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In the last decade, overweight children in western countries has have

increased for by almost 20%. This essay will talk about why this had to be exist
and explain the effects of this terrible things.

The biggest reason of this problem is a bad style of diet. In this last
decadeRecently, the number and profits of fast food restaurant had been
extremely increased. For example, almost in every main road there is are
Mcdonald’s and Kentucky Fried Chicken, they also make a new system called
drive thru to made people get easier to buy their products. Their products also
had been proven to be very unhealthy and they are very good at advertisinge
their products especially for the kids. Nevertheless, it is not only due to poor
diet, but also the impact of gadget for kids, that made the children more
laziery to go out playing in the park and they rather play their games at on
their gadget than hanging out with friends.

The effects of this had been very serious problem anad will continue if there is
no action from the governments. Firstly, there has been a threat for children’s
health, and the health related diseases amongst children has been increased
especially diabetes probably because foods and drinks nowadays contain very
much sugar in it. Secondly, overweight children frequently experience bullying
from other children, which may have a bad impact for their mental health. The
negative image of overweight may can affect their self confidence.

In conclusion, it is obvious that there are several causes of children that

overweight and a few of negative effects. Governements and society has have
to take preventive steps to reduce this issue.

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