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RWTH Aachen University Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Faculty 4

19.02.2010 SA

Criteria for the admission of “Non-Diploma-Engineers” to Doctoral Studies

in the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

1. Applicants with a degree as Dipl.-Mathematiker, Dipl.-Physiker, Dipl.-Chemiker,

Dipl.-Informatiker or with another natural scientific degree should/can be awarded a
doctorate as far as a Dr.rer.nat.

In this case at least one colleague with a natural scientific degree will participate in the
doctoral procedure as a co-mentor, if applicable from a different department.

2. For a pursued doctoral degree as Dr.-Ing. the examination of required engineering

scientific knowledge is regulated as follows:

2.1 On the basis of proven works and publications by the applicant to the mentor, the
mentor furnishes a written expert opinion that confirms adequately proven engineering

2.2 The mentor will write a comment on the submitted paper that confirms the
engineering content and the adequate engineering scientific interest.

2.3 The topic of the speech selected during the doctoral procedure must clearly show
an engineering scientific character and have a main focus different from the academic
paper handed in as the doctoral thesis.

2.4 During the oral examination within the framework of the doctoral procedure
adequate engineering scientific basic knowledge is selectively (if applicable, in
connection with the submitted academic paper) to be ascertained through questions on
the following topics:

- Practical respectively application reference

- Object reference, i.e. turbine, motor, pump, installation or the like
- Material reference, substance reference
- Equipment reference (machine, appliance, installation or the like)
- Technology reference, process reference (procedure, process)

3. In case the department or the university offers a special program for doctoral
candidates targeted on interdisciplinary research assigned to the application area, the
successful participation in this can be made a requirement for the doctorate.

4. I hereby confirm that I have noted the implementation rules under points 2. to 4. and
that I agree to these terms.

Name Date, Signature

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