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I think that every education must to create the learning process be better than before.

In this
occation I will give some information about 2006 curriculum.
Okay, Ass. my name is Eka Indah, an English study program student from PGRI Madiun
University. Thank you in advance for giving me the opportunity to present here with you.
Curriculum is all those activites in which children engage under the auspices of the school. This
includes not only what pupils learn, but how they learn it, how teachers help them learn, using
what supporting materials, styles and method of assessment, and in what kind of facilities
( Richard, 2002).
Okay,let’s discuss about the 2006 curriculum. It was developed by central government and
schools(BSNP). In the 2006 curriculum there were no recommendation regarding the use of
particular learning approaches as in the previous curriculum. The curriculum at all levels and
types of education is developed with the principle of diversification in accordance with education
units,regional potential, and student development.
And in this the characteristics of educational unit level curriculum are follows :
1) Giving broad autonomy to school and education units. That are given to
developcurriculum in accordance with local conditions.
2) Community and parents participants well.
3) Democratic and professional leadership. That are support for curriculum development
and implementation.
4) Compactand transparent work team.
Lets move on and discuss about Basic foundation KTSP. KTSP is based on philosophical and
juridical terms which are explained as follows:
1) Philosophical base
The center of cultural development in this casethe school is inseparable from the cultural
by a nation. Schools as parts of the community are inseparable from focus,time,social,
and cultural conditions.
2) Cultural base
Juridically KTSP is developed based on : one of all is :
permendiknas no.23 th 2006 Ttg standar kompetensi kelulusan. Standar kompetensi
lulusan terdiri atas standar kompetensi lulusan satuan pendidikan, standar kompetensi
lulusan kelompok mata pelajaran dan standar kompetensi lulusan mata pelajaran.
In this curriculum there is teaching learning procces in KTSP. There is no particular method in
this curriculum. The teacher can use many method,technique, and strategies to teach the material
in the classroom. The integration of 4 skills diminishes the importance of rules of listening,
speaking, reading and writing.
So, there are 5 models used in teaching integrated 4 skills. It is common use to maintain an
integrated 4 skills focus in teaching.
1) Content-based instruction. The second language is simply the medium to convey from
formand sequence. It allows learners to acquire knowledge and skills that transcend all
the bits and pieces of language that may occupy hours and days of analyzing in atraitional
language classroom. And activites for teaching in this instruction are sheltered english
program, writing across the curriculum, and English for specific purpose.
2) Theme-based instruction. It instructs the students in a subject matter area and language is
of a secondary and subordinate interest. And activities in this focus are : first, use
environment statistics and facts for classroom reading,writing,discussion and debate.
Second, arrange field trip. And conduct simulation games.
3) Experiental learning. It concretes the students experience through which they discover
language principle by trial and error by processing feedback, by building hypotheses
about language, and revising the assumption in order become fluents. For activites are
hands-on project, computer activities, research projects, cross cultural experiences, field
trips and other side,role play and simulation.
4) The episode hypothesis. It is the procces of chopping and gathering something, all at a
very elementary level of the language. The activities are using stories and writing
5) Task-based teaching. It emphasizes on the task. The task is centrality of the course
language. The activities are speeches, conversation, narratives, and public announcement.
Thank you for the end of today's my presentation. hopefully useful and I can convey again
another opportunity. Wassalamualaikum wr. wb. Thankyou ma’am.

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