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Student’s name: PABLO RUÍZ AQUINO Grade: 2° Group: “A”


Imagine you have invited some English –speaking friends of yours to spend a week in your town during the
summer. This is the first time they will visit your country, sadly as it is quarantine you have to give them a good
time and spend time doing activities at home.

*Write two paragraphs and decide some activities for you and your English -speaking friends.

Make plans for:

 Activities.
 Typical food and drinks to offer them.
 Accommodation.
 Souvenirs to give them.
I am excited that a friend from the USA, he coming to my house the sunday in the afternon, because of the
Covid-19 we cannot leave the house, I have several activities that we can do; We are going to a dining room to
eat tlayudas el martes, a meal that has characterized my región; we are going for a run in the morning, this
activity is one of my favorites, together we are washing the dishes and glasses that we use after eating.

We are doing crafts with different recycled materials in the afternoons, for example flowers, animals, boxes.
We are studying languages in the afternoon, too we are playing board games with my parents every night,
These are some of the activities that we are doing at home to "not be stressed", also you can't miss a schedule
in the morning, we are going to wake up at 7 the morning.


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