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A. Identify the non-nuclear expressions in the examples on the left and match them to the type of
expressions on the right.
B. Mark tonicity in the examples on the left.

Examples Types

1.You’re impossible, Peter! VOCATIVE Cohesion markers:

2.It took us an hour or so. APPROXIMATIVE a. Additive
3.Why don’t we go to the theatre for a change.CONTRAST b. Concessive
4.Everybody’s going to the mountains. c. Contrastive
We’re going to the seaside, though. CONCESSIVE d. Inferential
5.If you’re bored, go and do your homework, then. INFERENTIAL e. Reinforcing
6.The sooner the better of course. REINFORCING Hearer appeal markers:

7.I’m fed up with him, you know. SOFTENER f. Vocatives

8.My kids are not very fond of video games, actually. ADDITIVE g. Softeners
9. Mr. Brown can’t see you now, I’m afraid. COMMENT Approximatives

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