D – for

Closed consolidation
and GESC treated ground under a surcharge load is boundary Geosynthetic
examined numerically in the present study. The influence encasement Point C – for excess
PWP pore pressure
of the geosynthetic encasement and the stiffness of the measurements
geosynthetic material on the time-dependent behaviour of Interface
element Lateral
the GESC have been studied. The effectiveness of the deflection
Stone column
partially penetrating (i.e., floating) GESC has also been Clay x

quantified using the equivalency factor.

x C

(a) (b)
Numerical analysis was performed to understand the Figure 1. (a) Modelling unit cell in PLAXIS (symmetric about
time-dependent behaviour of GESC using the finite centre line) (b) Finite Element model of unit cell showing meshing
element package Plaxis version 8.2 (Brinkgreve et al.
2006). The present study examines the condition where
Table 1. Model parameters (adopted from Tan et al. 2008;
the fill area is relatively large compared to the thickness of
Ng and Tan 2014)
the soft clay. This problem can be idealised by a unit cell
(Barksdale and Bachus 1983; Lo et al. 2010). The thickness Parameter Column material Soft clay
of the soft clay adopted in the study is 10 m. GESC with a
diameter of 0.85 m and a centre-to-centre spacing of γ (kN/m3) 15 15
2.25 m was selected for the numerical analysis, similar to E (kPa) 30 000 3000
Kh (m/s) 3.47 × 10−5 3.47 × 10−9
the one adopted by Tan et al. (2008). Tan et al. (2008) Kv (m/s) 1.16 × 10−5 1.16 × 10−9
studied the behaviour of a stone column. In the present ϕ′ (°) 40 22
study, this has been extended to GESC. The encased stone c′ (kPa) 1 0.1
columns are assumed to be installed in a square pattern, υ′ 0.3 0.3
resulting in an area replacement ratio of 11.11%, which is ψ (°) 10 0
within the range of 5 to 30% (Ng and Tan, 2014). The
γ, unit weight; E, elastic modulus; Kh and Kv, coefficient of permeability
radius of the unit cell was worked out to be 1.275 m. in horizontal and vertical directions; ϕ′, effective angle of shearing
Due to the radial symmetry of the unit cell about the resistance; c′, effective cohesion; υ′, Poisson’s ratio in terms of effective
centre line an axisymmetric model is used, as shown in stress; ψ, dilatency angle.

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62 Rajesh

and the geosynthetic can be modelled using interface 110

elements. An interface element is an element with an 100 q = 100 kPa

imaginary thickness that is used to define the material 90

Excess pore pressure (kPa)

properties of the interface (Rinter). The Rinter adopted in 80
the study is 0.67, which is within the range of 0.45 to 0.8 70
(Brinkgreve et al. 2006). 60
The boundary conditions of the axisymmetric problem 50
domain are shear free, with no radial movement at the 40 Tan et al. (2008)
lateral sides, and prevent the bottom boundary from 30
Coarse mesh
moving vertically (Figure 1a). A closed consolidation Medium mesh
Fine mesh
boundary is provided on three boundaries to simulate 10 Very fine mesh
the condition of ‘no flow’ through them, as shown in 0
Figure 1a. Drainage was only allowed through the top 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100
surface. Due to the existence of an impervious layer below Time (days)

the model, a closed consolidation boundary is provided (a)

at the bottom to ensure that zero pore pressure is not Load intensity (kPa)
generated. Similarly, the left boundary is a line of symmetry 0 50 100 150 200 250 300
and no flow will occur across it, and the right boundary 0
Ambily and Gandhi (2004)
represents the boundary of a unit cell of a column in a
2 Experimental data
group of columns. No dissipation is likely to take place Numerical analysis
through this face either. A surcharge load was applied
Settlement (mm)
through a horizontal rigid plate placed on the top surface Present study

of the soft clay and GESC to achieve equal vertical strain.

A plate with a normal stiffness of 1 × 107 kN/m and
flexural rigidity of 1 × 104 kN m2/m, as suggested by Tan
et al. (2008), is used in the study. There are no interface
elements placed between the soil and the rigid plate.
Analysis involved two stages: in Stage 1 a surcharge s/d = 2
Su = 30 kPa
load was applied on both the column and the soft clay
through a rigid plate (the plastic loading stage) and (b)
Stage 2, in which excess pore pressure generated due to
the surcharge (consolidation stage) was dissipated. Plastic Figure 2. Mesh convergence and validation (a) Effect of mesh
loading was applied instantaneously to prevent any sizes on the dissipation of excess pore water pressure with time and
initial dissipation of excess pore pressure in the soil. validation of results from Tan et al. (2008), (b) Validation of
results from Ambily and Gandhi (2004)
A consolidation step was then introduced, which was
carried out until the excess pore pressure in the unit cell
reduced below a value of 0.01 kPa. The loading sequence (2008). The consolidation curves are identical, regardless
was obtained from Tan et al. (2008). The time-dependent of mesh sizes, after 0.1 days. In the present study, a fine
embankment loading and the deformations caused by mesh was selected for both the soft clay and the stone
creep are beyond the scope of the present analysis. column for greater accuracy in the beginning of the
consolidation process, as shown in Figure 1b. Another
2.1. Mesh convergence and validation validation was carried out on the experimental and
The generation of the mesh is based on a robust numerical study performed by Ambily and Gandhi
triangulation procedure, which follows unstructured (2004). The experimental set-up comprised a cylindrical
meshes. Even though the meshes are unstructured, their tank filled with soft clay, with a stone column of 100 mm
numerical performance is usually superior to regular or diameter at its centre. A sand layer 30 mm thick was
structured meshes (Brinkgreve et al. 2006). Figure 2a placed on top of the soft clay. A vertical load was then
shows the mesh convergence analysis of the excess pore applied over the entire tank area. Clay has a compressi-
water pressure dissipation for an axisymmetric unit cell bility modulus of 4500 kPa, an undrained cohesion of
model. Four different levels of mesh coarseness were 30 kPa, and a unit weight of 19.25 kN/m3. The column
considered. Simulation was initiated by applying initial material has a modulus of 48 000 kPa, a Poisson ratio of
stresses in the unit cell. A load intensity of 100 kPa was 0.3 and an angle of internal friction of 42°. The modelling
applied on the rigid plate. The results obtained from approach, material properties and method of application
the coarse and medium coarse meshes were found to of the load intensity can be found from Ambily and
exhibit an unusual jump in the excess pore water pressure Gandhi (2004). Figure 2b shows the result obtained from
within the time domain of 0.001 to 0.01 days, and were the present study and reported literature for a typical case
in agreement with the axisymmetric case performed by (with an undrained shear strength of 30 kPa and s/d
Tan et al. (2008). Table 1 lists the properties of the soft ratio of 2). A close agreement is observed between the
clay and column material adopted by Tan et al. (2008). curves obtained from the present study and the reported
Figure 1a shows the model considered by Tan et al. literature. Two validations, one for the short-term
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Time-dependent behaviour of fully and partially penetrated geosynthetic encased stone columns 63

(Ambily and Gandhi 2004) and another for the long-term Time (days)
performance of stone column (Tan et al. 2008) ensure the 0.01
0.1 1 10 100 1000 10 000 100 000
adequacy of the numerical modelling approach and the
applicability of the results obtained from the numerical 50

Settlement (mm)
Soft clay
The main objective of the present study is to understand OSC
200 GESC
the deformation behaviour of the stone column and the
q = 100 kPa
GESC due to the applied surcharge before (i.e. instan- 250 GESC
taneous loading), during, and at the end of the consolida-
EA = 5000 kN/m
tion stages of the treated soft clay deposit. The influence 300
of geosynthetic encasement, geosynthetic stiffness and
GESC length on the time-dependent behaviour of GESC Figure 3. Variation of surface settlement with time for soft clay,
are examined by maintaining as constant the material OSC and GESC
properties of the clay and column materials, the interface
element types, the number of nodes, the mesh size, and
the magnitude and nature of the inducing surcharge. The Soft clay
varying axial stiffnesses of the geosynthetic materials OSC
in the present study were 500, 2500 and 5000 kN/m, Excess pore pressure (kPa) 80 GESC
representing low, medium and very high strength geosyn-
thetic materials. The time-dependent behaviour of the 60
fully penetrated and partially penetrated GESC was
studied considering a depth ratio (the ratio of the length
of GESC to the thickness of the soft clay) ranging from
0.6 to 1. A load intensity of 100 kPa was applied through
the rigid plate, which covered both the soft clay and 20 q = 100 kPa
OSC/GESC. The length of the GESC and OSC adopted GESC
EA = 5000 kN/m
was 10 m (i.e. extending to the full depth of the soft clay).
The maximum uniform settlement of OSC/GESC was 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10 000 100 000
anticipated at the location of maximum load intensity (i.e. Time (days)
just below the rigid base). For the sake of convenience, the
Figure 4. Variation in the dissipation of excess pore pressure with
magnitude of settlement and excess pore pressure were
time for soft clay, OSC and GESC
extracted at monitoring point D and point C respectively
(Figure 1b).
material, there is a drastic reduction in the time taken for
3.1. Influence of geosynthetic encasement the dissipation of excess pore pressure. The initial pore
In this section, the time-dependent behaviour of the pressure developed in the case of soft clay and OSC is
untreated soft clay and treated soft clay (OSC and around 96.5 kPa, while in GESC it is approximately
GESC) were assessed. The axial stiffness of the geosyn- 94.8 kPa. A considerable reduction in the time taken for
thetic encasement used in GESC was 5000 kN/m. consolidation of GESC over OSC can also be observed.
Figure 3 shows the variation in surface settlement with Figure 5a shows the progressive development of
time for the soft clay, OSC and GESC. A significant effective vertical stress in the soft clay and the column
reduction in the ultimate settlement can be observed for (OSC and GESC) during consolidation at the measuring
GESC compared to the soft clay and OSC, mainly due to points shown in the inset. The effective vertical stress
the increased column capacity. The maximum immediate experienced by the untreated soft clay was found to be
settlement from a surcharge loading of 100 kPa for 53 kPa up to 110 days, followed by a gradual increase in
untreated and treated soft clay was found to be within the effective stress up to a maximum value of 150 kPa at
the range of 8–12 mm. However, when the soft clay layer about 7000 days for the complete dissipation of excess
was allowed to consolidate a reduction in the total pore pressure. When the soft clay was treated with OSC
ultimate settlement of GESC was achieved, approximately and GESC, the effective stress experienced by the column
equal to 42 and 21% over soft clay and OSC, respectively. was found to be higher than the effective stress experi-
Figure 4 shows the variation in the dissipation of excess enced by the surrounding soft clay layer. This could be due
pore water pressure with time for soft clay, OSC and to the greater stiffness of the column material. In addition,
GESC. The total time taken for the dissipation of excess the effective stress experienced by the encased column was
pore pressure, to reach a value of 0.01 kPa, in soft clay, found to be 1.25 times higher than that of OSC, which
OSC and GESC was found to be 7000, 52 and 30 days, could be due to the additional confinement provided by
respectively. Due to the higher permeability of the column the geosynthetic encasement. The effective stress
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64 Rajesh

600 transferred from the column to the surrounding soft clay

q = 100 kPa
Measuring and hence less consolidation settlement is anticipated.
EA = 5000 kN/m
500 point This signifies that GESC performs better than OSC. This
Effective vertical stress (kPa)

Effective stress in column observation is in reasonable agreement with previous

400 studies (Yoo 2010; Almeida et al. 2013; Hosseinpour et al.
Effective stress in soft clay
300 Untreated The reason for the improvement in the performance of
OSC GESC over OSC is as follows. The consolidation process
200 GESC in the soft clay begins just after the surcharge load is
applied on the rigid plate, which is supported on both the
100 column and the soft clay. Due to the instantaneous
loading on both the soft clay and the stone column, the
0 saturated soft clay behaves as if it is incompressible, and
0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10 000 100 000
the stress in the stone column is relatively small. Therefore,
Time (days)
the soft clay tends to move laterally toward the stone
column. This lateral movement acts to relieve excess pore
5 water pressures in the surrounding soft clay compared to a
completely confined situation, i.e., one-dimensional
deformation (Castro and Sagaseta 2011). After consolida-
tion begins, the vertical stress in the soft clay starts
to transfer onto the stone columns as shown in Figure 5.
3 In other words, there is a concentration of stress onto

the column along with a reduction in vertical stress in the

2 soft clay. This stress transfer or concentration induces
a reduction in excess pore water pressure in the soft clay.
GESC At the same time, the load is transferred onto the column,
q = 100 kPa so the lateral stress from the column is increased. This
EA = 5000 kN/m increase in lateral stress increases the excess pore water
0 pressure in the soft clay. Therefore, the overall effect of
0.01 0.1 1 10 100
Time (days) this stress transfer on the excess pore water pressure is a
function of the difference between the two. The stress
concentration at the beginning is not significant and the
Figure 5. Variation of (a) effective vertical stress and (b) effective soft clay tends to move laterally toward the stone column,
stress concentration ratio with time the lateral stress playing a role in reducing the excess pore
water pressure. However, the lateral stress starts to play a
role in increasing excess pore water pressure when the
experienced by the surrounding soft clay for the GESC stress concentration becomes significant with time. When
was found to be 0.88 times that of OSC and 0.7 times that the stone column is encased with a geosynthetic material,
of the untreated ground. The load transfer between the a reduction in the lateral stress from the column to the
column and the soft clay can be better understood using soft clay is expected, which induces a further reduction in
the effective stress concentration ratio (ESCR), which is the pore pressure. Hence, the net reduction in excess pore
defined as the ratio of the effective vertical stress on the pressure for a particular surcharge pressure will be
column to that on the surrounding soft clay at the same relatively higher in the case of GESC compared to OSC.
depth. The higher ESCR implies higher column stress This behaviour can be seen from Figures 4 and 5. This
compared to the surrounding soft clay. enhanced behaviour makes GESC achieve relatively faster
Figure 5b shows the variation of the ESCR of OSC consolidation than OSC.
and GESC with time at the monitoring point. The ESCR
of OSC and GESC treated soft clay immediately after 3.2. Influence of geosynthetic stiffness
applying the surcharge loading was found to be 2.69 The influence of geosynthetic stiffness on the time-
and 2.86, respectively. When the soft clay layer was dependent behaviour of GESC was analysed by varying
allowed to consolidate, the ESCR was found to increase the axial stiffness of the geosynthetic (EA) as 0 (i.e. OSC),
in both OSC and GESC treated ground. The ESCR 500, 2500 and 5000 kN/m. The variation of surface
of OSC increases gradually with up to 3 days of con- settlement and excess pore pressure with time for
solidation (ESCR = 4.13) and then decreased up to various geosynthetic stiffnesses is shown in Figures 6a
30 days (ESCR = 3.23), followed by a constant value. and 6b respectively. For convenience, only part of the
The reduction in the ESCR value implies that a higher settlement and excess pore pressure plots of soft clay is
load is being transferred from the column to the shown in Figure 6. It can be seen that with an increase in
surrounding soft clay. Interestingly, in the case of GESC, the geosynthetic stiffness, settlement decreased with a
the ESCR was found to increase gradually over the entire reduction in the time taken to completely dissipate excess
period of consolidation, in other words, less load is being pore pressure. A reduction in settlement of up to 3.5%,
Geosynthetics International, 2017, 24, No. 1

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Time-dependent behaviour of fully and partially penetrated geosynthetic encased stone columns 65

Time (days) Figure 8 shows the variation of lateral displacement for

0 20 40 60 80 100 the predefined points in the encased column throughout
q = 100 kPa
the entire consolidation stage. It can be seen that during
loading stage (at t = 0 days), the lateral displacement of
the encased column was compressive in nature. For the
mentioned boundary conditions, when the GESC was
Settlement (mm)

Soft clay allowed to consolidate, lateral expansion of the column

EA = 0 kN/m material can be observed. The magnitude of lateral
100 EA = 500 kN/m
expansion was found to be higher for the points along
EA = 2500 kN/m
EA = 5000 kN/m shear band compared to the points above and below the
shear band (also seen in Figure 7).
Figure 9 shows the variation of vertical effective stress
with axial strain at the predefined points in the encased
column for the entire period of the analysis. It can be seen
that the vertical effective stress in the column increased up
to a particular axial strain, beyond which the points along
100 the shear band were found to decrease (softening behav-
Soft clay iour) whereas the points above and below the shear band
80 EA = 0 kN/m were found to increase linearly. The softening beha-
EA = 500 kN/m viour at particular locations in the granular material
Excess pore pressure (kPa)

EA = 2500 kN/m
could be one of the reasons for the formation of the shear
60 EA = 5000 kN/m
bands. Figure 10 shows the effective stress path followed
q = 100 kPa
by the column material at predefined points. It can be
40 seen that the mean effective stress has increased instan-
taneously due to the instantaneous loading. When the
20 soft clay layer was allowed to consolidate after the
instantaneous loading, the shear stress was found to
increase in the column with an increase in the mean
effective stress, which at one stage reached the failure
0 20 40 60 80 100 stress. Point j reached failure earlier than point k, which
Time (days) clearly demonstrated that failure occurred first in a
(b) localised zone and then expanded, followed by shear
band formation. Moreover, with the application of the
Figure 6. Variation of (a) settlement and (b) dissipation of excess instantaneous load, the value of k (the ratio of the
pore water pressure with time for various values of geosynthetic horizontal effective stress and vertical effective stress)
stiffness increased from the at rest condition (ko) to a higher value,
but during the consolidation stage, a reduction in the
value of k can be seen up to a particular step, beyond
14% and 21% can be seen for geosynthetic stiffnesses of which it reaches the active state of failure (ka) as shown
500, 2500 and 5000 kN/m respectively, when compared in Figure 11.
with OSC. A significant reduction in the time taken for According to Vermeer (1990), the shear bands for
the complete dissipation of excess pore pressure from 55 to dilative material are inclined to the direction of minor
37 days was achieved when the geosynthetic stiffness principal stress, with the angle θ equal to [± (45° + 0.25*
increased from 500 to 5000 kN/m as shown in Figure 6b. (ϕ′ + ψ)]. In the present study, the inclination of the shear
Figure 7 shows the pattern of variation of the band was found to be ± 57.5° (Figure 7c), which is equal
horizontal strain experienced by GESC treated ground to θ as suggested by Vermeer (1990). It can be inferred
(EA = 500 kN/m) immediately after the application of from the observations that lateral extension of the column
instantaneous load and at the end of the consolidation material evokes shear stresses inside the column and thus
stage. It can be seen that the top portion of the encased leads to a reduction of the horizontal stresses, which in
column deformed/compressed, which in turn squeezed turn make the ratio of the horizontal and the vertical
the soft clay when a surcharge pressure of 100 kPa effective stress decrease and ultimately reach the active
was applied. When the soft clay layer was allowed to state of failure, thereby leading to formation of a system of
consolidate, strain localisation/shear bands formed within shear bands.
the columns. This behaviour is consistent with the results Figure 12 shows the variation in the lateral displace-
obtained by several researchers including Castro and ment of the surrounding soft clay at section XX (i.e. a
Sagaseta (2011), Pulko et al. (2011), Hosseinpour et al. section taken at a distance of 15 mm from the interface of
(2014). In order to explain the formation of the shear OSC/GESC, as shown in Figure 1b) at the end of the
band, results were extracted at four different locations consolidation stage for the entire thickness of the soft
(Figure 7c), two along the shear band (points j and l ), one clay. The fluctuation of the lateral displacement in the
above (point m) and one below the shear band (point k). surrounding soft clay could be due to the deformation
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66 Rajesh


m l 7.500

j 4.500

k 2.500

Point j (0.01, 9.26); Point k (0.09, 8.83)

Point l (0.3, 9.71); Point m (0.08, 9.6)

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 7. Variation of horizontal strain (a) at the end of the plastic loading stage, (b) consolidation stage; (c) with a close look at the shear
band with monitoring points

0.4 caused adjacent to the shear band (Figure 7b). A higher

– Lateral expansion value of lateral displacement can be seen for OSC-treated
+ Lateral compression soft clay. It can be noticed that by encasing the stone
0 column with geosynthetics, a considerable reduction in
Lateral displacement (mm)

the magnitude of lateral displacement has been achieved.

As expected, with an increase in the stiffness of the
geosynthetic material, the lateral displacement of the
surrounding soft clay decreased. In addition, fluctuation
in the lateral displacement was also found to reduce when
the magnitude of the geosynthetic stiffness increased. The
at point j
at point k
average reduction in the lateral displacement of GESC
–1.2 at point l with geosynthetic stiffnesses of 500 and 5000 kN/m,
at point m compared to OSC, was found to be 22% and 75%
0 20 40 60 80 100 respectively. These observations agreed with the analytical
Time (days) and the numerical studies reported by Castro and
Sagaseta (2009, 2011). Similar observations were made
Figure 8. Variation of horizontal displacement of column material by Hosseinpour et al. (2014), in which geosynthetic
at predefined points throughout the entire period of the analysis encasement reduced the column radial strain from 3.4%
for the unreinforced column to 2% and 1.2% for the
column encased by geosynthetics with tensile stiffnesses of
1000 and 2000 kN/m, respectively.
at point j
300 at point k
Figure 13 shows the variation of hoop tension experi-
Vertical effective stress (kPa)

at point l enced by the geosynthetic layer at the end of consolidation

250 at point m for various geosynthetic stiffnesses. The hoop tension
developed by the geosynthetic material was found to
increase with an increase in the geosynthetic stiffness.
150 The additional confining effect provided by the geosyn-
thetic encasement can also be quantified using the
100 geosynthetic stiffness and hoop strain developed in the
geosynthetic encasement (Raithel and Kempfert 2000).
This therefore demonstrates the importance of geosyn-
0 thetic stiffness in improving the behaviour of GESC.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Figure 14 shows the variation of the effective stress
Axial strain (%)
concentration ratio at the end of consolidation (i.e. at
Figure 9. Variation of vertical effective stress with axial strain of ultimate settlement) (ESCR)US with the stiffness of the
column material at predefined points during the entire period of geosynthetic material. (ESCR)US was found to increase
the analysis with an increase in the stiffness of the geosynthetic
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Time-dependent behaviour of fully and partially penetrated geosynthetic encased stone columns 67

250 Hoop tension (kN/m)

q = 100 kPa 0 5 10 15 20 25
EA = 500 kN/m
0.5*(σ 'yy − σ'xx) (kPa)


Thickness of soft clay (m)

M-C failure

50 6
at point j
at point k

0 50 100 150 200 250 8
0.5*(σ'yy + σ'xx) (kPa)
q = 100 kPa

Figure 10. Effective stress path followed by column material 10

throughout the entire period of the analysis EA = 500 kN/m; EA = 2500 kN/m
EA = 5000 kN/m

Figure 13. Variation of mobilised hoop tension through the

thickness of the clay layer for various stiffnesses of geosynthetic
1.2 material
at point j
at point k
at point l
at point m 5


0.4 3

0.2 2

0 20 40 60 80 100 1
Time (days)
q = 100 kPa
Figure 11. Variation of k throughout the entire period of the 0
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000
Geosynthetic stiffness (kN/m)

Figure 14. Variation of (ESCR)US with geosynthetic stiffness at

the end of consolidation
Lateral displacement (mm)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
0 material. The efficiency of GESC over OSC considering
q = 100 kPa
load transfer from column to clay can be obtained
from EFESCR, which is the ratio of the (ESCR)US of
GESC-treated ground to the corresponding OSC-treated
Thickness of soft clay (m)

ground. When the stone column was encased by geo-

synthetic materials with stiffnesses of 500, 2500 and
5000 kN/m, EFESCR was found to be 1.03, 1.22 and
1.33, respectively. This clearly demonstrates that the
6 performance of GESC is much superior to OSC, and
also suggests that the magnitude of geosynthetic stiffness
EA = 0 kN/m has a greater influence on the performance of GESC.
8 EA = 500 kN/m
EA = 2500 kN/m 3.3. Influence of the length of GESC
EA = 5000 kN/m
The time-dependent behaviour of the fully penetrated
and partially penetrated (i.e. floating) GESC has been
Figure 12. Lateral displacements through the thickness of the clay studied considering various depth ratios (h/H ), varying
layer for various values of geosynthetic stiffness from 0.6 to 1. The depth ratio is the ratio of the length of
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68 Rajesh

the GESC (h) to the thickness of the soft clay soil (H ). In 300
Measuring point q = 100 kPa; EA = 5000 kN/m; h = 0.6 H
the case of the partially penetrated GESC, the boundary
condition assigned at the base of the soft clay is as 250

Effective vertical stress (kPa)

explained earlier, but with no fixity condition at the base at point o
p at point p
of the floating GESC. The axial stiffness of the geosyn- 200 o at point q
thetic material and the surcharge pressure adopted in q
r at point r
this section are 5000 kN/m and 100 kPa respectively. 150
Figure 15 shows the dissipation of excess pore pressure
and settlement with time for various lengths of GESC. 100
It can be seen from Figure 15a that the time taken for
the dissipation of excess pore water pressure tends to 50
increase with a decrease in the length of GESC, even
though the maximum generation of pore pressure for all
lengths of GESC were almost the same. As the thickness 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000
of the soft clay layer below the floating GESC increases, Time (days)
the time taken for the dissipation of excess pore pressure
increases along with an increase in the ultimate settle- Figure 16. Variation of effective vertical stress with time for
partially penetrated GESC
ment. The ultimate settlement of GESC corresponding to
depth ratios of 1, 0.9, 0.8, 0.7, 0.6 was found to be 140,
162, 174, 186, 198 mm respectively, as shown in Figure factor of 0.6. The monitoring points o and p are chosen at
15b. The ultimate settlement of soft clay and OSC was the same level, located 15 mm above 0.6H, and q and r are
found to be 248 and 179 mm respectively. The ultimate at the base of the soft clay layer. Interestingly, it can be
settlement of GESC of lengths greater than 0.8H (i.e. a seen that the effective vertical stress experienced by the
depth ratio > 0.8) was found to be less than fully column and the surrounding soft clay increases with an
penetrated OSC. increase in consolidation time up to 33 days, beyond
Figure 16 shows the variation of effective vertical stress which it was found to be constant. On the contrary,
with time for partially penetrated GESC with a depth the soft clay layer below the floating GESC was found to
have a constant value up to 33 days, beyond which the
effective vertical stress increases. This clearly suggests that
the soft clay layer below the floating GESC tends to carry
the additional load that the column and surrounding clay
could not carry due to the limitation in the depth ratio.
Excess pore pressure (kPa)

EA = 5000 kN/m Figure 17 shows the variation of (ESCR)US through the
70 h
q = 100 kPa H thickness of the soft clay for various depth ratios. The
60 Soft clay fully penetrated OSC was found to have an (ESCR)US in
50 OSC
GESC the range of 3–4.5 for the entire thickness of the soft clay.
40 h=H The (ESCR)US at the top surface of GESC was found to
30 h = 0.9 H
h = 0.8 H
be the same irrespective of the depth ratio, and the
20 h = 0.75 H improvement is nearly twice that of OSC. It can also be
10 h = 0.7 H noticed that for a fully penetrated GESC, the (ESCR)US
h = 0.6 H
0 gradually reduces through the thickness of the soft clay
0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10 000 100 000
Time (days)
(a) (ESCR)US
Time (days)
0 2 4 6 8 10
0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10 000 100 000 0

50 2
Thickness of soft clay (m)

EA = 5000 kN/m
Settlement (mm)

100 q = 100 kPa

Soft clay
150 OSC
h=H 6 q = 100 kPa
h = 0.9 H
OSC: h = H
h = 0.8 H
250 h = 0.75 H GESC: EA = 5000 kN/m
h = 0.7 H h=H
h = 0.6 H h = 0.8 H
h = 0.6 H
(b) 10

Figure 15. Effect of length of GESC on (a) Excess pore pressure; Figure 17. Variation of (ESCR)US through the thickness of soft
(b) Settlement clay for various depth ratios
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Time-dependent behaviour of fully and partially penetrated geosynthetic encased stone columns 69

layer. The pattern of variation of the floating and fully reduce considerably. An RFUS equal to one implies an
penetrated GESC at the end of the consolidation stage ultimate settlement of floating GESC equal to the
through the thickness of the soft clay was found to differ. ultimate settlement of OSC. The ultimate settlement of
A drastic reduction in the (ESCR)US through the thick- floating GESC with geosynthetic stiffnesses of 500, 2500
ness of the soft clay layer can be seen near the base of the and 5000 kN/m was found to be the same as fully
floating GESC; beyond the base of the floating GESC, penetrated OSC when the depth ratio reached 0.95, 0.8
the (ESCR)US has decreased to one as there is no column. and 0.75 respectively. This implies that when the stone
The reduction in the vertical stress experienced by the column is encased with geosynthetics of stiffnesses of 500,
column (compared with OSC/GESC at the same location) 2500 and 5000 kN/m, a reduction in the length of GESC
and the increase in the vertical stress surrounding the of up to 0.05, 0.2 and 0.25 times the thickness of the soft
partially penetrated GESC (compared with OSC/GESC clay respectively is possible. A further reduction in the
at the same location) could be the reason for the reduction length of GESC can make its performance fall below that
in the (ESCR)US compared to the OSC/GESC within the of the fully penetrated OSC when considering ultimate
zone of encasement. In other words, the reduction in settlement. The variation of the settlement ratio (i.e. the
the (ESCR)US near the base of the GESC could be due to ratio of settlement at any time t to the ultimate settlement)
the inability of the soft clay to provide lateral confinement with the consolidation time for the equivalent GESC,
near the base of the floating columns. This clearly suggests fully penetrated OSC and GESC is shown in Figure 19.
that a reduction in the length of GESC (i.e. a lower depth As can be seen, the equivalent GESC has taken
ratio) makes the load carrying capacity of the column considerably longer time to dissipate the excess pore
within the embedded depth less than that of fully water pressure completely compared to fully penetrated
penetrated GESC, even though the stiffness of the OSC and GESC, but much less time than untreated
column and the geosynthetics were kept constant in all soft clay.

3.4. Discussion
The above analysis indicates that the geosynthetic encase-
ment, geosynthetic stiffness and length of GESC have A numerical study was undertaken to examine the
significant influence on the performance of GESC. time-dependent behaviour of geosynthetic-encased stone
Figure 18 shows the efficiency of GESC over OSC columns compared with conventional stone columns.
against ultimate settlement, considering the variation in Parametric analyses were carried out to study the effect
stiffness of geosynthetics, depth ratio and slenderness ratio of geosynthetic encasement, the stiffness of the encase-
(h/d, the ratio of the length of GESC to its diameter). The ment and the length of the column on the deformation
reduction factor against ultimate settlement RFUS is behaviour of GESC. The performance of fully penetrated
defined as the ratio of the ultimate settlement of the and partially penetrated GESCs were assessed by con-
floating GESC to the fully penetrated OSC. A lower value sidering parameters such as surface settlement, lateral
of the reduction factor implies greater efficiency of GESC. displacement, the hoop tension developed in the geosyn-
It can be seen that with an increase in the depth ratio and thetic material and the dissipation of excess pore water
slenderness ratio, RFUS decreases (i.e. the efficiency pressure with time. The following conclusions were
increases) significantly. In addition, with an increase in reached as a result of the numerical analyses performed.
the axial stiffness of the geosynthetics, RFUS was found to
• When the stone column is encased with a geosynthetic
material having a stiffness of 5000 kN/m, a reduction
in the total ultimate settlement approximately equal to
9.40 11.75 14.10 16.45 18.80 21.15 23.50
q = 100 kPa
EA = 500 (kN/m) 0
EA = 2500 (kN/m)

1.25 EA = 5000 (kN/m)

Settlement ratio

1.00 0.4
q = 100 kPa

0.6 Untreated ground

0.75 OSC (h = H)

0.8 EA = 5000 kN/m

GESC (h = H)
0.50 GESC (h = 0.75H)
0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
h/H 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 100 000
Time: days
Figure 18. Variation of the reduction factor against ultimate
settlement with depth ratio, surcharge pressure and stiffness of Figure 19. Variation of settlement ratio with time for equivalent
geosynthetic material GESC, fully penetrated OSC and GESC
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70 Rajesh

42% and 21% over soft clay and OSC respectively was θ inclination of shear band (°)
achieved. The total time taken for the dissipation of υ′ Poisson’s ratio in terms of effective stress
excess pore pressure in soft clay, OSC and GESC was (dimensionless)
found to be 7000, 52 and 30 days respectively. ϕ′ effective angle of shearing resistance (°)
• The ESCR of the stone column was observed to ψ dilatency angle (°)
increase up to a particular consolidation period,
beyond which it decreased drastically. Interestingly, ABBREVIATIONS
when the stone column was encased with a
geosynthetic material, the ESCR was found to increase EFESCR Efficiency factor of GESC over OSC with
throughout the entire period of consolidation, and the respect to ESCR
value was much higher than for an ordinary stone ESCR Effective stress concentration ratio
column. (ESCR)US Effective stress concentration ratio at the
• The reduction in the ultimate settlement, time taken ultimate settlement
for complete dissipation of excess pore pressure, and GESC Geosynthetic encased stone column
lateral displacement with an increase in geosynthetic OSC Ordinary stone column
stiffness from 500 to 5000 kN/m was found to be 15%, RFUS Reduction factor against ultimate settlement
30% and 50% respectively. With an increase in US Ultimate settlement
geosynthetic stiffness from 500 to 5000 kN/m, the
efficiency of GESC over OSC, considering load
transfer from the column to the surrounding clay,
increased from 1.03 to 4.63. This shows the importance
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