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Name: ___________________ Class: ________ Class No.

: _______ Mark: ________/ 69

Read Text 1 and answer questions 1–18. (43 marks)

1. According to paragraph 1, Chen’s peers are are and are . (3 marks)

2. If you are Edward and you have married Diana, who is your in-law? (2 marks)
A. July B. Walter C. Ned D. Maud

3. What does ‘It’ (line 7) refer to? (2 marks)

4. Which of the following means ‘grilling’ (line 7) (2 marks)

A. Metal bars on which food is cooked
B. To ask someone a lot of questions for a long time
C. To cook something under a hot surface
D. An occasion when someone criticizes you

5. Determine if the sentences are true (T), false (F) or not given (NG). (4 marks)

i. Only people in their twenties are forced by parents to get married.
ii. More and more Chinese use fake marriage to find true love.
iii. Chen Gang employed others to work in the groom-and-bride rental
iv. Some people use fake marriage to make their parents happy.

6. How has ‘the one-child policy’ increased the burden on the young generation to get married? (2

7. What does ‘the old traditions’ (line 12) refer to? (2 marks)

8. Find a phrase in paragraph 2 that means one’s life partner. (2 marks)

9. ‘Chen kept his divorce certificates like the ones he received upon graduation’ suggests that the
certificates are … to him. (2 marks)
A. valueless
B. invaluable
C. disposable
D. valueful

10. Find a word in paragraph 3 that means the opposite of fake. (2 marks)

11. Hiring boyfriends and girlfriends appeared …. renting a groom or a bride. (2 marks)
A. not as early as
B. at the same time as
C. way before
D. shortly after

12. That ‘your partner will arrive in the blink of an eye’ (line 29) implies that renting a partner in
China is very . (2 marks)

13. Unmarried women in their late 20s are described as ‘leftover’. What does this suggest about
society’s attitude towards the age at which women should get married? (2 marks)

14. Complete the summary of paragraph 6 by writing ONE word to fill in each blank. (6 marks)
Young Chinese (i) are now under great pressure to get married. Owing to the (ii)
imbalance in China, men can hardly find suitable wives, whom they expect to be less
educated and less capable than they are. Women, on the other hand, have more (iii)
because they have gone to college. It is hard for them to find a suitable husband. Those
who (iv) get married before 30 are called leftovers. To solve their problems and the
family’s constant (v) , they hire fake brides or grooms to ease the (vi)
within the family.

15. According to Lu, fake marriages are neither nor . (2 marks)

16. According to Lu, what will be caused if children are not careful enough? (2 marks)

17. According to Lu, what should the children be careful about? (2 marks)

18. Why did Chen feel sympathetic about the parents of his clients? (2 marks)
A. They spent a lot of money
B. They expected to have grandchildren
C. They did not know they were being fooled
D. They treated Chen well

Read Text 2 and answer questions 19-31. (26 marks)

19. What does the writer mean by ‘hooked up’ (line 2)? (2 marks)
A. Connected
B. Collected
C. Overloaded
D. Calculated

20. What are the purposes of FAST? (1 mark)

21. Why does the writer mention ‘30 soccer fields’ (line 5)? (2 marks)

22. What does ‘it’ (line 8) refer to? (2 marks)

23. Who or what is ‘Xinhua’? (1 mark)

A. A scientist
B. A computer company
C. A journalist
D. A news agency

24. What does ‘the two’ (line 13) refer to? (2 marks)

25. Find a phrase in paragraph 4 that means the same as ‘significantly better than’? (2 marks)

26. Order the following supercomputers in terms of speed. (1= the fastest) (3 marks)

Sky Eye

27. Determine if the sentences are true (T), false (F) or not given (NG). (4 marks)
i. Only Tianhe-2 is more powerful than Sky Eye 1.
ii. It took 2.5 billion dollars to build Sky Eye 1.
iii. Guizhou is China’s poorest province.
iv. About 1 out of 4 people live in poverty in China.

28. Complete the summary of paragraph 5 by writing ONE word to fill in each blank. (3 marks)
The construction of Sky Eye 1 in Guizhou, a (i) and remote province, has been (ii)
by some because the project is likely to be very (iii) .

29. Which of the following best fills the blank in paragraph 5? (2 marks)
A. Sad
B. Ironic
C. Critical
D. Pessimistic

30. What does ‘scarcity of available projects’ (line 24) lead to? (1 mark)

31. According to paragraph 8, Zhang Peiheng _________ the critics of FAST. (1 mark)
A. agreed with
B. disagreed with
C. had no comments for
D. approved of

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